I am using Gerrit for a code review. I am trying to to search using regex gto find all the reviews that contains a specific path in the file path section:
For example i have the following file in a review:
I want to be able to find all the reviews containing the following:
I have tried the following in the search field: file:^app/classes/orm/provider/(the scapes are not showing for "/")
Any help is appreciated.
thank you.
was able to solved using:
I'm putting together a spreadsheet of PlayStation Store URLs in Google Docs, I need to grab the Title ID (CUSA), the Title Number (00473) and what I'm assuming is the package name? (LBP3GAME00000001) from the URL to use as a title in the =HYPERLINK() function, Example URL (https://store.playstation.com/en-us/product/UP9000-CUSA00473_00-LBP3GAME00000001)
What I am attempting to format the URL as: CUSA00473 - LBP3GAME00000001
(I do already have a cell with the string "UP9000-CUSA00473_00-LBP3GAME00000001" already in my sheet)
I've seen this post where someone was using =MID() to extract text located after bm_placement=, would this work for my current situation and would someone be able to explain it to me please? Thanks.
You can use the following on your source link:
I want to add linkedin link in latex and I want it to show only my name and logo, not complete link. I am using this line of code.
\linkedin {https://www.linkedin.com}
It shows complete link https://www.linkedin.com in pdf also my username is very large and it look odd in pdf. SO I want to show my name instead. I tried googling but didn't find any solution in this reference.
There are two approaches to solving your problem:
Approach #1: use altacv.cls from git
Then you need to do the following 2 things:
in the altacv.cls file: find linkin, then include your linkedin link in the [https://]
in your.tex file: do "\linkedin{your name here}"
Approach #2: write your own
in your.cls file include this line: "\newcommand{linkedin[2]{\infofield{\faLinkedin}{\href{#2}{#1}}}"
--please note this assumes you have inlcuded the href package and fontawesome5 --
in your.tex file: do "\linkedin{your name here}{https to your linkedin profile}
Hope this helps
I would like to deep link to a Glip team and previously used the URL format used by the Glipped project, however it no longer works. Instead of taking me to the chat specified by the chatId, I would get navigated to the latest open chat I have. Is this a bug or is there a new URL for this?
Format: https://app.glip.com/r/chat/{chatId}
Project: https://github.com/ringcentral/Glipped
Update: The Glipped project has now been updated with the link format in the answer below: https://github.com/ringcentral/Glipped/pull/5
Instead of using the path parameter, use the query string parameter as follows. Here, groupId is the same as the chatId in the question above.
I can see the document list can be searched by matching a value of document properties.
But I need to search document list which has a specific word in their content.
How can I achieve this by oData.svc query?
Is it possible using Lucene Index concept?
If yes then how?
I am working with Sense/Net Community Version.
I have tried to achieve it by following query
It is working for .docx and .txt files only but doesn't work for .xml and .pdf file.
Is it sensenet version issue?
You can add a query string argument called "query" to each and every GET request, e.g. http://www.example.com/OData.svc/?$select=Name,Index,Icon&query=about
returns content that contain "about" from the whole requested site
You can find more examples here in the Custom Query Options section
I have a full URL path for a file attachment in our JIRA installation (e.g. /jira/secure/attachment/40226/FileName.jpg). However, I'm not sure what Issue this file is currently attached to, since the attachement URLs don't contain any information about the "parent" issue. Is there any way using JQL to figure out this link? Any plugins that could help?
You can get the issue from the file location. The attachments are arranged in the following hierarchy:
attachments -> project-name -> issue key
for example, if Jira is installed at /var/atlassian/application-data and the attachments are under jira/data/attachments, for issue on project DVP, issue DRP-913, the attachment will be found at:
the path you gave as an example isn't the default attachment path, that's why it doesn't have any information about the parent issue.
Another less effective way would be to query Jira's DB directly:
SELECT * FROM jiraissue WHERE id in
(SELECT issueid from changegroup where ID in
(SELECT groupid FROM changeitem WHERE NEWVALUE='<enter attachment ID>')
you can find more information about the DB structure here.
Let me know if you need any help.