Grammar of calculator in a finite field - parsing

I have a working calculator apart from one thing: unary operator '-'.
It has to be evaluated and dealt with in 2 difference cases:
When there is some expression further like so -(3+3)
When there isn't: -3
For case 1, I want to get a postfix output 3 3 + -
For case 2, I want to get just correct value of this token in this field, so for example in Z10 it's 10-3 = 7.
My current idea:
E: ...
| '-' NUM %prec NEGATIVE { $$ = correct(-yylval); appendNumber($$); }
| '-' E %prec NEGATIVE { $$ = correct(P-$2); strcat(rpn, "-"); }
| NUM { appendNumber(yylval); $$ = correct(yylval); }
Where NUM is a token, but obviously compiler says there is a confict reduce/reduce as E can also be a NUM in some cases, altough it works I want to get rid of the compilator warning.. and I ran out of ideas.

It has to be evaluated and dealt with in 2 difference cases:
No it doesn't. The cases are not distinct.
Both - E and - NUM are incorrect. The correct grammar would be something like:
| '-' primary
| '+' primary /* for completeness */
| '(' expression ')'

Normally, this should be implemented as two rules (pseudocode, I don't know bison syntax):
This is the likely rule for the 'terminal' element of an expression. Naturally, a parenthesized expression leads to a recursion to the top rule:
Element => Number
| '(' Expression ')'
The unary minus (and also the unary plus!) are just on one level up in the stack of productions (grammar rules):
Term => '-' Element
| '+' Element
| Element
Naturally, this can unbundle into all possible combinations such as '-' Number, '-' '(' Expression ')', likewise with '+' and without any unary operator at all.
Suppose we want addition / subtraction, and multiplication / division. Then the rest of the grammar would look like this:
Expression => Expression '+' MultiplicationExpr
| Expression '-' MultiplicationExpr
| MultiplicationExpr
MultiplicationExpr => MultiplicationExpr '*' Term
| MultiplicationExpr '/' Term
| Term
For the sake of completeness:
Number, which is a terminal, shall match a regexp like this [0-9]+. In other words, it does not parse a minus sign — it's always a positive integer (or zero). Negative integers are calculated by matching a '-' Number sequence of tokens.


Does antlr automatically discard whitespace?

I've written the following arithmetic grammar:
grammar Calc;
: expressions
: expression (NEWLINE expression)*
: '(' expression ')' // parenExpression has highest precedence
| expression MULDIV expression // then multDivExpression
| expression ADDSUB expression // then addSubExpression
| OPERAND // finally the operand itself
: [*/]
: [-+]
// 12 or .12 or 2. or 2.38
: [0-9]+ ('.' [0-9]*)?
| '.' [0-9]+
: '\n'
And I've noticed that regardless of how I space the tokens I get the same result, for example:
1 +2
Still give me the same thing. Also I've noticed that adding in the following rule does nothing for me:
: [ \r\n\t] + -> skip
Which makes me wonder whether skipping whitespace is the default behavior of antlr4?
ANTLR4 based parsers have the ability to skip over single unwanted or missing tokens and continue parsing if possible (which is the case here). And there's no default to ignore whitespaces. You have to always specify a whitespace rule which either skips them or puts them on a hidden channel.

How would I implement operator-precedence in my grammar?

I'm trying to make an expression parser and although it works, it does calculations chronologically rather than by BIDMAS; 1 + 2 * 3 + 4 returns 15 instead of 11. I've rewritten the parser to use recursive descent parsing and a proper grammar which I thought would work, but it makes the same mistake.
My grammar so far is:
exp ::= term op exp | term
op ::= "/" | "*" | "+" | "-"
term ::= number | (exp)
It also lacks other features but right now I'm not sure how to make division precede multiplication, etc.. How should I modify my grammar to implement operator-precedence?
Try this:
exp ::= add
add ::= mul (("+" | "-") mul)*
mul ::= term (("*" | "/") term)*
term ::= number | "(" exp ")"
Here ()* means zero or more times. This grammar will produce right associative trees and it is deterministic and unambiguous. The multiplication and the division are with the same priority. The addition and subtraction also.

YACC grammar for arithmetic expressions, with no surrounding parentheses

I want to write the rules for arithmetic expressions in YACC; where the following operations are defined:
+ - * / ()
But, I don't want the statement to have surrounding parentheses. That is, a+(b*c) should have a matching rule but (a+(b*c)) shouldn't.
How can I achieve this?
The motive:
In my grammar I define a set like this: (1,2,3,4) and I want (5) to be treated as a 1-element set. The ambiguity causes a reduce/reduce conflict.
Here's a pretty minimal arithmetic grammar. It handles the four operators you mention and assignment statements:
stmt: ID '=' expr ';'
expr: term | expr '-' term | expr '+' term
term: factor | term '*' factor | term '/' factor
factor: ID | NUMBER | '(' expr ')' | '-' factor
It's easy to define "set" literals:
set: '(' ')' | '(' expr_list ')'
expr_list: expr | expr_list ',' expr
If we assume that a set literal can only appear as the value in an assignment statement, and not as the operand of an arithmetic operator, then we would add a syntax for "expressions or set literals":
value: expr | set
and modify the syntax for assignment statements to use that:
stmt: ID '=' value ';'
But that leads to the reduce/reduce conflict you mention because (5) could be an expr, through the expansion expr → term → factor → '(' expr ')'.
Here are three solutions to this ambiguity:
1. Explicitly remove the ambiguity
Disambiguating is tedious but not particularly difficult; we just define two kinds of subexpression at each precedence level, one which is possibly parenthesized and one which is definitely not surrounded by parentheses. We start with some short-hand for a parenthesized expression:
paren: '(' expr ')'
and then for each subexpression type X, we add a production pp_X:
pp_term: term | paren
and modify the existing production by allowing possibly parenthesized subexpressions as operands:
term: factor | pp_term '*' pp_factor | pp_term '/' pp_factor
Unfortunately, we will still end up with a shift/reduce conflict, because of the way expr_list was defined. Confronted with the beginning of an assignment statement:
a = ( 5 )
having finished with the 5, so that ) is the lookahead token, the parser does not know whether the (5) is a set (in which case the next token will be a ;) or a paren (which is only valid if the next token is an operand). This is not an ambiguity -- the parse could be trivially resolved with an LR(2) parse table -- but there are not many tools which can generate LR(2) parsers. So we sidestep the issue by insisting that the expr_list has to have two expressions, and adding paren to the productions for set:
set: '(' ')' | paren | '(' expr_list ')'
expr_list: expr ',' expr | expr_list ',' expr
Now the parser doesn't need to choose between expr_list and expr in the assignment statement; it simply reduces (5) to paren and waits for the next token to clarify the parse.
So that ends up with:
stmt: ID '=' value ';'
value: expr | set
set: '(' ')' | paren | '(' expr_list ')'
expr_list: expr ',' expr | expr_list ',' expr
paren: '(' expr ')'
pp_expr: expr | paren
expr: term | pp_expr '-' pp_term | pp_expr '+' pp_term
pp_term: term | paren
term: factor | pp_term '*' pp_factor | pp_term '/' pp_factor
pp_factor: factor | paren
factor: ID | NUMBER | '-' pp_factor
which has no conflicts.
2. Use a GLR parser
Although it is possible to explicitly disambiguate, the resulting grammar is bloated and not really very clear, which is unfortunate.
Bison can generated GLR parsers, which would allow for a much simpler grammar. In fact, the original grammar would work almost without modification; we just need to use the Bison %dprec dynamic precedence declaration to indicate how to disambiguate:
stmt: ID '=' value ';'
value: expr %dprec 1
| set %dprec 2
expr: term | expr '-' term | expr '+' term
term: factor | term '*' factor | term '/' factor
factor: ID | NUMBER | '(' expr ')' | '-' factor
set: '(' ')' | '(' expr_list ')'
expr_list: expr | expr_list ',' expr
The %dprec declarations in the two productions for value tell the parser to prefer value: set if both productions are possible. (They have no effect in contexts in which only one production is possible.)
3. Fix the language
While it is possible to parse the language as specified, we might not be doing anyone any favours. There might even be complaints from people who are surprised when they change
a = ( some complicated expression ) * 2
a = ( some complicated expression )
and suddenly a becomes a set instead of a scalar.
It is often the case that languages for which the grammar is not obvious are also hard for humans to parse. (See, for example, C++'s "most vexing parse").
Python, which uses ( expression list ) to create tuple literals, takes a very simple approach: ( expression ) is always an expression, so a tuple needs to either be empty or contain at least one comma. To make the latter possible, Python allows a tuple literal to be written with a trailing comma; the trailing comma is optional unless the tuple contains a single element. So (5) is an expression, while (), (5,), (5,6) and (5,6,) are all tuples (the last two are semantically identical).
Python lists are written between square brackets; here, a trailing comma is again permitted, but it is never required because [5] is not ambiguous. So [], [5], [5,], [5,6] and [5,6,] are all lists.

Parsing + and * in boolean expressions by recursive descent

I am writing a recursive descent parser for Boolean expressions, for example:
(1 * 0)
(0 + ~1)
(0 * (1 + c)
Where 1 is 'True', 0 is 'False', + is 'or', * is 'and', ~ is 'not' and 'c' is just some variable name (it could be any single alphabetic letter). I plan on using parentheses rather than implementing some kind of order of operations.
My current parser can recognize the following form of expression
Expression ::= 1
| 0
| Character
| ~ Expression
But I am unsure as to how I would implement + and * on top of this. I am fairly certain from what I have read the obvious implementation of
Expression ::= 1
| 0
| Character
| ( Expression + Expression )
| ( Expression * Expression )
Would cause an infinite loop as it is 'left-recursive'. I am unsure how to change this to remove such infinite recursion.
With the parenthesis in place, what you have there is not left recursive. Left recursion is when a production can reach itself (directly or indirectly) with no tokens consumed in between. Such grammars do indeed cause infinite recursion in recursive descent parsers, but that can't happen with yours.
You do have the issue that the grammar as it stands is ambiguous: After a parenthesis, it isn't known whether the + or the * form is being parsed until the entire left-hand expression has been parsed.
One way of getting around that issue is by pulling up the common parts in a shared prefix/suffix production:
Expression ::= 1
| 0
| Character
| ParExpr
ParExpr ::= ( Expression ParOp Expression )
ParOp ::= +
| *
Let me search that for you ...
The leading LPAREN keeps this from being left-recursive.
If you want to generalize the expressions and have some operator precedence, follow the expression portion of the BNF in the Wikipedia article.
However, you have a syntax ambiguity in the grammar you've chosen. When you have operators of the same precedence, combine them into a non-terminal, such as
LogOp ::= + | *
Label similar operands to allow for expansion:
UnaryOp ::= ~
Now you can ... never mind, #500 just posted a good answer that covers my final point.

Creating a parser rule

I'm currently in a CSCI class, compiler at my college. I have to write a parser for the compiler and I've already done Adding subtracting multiplying dividing and the assignment statement. My question is we now have to do the less than equal (<=) and the greater than equal (>=) and I'm not sure how to write the rule for it...
I was thinking something like...
expr LESSTHAN expr { $1 <= $3 }
expr GREATERTHAN expr { $1 >= $3 }
any suggestions?
You should include a more precise question. Here are some general suggestions though.
The structure of the rule for relational operations should be the same as of the arithmetic operations. In both cases you have binary operators. The difference is that one returns a number, the other returns a boolean value. While 1 + 1 >= 3 usually is valid syntax, other combinations like 1 >= 2 => 5 is most likely invalid. Of course there are exceptions. Some languages allow it as syntactic sugar for multiple operations. Others simply define that boolean values are just integers (0 and 1). It's up to you (or your assignment) what you want the syntax to look like.
Anyway, you probably don't simply want append those rules to expr, but create a new rule. This way you distinguish between relational and arithmetical expressions.
expr :
expr PLUS expr |
expr MINUS expr |
... ;
relational_expr :
expr LESSTHAN expr |
expr GREATERTHAN expr ;
assignment :
identifier '=' relational_expr |
identifier '=' expr ;
