I got asked to build a website where users can make an appointment for a car testdrive.
The calendar is not limited to say, 10 days, so I cannot specify the dates beforehand. The car dealers should have the ability to block certain days or timeslots.
I came up with a Testdrive table looking something like this:
- id
- user_id
- date
- timeslot
- client_title
- client_name
- client_firstname
- client_company
- client_street
- client_house_nr
- client_postal_code
- client_city
- client_email
- client_phone
- client_mobile
However, I'm now not sure how to model the "blocked" slots/dates thing. Was thinking of making another table like "TestdriveDate" or something, but then I'd be limiting the calendar to what's in that table... and I don't want the dealers to have to enable every day/timeslot, nor do I want to put that much data in my database. So, I guess I should have something like "BlockedDate", or "BlockedTimeSlot". In that case, however, I would have to check every date in the list on my frontend against this table.. which also doesn't feel right.
I guess the 'BlockedDate' approach would be the best way to go though? Looking for some help in modeling this so its useable for me as a developer, and for my users (the car dealers).
Do this:
class Slot < ActiveRecord::Base
#columns id | day | time | created_at | updated_at
#This will be populated with all the available "slots" -- EG day 0, time 1
enum day: [:monday, :tuesday, :wednesday, :thursday, :friday, :saturday]
enum time: [:0900, :1000, :1100, :1130, :1200, :1300, :1330, :1400]
has_many :test_drives
has_many :clients, through: :test_drives
class TestDrive < ActiveRecord::Base
#columns id | client_id | slot_id | created_at | updated_at
belongs_to :client
belongs_to :slot
class Client < ActiveRecord::Base
#columns id | title | name | company | street | house_nr | postal_code | city | email | phone | mobile | created_at | updated_at
has_many :test_drives
has_many :slots, through: :test_drive
def firstname
name.split(" ").first
This might be a bit overkill but it should give you the ability to do the following:
#client = Client.create name: "x", etc etc
#slot = Slot.find_by day: "saturday", time: "1400"
#client.test_drives.create slot: #slot
You'd be able to add a validation to test_drive on whether a particular slot has been taken.
You'd also be able to add a validation to the slot model to determine which date/time combinations are permissible:
class Slot < ActiveRecord::Base
validate :day_times
def day_times
permissible_times: {monday: [:0900, :1000], tuesday: [:1200]}
errors.add(:time, "Sorry, this time is unavailable on this day") unless permissible_times[day.to_sym].include? time
You can read up about enum here.
One of the main issues you have at the moment is that you've populated your TestDrives table with client_ fields. Whilst this will work, it's a faux pas - it will quickly become cumbersome and overburdened.
You'll be much better with a has_many :through association, as described above...
How about this approach.
A Block model can be created either by the car dealer or by the appointment.
For example there can be a block with id=1. If there is a TestDrive that has block_id=1 then this is an appointment. If no TestDrive is found with block_id=1 then this is just a blocked slot.
So a Block has_one :test_drive and a TestDrive belongs_to :block. A TestDrive must be associated with a Block but a Block can have no TestDrives (Zero-to-many relationship)
I have 3 tables.
Here are some rows of each table.
id |name
id | product_id | product_attribute_id
438 | 1058 | 9
id | product_attribute_mapping_id | value
2001 | 438 | 18 oz
2002 | 438 | 19 oz
As you can see here,
product.id = product_attribute_mappings.product_id
product_attribute_values.product_attribute_mapping_id = product_attribute_mappings.id
I want to get all product attributes values like
product.product_attribute_values # ["18 oz", "19 oz"]
But I am not sure how I can make models with associations to get as I want.
Does anyone have any idea?
What you have is a really strange backwards variant of the Entity Attribute Value (EAV) pattern. It would make more sense if you had the normalized attribute definitions (eg volume, weight, number of doodads, etc) on one table and the entitiy, attribute and value on one table.
class Product < ApplicationRecord
has_many :product_attributes
has_many :product_attribute_types, through: :product_attributes
# eager loading scope
def self.eager_load_attributes
eager_load(product_attributes: :product_attribute_types)
# This is the normalization table that stores the definition of an attribute
# rails g model ProductAttribute name:string unit:string
class ProductAttributeType< ApplicationRecord
has_many :product_attributes
has_many :product_attribute_types, through: :product_attributes
# This is the actual table that defines the attributes
# rails g model ProductAttribute product:belongs_to product_attribute_type:belongs_to value:jsonb
class ProductAttribute < ApplicationRecord
belongs_to :product # the entity
belongs_to :product_attribute_type # the attribute
# just shortcuts
delegates :name, to: :product_attribute_type
delegates :unit, to: :product_attribute_type
This uses a JSON column as the value to alieviate one of the classical issues with EAV which is that you have to cast everything into a single (usually string) type column. JSON can store numbers (not terribly well), strings, arrays and objects.
This lets you iterate through the products and attributes with:
# eager loading avoids a n+1 query
#products = Product.eager_load_attributes.all
#products.each do |product|
product.product_attributes.each do |attr|
puts "#{attr.name}: #{attr.value}{attr.unit}"
You can change your association name from product_attribute_values to product_attribute_values_association, then define product_attribute_values as instance methods
I am developing a program for a warehousing/shipping company with the following Data relationships. The skinny regarding the relationships below is that the warehouse receives raw materials(product) from various carriers(clients) and stores them until they are needed to be shipped to the manufacturing plant. When a shipment leaves the warehouse, the manufacturing facility must know which company each raw material originated from. Take a look at the following ERD.
EDIT: My relationships in text form.
has_many :product_shipments, :dependent => :destroy
has_many :products, :through => :product_shipments
belongs_to :product
belongs_to :shipment
has_many :product_shipments
has_many :shipments, :through => :product_shipments, :dependent => :destroy
belongs_to :client
has_many :products, :dependent => :destroy
I'm having trouble generating the queries in a manner that's formatted the way the requirements demand. The shipment report takes a date and must iterate through each client and list the products shipped to the manufacturing facility on that given date. It needs to be generated dynamically and formatted like the following.
Shipment Date: 2013-01-01
Client: 12 Name: ACME Widget Co
Product Name | Product Code | Qty Shipped
nuts & bolts | gj-3423 | 25
steel sheet | 4g-2394 | 10
dc Motor | cj-c213 | 4
Client: 14 Name: Blah Blah, Inc
Product Name | Product Code | Qty Shipped
spacers | gj-3423 | 15
epoxy | 4g-2394 | 10
dc Motor | 24-gj19 | 6
Client: 15 Name: Sample Co, Inc
Product Name | Product Code | Qty Shipped
hot roll 48 | cg-3423 | 15
welding wir | 4g-2394 | 10
dc Motor | c2-1241 | 6
The problem is generating Queries using ActiveRecord. It's easy to grab the shipments and products for a given date for ex below. It is not easy to grab the original client that the raw material originated from, then iterate through shipments to the manufacturing facility for that client dynamically.
UPDATE: I am now able to group clients and shipments like above. Now I need to exclude clients where they DON'T have a shipment on the date specified. The below, although somewhat correct, still gives the dreaded O(n) query. Here is what I have.
#clients = Client.includes(:products => :shipments)
#clients.each do |c|
puts c.name
c.products.each do |p|
p.shipments.where("ship_date like '#{#ship_date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")}%'").each do |s|
s.product_shipments.joins(:product).each do |ps|
puts s.bill_of_lading + " " + ps.product_id.to_s + " " + ps.product.product_name.to_s + " " + ps.product.product_code + " " +ps.qty_shipped.to_s + " " + s.ship_date.to_s
My issue is how do I organize the query to start with clients and then list products shipped on '2012-06-30. The query gets wacko from that perspective. I am unsure how to generate a query with active record when the relationship is that far removed.
UPDATE: Ok looking at the results you expect in the report, values from ProductShipment (like the quantity attribute) need to be pulled out, so product_shipments must be included in the nested association we're eager loading, otherwise ProductShipments aren't instantiated, it only serves as a join table.
Therefore instead of Client.includes(:products => shipments)... you want :
#clients = Client.includes(:products => {:product_shipments => :shipment}).
Now I don't fully understand your domain model, but when there's a lot of nested associations, I like to spot the ones which hold the most information in a one to one relationship, because they can be seen as center piece. In this case product and shipment can both be understood as extensions of the "master model" product_shipment.
Thus you can write (respectfully to Demeter's law) :
class ProductShipment < AR
def report_details
s = shipment; p = product
"#{s.bill_of_lading} #{p.id} #{p.name} #{p.code} #{quantity} #{s.shipped_on}"
Here comes the tricky part: as it is written :products => {:product_shipments => :shipment} Rails understands
product_shipments.shipment but not product_shipment.products
The later would actually trigger a db call... (which we're trying to avoid). Thankfully Rails has another trick in it's pocket :
class ProductShipment < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :product, inverse_of: :product_shipments
class Product < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :product_shipments, inverse_of: :product
Having insured the mirroring of associations you can now fetch product_shipments through products and get your report with no O(n) calls on the DB :
#client.map {|c| c.products.map {|p| p.product_shipments} }.flatten.each do |ps|
puts ps.details
You must eager load the associated models or you get in the infamous O(n) query.
Shipment.where(:date => someday).includes({:product => :client}).each do |shipmt|
puts shipmt.date
shipmt.product.group_by(&:client).each do |client, products|
puts client
products.each do |product|
puts product.details
BTW rails does the join directly from shipment to product assuming you have a has_many :through or has_and_belongs_to_many association here, so no need to use the join table (aka product_shipment)
Here's how I did it. Maybe not the best way to do it but it's close. Thanks for #charlysisto for sending me in the right direction with easy loading the relationships. I still get a O(n) on the join query for the lookup table, but could be worse. Any refinements please comment so I can improve the answer.
#clients = Client.order("clients.id ASC").includes(:products => :shipments).where("shipments.ship_date like '#{ship_date}'")
#clients.each do |c|
puts c.name
c.products.each do |p|
p.shipments.each do |s|
s.product_shipments.joins(:product).each do |ps|
puts shipment and products stuff
I need some help building a table and then getting data from that table in Rails 3.
Here's the break down:
Models - 3 models involved here they are:
Thread has many participants
Participants belong to thread
Activity table:
id | thread_id | participants
Example records would look something like:
1 | 300 | 3,1,5,67,13
2 | 333 | 3,12
3 | 433 | 1,12
4 | 553 | 1,12, 67
Where participants, is a list of user_ids, if there is a better way to store the user_ids please let me know. I haven't built this yet.
After I populate the activity table. I then want to be able to query along the lines of:
Select all Activity records where the participant_id of 67 is included in the participants field.
I hope the above is clear, if not please let me know. Ideas? Thoughts? Suggestions.
While it's tempting to store multiple values in a column, it always ends up with someone getting hurt. You're better off building a join table to relate the models.
For example you could do this:
class DiscussionThread < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :participations
has_many :participants, :through => :participations
class Participation < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :discussion_thread
belongs_to :participant, :class_name => "User", :foreign_key => :user_id
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :participations
has_many :dicussion_threads, :through => :participations
That gives you three tables:
table: discussion_threads
columns: id
table: participations
columns: id | discussion_thread_id | user_id
table: users
columns: id
To find the threads in which a user is participating, just do:
And to find the users participating in a thread:
Note: Thread is a reserved word in Ruby, so I've renamed it DiscussionThread
mind showing an example of how to serialize an array of ids and then query against them?
You awaken in the middle of the night, and under the power of a strange compulsion you go to your computer and create this migration:
rails g model Abomination horror_ids:text
and model:
class Abomination < ActiveRecord::Base
serialize :horror_ids
You test it to make sure it can store an array:
#abomination = Abomination.create(:horror_ids=>[2,33,42])
#abomination.horror_ids # => [2,33,42]
So what? You know that behind the scenes Rails converts it to YAML, which looks like this:
- 2\n
- 33\n
- 42\n
Again compelled by that wierd urging, you wonder "How could I search for a particular id stored in this column?". Well, it's just a string, right? You know how to find that in a text field:
cthulhu = 33
Abomination.where(["horror_ids LIKE '%- ?\n%'",cthulhu]).first
With increasing dread, you realize someone might stumble across this and think it was actually a good idea. It must be destroyed! But you are unable to type rm -rf *, instead the strange force makes you consider the quirks that a future mindless follower of Cthulhu developer might need to know, such as
#abomination = Abomination.create
#abomination.horror_ids # => nil
#abomination = Abomination.create(:horror_ids=>[])
#abomination.horror_ids # => []
#abomination = Abomination.create(:horror_ids=>"any string value can go here")
#abomination.horror_ids # => "any string value can go here"
And the fact that serialized data can get corrupted when the column size is too small to accommodate it all.
You make one last ditch effort to kick out the power cord, but it is too late, the gibbering, insane consciousness that has taken control of you posts the code on StackOverflow for the whole world to see. Finally you collapse into a troubled sleep. The next day, realizing what you've perpetrated, you give up coding forever and become an accountant.
Don't do this
There seem to be a number of ways to handle a multiple foreign key association. Each way I have approached this has their draw backs, and as I am new to Rails I am convinced others have come across a similar scenario and I am probably working on something solved long ago.
My question is:
What would be an efficient way of handling a multiple index key association, while still retaining all other Rails sql modifiers (such as :include etc)?
My scenario is:
I have a table association as follows (simplified), which is used to connect people to other people via links:
| id | name |
| 1 | Joe |
| 2 | Sally |
| 3 | Bob |
| id | origin_id | rcvd_id |
| 1 | 2 | 1 |
| 2 | 1 | 3 |
| 3 | 3 | 2 |
From row 1 of the above Links table, one can see that a Person (Sally = 2) is linked to another Person (Joe = 1).
It is easy for me to find all of a Persons Links if my foreign key was "origin_id". But this would only show People originating a Link. In my scenario I need to see all links regardless if they were originated or received by a Person. If for example I were to ask for all of Sally's links (Sally = 2), the result I would want would be:
| id | origin_id | rcvd_id |
| 1 | 2 | 1 |
| 3 | 3 | 2 |
Hence I have 2 index keys, both "origin_id" and "rcvd_id".
One way this could be solved is with a Method:
class Person < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :link_origins, :class_name => "Link", :foreign_key => :origin_id, :dependent => :destroy
has_many :link_rcvds, :class_name => "Link", :foreign_key => :rcvd_id, :dependent => :destroy
def links
origin_person + rcvd_person
However, this is not efficient. For example this requires the entire collection to be gathered from the database and only then does the paginate method work (I am using the will_paginate gem), which defeats the point as paginate should speed up the process by limiting the number of records called. Not limit the records after the entire collection is already done.
Also, the above will not allow me to call for example, Joe.links(:first).origin_id.name. Not exactly this code but meaning I could not call the Person details on the origin_id of a selected link, as the links method does not know that origin_id is related to the People table.
So far the most workable solution seems to be the :finder_sql.
class Person < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :links, :finder_sql => 'SELECT * FROM links WHERE (links.origin_id = #{id} or links.rcvd_id = #{id})'
This gives all links where the Person_id matches either the Links.origin_id or the Links.rcvd_id.
The down side of this option, is that using :finder_sql, rules out all the other sql modifiers since Rails
doesn't know how to parse and modify the SQL you provide. For example I would not be able to use the :include option with the :finder_sql.
So, right now I am using the :finder_sql, solution. But it seems there might be a away of getting this association done in such a way that I don't need a :finder_sql. For example, is there a way to write a custom sql string while retaining the Rails sql modifiers that Active Record supplies.
Any ideas on the above?
I did find the solution to this, however it turned out I was probably asking the wrong question. I have not found away to have multiple index keys as I asked without implementing some custom sql which breaks different rails helpers.
I guess my question still stands, but how I did resolve this was to look at the problem differently. I just created the associations as they are:
belongs_to :rcvd_person, :class_name => 'Person', :foreign_key => :rcvd_id
belongs_to :origin_person, :class_name => 'Person', :foreign_key => :origin_id
And a custom sql statement:
class Person...
has_many :links, :finder_sql => 'SELECT * FROM links WHERE origin_id = #{id} OR rcvd_id = #{id}'
Then I was able to manipulate the records how I wanted in my view. In case anyone else is doing something similar, I did:
<% person.links.each do |link| %>
<% if link.origin_id == person.id %>
<%= link.rcvd_person.given_name %>
<% else %>
<%= link.origin_person.given_name %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
I'm not sure you can really support an association with multiple keys in the same table because Rails won't know which key to set if you attempt to create a relationship.
However, if you just want person.links, Rails 3 provides a way that is better than :finder_sql
class Link
def self.by_person(person)
where("origin_id => :person_id OR rcvd_id => :person_id", :person_id => person.id
class Person < ActiveRecord::Base
# You can include the has_many relationships if you want, or not
def links
This lets you do things like #person.links.limit(3) (which currently appears to be broken when using :finder_sql)
I had a terrible morning. Lots of emails floating around about why things don't work. Upon investigating I found that there is a data mismatch which is causing errors.
Customer and Address are two tables.
Customer contains
class Customer < ActiveRecord::Base
has_one :address, :foreign_key => "id"
Address Contains
class Address < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :customer, :foreign_key => "cid"
So the two tables match on id which is the default and that column is auto incremented.
on the edit Page we have some code like this.
params[:line1] = #customer.first.address.line1
It fails because no matching record is found for a customer in the address table. I don't know why this is happening. It seems that over time a lot of records did not get added to Address table. Now problem is that when a new Customer is added (say with id 500) the Address will be added with some other id (say 425) ...now you don't know which address belongs to which customer.
Being new to Rails, I am asking whether it is always considered good to create an extra column for joining of the records, rather than depending on the column that is automatically incremented? If I had a seperate column in Address table where I would manually insert the recently added customers id then this issue would not have come up.
That has_one-belongs_to relationship should result in the "belonging" model having the key of the "having" model. Or, in other words, the :foreign_key clause should be the same in both models.
If I have these:
class Customer < ActiveRecord::Base
has_one :address, :foreign_key => 'cid' # note foreign_key same as in Address
class Address < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :customer, :foreign_key => 'cid' # note foreign_key same as in Customer
then I can do this:
>> cust = Customer.create(:name=>'Mr Custard')
| id | name |
| 1 | Mr Custard |
1 row in set
>> add = cust.create_address(:line_1 => '42 Some Street', :line_2 => 'Some where')
| id | cid | line_1 | line_2 |
| 1 | 1 | 42 Some Street | Some where |
1 row in set
>> Customer.first.address
| id | cid | line_1 | line_2 |
| 1 | 1 | 42 Some Street | Some where |
1 row in set
>> Address.first.customer
| id | name |
| 1 | Mr Custard |
and my database looks like this:
sqlite> select * from customers;
1|Mr Custard
sqlite> select * from addresses;
1|1|42 Some Street|Some where
(the nice table output for ActiveRecord results comes from Hirb, by the way)
The Rails' convention is for each table to have an auto-incrementing integer primary key column named id and additionally—in your example—for the addresses table to have a non auto-incrementing integer foreign key column named customer_id. As the name implies, this holds the primary key value from the associated record in the customers table.
If you follow these rules then there's no need to specify a :foreign_key option on the associations.