Ambiguous reference on column when grouping by association - ruby-on-rails

I'm grouping a list of Bug reports on a known collection of users that are related to the report (that is, the user that is responsible for the report and the user that is currently assigned to it).
The Model Bug (AR, Rails 4.2.x) thus has, among others, two associations assigned_to and responsible, which are resolved to the foreign keys assigned_to_id, responsible_id.
Bugs can also be related to a project, which may also have a responsible user set, thus they also possess a responsible_id foreign key.
As we're grouping on both attributes from the report itself and the associated project, we want to include the associated project in the returned query.
I can then get a hash count of <User> => count through the following statement, grouping on the association name of the bug report:
which correctly produces the desired result: A collection of Users (assignees) and the Bugs they are being assigned to.
For responsibles, the same query:
yields an error, since the attribute responsible_id is both contained in the query by bugs and the associated projects.
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT "bugs"."id") AS count_id,
responsible_id AS responsible_id
FROM "bugs"
LEFT OUTER JOIN "projects" ON "projects"."id" = "bugs"."project_id"
GROUP BY "bugs"."responsible_id"
If I instead group on the explicit attribute itself using'bugs.responsible_id'), I get a valid response, however in the form of responsible_id => count.
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT "bugs"."id") AS count_id,
bugs.responsible_id AS bugs_responsible_id
FROM "bugs"
LEFT OUTER JOIN "projects" ON "projects"."id" = "bugs"."project_id"
WHERE <condition>
GROUP BY bugs.responsible_id
Is there a way to force using the association, but namespace the query as in the second query?
Of course I could process the result and expand it to the responsible users, however since the grouping is part of a larger querying functionality, I only get to manipulate the grouping identifier without extensive changes to the query builder.

I don't think there is a fix for this now (in rails 4.2.4). This will however become easy in rails 5.
If you absolutely must solve the problem now, you could patch ActiveRecord::Calculations#execute_grouped_calculation with the fix available in rails 5 for your app. Simply add an initializer at config/initializers e.g. active_record_calculations_patch.rb with the following (abbreviated) content. You can copy the original code from your rails version and then add the fix:
module ActiveRecord
module Calculations
def execute_grouped_calculation(operation, column_name, distinct)
group_fields = group_attrs
group_fields = arel_columns(group_fields)
group_aliases = { |field|


ActiveRecord query searching for duplicates on a column, but returning associated records

So here's the lay of the land:
I have a Applicant model which has_many Lead records.
I need to group leads by applicant email, i.e. for each specific applicant email (there may be 2+ applicant records with the email) i need to get a combined list of leads.
I already have this working using an in-memory / N+1 solution
I want to do this in a single query, if possible. Right now I'm running one for each lead which is maxing out the CPU.
Here's my attempt right now:
select("leads.*, applicants.*").
having("count(*) > 1").
And the error:
Lead Load (1.2ms) SELECT leads.*, applicants.* FROM "leads" INNER
JOIN "applicants" ON "applicants"."id" = "leads"."applicant_id"
GROUP BY HAVING count(*) > 1 LIMIT 1
ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid: PG::GroupingError: ERROR: column
"" must appear in the GROUP BY clause or be used in an
aggregate function
LINE 1: SELECT leads.*, applicants.* FROM "leads" INNER JOIN
This is a postgres specific issue. "the selected fields must appear in the GROUP BY clause".
must appear in the GROUP BY clause or be used in an aggregate function
You can try this
.group_by(',, ...')
You will need to list all the fields in leads table in the group by clause (or all the fields that you are selecting).
I would just get all the records and do the grouping in memory. If you have a lot of records, I would paginate them or batch them.
group_by_email = { |h, k| h[k] = [] }
Applicant.eager_load(:leads).each_batch(10_000) do |batch|
batch.each do |applicant|
group_by_email[] << applicant.leads
You need to use a .where rather than using Lead.all. The reason it is maxing out the CPU is you are trying to load every lead into memory at once. That said I guess I am still missing what you actually want back from the query so it would be tough for me to help you write the query. Can you give more info about your associations and the expected result of the query?

Count, empty? fails for ActiveRecord with outer joins

I have two models, Monkey and Session, where Monkey has_many Session. I have a scope for Monkey:
scope :with_session_counts, -> {
joins("LEFT OUTER JOIN `sessions` ON `sessions`.`monkey_id` = `monkeys`.`id`")
.select("`monkeys`.*, COUNT(DISTINCT `sessions`.`id`) as session_count")
in order to grab the number of associated Sessions (even when 0).
Querying #monkeys = Monkey.with_session_counts works as expected. However, when I test in my view:
<% unless #monkeys.empty?%>
I get this error:
Mysql2::Error: Column 'id' in field list is ambiguous:
SELECT COUNT(*) AS count_all, id AS id FROM `monkeys`
LEFT OUTER JOIN `sessions` ON `sessions`.`monkey_id` = `monkeys`.`id`
GROUP BY `monkeys`.`id`
How would I convince Rails to prefix id with the table name in presence of the JOIN?
Or is there a better alternative for the OUTER JOIN?
This applies equally to calling #monkeys.count(:all). I'm using RoR 4.2.1.
I have a partial fix for my issue (specify group("") explicitly) I wonder whether this is a bug in the code that generates the SELECT clause for count(:all). Note that in both cases (group("") and group(:id)) the GROUP BY part is generated correctly (i.e. with, but in the latter case the SELECT only contains id AS id. The reason I say 'partial' is because it works in that it does not break a call to empty?, but a call to count(:all) returns a Hash {monkey_id => number_of_sessions} instead of the number of records.
Update 2:
I guess my real question is: How can I get the number of associated sessions for each monkey, so that for all intents and purposes I can work with the query result as with Monkey.all? I know about counter cache but would prefer not to use it.
I believe it is not a bug. Like you added on your update, you have to specify the table that the id column belongs to. In this case group('') would do it.
How would the code responsible for generating the statement know the table to use? Without the count worked fine because it adds points.* to the projection and that is the one used by group by. However, if you actually wanted to group by Sessions id, you would have to specify it anyway.

Rails Postgres Error GROUP BY clause or be used in an aggregate function

In SQLite (development) I don't have any errors, but in production with Postgres I get the following error. I don't really understand the error.
PG::Error: ERROR: column "commits.updated_at" must appear in the GROUP BY clause or be used in an aggregate function
LINE 1: ...mmits"."user_id" = 1 GROUP BY mission_id ORDER BY updated_at...
: SELECT COUNT(*) AS count_all, mission_id AS mission_id FROM "commits" WHERE "commits"."user_id" = 1 GROUP BY mission_id ORDER BY updated_at DESC
My controller method:
def show
#user = User.find(params[:id])
#commits = #user.commits.order("updated_at DESC").page(params[:page]).per(25)
#missions_commits ="mission_id").count.length
So i digged further into this PostgreSQL specific annoyance and I am surprised that this exception is not mentioned in the Ruby on Rails Guide.
I am using psql (PostgreSQL) 9.1.11
So from what I understand, I need to specify which column that should be used whenever you use the GROUP_BY clause. I thought using SELECT would help, which can be annoying if you need to SELECT a lot of columns.
Interesting discussion here
Anyways, when I look at the error, everytime the cursor is pointed to updated_at. In the SQL query, rails will always ORDER BY updated_at. So I have tried this horrible query:"mission_id, date(updated_at)")
.select("date(updated_at), count(mission_id)")
.having("count(mission_id) > 0")
which gives me the following SQL
SELECT date(updated_at), count(mission_id)
FROM "commits"
WHERE "commits"."user_id" = 1
GROUP BY mission_id, date(updated_at)
HAVING count(mission_id) > 0
ORDER BY updated_at DESC, count(mission_id)
the error is the same.
Note that no matter what it will ORDER BY updated_at, even if I wanted to order by something else.
Also I don't want to group the records by updated_at just by mission_id.
This PostgreSQL error is just misleading and has little explanation to solving it. I have tried many formulas from the stackoverflow sidebar, nothing works and always the same error.
So I got it to work, but it needs to group the updated_at because of the automatic ORDER BY updated_at. How do I count only by mission_id?
#missions_commits ="mission_id, updated_at").count("mission_id").size
I guest you want to show general number of distinct Missions related with Commits, anyway it won't be number on page.
Try this:
#commits = #user.commits.order("updated_at DESC").page(params[:page]).per(25)
#missions_commits = #user.commits.distinct.count(:mission_id)
However if you want to get the number of distinct Missions on page I suppose it should be:
#missions_commits = #commits.collect(&:mission_id).uniq.count
In Rails 3, distinct did not exist, but pure SQL counting should be used this way:
#missions_commits = #user.commits.count(:mission_id, distinct: true)
See the docs for PostgreSQL GROUP BY here:
Basically, unlike Sqlite (and MySQL) postgres requires that any columns selected or ordered on must appear in an aggregate function or the group by clause.
If you think it through, you'll see that this actually makes sense. Sqlite/MySQL cheat under the hood and silently drop those fields (not sure that's technically what happens).
Or thinking about it another way if you are grouping by a field, what's the point of ordering it? How would that even make sense unless you also had an aggregate function on the ordered field?

Rails expanding fields with scope, PG does not like it

I have a model of Widgets. Widgets belong to a Store model, which belongs to an Area model, which belongs to a Company. At the Company model, I need to find all associated widgets. Easy:
class Widget < ActiveRecord::Base
def self.in_company(company)
includes(:store => {:area => :company}).where(:companies => {:id =>})
Which will generate this beautiful query:
> Widget.in_company(Company.first).count
SQL (50.5ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT "widgets"."id") FROM "widgets" LEFT OUTER JOIN "stores" ON "stores"."id" = "widgets"."store_id" LEFT OUTER JOIN "areas" ON "areas"."id" = "stores"."area_id" LEFT OUTER JOIN "companies" ON "companies"."id" = "areas"."company_id" WHERE "companies"."id" = 1
=> 15088
But, I later need to use this scope in more complex scope. The problem is that AR is expanding the query by selecting individual fields, which fails in PG because selected fields must in the GROUP BY clause or the aggregate function.
Here is the more complex scope.
def self.sum_amount_chart_series(company, start_time)
orders_by_day = Widget.in_company(company).archived.not_void.
where(:print_datetime =>
select("#{pg_print_date_group} as print_date, sum(amount) as total_amount")
def self.pg_print_date_group
"CAST((print_datetime + interval '#{tz_offset_hours} hours') AS date)"
And this is the select it is throwing at PG:
> Widget.sum_amount_chart_series(Company.first,
SELECT "widgets"."id" AS t0_r0, "widgets"."user_id" AS t0_r1,<...BIG SNIP, YOU GET THE IDEA...> FROM "widgets" LEFT OUTER JOIN "stores" ON "stores"."id" = "widgets"."store_id" LEFT OUTER JOIN "areas" ON "areas"."id" = "stores"."area_id" LEFT OUTER JOIN "companies" ON "companies"."id" = "areas"."company_id" WHERE "companies"."id" = 1 AND "widgets"."archived" = 't' AND "widgets"."voided" = 'f' AND ("widgets"."print_datetime" BETWEEN '2011-04-24 00:00:00.000000' AND '2011-04-25 23:59:59.999999') GROUP BY CAST((print_datetime + interval '-7 hours') AS date)
Which generates this error:
PGError: ERROR: column
"" must appear in the
GROUP BY clause or be used in an
aggregate function LINE 1: SELECT
"widgets"."id" AS t0_r0,
How do I rewrite the Widget.in_company scope so that AR does not expand the select query to include every Widget model field?
As Frank explained, PostgreSQL will reject any query which doesn't return a reproducible set of rows.
Suppose you've a query like:
select a, b, agg(c)
from tbl
group by a
PostgreSQL will reject it because b is left unspecified in the group by statement. Run that in MySQL, by contrast, and it will be accepted. In the latter case, however, fire up a few inserts, updates and deletes, and the order of the rows on disk pages ends up different.
If memory serves, implementation details are so that MySQL will actually sort by a, b and return the first b in the set. But as far as the SQL standard is concerned, the behavior is unspecified -- and sure enough, PostgreSQL does not always sort before running aggregate functions.
Potentially, this might result in different values of b in result set in PostgreSQL. And thus, PostgreSQL yields an error unless you're more specific:
select a, b, agg(c)
from tbl
group by a, b
What Frank highlighted is that, in PostgreSQL 9.1, if a is the primary key, than you can leave b unspecified -- the planner has been taught to ignore subsequent group by fields when applicable primary keys imply a unique row.
For your problem in particular, you need to specify your group by as you currently do, plus every field that you're basing your aggregate onto, i.e. "widgets"."id", "widgets"."user_id", [snip] but not stuff like sum(amount), which are the aggregate function calls.
As an off topic side note, I'm not sure how your ORM/model works but the SQL it's generating isn't optimal. Many of those left outer joins seem like they should be inner joins. This will result in allowing the planner to pick an appropriate join order where applicable.
PostgreSQL version 9.1 (beta at this moment) might fix your problem, but only if there is a functional dependency on the primary key.
From the release notes:
Allow non-GROUP BY columns in the
query target list when the primary key
is specified in the GROUP BY clause
(Peter Eisentraut)
Some other database system already
allowed this behavior, and because of
the primary key, the result is
You could run a test and see if it fixes your problem. If you can wait for the production release, this can fix the problem without changing your code.
Firstly simplify your life by storing all dates in a standard time-zone. Changing dates with time-zones should really be done in the view as a user convenience. This alone should save you a lot of pain.
If you're already in production write a migration to create a normalised_date column wherever it would be helpful.
nrI propose that the other problem here is the use of raw SQL, which rails won't poke around for you. To avoid this try using the gem called Squeel (aka Metawhere 2)
If you use this you should be able to remove hard coded SQL and let rails get back to doing its magic.
For example:
.select("#{pg_print_date_group} as print_date, sum(amount) as total_amount")
becomes (once your remove the need for normalising the date):
Sorry to answer my own question, but I figured it out.
First, let me apologize to those who thought I might be having an SQL or Postgres issue, it is not. The issue is with ActiveRecord and the SQL it is generating.
The answer is... use .joins instead of .includes. So I just changed the line in the top code and it works as expected.
class Widget < ActiveRecord::Base
def self.in_company(company)
joins(:store => {:area => :company}).where(:companies => {:id =>})
I'm guessing that when using .includes, ActiveRecord is trying to be smart and use JOINS in the SQL, but it's not smart enough for this particular case and was generating that ugly SQL to select all associated columns.
However, all the replies have taught me quite a bit about Postgres that I did not know, so thank you very much.
sort in mysql:
> ids = [11,31,29]
=> [11, 31, 29]
> Page.where(id: ids).order("field(id, #{ids.join(',')})")
in postgres:
def self.order_by_ids(ids)
order_by = ["case"] do |id, index|
order_by << "WHEN id='#{id}' THEN #{index}"
order_by << "end"
order(order_by.join(" "))
User.where(:id => [3,2,1]).order_by_ids([3,2,1]).map(&:id)
#=> [3,2,1]

rails select and include

Can anyone explain this?
Project.includes([:user, :company])
This executes 3 queries, one to fetch projects, one to fetch users for those projects and one to fetch companies."name").includes([:user, :company])
This executes 3 queries, and completely ignores the select bit."").includes([:user, :company])
This executes 1 query with proper left joins. And still completely ignores the select.
It would seem to me that rails ignores select with includes. Ok fine, but why when I put a related model in select does it switch from issuing 3 queries to issuing 1 query?
Note that the 1 query is what I want, I just can't imagine this is the right way to get it nor why it works, but I'm not sure how else to get the results in one query (.joins seems to only use INNER JOIN which I do not in fact want, and when I manually specifcy the join conditions to .joins the search gem we're using freaks out as it tries to re-add joins with the same name).
I had the same problem with select and includes.
For eager loading of associated models I used native Rails scope 'preload'
It provides eager load without skipping of 'select' at scopes chain.
I found it here
Hope this tip will be helpful for someone as it was helpful for me.
Allright so here's what I came up with...
.joins("LEFT JOIN companies companies2 ON = projects.company_id LEFT JOIN project_types project_types2 ON = projects.project_type_id LEFT JOIN users users2 ON = projects.user_id") \
.select("six, fields, I, want")
Works, pain in the butt but it gets me just the data I need in one query. The only lousy part is I have to give everything a model2 alias since we're using meta_search, which seems to not be able to figure out that a table is already joined when you specify your own join conditions.
Rails has always ignored the select argument(s) when using include or includes. If you want to use your select argument then use joins instead.
You might be having a problem with the query gem you're talking about but you can also include sql fragments using the joins method."name").joins(['some sql fragement for users', 'left join companies c on = projects.company_id'])
I don't know your schema so i'd have to guess at the exact relationships but this should get you started.
I might be totally missing something here but select and include are not a part of ActiveRecord. The usual way to do what you're trying to do is like this:
Project.find(:all, :select => "", :include => [:user, :company], :joins => "LEFT JOIN users on projects.user_id =")
Take a look at the api documentation for more examples. Occasionally I've had to go manual and use find_by_sql:
Project.find_by_sql("select from projects left join users on projects.user_id =")
Hopefully this will point you in the right direction.
I wanted that functionality myself,so please use it.
Include this method in your class
def self.includes_with_select(*m)
association_arr = []
m.each do |part|
parts = part.split(':')
association = parts[0].to_sym
select_columns = parts[1].split('-')
association_macro = (self.reflect_on_association(association).macro)
association_arr << association.to_sym
class_name = self.reflect_on_association(association).class_name
self.send(association_macro, association, -> {select *select_columns}, class_name: "#{class_name.to_sym}")
And you will be able to call like: Contract.includes_with_select('user:id-name-status', 'confirmation:confirmed-id'), and it will select those specified columns.
The preload solution doesn't seem to do the same JOINs as eager_load and includes, so to get the best of all worlds I also wrote my own, and released it as a part of a data-related gem I maintain, The Brick.
By overriding ActiveRecord::Associations::JoinDependency.apply_column_aliases() like this then when you add a .select(...) then it can act as a filter to choose which column aliases get built out.
With gem 'brick' loaded, in order to enable this selective behaviour, add the special column name :_brick_eager_load as the first entry in your .select(...), which turns on the filtering of columns while the aliases are being built out. Here's an example:
Employee.includes(orders: :order_details)
.references(orders: :order_details)
'employees.first_name', 'orders.order_date', 'order_details.product_id')
Because foreign keys are essential to have everything be properly associated, they are automatically added, so you do not need to include them in your select list.
Hope it can save you both query time and some RAM!
