Modifying Lua Functions - lua

I am trying to mod a Lua game (CtGW). There is a function, engine:GetSavegames, which returns an array of strings, and I cannot access. I need to modify the returned results. I tried the following, but recieved a "function arguments expected near 'engine'" error.
getsaves = engine:GetSavegames
engine:GetSavegames = function()
return getsaves()

engine:GetSavegames is only valid syntax for method invocation and not for assignments. As #ChrisBeck wrote in the comment, you need to use engine.GetSavegame, but you also need to pass any parameters you can get as those will include the actual object.
Something like this may work:
local getsaves = engine.GetSavegames
engine.GetSavegames = function(...)
return getsaves(...)
This operation is usually called monkeypatching.


How to store a table method in a different table?

I would like to store methods that are associated with a table, so that I can randomly select one of the function using math.random. Storing functions in a table and calling those functions is straight forward, as shown below:
function funcA()
functionTable = {funcA}
However, I cannot store a function from a table (a method?) in a new table. The following code will return in an Error (Lua 5.4): function arguments expected near '}'
local functionStore = {}
function functionStore:funcA()
functionTable = {functionsStore:funcA}
I think the colon (:) means that I'm already calling the function?, and then the error would make sense, but I would like to store the function in the table.
What Am I doing wrong here?
The problem is that the colon is a special syntactic sugar for function calls to pass the variable / expression preceding it as first argument to the function; it can not be used as an expression. You can however write yourself a function that "curries" the self argument, creating a closure:
local function curry_self(self, methodname)
return function(...) return self[methodname](self, ...) end
then you can use this as follows:
functionTable = {curry_self(functionsStore, "funcA")}
Alternatively, you may pass self as you invoke the function:
functionTable = {functionStore.funcA}
functionTable[1](functionStore) -- pass functionStore as `self`
In your case, you don't need the colon at all though - you don't even use self in your function! Thus, you may use:
local functionStore = {}
function functionStore.funcA()
functionTable = {functionsStore.funcA}
you can put functions in a table without using the colon, using just the dot to assign them to table fields.

Override Lua instance function

I'm trying to change the behavior of a Lua function, by adding code to the start or end of it. Because this is a mod for a game, I can't edit the function directly, so I have to override it instead. I accomplish this by storing a reference to the original function in a local variable, then redefining the function with my own, which calls the original one along with any prefix or postfix code I need to add, like so:
local base_exampleFunction = ExampleBaseGameClass.exampleFunction
function ExampleBaseGameClass.exampleFunction(param1, param2)
--Prefix code goes here
base_exampleFunction(param1, param2);
--Postfix code goes here
This works fine for functions defined with the ClassName.functionName syntax, but some functions use ClassName:functionName instead, which from what I understand, are functions that pass a reference to the class instance as the first parameter. I can't figure out how to prefix/postfix these functions, as I get the following error when declaring a variable to hold the original function if I try the same approach:
attempted index: exampleFunction of non-table: null
Is there a way to make this work?
: functions are just scary ways of saying "the first argument is self".
So, ExampleBaseGameClass:exampleFunction(param2) is equivelent to ExampleBaseGameClass:exampleFunction(ExampleBaseGameClass, param2)! It's just got self at the beginning, and functions declared with : will have an invisible self variable appear out of nowhere.
local a = {}
function a.b(self)
function a:c()
-- a.c(a) == a:c()
-- a:b() == a.b(a)
-- a:b() == a:c()
Using this idea, we can simply prepend an argument (it does not have to be called "self", it just has to be the first argument).
This should work, unless there is a part of your Lua environment (eg, funky metatables) which would prevent such a thing:
local base_exampleFunction = ExampleBaseGameClass.exampleFunction
function ExampleBaseGameClass.exampleFunction(self, param1, param2)
--Prefix code goes here
base_exampleFunction(self, param1, param2);
--Postfix code goes here
The lua library takes advantage of the first argument being the calling object for it's string library. Notice how ("hello"):gsub() works--by passing the string itself as the first argument!

Lua attempt to index global 'self' error (GMod Lua script)

I have been getting the following error with this section of code:
[ERROR] lua/entities/cook/init.lua:58: attempt to index global 'self' (a nil value)1. cooked - lua/entities/cook/init.lua:58
The function starts at line 57, and when I remove line 58 (local Pos = self.Entity:GetPos() , it just gives the same error message for line 61.
function cooked()
local Pos = self.Entity:GetPos()
local roll = math.random(1, 5);
if roll == 5 then
local createfood = ents.Create("food")
createfood:SetPos(Pos + Vector(0,10,100))
self:SendLua("GAMEMODE:AddNotify(\"You finish cooking the food and package the product!\", NOTIFY_GENERIC, 4)")
It's unclear what self should be. The error says it's a global, which is consistent with the code you have shown.
But, self is almost exclusively used as a formal parameter to a function and an implicit one at that.
When self is implicit, the function is called a method because the intent is for it to access fields in a table passed into self. The method value is almost always held by a field in the same table (or at least, available as such via metamethods).
The colon syntax in a function definition creates a method.
If cooked was a method then it would make sense for it to access self. But cooked is a global.
You might have meant:
function sometable:cooked()
-- ...
-- self is an implicit formal parameter
-- ...
How to read the Lua statement above:
access sometable as a table
assign its "cooked" field the function value created by the function definition.
(The function definition is compiled from the method syntax, so in the body, self is the first formal parameter, which is implicit.)
The method could be called like:
sometable:cooked() -- passes sometable as self
The colon syntax in a field function call is a method call.
How to read the Lua statement above:
access sometable as a table,
index its "cooked" field,
call its value as a function, passing sometable as the first parameter,
discard the result list.
The syntax for methods is just "syntactic sugar." Methods values are no different than other function values:
A function created from a function definition using the any syntax can be called using any function call syntax.
A method need not be called using the method call syntax.
A non-method can be called using the method call syntax.
self is not reserved so it can be used as any identifier is.
Self is nil, so how do you call cooked()?
It has to be self.cooked(self) or self:cooked(), where self is the table you want to use as self in your function.

Function reference retrieved from table won't accept any arguments

I have a table of function references as follows:
KLC.ChatCommandBank = {
test = KLC.TestFunction,
config = KLC.OpenInterfaceOptions,
option = KLC.OpenInterfaceOptions,
options = KLC.OpenInterfaceOptions,
help = KLC.PrintHelp
but when f = "test" and t is a table of strings and I call
then the function
function KLC:TestFunction(tab)
has a nil value for tab, despite the fact that when the function is called, t is not nil.
I suspect this is due to the table of function references not having arguments defined; I haven't been able to find anything with a google and my own tinkering couldn't fix it! Any input appreciated
It's because when you define function as KLC:TestFunction(tab) it gets one implicit parameter self that refers to the table it's called on.
When you call it as KLC.ChatCommandBank[f](t), you need to explicitly pass something in place of that parameter:
KLC.ChatCommandBank[f](KLC, t)
Alternatively, you can change the definition to local function KLC.TestFunction(tab).

Lua: How to call a function prior to it being defined?

What is the syntax to create the function, but then add it's implementation further down in code?
So roughly like this:
Define function doX
Call doX (further down in the code)
doX implemention (i.e. all functions down at the bottom of the file)
You only need to have a variable to reference. local funcName is sufficient for your purposes with one caveat. This will work:
local funcName
function callIt()
function defineIt()
funcName = function() return "My Function" end
As long as you define it (defineIt) before you call it (callIt), it should work as expected. You can't do something like this though (and this is the caveat):
local funcName
funcName = function() return "My Function" end
You will get an error: attempt to call local 'funcName' (a nil value). there's really no way to call funcName prior to having actually defined the function then? i.e. you still need to make sure defineIt is called before your first call to funcName itself?
I wanted to clarify this point, and I felt that an answer would be the better way than a comment.
Lua is a much simpler language than C or C++. It is built on some simple foundations, with some syntactic sugar to make parts of it easier to swallow.
There is no such thing as a "function definition" in Lua. Functions are first-class objects. They are values in Lua, just like the number 28 or the string literal "foo" are values. A "function definition" simply sets a value (namely, the function) into a variable. Variables can contain any kind of value, including a function value.
All a "function call" is is taking the value from a variable and attempting to call it. If that value is a function, then the function gets called with the given parameters. If that value is not a function (or a table/userdata with a __call metamethod), then you get a runtime error.
You can no more call a function that hasn't been set in a variable yet than you can do this:
local number = nil
local addition = number + 5
number = 20
And expect addition to have 25 in it. That's not going to happen. And thus, for the same reason, you can't do this:
local func = nil
func = function() ... end
As Paul pointed out, you can call a function from within another function you define. But you cannot execute the function that calls it until you've filled in that variable with what it needs to contain.
As others have written, you cannot call a function at runtime that has not been assigned prior to the call. You have to understand that:
function myFunc() print('Something') end
Is just a syntax sugar for this:
myFunc = function() print('Something') end
Now, it makes sense that this kind of code would not work the way you want it to:
print(greeter( -- attempt to call global 'greeter' (a nil value)
function greeter(name) return 'Hello ' end
When you use the greeter variable, its value is nil, because its value is set only on the next line.
But if you want to have your "main" program on the top and the functions at the bottom, there is simple way to achieve this: create a "main" function and call it as the last thing on the bottom. By the time the function is called, all the functions will be set to the corresponding global variables:
-- start of program, your main code at the top of source code
function main()
local name = readName()
local message = greeter(name)
-- define the functions below main, but main is not called yet,
-- so there will be no errors
function readName() io.write('Your name? '); return end
function greeter(name) return 'Hello, ' .. name end
-- call main here, all the functions have been assigned,
-- so this will run without any problems
