Issues changing from wildcard to explicit app ID - ios

I have an iOS app with four targets (iOS App, WatchKit App, WatchKit Extension, custom framework), that I want to publish for in-house usage.
Since wildcard app IDs cannot be used for in-house apps, I created four new explicit App IDs.
I also created four new provisioning profiles, where I selected the "In House" option and the new App IDs.
Then I downloaded the new provisioning profiles to XCode and configured them in my Build Settings, for each target.
I also already executed the Clean-task, deleted my Derived Data-folder and deleted / re-downloaded all provisioning profiles multiple times.
The problem is: I still get the error
"Wildcard App IDs cannot be used to create In House provisioning profiles. Please use an Explicit App ID."
when I click the Upload to App Store button or try to export the archive.
What am I missing here or what else can I try?
Please ask if you need any further information or clarification.
(I already posted this in the Apple developer forums. But since it got very few views and no answers there, I decided to crosspost.)

I got the same error message about Wildcard App IDs when trying to export.
When searching for a solution I found this: about Apple Worldwide Developer Relations Certificate Authority certificate being expired.
Checking my certificate and seeing it was expired I followed the directions and downloaded a new certificate:
After removing the old certificate I was able to proceed with the export.

I had the same issue. I resolved it by importing another provisioning profile for development, in addition to the one I had imported before for release.


xcode uploading to app store - No matching provisioning profiles found

I am having difficulty with uploading my app to the app store, I get the error "Failed to locate or generate matching signing assets: No matching provisioning profiles found for..." I'm not quite sure what this error means or how to fix it. I am somewhat new to xcode and the app store uploading process.
To my knowledge I've created everything necessary on the developer website to upload an app, and non of my certificated have expired. I've done some research and read other posts but so far everything others have suggested has not worked for me.
Hopefully I'm making a simple beginner's error that can be easily corrected.
It shows the actual reason in the error message you posted your matching profiles do not contain the same entitlements as your app says is requesting.
Check your Project -> Capabilities and see which are set to on. Then on your provisioning portal check that your app has the same capabilities set.
If you don't need those capabilities simply turn them off and you should be able to build. If you do then you will need to set them up in the relevant App IDs on the provisioning portal. Identifiers-> App Ids -> app -> Edit
Some of these changes will require you to regenerate your provisioning profiles which you can do by clicking edit and then re-generating from the provisioning profiles section of your apple developer account.

Xcode does not automatically create app id on developer portal

As indicated in the title, Xcode is not being able to automatically create app Id and provisioning profile for an app i’m developing. I have checked the “Automatically manage signing” option but on the developer portal i can’t see any app id or provisioning profile matching the provided bundle identifier.
The problem arises only if I select, in the “team” selection, my developer account . For example, by using my enterprise account, the “waiting to repair” message is shown in Xcode and i can see the new app id created in the enterprise account portal.
If I change the bundle identifier and I select again my developer account, nothing happens, no errors and no warnings. I’m able to install the application on a device and all seems to be good. However, in my developer portal I still do not see the app id and provisioning profile so i can’t send the application to iTunes connect in order to submit to the Apple store.
Moreover, trying with other apps, all is ok even using my developer account.
I searched on line but i can’t be able to find a similar problem, are there any particular settings that are preventing the automatic Xcode app id creation to work for my app?
it seems it’s not a problem related to the particular app. In fact I tried to create a new application fromo scratch and i have the same problem. I still do not have the problem on old apps (already uploaded on itunes connect) but i have the problem on all the newly created apps. Is that a problem with my developer certificate?
I noticed that for all the newly created applications the App ID is set to: " * " (see image below). In my old apps the App ID and iOS Team Provisioning Profile are not equals to " * ". I have also deleted the wildcard id from my developer portal but the problem still remain.
I had a similar problem and i solved with a workaround. I have enabled push notifications in the "capabilities" tab (i.e, adding them to the entitlements), in this way the app id and provisioning profile have been correctly generated on the developer portal. Later, I have disabled push notifications (not needed in my project).
It's only a workaround, hope it helps
Somewhat related: I played around with Apples provisioning profiles in a desperate attempt of trying to wrap my head around their signing nightmare. In the process I deleted all the app ids from apple.developer that Xcode had automatically generated.
Afterwards I couldn't get Xcode to regenerate the app ids and I didn't wanted to manually create them, so what I had to do was to delete the automatically generated provisioning profiles from ~/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning Profiles/.

Xcode messing up with certificate identities and multiple team ids

When building my App (for Archive) I get:
You have a valid iOS Distribution certificate in the Member Center,
but it is not installed locally. If your signing identity is installed
on another Mac, you can export a developer profile on that Mac and
import it on this Mac. You can also revoke your current certificate
and request a new one.
The Apple documentation suggests that its because I just moved computer. See link here.
However I haven't just moved computer. I am simply trying to upload my build to iTunes connect.
My email is associated to two developer profiles that are both installed on my Mac and hence I believe that Xcode its confusing itself by believing that I have already a profile installed.
For this reason I created a new distribution profile from the member centre, one for App Store distribution and one for ad hoc distribution. I then dowloaded it and clicked on it. Despite having done so it does not work.
When I click on Fix issue I get the message quoted above.
I tried to refresh the details in the Accounts sections of Xcode preferences, but was not of much help.
I believe Xcode is messing up with the team ids.
Is there a way to solve this without revoking and requesting a new certificate?
And if not what is the best way to fix this?
I would try downloading and installing the certificate from the portal. Then open the KeyChain app and see whether it appears under "My Certificates" section. If so, that should fix your problem, though check to make sure you don't have duplicates. If it does not appear, then it means you don't have the private key, and it will not be useable unless you can import the private key. You probably need to revoke and create a new certificate.

Xcode 6.3 - You already have a current iOS Development certificate or a pending certificate request

Xcode as of 6.3 is no longer allowing me to automatically perform device provisioning for a client. Has anyone else experienced this issue? I found no results when searching for this on Google...
This client has their own bundle ID and it's possible they also have their own provisioning profile for this device. So maybe Apple is matching up the bundle ID irrespective of the developer account being used for provisioning.
I was able to address the issue by modifying the app's bundle ID and manually going through the provisioning process, but I'm guessing this issue is extremely rare, so I'm not sure if this post will be of use to anyone.
When I am create new certificate from my Xcode 9.2 the error was appear
"You already have a current iOS Distribution certificate or a pending certificate request".
Just 2 step for fix this error.
Remove old certificate from
Create new certificate from Xcode or
My problem has been solved (I am using Xcode 9.2).
I just found that if I remove my account from Xcode, and then sign in again, it solved the issue. I did revoke my existing certificates and request new ones though as part of that process. I didn't import an existing profile.
My team has maxed out on release certificates, because apparently there is a quota.
We had to delete one of the existing release certificates.
This issue is actually more common than you think.
Some Solutions:
I usually find that opening Xcode's settings and signing out of my account and the signing in again resolves most of those issues.
You may have an older mac that already used up that one allotted development certificate. In that case you'll want to export the developer profile from that machine. If you no longer have access to that machine, it may be time to invalidate that certificate and simply request a new one.
Another option may be to double check your build settings in your project and ensure that it's looking for the right certificate. It's fairly common in my experience for these settings to make decisions on their own, and confirming that they're what you expect may help.
When dealing with provisioning, it's really easy to get caught up with the frustration of all of the steps you need to go through. The first thing to note is if the error you see is talking about a "Certificate" or a "Profile." In your case, it's a certificate. Good.
Certificates differ from provisioning profiles in a few ways. Certificates are usually only generated twice: once for development, and once for distribution. (Exceptions to this rule are if you decide to add support for some of the special features like push notification or for generating passbook passes on a server.)
The process for generating certificates is also a little more bureaucratic than profiles. You request a certificate from Apple's Member Center. You generate a provisioning profile.
The reason for the word request vs generate is because both Apple and your iOS team's admin need to approve certificate requests. This is because certificates identify you as part of your iOS developer team, and offer all the powers associated with that.
For the sake of completeness, I'll add that provisioning profiles are generated based on that certificate, and really only tell iOS what environment your app is meant to run in. (On any device via the store, specific devices, etc.)
Now, the important part for you is the request business. Most people don't pay much attention to this terminology, since indie developers and small teams (where the developers are admins) don't require developers to ask for permission.
Your error is talking about a previously generated certificate or request. You can only have one development certificate per developer. You either have one, or you've requested one and someone has to approve.
That's what's happening here.
This process is made simple with Xcode 8.3 and 9. Just delete one of your old certifcates in the "validate" interface and click the plus button to request new one, Xcode will request for you and add it in keychain. in my case, maximum number was reached, so I deleted one which was lost in a old Mac and created new one.
This error may also be occur if you reach your distribution certificate limit. After creating 3 iOS Distribution Certificates in an account, the following error message will be displayed when you try to create 4th one: "You already have a current Distribution certificate or a pending certificate request."
Open this link
Press + icon in front of Certificate
Check Apple Distribution section if its show the red text as shown in image then you should revoke you existing certificates to generate new one because you have reached you limit.
Just 2 step for fix this error.
Remove old certificate from
Create new certificate from Xcode or
Delete old developer certificate from and try to create developer certificate from xcode
1) Remove old certificate from apple developer account.
2) Go to the 'Xcode' 3) Select 'Preferences' option and then Select the 'Account' Tab
3) Select apple id from left side and click on 'Manage Certificate'.
4) Click on '+' (add certificate) button.
5) Add 'Apple Distribution' Certificate.
Unfortunately, only a macbook restart resolved this for me.
Creating another Distribution certificate was not an option, because it had already reached the max. number of certificates.
I manually added an existing one (incl. its private key) to the Keychain …and still Xcode said "Not in Keychain". I then tried to trigger a refresh of the Xcode listing by removing & adding my developer account to Xcode, but that didn't work — neither did restarting Xcode.
So, when all else fails, you try to reboot your system.
When you have three active distribution certificates that were created on distinct machines, you'll see this issue. You can either ask for the private key of a previously made one or simply revoke any of them and make your own.

Can't export IOS app archive from xcode for testflight

I have an IOS app archive that I want to validate and export so that I can upload it to itunes connect for testing with internal users first, then eventually beta testers. When I attempt to validate or export the archive I get a dialog titled "Failed to locate or generate matching signing assets:" with a message "Xcode attempted to locate or generate matching signing assests and failed to do so because of the following: An App ID with Indentifier 'myAppBundleId' is not available. Please enter a different string."
In the Apple Developer Member Center I had long ago created an app id for my app, corresponding APN ssl certificates, and a corresponding provisioning profile. Since I was unable to proceed as per the above dialog I tried giving my app a new bundle id, but when I then went to create an Archive with the new bundle ID it failed with a message "No matching provisioning profiles found". I next tried creating a new App ID that had an ID that matched my new bundle ID. When creating this new App ID I needed to enable push notifications, but it didn't show as enabled until I generated new SSL Certs.
I'm totally confused by all of this so this question really is about somehow finding clarity. I have a ton of unanswered questions that come to mind as I try to navigate this confusing Apple ecosystem. Some relate to the original issue and some are new questions that came up while trying things. I'll list:
When I created a new App ID for the same App, and created SSL certificates, I just reused the the CSR that I had previously created for the other earlier app ID. My thinking was that this might enable me to not actually have to do anything to my app or server since the CSR is the old one. But I'm wondering if it would fail because the bundle IDs and app IDs are new? I can't recall if there was anything in the CSR that matched to the bundle ID or App ID.
Is the app ID the same as the bundle ID?
In Developer Member Center under iOS Provisioning Profiles, there is a column titled "status". My older provisioning profiles say "Active (managed by Xcode)" and my newest ad-hoc provisioning profile says just "Active". What is the difference between the two? What makes a provisional profile managed by Xcode?
In itunes connect my bundle id is prefixed with the xcode bundle id suffix. E.g. my bundle ID in Xcode is FirstName-LastName.AppName, but in itunes connect it puts AppName - FirstName-LastName.AppName. what the heck?
Does Xcode ever automatically create an App ID?
I read that itunes connect's testflight doesn't require provisioning profiles for internal users, yet Xcode is complaining that "No Matching provisional profiles found" when I attempt to make the Archive with my new Bundle ID. Is a provisioning profile required for internal users or not?
Is there a good and up to date and comprehensive resource covering
the essentials of things like app ids, bundle Ids, testflight,
provisioning profiles, how provisioning profiles relate to app IDs,
etc. I'm left confused by Apples docs, and I've found one tutorial
on youtube that was somewhat helpful and current but not
comprehensive enough and didn't get me beyond the issues I'm
encountering. It was titled "Basically: iOS TestFlight Beta
Testing" in case anyone reading this is interested.
I'm confused by the message in Xcode "None of the valid provisioning profiles allowed the specified capabilities: Features: push, interAppAudio, and passbook". My confusion is because in Developer Member Center these features are setup when creating an App ID not when creating a provisional profile.
Any help or advice is appreciated.
I had the same issue a few days ago, fixed it by removing all invalid provisioning profiles from my account on, then I created a new valid provisioning profile and added the newly created one in XCode. Then in build settings I selected the valid provisioning profile instead of auto, and I was able to export with no issues. Good luck :)
