How can I detect if the Launch Storyboard happened? - ios

does anyone know if there is a way to tell if the launch storyboard executed? Or is there a way to detect if the launch image was displayed?
Basically my app consists of just one view controller with some views (all created programmatically), plus the launch storyboard which I added to the project recently which seems to be working OK.
The reason why it would be useful for me to know if the launch storyboard happened is that my app is a game which basically consists of a big 2D scene that you can zoom into and pan around using the usual touch gestures. When the game starts for the first time it starts fully zoomed-out and centered on the scene: so that is what the launch image matches. But the player pans around and zooms-in on various things, so when they press the home button they could be zoomed into any part of the picture. So when they touch the app's icon to relaunch, if the launch storyboard happens it needs to put their pan/zoom position back to the initial centered zoomed-out position (otherwise as soon as the app gets going it would appear to the user to suddenly snap from the initial position represented in the launch image to where they were, not giving a smooth user experience).
What I do at the moment is -- if applicationDidEnterBackground: method gets called I assume that when the user relaunches the app, by touching the icon, that the launch storyboard will be executed. But the launch storyboard doesn't always happen after it hibernated via applicationDidEnterBackground:, especially if it is only a few minutes since the user pressed the home button.... and those times when the launch storyboard does not happen I need not inconvenience the player and put them back to the initial zoomed-out centered position, I could just let them carry on at the position they were.
I've not used storyboards before, but as I understand it launch storyboard are a special case where you can't make any connections to code because your app's not actually running yet, so I can't think of a way to set a variable, for example, to show the story board happened.
Anyone got any ideas?

Just use the viewDidLoad method provided by the UIViewController.
Just override the method in your ViewController and then you can perform the task you want when your View(Storyboard) is loaded.
#implementation MyViewController:UIViewController
//Insert your code here


Launch Screen only showing once

I have used the LaunchScreen.storyboard file in my swift file to create a launch screen, however I only see the launch screen when I load the app onto my phone. After that, even when I kill the app I don't see the launchscreen again. I want it so that it shows every time the app is booted, so after it's been removed from the background like most other apps that exist. I there a setting that i need to toggle, or am I doing something wrong?
What you want can be achieved from the initial ViewController instead of Launch Screen.
Reason: Launch Screen timing is not fixed and can have a very short appearance if the app has recently been in the memory.
I would recommend you to use the welcome graphic/animation on the initial View Controller and move to the intended View Controller after a set timer by using a segue.
Edit: Additionally, in case of a graphic, you can put that on the Launch screen as well, then on the initial View Controller. That will get you continuity.
Hope this helps.

Starts with specific scene when App launch from background iOS

I wonder how to launch the App from background with specific scene instead of always starts with launch screen or main.storyboard's initial ViewController.
For Example, if the user was viewing the profile scene and then make the app go to background from there, I would like to launch the same profile scene(without reloading or the profile pictures, bio, etc) the next time the user bring the app to the foreground.
Now the case is that the App always start with the launch screen and or the information that was loaded before went away.
How can I remember the specific scene when App enters background? By the way, I noticed this issue when I refractored the storyboard.
That's exactly what state restoration is for!
State restoration is a feature in iOS that lets a user return to their app in the exact state in which they left it – regardless of what’s happened behind the scenes.
You can enable it from your appDelegate by overriding application:shouldSaveApplicationState: and application:shouldRestoreApplicationState:
and having them returning true.
Then you will have to apply restorationIdentifier to your viewControllers (and yes, you can do it from the storyboard :) ). Doing so will allow your user to come back to the very screen / screen hierarchy they were when they last left...
You will however have to handle the logic the the data that need be displayed. In your viewController subclass, you can override encodeRestorableStateWithCoder: and decodeRestorableStateWithCoder: to store and then retrieve your data to display from the coder.
find the Apple doc here :
And a Ray Wenderlich (love the man!) here :

In Swift, advance on touch in splash screen

In iOS, I have a LaunchScreen.xib file displayed on startup. If the user touches the screen while the splash screen is displayed, I would like to advance immediately to the first ViewController. How do I recognize the touch?
From my experience, the Launch Screen time cannot be shortened, which is what a "tap" would do. This is the time it takes for the app to initialize on the device, and it varies based on the processing power of the device.
I would suggest creating a VC that looks identical to your launch screen, and then have it load right after the launch-screen. Then, you can have the user tap on that VC to advance to your current first VC.

Animation in Launch Screen in xcode 6

I want to animate a set of images in my Launch Screen, but I do not know how. I have seen some tutorials telling me to put code in the App Delegate (DidFinishLaunchingWithOptions) and nothing has worked.
Could someone help me animate my Launch Screen?
I am supposing that you do quite a bit of work on launch, and you do not want your user to stare at a static image while this work is going on. What you need to do is do the work in the background (using gcd). This way, the launch screen will be gone quickly. However, you are not ready of course: hence your need for animations. So what I do is add my own equivalent of the start screen on top of my first visible UIView, do my animations and then tear down my start up screen. If you want to see what I do in action, try it out with my App (The Opera Player)

Presenting a new viewController doesn't seem to unload the previous

The game I'm developing consists of a Main Menu, and Game viewController separately.
However when moving from the game screen to the menu screen, it seems as if the class files from the previous viewController are still in effect?
For example, players start the game by tapping anywhere on the screen whilst in the game viewController, which causes a new bar to be "launched", which in turn plays a small tone which varies depending on the direction. However when returning to the main menu after the game is over (achieved by pressing a button to present the menu viewController), tapping anywhere on the menu screen seems to start the game again from the game viewController?
By this, I mean the bar launch sound is played, despite there being no code available in the main menu viewController to play said sound, pressing play on the menu will take you to the game screen, where the game has been reset, until tapping again, where the sound plays implying a new bar is launched, despite all images being invisible.
I made sure that, when leaving any view, I wipe all subviews from the view, so that whenever the screen is loaded there's nothing being covered up. I also tried dismissing the previous view controller, however nothing seems to take effect. So, I can't tell for certain whether the views are being removed or what... It's simply mind breaking to me.
Unfortunately my descriptions most likely aren't doing myself any justice, so hopefully this video demonstration will help out. Note that at the beginning, I am tapping the screen to show that no sound is played, however of course that won't be visible.
Edit: You'll notice that when returning to the menu, tapping the screen seems to mess up the moving bar in the background, despite the gameBarMovement timer being invalidated upon moving from the game to the menu. The fact that they're using separate class files also should mean the bars shouldn't be effected? Knowing me, I've missed something fairly obvious.
This is how the UIViewController life-cycle works as far as I know. UIViewcontrollers aren't unloaded until the app starts running out of memory. What you probably need is some way, in your game VC, to stop the game loop from running and resume it once a new game is started.
