Rails is not reading anything after ';' - ruby-on-rails

I have a web api that parses a data url(data:image/png;base64,..) in a query parameter. However when I tried saving the data it becomes "data:image/png". Is there a way where I can tell rails to allow the whole data url string?


Pass json with special characters angularjs to ruby

I need to make a search form, where the back end used is ruby and front end is angular. the search query is generated in angular in json format and is passed to ruby via restangular service.
Its working fine. But when we tested the search string with semicolon it returned 500 Internal error. The first line puts params[:search] gives {"content":"my search is for the actual json string {"content":"my search is ; and :", "options":[]}
Please help me on how to handle it ";" also please let me know what all characters I need to be handled.
You need to encode your params first.
So the encoded params will be:
{"content":"my search is %3B and :", "options":[]}
The following is also valid:
You can encode URL using: https://www.w3schools.com/tags/ref_urlencode.asp
I am sure Angular will must have some library to encode the URLs.
You could also use native Javascript URL encoder.
The similar question was already answered on SO.

Is it possible to determine if an empty query string is present in rails 4

In a rails app / HTML5 app I need to redirect from
to a canonical:
(The context is an HTML5 web app, where some browsers do not see the two URLs as equivalent, and will therefore request and cache two copies of the same page.)
I can't find any way of getting at the raw request string - Request#original_fullpath() and Request#original_url() have already removed the empty query string.
You can pull the raw url off of request.env["REQUEST_URI"]. This operates at the controller level, and is simply a delegate from rails to the underlying Rack::Request.

Parsing twitter json response

I've made a twitter api request (GET trends/place API) and the result is just like this:
[{"trends":[{"name":"#BabyIsStaying","url":"http:\/\/twitter.com\/search?q=%23BabyIsStaying","promoted_content":null,"query":"%23BabyIsStaying","events":null},{"name":"#AkTakipBa\u015fl\u0131yor","url":"http:\/\/twitter.com\/search?q=%23AkTakipBa%C5%9Fl%C4%B1yor","promoted_content":null,"query":"%23AkTakipBa%C5%9Fl%C4%B1yor","events":null},{"name":"#\u00c7apulcuTakip","url":"http:\/\/twitter.com\/search?q=%23%C3%87apulcuTakip","promoted_content":null,"query":"%23%C3%87apulcuTakip","events":null},{"name":"#SadeceKar\u015f\u0131l\u0131kl\u0131Takiple\u015fme","url":"http:\/\/twitter.com\/search?q=%23SadeceKar%C5%9F%C4%B1l%C4%B1kl%C4%B1Takiple%C5%9Fme","promoted_content":null,"query":"%23SadeceKar%C5%9F%C4%B1l%C4%B1kl%C4%B1Takiple%C5%9Fme","events":null},{"name":"#soysuzek\u015fis\u00f6zl\u00fck","url":"http:\/\/twitter.com\/search?q=%23soysuzek%C5%9Fis%C3%B6zl%C3%BCk","promoted_content":null,"query":"%23soysuzek%C5%9Fis%C3%B6zl%C3%BCk","events":null},{"name":"B\u00fcy\u00fck FENERBAH\u00c7E Taraftarlar\u0131Takiple\u015fiyor","url":"http:\/\/twitter.com\/search?q=%22B%C3%BCy%C3%BCk+FENERBAH%C3%87E+Taraftarlar%C4%B1Takiple%C5%9Fiyor%22","promoted_content":null,"query":"%22B%C3%BCy%C3%BCk+FENERBAH%C3%87E+Taraftarlar%C4%B1Takiple%C5%9Fiyor%22","events":null},{"name":"Sar\u0131K\u0131rm\u0131z\u0131Aile UnfollowsuzTakiple\u015fiyor","url":"http:\/\/twitter.com\/search?q=%22Sar%C4%B1K%C4%B1rm%C4%B1z%C4%B1Aile+UnfollowsuzTakiple%C5%9Fiyor%22","promoted_content":null,"query":"%22Sar%C4%B1K%C4%B1rm%C4%B1z%C4%B1Aile+UnfollowsuzTakiple%C5%9Fiyor%22","events":null},{"name":"D\u00fcnyadaTeksinSen GALATASARAY\u0131m","url":"http:\/\/twitter.com\/search?q=%22D%C3%BCnyadaTeksinSen+GALATASARAY%C4%B1m%22","promoted_content":null,"query":"%22D%C3%BCnyadaTeksinSen+GALATASARAY%C4%B1m%22","events":null},{"name":"D\u00fcnyan\u0131n TekHarikas\u0131s\u0131n FENERBAH\u00c7EM","url":"http:\/\/twitter.com\/search?q=%22D%C3%BCnyan%C4%B1n+TekHarikas%C4%B1s%C4%B1n+FENERBAH%C3%87EM%22","promoted_content":null,"query":"%22D%C3%BCnyan%C4%B1n+TekHarikas%C4%B1s%C4%B1n+FENERBAH%C3%87EM%22","events":null},{"name":"MustafaKemalin\u0130zindeyiz \u00c7\u00fcnk\u00fcFenerbah\u00e7eliyiz","url":"http:\/\/twitter.com\/search?q=%22MustafaKemalin%C4%B0zindeyiz+%C3%87%C3%BCnk%C3%BCFenerbah%C3%A7eliyiz%22","promoted_content":null,"query":"%22MustafaKemalin%C4%B0zindeyiz+%C3%87%C3%BCnk%C3%BCFenerbah%C3%A7eliyiz%22","events":null}],"as_of":"2013-07-20T10:51:45Z","created_at":"2013-07-20T10:45:24Z","locations":[{"name":"Turkey","woeid":23424969}]}]
My question is how to turn this array string into html. No proper php experience at all.
The response you are getting is JSON.
You used to be able to get response in XML, RSS and more, but now the only response type you will receive is JSON.
PHP has multiple methods for dealing with JSON. To encode data, you would use json_encode(). However, you want to decode it, so you want to be doing the following:
This will dump the data to the browser so you can see what you have to work with.
You can iterate around this data using a foreach() loop.
Remember, assuming you json_decode() your results into $yourData:
To access array properties, use: $yourData['propertyName']
To access object properties, use: $yourData->propertyName
you can feed that into json_decode() function
you will get an array that you can manage as you want.

URL routing issue when data have special symbol

I have developed a ASP.NET MVC application. I have a conroller with the name EmployeeController and it got a method called GetEmployeeByName. GetEmployeeByName() takes a name of type string as parameter.
So When I send a request like this, i get the data back :
someDomain:9999/Employee/GetEmployeeByName/Roger Federer
But if the name contains an '&' (you & me), I get a '400 Bad Request' as response from server.
Even if i encode it dont get a reposne back
What is the right way to encode such (data with special character) data?
What is the right way to encode such (data with special character) data?
The right way is to use a query string parameter and not be putting those things as part of the uri portion. Read the following blog post from Scott Hansleman. I will only quote hos conclusion:
After ALL this effort to get crazy stuff in the Request Path, it's
worth mentioning that simply keeping the values as a part of the Query
String (remember WAY back at the beginning of this post?) is easier,
cleaner, more flexible, and more secure.
As you can see in the blog post there are some hacky ways to make it work and circumvent IIS handling but it simply is not something that I would recommend you venturing into. Just put this name in the query string.

how to handle unicode data in delphi7

in my application ,i am sending data from my application to database
i am getting some odd characters in my database like this
i am sending my data like this
w:=data //data is function to get some info(string)
i am using utf8_decode(my get data) in my php code before adding to my database.
and my database and tables collation is utf8_general_ci
can anyone help me in this issue
It's an educated guess, but does the Data function return an UTF-8 string instead of a WideString? I think the error could be in this Data function that you're calling, which returns the data in the wrong string format.
The php function utf8_decode converts characters from utf-8 to ISO-8859-1. If the path your data take (the browser or whatever component you use to send your data to the web server (http request, your php installation, your webpage and your database connection) from your delphi app to your database that is behind you webpage are able to support and configured to use utf-8 data you don't need the utf8_decode function, you can just insert your data the way it comes.
If you haven't already configured php to work with UTF-8, be aware that it is difficult and never works 100% (for me at least it never did), so maybe it would be better for you to use data in your locale encoding.
