UI Slider Time of Day Beyond Midnight? - ios

So this is a unique situation. I have a double slider I made using swift to make a time range picker like the one Kayak has. Unfortunately mine needs to be a time range between 00:00 all the way to 04:00 the following morning.
It was easy to get it from 00:00 to 23:59 using a scale of 86340 seconds for my slider control. I simply plug that into this little function and out pops the correct range on both ends/knobs:
func getTimeStringFromSeconds(seconds: Double) -> String {
let dcFormatter = NSDateComponentsFormatter()
dcFormatter.zeroFormattingBehavior = NSDateComponentsFormatterZeroFormattingBehavior.Pad
dcFormatter.allowedUnits = [NSCalendarUnit.Hour, NSCalendarUnit.Minute]
dcFormatter.unitsStyle = NSDateComponentsFormatterUnitsStyle.Positional
return dcFormatter.stringFromTimeInterval(seconds)!
As you can see in the screenshot above though I have 100740 seconds instead as the scale. How can I get it to go beyond 23:59, then reset to 00:00 and go into the next day? I can make it go to 28:00 as seen above which would technically be 4am but I want it to start over and show 04:00, not 28:00. What's a good solution for this?
Just as a note, my only solution so far was a sort of hack to make the label say 0:00 by resetting the seconds to 0.00 once it goes over 86340. The scale is still 100740 but there's some math like the following to make the label say otherwise without messing with the value of the knob (upperValue):
if upperKnobLayer.highlighted {
upperValue += valueDelta
upperValue = max(min(maximumValue, upperValue), lowerValue)
var upperDouble = Double(round(upperValue))
if upperDouble > 86340.00 {
let newValue = upperDouble - 86340
upperDouble = 0.00 + newValue
upperTime = getTimeStringFromSeconds(upperDouble)

It would help to post the implementation of your picker but generally you want the sliders value type to be NSTimeIntervals. Then you can have a reference date which will be midnight 00:00 of today. You can use NSDate(timeIntervalSince:referenceDate) to then get an NSDate representing any date since that reference date which can be formatted accordingly and display to the screen. The added benefit of this way is that the actual day of the date will be correct if your timeInterval makes it spill over to the next day

How about normalizing to a day's worth of seconds.
return dcFormatter.stringFromTimeInterval(seconds % 86340)!


How to set dynamic minorTickInterval according to the datarange in Highstock?

I used configured Highstock's "tickPositioner" to set ticks dynamically for different ranges of data. For example, if the range is 1 hour max => 1 tick every 10 minutes. Here is some code of the function I put in tickPositioner (which is in xAxis config):
if (xDataRange <= oneHour) {
// If range is 1 hour max => 1 tick every 10 minutes
increment = oneMinute*10;
positions.info.unitName = "minute";
} else if (xDataRange > oneHour && xDataRange <= oneDay) {
// If range is between 1 hour and 1 day => 1 tick every hour
increment = oneHour;
positions.info.unitName = "hour";
} else { ... }
Here is an illustrating fiddle : http://jsfiddle.net/E6GHC/124/
(I know that the range choices are not the best here.)
The QUESTION: I would like to do the same with the minorTicks.
As you can see in the Fiddle, when you click on the month button the ticks are positionned each week and minorTicks are each day. But this is static configuration (minorTickInterval: oneDay).
I have some ideas and I have tried them and nothing seems to work out..
So if someone have any suggestion ? I would be veryyy thankful.
The perfect thing would have been to be have to set/update the minorTickInterval in tickPositioner function.

How to get the accurate time position of a live streaming in avplayer

I'm using AVPlayer to play a live streaming. This stream supports one hour catch-up which means user can seek to one hour ago and play. But I have one question how do I know the accurate position that the player is playing. I need to display current position on the player view. For example,if user is playing half an hour ago then display -30:00; if user is playing the latest content, the player will show 00:00 or live. Thanks
Swift solution :
override func getLiveDuration() -> Float {
var result : Float = 0.0;
if let items = player.currentItem?.seekableTimeRanges {
if(!items.isEmpty) {
let range = items[items.count - 1]
let timeRange = range.timeRangeValue
let startSeconds = CMTimeGetSeconds(timeRange.start)
let durationSeconds = CMTimeGetSeconds(timeRange.duration)
result = Float(startSeconds + durationSeconds)
return result;
To get a live position poison and seek to it you can by using seekableTimeRanges of AVPlayerItem:
CMTimeRange seekableRange = [player.currentItem.seekableTimeRanges.lastObject CMTimeRangeValue];
CGFloat seekableStart = CMTimeGetSeconds(seekableRange.start);
CGFloat seekableDuration = CMTimeGetSeconds(seekableRange.duration);
CGFloat livePosition = seekableStart + seekableDuration;
[player seekToTime:CMTimeMake(livePosition, 1)];
Also when you seek some time back, you can get current playing position by calling currentTime method
CGFloat current = CMTimeGetSeconds([self.player.currentItem currentTime]);
CGFloat diff = livePosition - current;
I know this question is old, but I had the same requirement and I believe the solutions aren't addressing properly the intent of the question.
What I did for this same requirement was to gather the current point in time, the starting time, and the length of the total duration of the stream.
I'll explain something before going further, the current point in time could surpass the (starting time + total duration) this is due to the way hls is structured as ts segments. Ts segments are small chucks of playable video, you could have on your seekable range 5 ts segments of 10 seconds each. This doesn't mean that 50 secs is the full length of the live stream, there is around a full segment more (so 60 seconds of playtime total) but it isn't categorized as seekable since you shouldn't seek to that segment. If you were to do this you'll notice in most instances rebuffering (cause the source may be still creating the next ts segment when you already reached the end of playback).
What I did was checking if the current stream time is further than the seekable rage, if so this would mean were are live on stream. If it isn't you could easily calculate how far behind you are from live if you subtract the current time, starting time, and total duration.
let timeRange:CMTimeRange = player.currentItem?.seekableTimeRanges.last
let start = timeRange.start.seconds
let totalDuration = timeRange.duration.seconds
let currentTime = player.currentTime().seconds
let secondsBehindLive = currentTime - totalDuration - start
The code above will give you a negative number with the number of seconds behind "live" or more specifically the start of the lastest ts segment. Or a positive number or zero when it's playing the latest ts segment.
Tbh I don't really know when does the seekableTimeRanges will have more than 1 value, it has always been just one for the streams I have tested with, but if you find in your streams more than 1 value you may have to figure if you want to add all the ranges duration, which time range to use as the start value, etc. At least for my use case, this was enough.

CorePlot x axis labels

OK, my final issue with getting my bar chart setup is how to print the X axis labels. I tried this:
if let axis = graph.axisSet as? CPTXYAxisSet, xAxis = axis.xAxis {
let dateLabels = self!.dates!.map {
CPTAxisLabel(text: NSDateFormatter.localizedStringFromDate($0, dateStyle: .ShortStyle, timeStyle: .NoStyle), textStyle: nil)
xAxis.axisLabels = Set(dateLabels)
I'm getting nothing displayed though. I looked at DatePlot sample but I don't want to do what it's doing as it incorrectly assumes that a day is 86,400 seconds long, and that will break multiple times. Also, my date offsets are in months, so that makes it even worse. Can't I just somehow provide the already formatted date string?
Seems strange to me that "axisLabels" would be a set, since a set is not ordered.
Each axis label has a tickLocation. Set the tick location to the bar location for that label in the same units used in the plot space and datasource. Since the label tick location is not related to its position in the array, we can use an unordered collection like a set.

Understanding random numbers in iOS Swift 2

How do I make a random number continue to change over time in the program (I.E. become a new one within the range everytime I want to use it)?
I'm stumped. I've read more than 20 different posts and articles on how to generate random numbers in this language (which I'm pretty new to) and I just can't seem to get it to work.
I'm basically trying to get a random double from 1.0-3.0. I can do this pretty easily, but once it has selected that number it doesn't change. This is my code that I use:
var randomNumber:Double = (Double(arc4random() % 3) + 1);
Then I use this as a value for the line:
Every time I run this I want to change the number again, but once the program starts it continues that same number (It's different every time i reset the program)
I understand how to generate the number, but I can't seem to find anything on updating it!
I've tried adding
randomNumber = (Double(arc4random() % 3) + 1);
into the code in a spot where it will be ran many times, but it still gives me the same thing.
I'm very familiar with c++ so if you're trying to explain something you can reference its style and I will most likely understand.
What you need it is a read only computed property that will return a new random every time you try to access it:
var randomNumber: Double {
return Double(arc4random_uniform(3).successor())
print(randomNumber) // 2.0
print(randomNumber) // 2.0
print(randomNumber) // 1.0
print(randomNumber) // 3.0
print(randomNumber) // 3.0
SKAction.waitForDuration(sec: NSTimeInterval, withRange: NSTimeInterval)
where sec is the middle of the range in time you want to use, since range goes in a +- direction.
So in your case you want:
SKAction.waitForDuration(2, withRange: 2), this will get you a range of 1 to 3 (-1 to 1 range)
If for some reason you need a method that will constantly create a new random wait, you can always do:
extension SKAction
func waitForRandomDuration() -> SKAction
var randomNumber:Double = (Double(arc4random() % 3) + 1);
return SKAction.waitForDuration(randomNumber);
And then make sure that you add this as a new action onto your sprite every time you need to get it done, if you store it into a variable, your randomness won't change.
Try this code:
func randomNumberBetween1_0And3_0() -> Double {
return 1 + Double(arc4random_uniform(2000)) / 1000.0
for index in 1...10 {
Sample output is:

Records are slight shifted on date plot created using coreplot library

Here is a necessary code snippets,
X axis label formatter,
NSDateFormatter dateFormatter = new NSDateFormatter();
dateFormatter.DateFormat = "dd/MM";
var timeFormatter = new CPTTimeFormatter(dateFormatter);
timeFormatter.ReferenceDate = NSDate.FromTimeIntervalSinceNow(0);
x.LabelFormatter = timeFormatter;
Delegate method of getting records,
public override NSNumber NumberForPlot(CPTPlot plot, CPTPlotField forFieldEnum, nuint index)
if (forFieldEnum == CPTPlotField.ScatterPlotFieldX)
return new NSNumber((index + 1) * 86400);
Debug.WriteLine("{0}", Data[(int)index].Rate);
return Data[(int)index].Rate;
See attached screenshot for result looks like. You can see that markers are not aligned to X axis. First data point should display on “01/01” but it is displaying just before it. Same for all other points.
Let me know if anybody wish to look at any other part of code. I just need direction or clue what could lead to this record shifting. I have already looked at sample code provided in coreplot but didn't get any clue on this.
Ranges are as below,
plotSpace.XRange = new CPTPlotRange(NSNumber.FromDouble(0).NSDecimalValue, NSNumber.FromDouble(86400 * 9).NSDecimalValue);
plotSpace.YRange = new CPTPlotRange(NSNumber.FromDouble(-1).NSDecimalValue, NSNumber.FromDouble(9).NSDecimalValue);
Also tried,
var space = graph.DefaultPlotSpace as CPTXYPlotSpace;
space.ScaleToFitPlots(new CPTPlot [] { dataSourceLinePlot });
Edit: Graph setup code
The problem is with the ReferenceDate for the time formatter. It is being initialized with the current date and time, so the offset will vary throughout the day depending on when the setup code runs. There are several ways to make an NSDate object that corresponds to a fixed time of day. The most straightforward is by using NSDateComponents.
Several of the Core Plot example apps, including the "Date Plot" demo in the Plot Gallery app, use this technique to generate reference dates.
Also, the automatic axis labeling policy doesn't work well with dates. It's picking tick locations that fall on "nice" numbers of seconds between ticks, but that doesn't correspond to even numbers of days. You should use the fixed interval policy (the default) or one of the ones that let you provide the tick locations directly.
