multi files with esp8266 - lua

I am new to the ESP8266 and lua, is it possible to work with multiple files on the ESP8266 ?
I have 2 files the first one called foo.lua
and it contains this code :
function double(n)
return n * 2
and the other file new.lua just call the first file as following:
require 'foo'
So can i use this technique with the esp8266 ?
I tried that but when I press save to esp button i get
and another popup messages
and these get printed on the console :
> file.remove("foo.lua");
> w = file.writeline
> w([[function double(n)]]);
stdin:1: open a file first
> w([[ return n * 2]]);
stdin:1: open a file firstw([[end]]);
stdin:1: open a file firstw([[]]);
stdin:1: open a file firstw([[print (double(2))]]);
stdin:1: open a file firstfile.close();dofile("foo.lua");
cannot open foo.lua
even when i try to run the file using send to ESP button it works but it will not be saved.

There is a way you can achieve that. But you can't just call like foo.double(5).
I recommend you to try to put your function inside a class. Then you just have to compile it, with the command:
If you use the explorer, write it in the bottom right of the program, where you have a send button.
To create a class you should use a template, I recommend you to use this one:
function Class(members)
local mt = {
__metatable = members;
__index = members;
local function new(_, init)
return setmetatable(init or {}, mt)
local function copy(obj, ...)
local newobj = obj:new(unpack(arg))
for n,v in pairs(obj) do newobj[n] = v end
return newobj
end = or new
members.copy = members.copy or copy
return mt
And in your foo.lua just include this:
If you want to use class variables write them here and then
local foo_mt = Class(foo)
After that you can add all the defs you want.
Don't forget to finish with return foo;


Is there a possiblity to create a variable with a string for everything inside of a table?

Just wondering about that, because i don't find a solution for it. Pretty sure because I'm new to this c: Thanks for your help.
Edit: for explanation im gonna explain it with the code a bit.
local FileList = fs.list("") --Makes a Table with all the files and directories available (as strings) on the PC it's running on (Inside of a mod called computercraft for minecraft)
for _, file in ipairs(FileList) do
--Here I need a function which assigns every string from the table to a variable, just for the explanation I'll call it unknown.function
while true do
print(a) --a is for example one of the different variables made from the "unknown.function"
LIKE this?
AllFiles = {}
function Crazyfunction(file)
AllFiles[table.getn(AllFiles)+1] = file
local FileList = fs.list("")
for _, file in ipairs(FileList) do
while true do
You mean like this?
local FileList = fs.list("")
for _, file in ipairs(FileList) do
-- file is the variable which contains a string from the table.
What you want is... already what your loop does. You just added an extra loop for no reason.

Calling function from other file produces runtime error

I'm using Corona SDK for the first time and read up on how to call functions from other files, but I seem to be having issues. Here are the two scripts so far:
local M = {}
function M.Timer(n, count) --(period, how many times repeated)
if count > 0 then
local iter= os.time()+n
while iter ~= os.time() do
count = count - 1
function M.onTime(count)
return M
local timeTool = require("timer")
They are located in the same directory. When I run main.lua on the simulator, I get the error attempt to call field 'Timer' (a nil value). This leads me to believe that the main file failed in acquiring the contents of the timer script, but from what I've seen, I am using the correct syntax. Is there something I missed, or am I using the wrong method for calling functions from other scripts?

Lua Sandbox "hacking"

So I use a program where I script mods in lua, the lua is in a sandbox state, meaning most functions are blocked like IO and OS, I can't even use REQUIRE to add libs.
I need to have a function that unzips files in one of my mods and I don't seem to find a way.
Is there anyway to do it?
If it's not possible in an easy way, is it possible to hack the program .exe or dlls to re-enable those functions in the lua?
Thank you in advance, Regards
There are decompression librarys in pure Lua, you should be able to embed these in any environment that allows loading Lua scripts:
If you can't access any files at all, you could try a simple packer:
#!/usr/bin/env lua
local files = arg
local w = io.write
local function pack(...) return {...} end
w("files = {\n")
for i, filename in ipairs(arg) do
w('\t["' ..filename .. '"] = "')
local file = assert(, "r"), "Can't open file!")
local data = file:read("*a")
data = data:gsub("\a", "\\a")
:gsub("\\", "\\\\")
:gsub("\f", "\\f")
:gsub("\n", "\\n")
:gsub("\r", "\\r")
:gsub("\t", "\\t")
:gsub("\v", "\\v")
:gsub('"', '\\"')
:gsub("'", "\\'")
w(data, '",\n')
function require(path)
local data = assert(files[path..".lua"], "file not found")
local func = assert(loadstring(data))
local _, ret = assert(pcall(func))
return ret
w('require("', arg[1]:match("^(.-)%.lua$"),'")\n')
This should create a script like this:
$ ./packer.lua init.lua
files = {
["init.lua"] = "for k,v in pairs(arg) do\n\tprint(k,v)\nend\n",
function require(path)
local data = assert(files[path..".lua"], "file not found")
local func = assert(loadstring(data))
local _, ret = assert(pcall(func))
return ret

In trepl or luajit, how can I find the source code of a library I'm using?

Let's say I'm working with a lua library I installed using luarocks, and I want to see the definition of a function from that library. In ipython in could use
to see the definition in the terminal, in matlab I could use
which function_name
then use my editor to look at the path returned by which. How could I do something similar to find the function definition for a lua library?
In 'plain' Lua/JIT, you can say debug.getinfo( func ) and will get a table containing (among others) the fields short_src, source and linedefined.
For Lua functions, short_src will be the filename or stdin if it was defined in the REPL. (source has a slightly different format, filenames are prefixed with an #, a = prefix is used for C functions or stuff defined interactively, and for loaded functions, it will be the actual string that was loaded.)
You can pack that up in a function like
function sourceof( f )
local info = debug.getinfo( f, "S" )
return info.short_src, info.linedefined
or maybe even start an editor and point it there, e.g. (for vim)
function viewsource( f )
-- get info & check it's actually from a file
local info = debug.getinfo( f, "S" )
local src, line = info.source, info.linedefined
if src == "=[C]" then return nil, "Is a C function." end
local path = src:match "^#(.*)$"
if path then
-- start vim (or an other editor if you adapt the format string)
return os.execute( ("vim -fR %q +%d"):format( path, line ) )
return nil, "Was defined at run time."
And just for fun, here's yet another version that returns the code if it can find it somewhere. (This will also work for functions that have been generated at run time, e.g. by calling load, and where no source file exists. You could also work in the other direction by dumping the loaded snippet into a temp file and opening that…)
-- helper to extract the source block defining the function
local function funclines( str, line1, lineN, filename )
-- if linedefined / lastlinedefined are 0, this is the main chunk's function
if line1 == 0 and lineN == 0 then
filename = filename and filename.." (main chunk)"
or "(chunk defined at runtime)"
return "-- "..filename.."\n"..str
-- add line info to file name or use placeholder
filename = filename and filename..":"..line1 or "(defined at runtime)"
-- get the source block
local phase, skip, grab = 1, line1-1, lineN-(line1-1)
local ostart, oend -- these will be the start/end offsets
if skip == 0 then phase, ostart = 2, 0 end -- starts at first line
for pos in str:gmatch "\n()" do
if phase == 1 then -- find offset of linedefined
skip = skip - 1 ; if skip == 0 then ostart, phase = pos, 2 end
else -- phase == 2, find offset of lastlinedefined+1
grab = grab - 1 ; if grab == 0 then oend = pos-2 ; break end
return "-- "..filename.."\n"..str:sub( ostart, oend )
function dumpsource( f )
-- get info & line numbers
local info = debug.getinfo( f, "S" )
local src, line, lastline = info.source, info.linedefined, info.lastlinedefined
-- can't do anything for a C function
if src == "=[C]" then return nil, "Is a C function." end
if src == "=stdin" then return nil, "Was defined interactively." end
-- for files, fetch the definition
local path = src:match "^#(.*)$"
if path then
local f = path )
local code = f:read '*a'
f:close( )
return funclines( code, line, lastline, path )
-- otherwise `load`ed, so `source`/`src` _is_ the source
return funclines( src, line, lastline )
A closing remark: If you paste code into a Lua/JIT REPL, locals disappear between definitions, because every line (or minimal complete group of lines) is its own chunk. The common fix (that you probably know) is to wrap everything into a block as do*paste*end, but an alternative is to load[[*paste*]]() (possibly with more =s like [===[ and ]===].) If you paste this way, the above dumpsource (or any other function using debug.getinfo) will then be able to get the source of the function(s). This also means that if you defined a nice function but it's gone from the history and the scroll buffer, you can recover it in this way (if you defined it by loading and not directly feeding the interpreter). Saving the source in a file will then also be possible without copy-pasting and not require editing out the >> prompts.

Lua create multiple closure instances

I have some lua code in a file. I want to create multiple closure instances of this code, each with a different _ENV upvalue. I can use luaL_loadfile to load the file and set the first upvalue, N times with different tables, to create N instances. But wouldn't this load and compile the file N times?
The lua equivalent of what i want to do is the following, except without the loadfile
func_list = {}
for i = 1, 10 do
local new_env = {hello=i, print=print}
func_list[i] = loadfile("Code.lua", "t", new_env)
for i = 1, 10 do
------ Code.lua ------
is there a better way to do this?
Whenever you load a string/file in Lua, what you get in return is a function to call to actually run the file. What load does for you is just some additional processing to set the _ENV.
However, nothing prevents you from setting _ENV yourself. You could do it with something like this:
-- Code.lua --
_ENV = ...
print(hello * hello)
Then, you could load/compile the file just once, and use multiple instances as such:
local code = loadfile("Code.lua")
env_list = {}
for i = 1, 10 do
local new_env = {hello=i, print=print}
env_list[i] = new_env
If you do not want the user to write _ENV = ... in every file, you could instead load the file into a string, prepend the line yourself and use load to compile the source. But this would not work on compiled files.
Use the IO libraries to load the file into a string, and then call loadstring on it.
Alternatively, just get one chunk and then change it's env prior to executing it
