Updated Parse SDK, getting " 'init()' is unavailable" for PFFile - ios

I just updated the Parse SDK and I'm getting a bunch of errors now. Where I declared "var myIcon = PFFile()", now I'm getting an error that says " 'init()' is unavailable". Anyone encounter this, how do I initialize these variables? Thanks in advance!!

You have to initialize a PFFile instance with some data. You can use any of the class methods found here.
For example, PFFile(data: YOUR_NSDATA)


'init()' is deprecated: Use init(configuration:) instead and handle errors appropriately

I am writing a code for a Sentiment Analysis using Swift, but I get this error
('init()' is deprecated: Use init(configuration:) instead and handle errors appropriately.),
when writing this line of code:
let model = SentimentsClassifier_1()
Why is this happening and how can it be fixed?
Don't know how to solve this yet...

Parse local datastore doesn't work - Swift 2

I am currently using the latest version of Parse 1.14.2 and Bolts 1.8.4.Parse is implemented correctly and I have been using it for a long time now. The problem I'm facing now is when I try to use Parse's local datastore. I have the following code in my AppDelegate.swift:
clientKey: "Client_Key")
I have the following code to create and save a string named firstName in a class named contact:
let contact = PFObject(className: "contact")
contact["firstName"] = "Jack"
Here is the code to retrieve objects from the created class:
let query = PFQuery(className: "contact")
query.getFirstObjectInBackgroundWithBlock({ (object, error) -> Void in
if error == nil {
if let contact = object {
I have added libsqlite3.dylib to my project. My app doesn't crash when I run this code but it simply gives me the following message when I try to retrieve objects:
2016-08-29 11:31:38.049 App_Demo[14436:3504319] [Bolts] Warning: `BFTask` caught an exception in the continuation block.
This behavior is discouraged and will be removed in a future release.
Caught Exception: Method requires Pinning enabled.
Can anyone help me to work around this issue? I am guessing the issue is that this version of Bolts cannot pin Parse objects in the background and I need to work my way around this bug. Any help would be appreciated as I have been stuck at this for a while and can't find too much info online.
Edited: I have tried downgrading Bolts, but then Parse downgrades with it in Cocoapod and it causes errors in Xcode.
it's not objectforkey.
You need to call object["UsedName"] "UsedName" being the key. Hope that helps.

Delete parse class and object in class

I try to delete a class called "test". I found some code but nothing happens. The class are still exist.
PFObject *deleteClass = [PFObject objectWithClassName:#"test"];
[deleteClass deleteEventually];
Error message:
Failed to run command eventually with error: Error Domain=Parse Code=106 "(null)" UserInfo={message=Failed to run an eventually command., exception=Attempt to delete non-existent object.}
Edit 1: After looking through more Parse forums, I've found a definitive answer stating that you cannot do this with the Parse SDK; you must use the Parse website.
From this question on the Parse website, it looks like this should be done from your Parse dashboard. If you are constantly creating and deleting new classes and need to do this dynamically, I'm not sure you are using Parse in the way it was intended.

'PFObject' does not have a member named 'subscript'

I understand, this particular error was already posted here and there and the code is somewhat basic, but I myself still unable to figure this one out & I need advice.
The thing is when I add the first two lines of code provided on parse.com for saving objects
var gameScore = PFObject(className:"GameScore")
gameScore["score"] = 1337
I get the following error for the second line:
'PFObject' does not have a member named 'subscript'
I'm on Xcode 6.3 beta 2.
All required libraries are linked with binary, <Parse/Parse.h> imported via BridgeHeader.
What syntax should I use?
This is happening due to the 1.6.4 version of the parse sdk which added Objective-C Nullability Annotations to the framework. In particular the file Parse/PFObject.h defines:
- (PF_NULLABLE_S id)objectForKeyedSubscript:(NSString *)key;
which is causing the Swift compile error. Removing the PF_NULLABLE_S fixes the problem.
On the other hand it seems correct that an object for a keyed subscript might be nil, so I suspect this is a Swift bug...
The problem seems to be the changed method signature, as kashif suggested. Swift doesn't seem to be able to bridge to the Objective-C method because the signature no longer matches the subscript method names.
Workaround 1
You can work around this without modifying the framework by calling the subscript method directly, instead of using the [] operator:
Instead of using the instruction below for getting the value of a particular key:
let str = user["key-name"] as? Bool
Please use the following instruction:
let str = user.objectForKey("key-name") as? Bool
Instead of using the instruction below for setting the value of a particular key:
user["key-name"] = "Bla bla"
Please use the following instruction:
user.setObject("Bla bla", forKey: "key-name")
Workaround 2
Another solution is to add an extension on PFObject that implements the subscript member and calls setValue:forKey::
extension PFObject {
subscript(index: String) -> AnyObject? {
get {
return self.valueForKey(index)
set(newValue) {
if let newValue: AnyObject = newValue {
self.setValue(newValue, forKey: index)
Note that this second workaround isn't entirely safe, since I'm not sure how Parse actually implements the subscript methods (maybe they do more than just calling setValue:forKey - it has worked in my simple test cases, so it seems like a valid workaround until this is fixed in Parse/Swift.
I've successfully run your exact code.
First, make sure you are indeed saving the object in the background, after you set the new value:
I would double check for misspellings in the class name and subclass; if they are incorrect, it will not work.
If that's not the problem, verify in Parse that the "score" subclass is set to be a number. If you accidentally set it to be a string, setting it as an integer will not work.
If these suggestions have not hit the solution, then I'm not sure what the problem is. Hope I helped.
I encountered a similar error with Parse 1.6.4 and 1.6.5 in the PFConstants.h header file with method parameters.
Xcode 6.3 beta 4 has a note in the "New in..." section regarding nullability operators.
Moving the nullability operator between the pointer operator and the variable name seems to comply/compile.
PF_NULLABLE_S NSError *error
NSError * PF_NULLABLE_S error
(i.e., NSError* __nullable error)
... resolved the compiler error.
This also worked for block parameters defined with id. So...
PF_NULLABLE_S id object
id PF_NULLABLE_S object
In the above case, perhaps:
- (id PF_NULLABLE_S)objectForKeyedSubscript:(NSString *)key;
I.e., the nullability operator is after the pointer type.
I know its been a while but I encountered a similar problem when I was starting my first Parse application with SDK version 1.9.1.
The Quickstart guide had the code below as an example as to how to save values:
let testObject = PFObject(className: "TestObject")
testObject["foo"] = "bar"
testObject.saveInBackgroundWithBlock { (success: Bool, error: NSError?) -> Void in
println("Object has been saved.")
But, the line testObject["foo"] = "bar" returned the error 'PFObject' does not have a member named 'subscript'. I was able to work around the problem by changing the line to testObject.setValue("bar", forKey: "foo"). (As suggested by a tutorial video on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q6kTw_cK3zY)

Getting an error after loading sound effect and a sound effect instance

ExplosionSound = Content.Load<SoundEffect>("explosion");
ExplosionSoundInstance = ExplosionSound.CreateInstance();
The last line of the above code is underlined and i get an error stating:
"Cannot implicitly convert type 'Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Audio.SoundEffectInstance' to Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Audio.SoundEffect'.
Help would be appreciated, thank you.
It looks as if you were declared ExplosionSoundInstance as SoundEffect...
Declare it as SoundEffectInstance....
SoundEffectInstance ExplosionSoundInstance;
