Pagination with Alamofire and - ios

I have an api which could look like http://URL/news/:lastloaded/:size where lastloadedand size is the range of objects the api should return. This api returns a list of different news, which i want to show in a tableView. However in order to make it effective i wan't to make some kind of pagination, so that not all objects is loaded into the tableView. This i've achieved through simple variables like
let pageSize = 20
var lastLoadedPage = 0
however how do i make sure that the database in my case always is up to date with all the news from the api. I can easily change the api and add more parameters if it makes this easier? What is best practice? i'm using Alamofire and

Realm itself doesn't actually require pagination. The data is saved straight to disk, and then only the properties that are required are lazily paged in as they are called. As such, it's very memory-efficient, so much to the point where managing blocks of objects in memory (like pagination works) isn't necessary.
If you want to 'simulate' pagination with Realm, it's simply a matter of querying for all of the objects as a List, and then pulling out a sub-set of the objects you wish to display.
That all being said, it's probably still wise to paginate your calls to the web API so you don't needlessly download more news items than you require, but once they're downloaded and saved to Realm, you won't need to worry about any similar device-side logic. :)


In Xcode, is there a way to set up a table which is not for UI but like an 'engine' for processing data

I'm wondering if there is some sort of way to set up something similar to a spreadsheet in Xcode. I'm trying to create a 'tapping game' or a 'clicker game' and storing so many variables in regular coding would be really tough.
Having this 'table' would enable me to keep track of multipliers and upgrade levels instead of clogging my coding with it.
Preferably, I could then just tell my code what to pull and what to look for off of the table. The table would be an 'engine' of sorts and it would not be UI. The table would do all of the work behind scenes, then show it through UI based on labels and buttons.
As traxido is saying, without more details we can't point you to a concrete example/solution. Base on the title the answer is yes. It's not a ui component though. It doesn't even need to be one.
What you want is a data structure to hold your data in a way that's convenient to access (save and retrieve). You could create a class which is a composite of other data structures like arrays and dictionaries and possibly other data structures. You might end up having many questions before you're through.
So: the answer is yes. Try it yourself and ask new questions if you get stuck.
Provide the code and error messages and I bet you quickly get answers.
Yes, you can.
Create a shared or singleton instance and retain all the data in instances of it.
(or) create a custom data structure and overide set or get methods to autoprocess the exiting data everytime you add or delete data element
Ex: If you want to maintain an array thats is always sorted. MySortedArray is the custom structure that inherits NSMutableArray and maintain a protected NSMutableArray instance. Overide addObject method to ensure sorting it whenever a new object is added.

Realm over CoreData should I use NSFetchedResultController or a Dictionary?

I'm working on an app using Core Data and NSFetchedResultController but for many reasons I would like to switch it to use Realm.
I saw that there is a "Realm version" of the NSFetchedResultController on github but It wouldn't be compatible with my current code using Core Data.
The view controller is displaying a list of People from the same school, like an address book.
This list is a sublist of a people who studied in the same city.
So I was thinking to make 1 unique request to the database to retrieve the list of all people and then filter locally this list within 1 Dictionary per school [String: AnyObject] with String as Section name within the tableView and AnyObject an array of people.
first solution, make a NSFetchedResultController for each school with a predicate filtering the location. Then all delete actions etc.. are handled by the delegates -> this is not compatible with Realm
Create those dictionaries and update them for each actions... -> this works with Realm but it's very annoying to code.
Any better solution?
I need to clarify my request:
I'd like to write a class that inherit UITableViewController.
This class has a list of people sorted in the alphabetical order
The tableview has section with the first letter of their firstname
The tableview controller needs to handle updates of the data model (insert, update, delete)
As we might move from CoreData to Realm, I'd like to write code that is compatible with both so that I don't need to modify it again later. The only "smart" way I found to do it so far is to forget about the NSFetchedResultController and the RBQFetchedResultsController, because they are respectively linked to CoreData and Realm, and then use data structure like Dictionaries.
Just to clarify, you're creating a UITableView with multiple sections; 1 per school, and you want to sort a flat list of people in a Realm database into the table based on their school, correct?
If that Realm fetched results controller you mentioned (I'm guessing it's RBQFetchedResultsController) doesn't fit your app's architecture, then yeah, dictionaries would be the way to go, but it shouldn't hopefully be as 'manual' as you'd think.
The good thing about Realm Results objects are that they are 'live' in the sense that if a new item is added to Realm after the Results query was made, it'll be retroactively updated to include the new item. That being the case, as long as you're managing a dictionary of Results objects that each relate to fetching the people for each specific school, the only manual aspect would be managing the table sections themselves.
The only thing to be aware of is you'll need a mechanism to be notified when a new person has been added to a specific school (in order to know to refresh that section of the table view), but for now, it would be best if you did that in your own logic (Either through a callback block, or a delegate call).
On a sidenote, we're in the middle of adding a set of new APIs to make implementing native fetched results controller behaviour possible in Realm (i.e., automating the need to post a notification when a new object is added). We haven't got a proper release date confirmed yet, but it should be within the first quarter of 2016! :)

PageViewController : Determining "next" and "previous" when using Core Data

I am converting an app to use Core Data from previously just being in-memory objects. This app fetches data from a remote API and, previously, created objects in memory with an incrementing ID and I figured out which direction the user was navigating (turning pages) in based on whether this incrementing ID was getting larger or smaller. And based on that populated child view controllers (being given to the PageViewController) with the correct info. The object selection logic was in the didFinishAnimating pageViewController delegate method because it was only called once per page transition.
Now I'm storing some objects in Core Data and I need to know what is "next" and "previous" in order to properly set the next and previous view controllers being fed to the PageViewControllers. As before I'm fetching from a remote API but now creating Core Data managed objects based on the data retrieved from the API.
I could make my own incrementing counter field in Core Data but I wondered if there is a better way to do this? I don't want to use Core Data like a RDBMS.
More generally - how are people using Core Data to power PageViewController apps with a dynamic object collection with potentially no "last page"?
Note: This project is written in Swift.
It turns out the API I am speaking to (MediaWiki category enumeration) can return results in a timestamped fashion - I can use these timestamps as a way to determine in which direction I am going. So the lessons from this is :
See what facilities the remote API has to determine result ordering; in this case chronological ordering fit the bill.
If the results are truly un-ordered and coming from a remote source then you'll have to apply some kind of local ordering so that paging works predictably.
Store the results in an array. Pass the array (and the object to display) from one view controller to the next (dependency injection). The view controller can ask the array what index the object is at and adjust from there.

How to directly edit PFQueryTableViewController's objects NSArray

simple question, as per the subject: i have no intention of uploading changes to a returned array of PFObjects, but want to purge the array of specific items. Given it is set to readonly, what is the best way to approach this while still using PFQueryTableViewController?
Or is it better to got with a regular tableviewcontroller and lose the benefits of parse's VC?
I am trying to wrap my head around getting the proper data i require but without proper SQL, it seems very very difficult. (lack of Distinct, grouping etc)
I would override the objectsDidLoad and objectAtIndexPath methods if you want to modify the returned results. See here for a better explanation:
It's just a good post on overriding the methods in PFQTVC to do different things with the data.

how to manage lifetime of variable for multiple request

I have a variable in create method in controller ,is there any way to reuse that variable with the same value in update method. How can i pass this, or how can i maintain the lifetime for the multiple requests?
Example variable:
#m = Issue.where( :project_id => ).where( :issue => "xyz" )
As I understand it, your requirement is to re-use data that was accessed during one call to your API (for creation of an API entity), during a separate call (an update). The data is fetched from the database in the first case.
Just fetch the data again, using the same query.
The database is the only data source easily accessible in both events, that will reliably hold an up-to-date value.
As this is for a RESTful API, there should be no other state information - everything should be in either the current request or the database.
If you want, you can cache data for performance, but Ruby variables are not a reliable or efficient way to do that (because there will be several Ruby processes running independently on the web server, and you don't get to manage them from the controller code) - instead you might want to consider something like memcached if the query is slow and its results are needed in many API events. However, you should normally avoid caching data except where you have a real performance issue - because you will probably need to handle cache invalidation, too.
