While displaying an alert in IOS, keyboard does not resign from View - ios

While displaying an alert(Wrong password) in IOS 8, keyboard opens automatically and hide the alert(just in Iphone 4s because of the screen's size), so I can't click in "OK" and I also can't dismiss keyboard because first I need to close the alert!
Keyboard hides alert
(It seems the app is recovering last keyboard's state and showing up again)
How can I close the keyboard before calling the alert?(this way the state will be "closed")
I've tried:
While calling the button, but it didn't work, the alert shows up and automatically the keyboard opens over it !

if myTextField!.resignFirstResponder() is not working properly try this when you present the alert before call this -->self.view.endEditing(true)
the above function is not work well , try
Choice -1 :Using the Responder Chain
UIApplication.sharedApplication().sendAction("resignFirstResponder", to:nil, from:nil, forEvent:nil)
This will resign the first responder (and dismiss the keyboard) every time, without you needing to send resignFirstResponder to the proper view. No matter what, this will dismiss the keyboard. It’s by far the best way to do it: no worrying about who the first responder is
Choice -2 :UIView’s endEditing
(assuming your text field is a subview of the view you call this on). Most of the time:

set Delegate to myTextField
func textFieldShouldReturn(textField: UITextField) -> Bool
textField .resignFirstResponder()
return true
Other wise Try the following
var activeField : UITextField!
func textFieldDidBeginEditing(textField: UITextField)
activeField = textField
func textFieldDidEndEditing(textField: UITextField)
activeField = nil
func textFieldShouldReturn(textField: UITextField) -> Bool
textField .resignFirstResponder()
return true
Call activeField.resignFirstResponder() before alert appears

I think from iOS8 you need to use UIAlertController instead of UIAlertView. Using UiAlertView in iOS8 and above is causing keyboard to popup unnecessarily. I have seen this and i made a condition to use UIAlertController for iOS8 and above. In below version UIAlertView should work fine

This is UIAlertView bug on iOS 8.
I have same problem but UIAlertController has not problem. :3
UIAlertView was deprecated since iOS8.

In Swift 4 : below code worked for me
DispatchQueue.main.async() {


IQKeyBoardManager : Hide keyboard for a specific textfield

In my app I have a form where the user fills out his/her information, the form has some textfields and amongst those is one where the user can select their country. This textfiled is a dropdown which when active displays a dropdown (tableview) with the list of countries to select. I have created a demo project, to reproduce the issue and share it here.
In this demo, I have add 3 textfields, when the user goes to the second textfiled, using the next button on the keyboard, a tableview is displayed. Now what I want to achieve is my keyboard should hide when the dropdown tableview is displayed.
I have put in quite some time trying to figure this out but has no success.
Here is the link to the demo project:
Any help is greatly appretiated.
P.S: For some weird reason, when you click next when the first textfiled is active, it jumps to the third one first and then goes to second textfield after next is clicked one more time. However, this has nothing to do with the original problem so I left it there.
No need to handle different delegate. In your viewDidload you can do something like,
yourTextField.inputView = UIView.init(frame: CGRect.zero)
yourTextField.inputAccessoryView = UIView.init(frame: CGRect.zero)
so, for that textfield keyboard or toolbar will not be appeared.
You can use your UITextField's delegate and implement the textFieldShouldBeginEditing. Something like
func textFieldShouldBeginEditing(_ textField: UITextField) -> Bool {
if textField == theTextFieldToIgnore {
return false
As for your textField chaining, you should implement the textFieldShouldReturn
func textFieldShouldReturn(_ textField: UITextField) -> Bool {
if textField == firstOne {
return true
Return key Action which textfield you want to resign
- (BOOL)textFieldShouldReturn:(UITextField *)textField {
[self.yourTf resignFirstResponder];

Get Keyboard frame without keyboardWillAppear userinfo notification, iOS

I am developing an iPhone app in which I have to show some customize picker in case of a button event. But I don't want to hard coded values for the frame of my custom pickerView. I searched and found keyboardWillShow notification userInfo method, but in my case I am not showing keyboard so can't get frame out of it. Can anybody help me way out for getting keyboard frame that I can use for my customize picker?
You can use a UITextField and call becomeFirstResponder and immediately resignFirstResponder on it, so it will be shown and hidden without actually seeing the keyboard.
the action method of the button will look like the following:
#IBAction func showPickerView(sender: AnyObject)
let textField = UITextField()
And you could listen to the notification and get the height.
for further information: Get height of iOS keyboard without UIKeyboardWillShowNotification

Keyboard blinks when moving to Next Responder

I implemented basic Next button on the Text Field using the following code:
func textFieldShouldReturn(textField: UITextField) -> Bool {
let didResign = textField.resignFirstResponder()
if(!didResign) {
return false
let myView = getParentView(textField)
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), { myView.nextField?.contentTextField.becomeFirstResponder() })
return true
What annoys me is that before nextField becomes First Responder, the keyboard disappears for a brief moment which looks ugly.
The effect is not always visible, sometimes it looks like the keyboard stayed up, sometimes it blinks fast.
Is there a way to resign first responder but still keep the keyboard up?
Move to next field whilst keeping the keyboard?
If you're working with UI, you should be on the main queue, so there's no need to dispatch_async to the main queue. Removing this code will make your code cleaner.
The method you're implemented determines the behavior of the app when the return key is pressed. Resigning first responder dismisses the keyboard, so if this is not the effect you want, don't resign first responder.

Swype keyboard in iOS8 for normal and password (secure text entry) UITextField

I've a login view with a normal and a secure text entry UITextFields.
In iOS8, using Swype keyboard, hitting the "Next" key doesn't go to the next responder as with the default keyboard.
If I open the keyboard hitting the password UITextField, it opens the default keyboard and it doesn't allow me to select Swype keyboard.
Apple doesn't allow custom keyboards for password
So, is there a way to know if the keyboard is missing that setting and force the next responder to open the default keyboard?
The keyboard change is done by default. If you just go to next responder, iOS will take care to change the keyboard to the iOS one. I'm using Swiftkey here and the change is automatic.
Are you delegating the textFields to your view controller? On mine, I use the textFieldShouldReturn method and go from one textField to the other (Swift code below):
func textFieldShouldReturn(textField: UITextField) -> Bool {
if(textField == usernameTextField) {
} else {
return true

How to know when UITextView became first responder

How to handle when uitextview became first responder. I have text in text view and I want when the view became active want to clear the text. How can I do that? Thanks in advance
You can definitely use a UITextViewDelegate method of:
- (BOOL)textViewShouldBeginEditing:(UITextView *)textView
Just return YES and intercept inside that method. You can also do it for UITextFields with UITextFieldDelegate and:
- (BOOL)textFieldShouldBeginEditing:(UITextField *)textField
textViewShouldBeginEditing actually triggers before the text view becomes the first responder.
textViewDidBeginEditing will trigger once the text view becomes the first responder and would be the best place to execute code that needs to know what the active textview is.
If you are not really worried about which field is active and just want to clear the text once the field is tapped on you could use either function.
EDIT: The same methods are available for text fields.
As above, you can override becomeFirstResponder but note that you must call the superclass implementation. If you don't, things like popping the keyboard on a text field won't work. i.e.
override func becomeFirstResponder() -> Bool {
if super.becomeFirstResponder() {
// set up the control state
return true
return false
The Swift 4 solution
func textFieldShouldBeginEditing(_ textField: UITextField) -> Bool {
return true
Previous answers do the job great for UITextBox, but if you have a custom class derived from NSResponder and need to know when it becomes first responder:
-(BOOL) becomeFirstResponder
// Your stuff here
return YES;
