Threads and Queues in iOS - not NSThread - ios

I'd like to get a conceptual understanding of serial/concurrent queues and threads in iOS. I have a solid grasp of the queue data structure and how it's used.
Are threads just, in an unofficial sense, an abstraction of a queue? Meaning they're implemented using queue data structures. Each queue is then an actual thread, but they act as queues in that processes are executed in a first in, first out fashion?
That would stand for serial queues, as those DO indeed follow FIFO, but then concurrent queues are a different ball game. You don't know what processes are executing when, and even though you have them on one queue, they are actually getting fired on different threads wherever there is availability? Meaning that queues can actually contain or refer to multiple threads?
Any help or pointers to resources (not including apple documentation, which I'm currently going through) would be greatly appreciated.

Queues are one of the methods to create threads in iOS.
A thread is the current execution of a code.
The main thread (Thread 0) is actually the single thread which runs always during the app lifetime. The others, if they are not attached to a NSRunLoop which have something like while(1) { code...}, then they'll finish immediately after the code is executed.
Wikipedia should be your friend:


Are threads shared between different Dispatch queues?

Can a single thread be used in different dispatch queues?
I'm developing an app where i want to get a value depending on the thread where the code is running. For that i change the name of the thread when the block starts in a custom queue.
For example, if I add a block to mi custom queue, and i change the name of that thread to "SyncThread". Does a block called in a default system queue will be executed in that "SyncThread"?
Can a single thread be used in different dispatch queues?
Yes, and this is common. (The concept of "different dispatch queues" is itself problematic, since queues can, and do, target other queues. Seemingly simple questions like "what is the current queue" are not well defined.)
I'm developing an app where i want to get a value depending on the thread where the code is running. For that i change the name of the thread when the block starts in a custom queue.
What you likely want for this is queue contextual data rather than thread-specific data (usually called thread-local storage). See DispatchQueue.setSpecific(key:value:).
You use the terms thread and queue interchangeably but they aren't interchangeable; they're two distinct things. Apple doesn't want developers threading anymore, they want developers queueing their tasks. The queueing is handled by GCD which does all the threading behind the scenes. This means that two queues can certainly run on the same thread. And while all tasks within a queue run on distinct threads, not every task is guaranteed to run on the same thread, so keep that in mind. Therefore, I would take the advice given here to focus instead on queue context, not thread context.

Thread Pool: DispatchQueue.main.async

I'd worked on Java, and pretty much clear with the working of threads and thread pool.
I was wondering if anyone can explain the working of how thread's are created and allocated space in the thread pool in swift ?.
Also, does
Dispatch.main.async {
// some code
Creates a new Thread or Asynchronously executes the task ?
Thanks in advance =)
Queues and threads are separate concepts. Queues are ordered (sometimes prioritized) sequences of blocks to execute. As (mostly) an implementation detail, blocks must be scheduled onto threads in order to execute, but this is not the major point of them.
So Dispatch.main.async dispatches (appends) a block to the main queue. The main queue is serial and somewhat special in that it is promised to also be run exclusively on the main thread (as noted by Paulw11). It also promises to be associated with the main runloop. Understanding this "appends a block to a queue" concept is critical, because it has significant impact on how you design things in queues vs how you design things in threads. async does not mean "start running this now." It means "stick this on a queue, but don't wait for it."
As a good example of how the designs can be different, placing something on a queue doesn't mean it will ever run (even without bugs or deadlocks). It is possible and useful to suspend queues so that it stops scheduling blocks. It's possible to tie queues to other queues so that when a queue "schedules" something, it just puts it onto another queue rather than executing it. There are lots of things you can do with queues unrelated to "run things in the background." You can attach completion handlers to blocks. You can use groups to wait on collections of blocks. GCD is a way of thinking about concurrency. Parallelism is just a side benefit. (A great discussion of this concept is Concurrency is not parallelism by Rob Pike. It's in Go, but the concepts still apply.)
If you call Dispatch.main.async while running on the main queue, then that block is absolutely certain to not execute until the current block finishes. In UIKit and AppKit, "the current block finishes" often means "you return from a method that was called by the OS." While not implemented this way, you can pretend that every time you're called from the OS, it was wrapped in a call to Dispatch.main.async.
This is also why you must never call Dispatch.main.sync (note sync) from the main queue. That block will wait for you to return, and you'll wait until the block finishes. A classic deadlock.
As a rule, the thread pool is not your business in iOS. It is an implementation detail. Occasionally you need to think about it for performance reasons, but if you are thinking too much about it, you probably are designing your concurrency incorrectly.
If you're coming from Java, you definitely want to read Migrating Away From Threads in the Concurrency Programming Guide. It's the definitive resource for how to rethink thread-based patterns in queues.
Your code queues the block of code on the main queue (Dispatch.main) and returns immediately (.async), before executing the code.
You do not have control over which thread is used by the queue. Even if you create an own queue:
let serialQueue = DispatchQueue(label: "queuename")
serialQueue.async {
you do not know which thread your code will be running on.
As correctly stated by Paulw11 in the comment,
... if you dispatch a task on the main queue, it is guaranteed to execute on the main thread. If you dispatch a task on any other queue, you don't know which thread it will execute on; it may execute on the main thread or some other thread.

Confusing with technical terminology between Thread and Queue

I am newer to iPhone development. With focusing on develop multi-threading Apps, I have referred to some Apple documents and others explaining thread and multi-threading concepts. But as far as work-queue is concerned, I am confused in understanding relation between Thread, Task and Queue. Some documents says, a thread can have multiple tasks and those tasks is stored in queue, thus each thread may have its own queue. Whereas, some says that, threads themselves are stored in queue.
My question is, can we say:
(1) Threads can have multiple Tasks and those task are stored and managed inside a Queue of that thread.
(2) Threads themselves are stored and managed inside a Queue.
Secondly, I also read something like this:
Another advantage of using a thread pool over creating a new thread for each task is thread creation and destruction overhead is negated.
Is thread pool synonym for work-queue?
I am clear now.
Thread and queue is totally different things. Thread is separate code of execution while queue is data structure for maintaining tasks. A thread can have multiple tasks and all threads may be created for particular goal that is Process. A thread has its own space in memory for its variables and other things.
So, in multi-threading programming, queue is a mechanism that handle sequence of tasks to be executed. Queue always executes tasks in serial order. However, if we want to execute tasks concurrently, we would have to create concurrent queues. Thus multiple queues can executed concurrently benefiting multiprogramming. With latest API, it is upto operating system that how to schedule those tasks. Tasks may or may not be executed on separate thread. Structure always depends on our requirement.

GCD and Threads

I want to understand something about GCD and Threads.
I have a for loop in my view controller which asks my model to do some async network request.
So if the loop runs 5 times, the model sends out 5 network requests.
Is it correct to state that 5 threads have been created by my model considering the fact that I'm using NSURLConnection's sendAsyncRequest and the completion handlers will be called on an additional 5 threads ?
Now, If I ask my view controller to execute this for loop on a different thread and in every iteration of the loop, the call to the model should be dependent on the previous iteration, would I be creating an "Inception" of threads here ?
Basically, I want the subsequent async requests to my server only if the previous thread has completed entirely (By entirely I mean all of its sub threads should have finished executing too.)
I can't even frame the question properly because I'm massively confused myself.
But if anybody could help with anything, that would be helpful.
It is not correct to state that five threads have been created in the general case.
There is no one-to-one mapping between threads and blocks. GCD is an implementation of thread pooling.
A certain number of threads are created according to the optimal setup for that device — the cost of creating and maintaing threads under that release of the OS, the number of processor cores available, the number of threads it already has but which are presently blocked and any other factors Apple cares to factor in may all be relevant.
GCD will then spread your blocks over those threads. Or it may create new threads. But it won't necessarily.
Beyond that queues are just ways of establishing the sequencing between blocks. A serial dispatch queue does not necessarily own its own thread. All concurrent dispatch queues do not necessarily own their own threads. But there's no reason to believe that any set of queues shares any threads.
The exact means of picking threads for blocks has changed between versions of the OS. E.g. iOS 4 was highly profligate in thread creation, in a way that iOS 5+ definitely haven't been.
GCD will just try to do whatever is best in the circumstances. Don't waste your time trying to second guess it.
"Basically, I want the subsequent async requests to my server only if the previous thread has completed entirely (By entirely I mean all of its sub threads should have finished executing too.)"
Only focusing on the above statement to avoid confusion. Simple solution would be create a queue. feed the queue with 5 loops. Each loop will be making network request synchronously(you can use sendSynchronousRequest: method available in NSURLConnection), performing the operations after request completion and then start the next loop. queue following FIFO will execute the your requests subsequently.
GCD : Think of this as a simple queue that can accept tasks. Tasks are blocks of your code. You can put in as many tasks as you want in a queue (permitting system limits). Queues come in different flavors. Concurrent vs Serial. Main vs Global. High Priority vs Low Priority. A queue is not a thread.
Thread : It is a single line of execution of code in sequence. You can have multiple threads working on your code at the same time. A thread is not a queue.
Once you separate the 2 entities things start become clear.
GCD basically uses the threads in the process to work on tasks. In a serial queue everything is processed in sequence. So you don't need to have synchronization mechanisms in your code, the very nature of serial queue ensures synchronization. If this is a concurrent queue (i.e. 2 or more tasks being processed at the same time, then you need to ensure critical sections of your code are protected with synchronization).
Here is how you queue work to be done.
dispatch_async(_yourDispatchQueue, ^() {
NSLog (#"work queued");
The above NSLog will now get executed in a background thread in a near future time, but in a background thread.
If you notice when we put a request in we use dispatch_async. The other variation is dispatch_sync. The different between the 2 is after you put the request in the queue, the async variation will move on. The sync variation will not !!
If you are going to use a GCD for NSURLConnection you need to be careful on which thread you start the connection. Here is a SO link for more info. GCD with NSURLConnection

What is the difference between 'thread' and 'queue' in iOS development? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Use of the terms "queues", "multicore", and "threads" in Grand Central Dispatch
(3 answers)
Closed 8 years ago.
I am new to iOS development. Now I am quite confused about the two concepts: "thread" and "queue". All I know is that they both are about multithread programming. Can anyone interpret those two concepts and the difference between them for me?
Thanks in advance!
How NSOperationQueue and NSThread Works:
iOS developers have to write code for the work/process he want to perform along with for the creation and management of the threads themselves.
iOS developers have to be careful about a plan of action for using threads.
iOS developer have to manage posiable problems like reuseability of thread, lockings etc. by them self.
Thread will consume more memory too.
The NSOperation class is an abstract class which encapsulates the code and data associated with a single task.
Developer needs to use subclass or one of the system-defined subclasses of NSOperation to perform the task.
Add operations into NSOperationQueue to execute them.
The NSOperationQueue creates a new thread for each operation and runs them in the order they are added.
Operation queues handle all of the thread management, ensuring that operations are executed as quickly and efficiently as possible.
An operation queue executes operations either directly by running them on secondary threads or indirectly using GCD (Grand Central Dispatch).
It takes care of all of the memory management and greatly simplifies the process.
If you don’t want to use an operation queue, you can also execute an operation by calling its start method. It may make your code too complex.
How To Use NSThread And NSOperationQueue:
Though Operation queues is the preferred way to perform tasks concurrently, depending on application there may still be times when you need to create custom threads.
Threads are still a good way to implement code that must run in real time.
Use threads for specific tasks that cannot be implemented in any other way.
If you need more predictable behavior from code running in the background, threads may still offer a better alternative.
Use NSOperationQueue when you have more complex operations you want to run concurrently.
NSOperation allows for subclassing, dependencies, priorities, cancellation and a supports a number of other higher-level features.
NSOperation actually uses GCD under the hood so it is as multi-core, multi-thread capable as GCD.
Now you should aware about advantages and disadvantages of NSTread and NSOperation. You can use either of them as per needs of your application.
Before you read my answer you might want to consider reading this - Migrating away from Threads
I am keeping the discussion theoretical as your question does not have any code samples. Both these constructs are required for increasing app responsiveness & usability.
A message queue is a data structure for holding messages from the time they're sent until the time the receiver retrieves and acts on them. Generally queues are used as a way to 'connect' producers (of data) & consumers (of data).
A thread pool is a pool of threads that do some sort of processing. A thread pool will normally have some sort of thread-safe queue (refer message queue) attached to allow you to queue up jobs to be done. Here the queue would usually be termed 'task-queue'.
So in a way thread pool could exist at your producer end (generating data) or consumer end (processing the data). And the way to 'pass' that data would be through queues. Why the need for this "middleman" -
It decouples the systems. Producers do not know about consumers & vice versa.
The Consumers are not bombarded with data if there is a spike in Producer data. The queue length would increase but the consumers are safe.
In iOS the main thread, also called the UI thread, is very important because it is in charge of dispatching the events to the appropriate widget and this includes the drawing events, basically the UI that the user sees & interacts.
If you touch a button on screen, the UI thread dispatches the touch event to the app, which in turn sets its pressed state and posts an request to the event queue. The UI thread dequeues the request and notifies the widget to redraw itself.
