As part of my assignment, I am working on couple of datasets, and finding their training errors with linear Regression. I was wondering whether the standardization has any effect on the training error or not? My correlation, and RMSE is coming out to be equal for datasets before and after the standardization.
It is easy to show that for linear regression it does not matter if you just transform input data through scaling (by a; the same applies for translation, meaning that any transformation of the form X' = aX + b for real a != 0,b have the same property).
X' = aX
w = (X^TX)X^Ty
w' = (aX^TaX)^-1 aX^Ty
w' = 1/a w
X^Tw = 1/a aX^T w = aX^T 1/a w = X'^Tw'^T
Consequently the projection, where the error is computed is exactly the same before and after scaling, so any type of loss function (independent on x) yields the exact same results.
However, if you scale output variable, then errors will change. Furthermore, if you standarize your dataset in more complex way then by just multiplying by a number (for example - by whitening or by nearly any rotation) then your results will depend on the preprocessing. If you use regularized linear regression (ridge regression) then even scaling the input data by a constant matters (as it changes the "meaning" of regularization parameter).
Am trying to understand math behind Linear Regression and i have verified in multiple sites that Linear Regression works under OLS method with y=mx+c to get best fit line
So in order to calculate intercept and slope we use below formula(if am not wrong)
m = sum of[ (x-mean(x)) (y-mean(y)) ] / sum of[(x-mean(x))]
c = mean(y) - b1(mean(x))
So with this we get x and c values to substitute in above equation to get y predicted values and can predict for newer x values.
But my doubt is when does "Gradient Descent" used. I understood it is also used for calculating co-efficients only in such a way it reduces the cost function by finding local minima value.
Please help me in this
Are this two having separate functions in python/R.
Or linear regression by default works on Gradient Descent(if so then when does above formula used for calculating m and c values)
Given a classification problem in Machine Learning the hypothesis is described as below.
z = θ'x
g(z) = 1 / (1+e^−z)
In order to get our discrete 0 or 1 classification, we can translate the output of the hypothesis function as follows:
The way our logistic function g behaves is that when its input is greater than or equal to zero, its output is greater than or equal to 0.5:
So if our input to g is θTX, then that means:
From these statements we can now say:
If The decision boundary is the line that separates the area where y = 0 and where y = 1 and is created by our hypothesis function:
What part of this relates to the Decision Boundary? Or where does the Decision Boundary algorithm come from?
This is basic logistic regression with a threshold. So your theta' * x is just the vector notation of your weight vector multiplied by your input. If you put that into the logistic function which outputs a value between 0 and 1 exclusively, you'll threshold that value at 0.5. So if it's equal and above this, you'll treat it as a positive sample and as a negative one otherwise.
The classification algorithm is just that simple. The training is a bit more complicated and the goal of it is the find a weight vector theta which satisfies the condition to correctly classify all your labeled data...or at least as much as possible. The way to do this is to minimize a cost function which measures the difference between the output of your function and the expected label. You can do this using gradient descent. I guess, Andrew Ng is teaching this.
Edit: Your classification algorithm is g(theta'x)>=0.5 and g(theta'x)<0.5, so a basic step function.
Courtesy of other posters on a different tech forum.
Solving for theta'*x >= 0 and theta'*x<0 gives the decision boundary. The RHS of the inequality ( i.e. 0) comes from the sigmoid function.
Theta gives you the hypothesis that best fits the training set.
From theta, you can compute the decision boundary - it is the locus of points where (X * theta) = 0, or equivalently where g(X * theta) = 0.5.
I have a function f(x): R^n --> R (sorry, is there a way to do LaTeX here?), and I want to build a machine learning algorithm that estimates f(x) for any input point x, based on a bunch of sample xs in a training data set. If I know the value of f(x) for every x in the training data, this should be simple - just do a regression, or take the weighted average of nearby points, or whatever.
However, this isn't what my training data looks like. Rather, I have a bunch of pairs of points (x, y), and I know the value of f(x) - f(y) for each pair, but I don't know the absolute values of f(x) for any particular x. It seems like there ought to be a way to use this data to find an approximation to f(x), but I haven't found anything after some Googling; there are papers like this but they seem to assume that the training data comes in the form of a set of discrete labels for each entity, rather than having labels over pairs of entities.
This is just making something up, but could I try kernel density estimation over f'(x), and then do integration to get f(x)? Or is that crazy, or is there a known better technique?
You could assume that f is linear, which would simplify things - if f is linear we know that:
f(x-y) = f(x) - f(y)
For example, Suppose you assume f(x) = <w, x>, making w the parameter you want to learn. How would the squared loss per sample (x,y) and known difference d look like?
loss((x,y), d) = (f(x)-f(y) - d)^2
= (<w,x> - <w,y> - d)^2
= (<w, x-y> - d)^2
= (<w, z> - d)^2 // where z:=x-y
Which is simply the squared loss for z=x-y
Practically, you would need to construct z=x-y for each pair and then learn f using linear regression over inputs z and outputs d.
This model might be too weak for your needs, but its probably the first thing you should try. Otherwise, as soon as you step away from the linearity assumption, you'd likely arrive at a difficult non-convex optimization problem.
I don't see a way to get absolute results. Any constant in your function (f(x) = g(x) + c) will disappear, in the same way constants disappear in an integral.
In most of classifications (e.g. logistic / linear regression) the bias term is ignored while regularizing. Will we get better classification if we don't regularize the bias term?
Y = aX + b
Regularization is based on the idea that overfitting on Y is caused by a being "overly specific", so to speak, which usually manifests itself by large values of a's elements.
b merely offsets the relationship and its scale therefore is far less important to this problem. Moreover, in case a large offset is needed for whatever reason, regularizing it will prevent finding the correct relationship.
So the answer lies in this: in Y = aX + b, a is multiplied with the explanatory/independent variable, b is added to it.
When doing regression or classification, what is the correct (or better) way to preprocess the data?
Normalize the data -> PCA -> training
PCA -> normalize PCA output -> training
Normalize the data -> PCA -> normalize PCA output -> training
Which of the above is more correct, or is the "standardized" way to preprocess the data? By "normalize" I mean either standardization, linear scaling or some other techniques.
You should normalize the data before doing PCA. For example, consider the following situation. I create a data set X with a known correlation matrix C:
>> C = [1 0.5; 0.5 1];
>> A = chol(rho);
>> X = randn(100,2) * A;
If I now perform PCA, I correctly find that the principal components (the rows of the weights vector) are oriented at an angle to the coordinate axes:
>> wts=pca(X)
wts =
0.6659 0.7461
-0.7461 0.6659
If I now scale the first feature of the data set by 100, intuitively we think that the principal components shouldn't change:
>> Y = X;
>> Y(:,1) = 100 * Y(:,1);
However, we now find that the principal components are aligned with the coordinate axes:
>> wts=pca(Y)
wts =
1.0000 0.0056
-0.0056 1.0000
To resolve this, there are two options. First, I could rescale the data:
>> Ynorm = bsxfun(#rdivide,Y,std(Y))
(The weird bsxfun notation is used to do vector-matrix arithmetic in Matlab - all I'm doing is subtracting the mean and dividing by the standard deviation of each feature).
We now get sensible results from PCA:
>> wts = pca(Ynorm)
wts =
-0.7125 -0.7016
0.7016 -0.7125
They're slightly different to the PCA on the original data because we've now guaranteed that our features have unit standard deviation, which wasn't the case originally.
The other option is to perform PCA using the correlation matrix of the data, instead of the outer product:
>> wts = pca(Y,'corr')
wts =
0.7071 0.7071
-0.7071 0.7071
In fact this is completely equivalent to standardizing the data by subtracting the mean and then dividing by the standard deviation. It's just more convenient. In my opinion you should always do this unless you have a good reason not to (e.g. if you want to pick up differences in the variation of each feature).
You need to normalize the data first always. Otherwise, PCA or other techniques that are used to reduce dimensions will give different results.
Normalize the data at first. Actually some R packages, useful to perform PCA analysis, normalize data automatically before performing PCA.
If the variables have different units or describe different characteristics, it is mandatory to normalize.
the answer is the 3rd option as after doing pca we have to normalize the pca output as the whole data will have completely different standard. we have to normalize the dataset before and after PCA as it will more accuarate.
I got another reason in PCA objective function.
May you see detail in this link
enter link description here
Assuming the X matrix has been normalized before PCA.