Moving data between Neo4j databases - neo4j

I have to move data between two Neo4j databases. One of them is older (2.1.8) and the new one is 2.3.0.
What I tried is this, but you can see also in the output that something is wrong.
/home/adam/neo4j-community-2.1.8/bin/neo4j-shell -path /home/adam/neo4j_bak9/ -c "dump" | /home/adam/neo4j-community-2.3.0/bin/neo4j-shell -file -
Transaction started
3 ms
WARNING: Invalid input 'c': expected whitespace, comment, ';' or end of input (line 2, column 1 (offset: 39))
"create index on :`Location`(`latitude`)"
ERROR (-v for expanded information):
Transaction was marked as successful, but unable to commit transaction so rolled back.
-host Domain name or IP of host to connect to (default: localhost)
-port Port of host to connect to (default: 1337)
-name RMI name, i.e. rmi://<host>:<port>/<name> (default: shell)
-pid Process ID to connect to
-c Command line to execute. After executing it the shell exits
-file File containing commands to execute, or '-' to read from stdin. After executing it the shell exits
-readonly Connect in readonly mode (only for connecting with -path)
-path Points to a neo4j db path so that a local server can be started there
-config Points to a config file when starting a local server
Example arguments for remote:
-port 1337
-host -port 1337 -name shell
-host localhost -readonly
...or no arguments for default values
Example arguments for local:
-path /path/to/db
-path /path/to/db -config /path/to/neo4j.config
-path /path/to/db -readonly
It look that neo4j is producing syntax that could not be read by the new version. Am I doing something wrong or this is a bug?

That's a problem that I've had. I think that it's expecting semi-colons (or vice versa) for the create index statements at the top of the dump. It's sad that it's not more of a smooth import/export there.
Another option for the easiest and cleanest way of upgrading Neo4j (assuming you're able to have a bit of downtime):
Shut down both servers
Copy the graph.db dir from the old data dir to the new one
Make sure that the new database has allow_store_upgrade=true set in the conf/ file
Start up the new database
When it starts up, it should see that the database files are from an old version and automatically upgrade them to the 2.3.0 format.


Running CQL file in Neo4j

I have a CQL file called Novis.cql. Its somewhere random on my harddrive, but I want to run it in Neo4J to create my graph (it contains 500+ lines of code).
Where do I have to place it? And what command do I have to run nowadays to get it working? I've read and searched for answers, but some of the commands like Neo4jshell dont seem to work any longer...
Any help would be very appreciated!
The cypher-shell tool has been available for a while (starting with version 3.0, if not earlier), and you can use it to execute a Cypher query from a file that can be anywhere in your file system.
For example (on a linux/unix system), a command line like this will work (if you are in the neo4j home directory):
cat /my/full/path/my_code.cql | bin/cypher-shell -u neo4j -p secret
In neo4j 4.0 a new -f option was added to make it simpler:
bin/cypher-shell -u neo4j -p secret -f /my/full/path/my_code.cql

Connecting to a Progress Openedge database from ABL

This code works fine if I run it in the Progress Editor. If I save this as a .p file and click on right button "RUN", it gives me an error that database doesn't exist. I understand that maybe I should insert some code to connect to a database.
Does anybody know what statement I should use?
OUTPUT STREAM st1 TO c:\temp\teste.csv.
FOR EACH bdName.table NO-LOCK:
PUT STREAM st1 UNFORMATTED bdName.Table.attr ";" SKIP.
Exactly as you say you need to connect to your database. This can be done in a couple of different ways.
Connect by CONNECT statement
You can connect a database using the CONNECT statement. Basically:
CONNECT <database name> [options]
Here's a simple statement that is connecting to a local database named "database" running on port 43210.
CONNECT database.db -H localhost -S 43210.
-H specifies the host running the database. This can be a name or an IP-address. -S specifies the port (or service) that the database uses for connections. This can be a number or a service-name (in that case it must be specified in /etc/services or similar)
However you cannot connect to a database and work with it's tables in the same program. Instead you will need to connect in one program and then run the logic in a second program
/* runProgram.p */
CONNECT database -H dbserver -S 29000.
RUN program.p.
DISCONNECT database.
/* program.p */
FOR EACH exampletable NO-LOCK:
DISPLAY exampletable.
Connect by command line parameters
You can simple add parameters in your startup command so that the new session connects to one or more databases from start.
prowin32.exe -db mydatabase -H localhost -S 7777
Look at the option below (parameter file) before doing this
Connect by command line parameter (using a parameter file)
Another option is to use a parameter file, normally with the extension .pf.
Then you will have to modify how you start your session so instead of just doing prowin32.exe (if your on windows) you add the -pf parameter:
prowin32.exe -pf
The parameterfile will then contain all your connection parameters:
-db database -S localhost -P 12345
Hashtag (#) is used for comments in parameter files.
On Linux/Unix you would run:
pro -pf
You can also mix the different ways for different databases used in the same session.

Where to find dumped data (using dump command in Neo4j Shell) in Neo4j

Wondering where to find the dumped file of neo4j dump command. I was running Neo4j v2.1.3 in windows operating system. Please help thanks.
I believe the dump command just outputs to the console, so you need to redirect the output. Something like:
Neo4jShell.bat -c "dump match (n:People)-[:Shared]-(m) return n,m;" > social.connection.db\test2.cql
Edited with the Windows version of the command
For UNIX systems a similar command works:
neo4j-shell -c "dump match (n:People)-[:Shared]-(m) return n,m;" > social.connection.db/test2.cql

How do you delimit mulitiple Neo4j cypher queries in a script file?

I have programmatically generated a bunch of cypher queries to populate a Neo4j database. I wanted to use the drag and drop feature of the Database access page at port 7474 to load the statements. I can execute the individual statements just fine. But the statements in aggregate (delimited with ';') produce a syntax error.
You can use the neo4j-shell (Neo4jShell.bat) to run multiple statements separated by ;
The shell lives in the bin directory of your neo4j-server, but is also available under localhost:7474/webadmin/#/console/.
By default it connects to a running server but you can also specify a database directory:
bin/neo4j-shell -path test.db [-config conf/] [-file import.cql]
And you can pass along a file to be read and executed (e.g. for import).
On Unix Systems you can also pipe to the shell:
cat import.cql | bin/neo4j-shell -path test.db
See Rik's Blog for more fun with the shell, there is also

Postgresql fails to be recognised on the correct path

I'm trying to setup a new app with postgresql so I can deploy with Heroku. However, when I run the app using 'rails server' my welcome to rails screen gives this error:
could not connect to server: Permission denied Is the server running
locally and accepting connections on Unix domain socket
I'm sure this is the same issue as is covered here:
Repairing Postgresql after upgrading to OSX 10.7 Lion
But the fix by John Wang doesn't work.
I've tried adding 'export PATH=/usr/local/bin:$PATH' to the .bash_profile, .bashrc and .zshrc, none of which change the outcome. Calling which psql always returns /usr/bin/psql.
What am I doing wrong here? Any help would be much appreciated!
Running /usr/local/bin/psql gives the same error and running echo $PATH gives:
What happens if you run your locally installed psql directly?
/usr/local/bin/psql ...
If that works then it's the path you need to change. You can just try running the export in a terminal, then which psql. If that doesn't pick up the right psql then check the export worked with
echo $PATH
I'm not sure which .xxrc file you'll need to update then - not got a mac to hand I'm afraid, but at least you'll know the command will work.
Oh - I keep several different versions of PostgreSQL around and find it useful to have some aliases set up:
alias psql90='/usr/local/pgsql90/bin/psql -p 5490'
alias psql84='/usr/local/pgsql84/bin/psql -p 5484'
alias pg_dump90=...
Your $PATH is just a list of directories to check separated by ":". It starts /opt/local/bin rather than /usr/local/bin and if you look further along you'll see /usr/bin coming before /usr/local/bin. So - we need to do two things:
Find out which psql we actually want
Make sure we can edit our PATH
Firstly - find your postgresql.conf file and check what port you are running on. There are three items of interest: listen_addresses, port and unix_socket_directory. Then we'll see if there's a socket there.
ls -a <your unix_socket_directory>
You should see a "file" something like ".s.PGSQL.5432" where the 5432 is the port number from your config file. If there's no such file, it's not running and it's time to get it running. You may need to change the port number in the config file if it matches Apple's existing usage.
Then find what psql installations exist
find /usr -type f -name psql
find /opt -type f -name psql
Try and figure out which one you need, perhaps add --version to help.
Then, let's see about editing your PATH. You must have some changes in your settings file anyway, so let's see if we can find where that setting is.
grep -l 'local/bin' ~/.*rc
That should list filenames containing local/bin - have a look and see if they are editing your PATH.
