Trigger mobile notification of task creation - ruby-on-rails

I'm joining my app to Asana and I'm creating automatically tasks. I would like to notify assigned user to his new task.
I didn't find anything about that from Asana API documentation
Does anyone have an idea to trigger a mobile notification? Is that even possible?

When you create a task, you can assign it, or add followers to it, or even add a comment to it. But push notifications are logic the user controls, rather than the integration. If I want to be notified of new tasks assigned to me, I will be.


How can I go about setting up push notifications using firebase cloud messaging and cloud functions?

I'm been coding for a year now and know swift really well and the basics to javascript. I've built a social media like app and its completely done besides the push notification functionality... which i've been struggling with for quite a while now.
I'm having trouble figuring out how to implement these in order to send notifications like when a user follows another user or they receive a new messege.
I don't understand how to integrate the cloud functions that I would write using and node.js with my xcode project.
When I look for documentation online its usually just how to send push notifications using the firebase notifications console which is cool but doesn't trigger based off specific user actions or events (ex: when the user gets a new follower)
I think since im struggling with grasping the concept of how to implement it, the actual technical set up of it makes even less sense. Any advice or resources would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you
Conceptually, what you have to do is set up server-side processing of your database to manage when events occur. This is what the Node.js code will be. Everything is connected through the database-- your Xcode and Node.js code work independently, but both communicate with Firebase. You can create a Cloud Function that will automatically run when it detects changes in your database, and this will automatically send push notifications.
I've done a similar project-- I set up a listener for my Realtime Database in my Cloud Function. Every time the user got a new follower, i.e. their followers tree was updated, I sent a notification to the device using an FCM token (which I also stored in the database).
exports.onTimeEnd = functions.database.ref("users/{user}/followers")
.onUpdate((snapshot, context) => {
// your code here
In that block, you can call a .once() to find out the user's token to send them a notification with.
This link here told me everything I had to do in regards to set up in the terminal. Super helpful.

How to send a simple data message from one user to another and bring up a page loading the data?

I was wondering how mobile news apps send messages where if you click on the push notification, the app takes you to the specific article. I am trying to perform a similar task but have the user generate a message and send it to another user. When the user on the other end receives the message, they should be taken to another view that displays the message data.
Would I use the Firebase In-App Messaging or would I need an external server with the Firebase Admin SDK implemented?
You need to make use of userNotificationCenter(_:didReceive:withCompletionHandler:), firing the appropriate logic based on the contents of your notifications, or the action selected by the user.
See this blog post for an overview of how you can open a specific view controller from the background. As an example, this project on GitHub uses Firebase and seems to do what you're trying to do.

user to user push notifications

I have seen many questions on here and online that address this topic, but they all are from a long time ago, and are possibly outdated. I wanted to get a more recent answer if Firebase has implemented anything recently that is capable of a user to user push notification system, essentially what is used in all chat applications, or if the best option is still currently using Onesignal.
Yes! These days, you can use Cloud Functions for Firebase to do things like send a notification when something interesting happens on the Database side of things.
Here's an example where a user gets notified via notifications when they gain a new follower. Obviously, your part of the database portion will probably change depending on what exactly you want to trigger a notification, but the general theory is the same.

Notifications on remote change

I'm developing an application which holds a list of objects.
The user should be able to favorite some of these objects, which then gets saved for easy access. Simple enough, right.
However, in addition to that, I want it so that the application notifies the user (using a notification, like when you get a new SMS), whenever one of the favorited objects have had something changed (in my application the objects represent a pub, and a change to the pub is when it has a new event scheduled). The change is done on a remote server, using a webpage.
When my app is active I can just poll the server every few minutes and compare the properties of the object, and if I see a change notify the user.
But how will I do to make this work when my app is NOT in the foreground? I want the user to get a notification even if he/she is not currently running my app.
The app does not have any login-functionality, so I can't send out specific push notifications to specific users. So the only thing the server might have access to is perhaps the device ID. I.e. there is no real way for the server to know which favorites a device ID holds.
Is there some smart way to do this? On Android I can just use polling but as iOS doesn't allow code to run in the background in the same way I don't really know how to do.
All help greatly appreciated. Even if it's just a "I don't think that's possible".
Just create a table that associates device ID with favorites. When a favorite changes, send that device ID a push notification
The user is the device ID

Send an invitation to a list same app

I am pretty new with iOS 5 and I am thinking in writing an app.
I would have a list of people inside the app who has it. Then I would invite them to an event.
I don't need any code right now I just wanted to know the concept behind this.
First, how an app can recognise who has my it installed, so it can show a list of people.
Second, after creating an event with a group of people how can I send an invitation to them.
From a very general standpoint, what you need is a back-end server to interact with your app and store user/event info. You can either build your own or try to use a service like Parse.
