Just wanted to know, what does this line mean in the routes.rb file:
AppName::Application.routes.draw do
Please explain. I am new to Rails.
Have a read through this page.
Basically, within the block passed to Application.routes.draw (which is just a call to a method defined in ActionDispatch::Routing module within the Rails core framework), you define all the URLs/Paths that you want your Rails application to respond to.
You can see all these route definitions, by running:
rake routes
in your terminal.
It is the main routes file which defines the root and other paths for the link.
It is used as suppose you want to change your index page from default ruby on rails to your index page you make changes to file and add
root to: "controllername#index"
This file is also used to add the model to the application
resources: "model_name"
Apart from this you can also define links in your rails application
get 'courses/index'
So going from courses controller to view of the index.
I'm a beginner to both ruby and rails, and using Rails 5.17 to develop a web app for a class.
Creating the empty Rails project was successful, but something is going wrong when creating a new controller. I generated a new controller named cars from the root of the project, which was successful. There was a file in app/controllers named cars_controller.rb which looks like this:
class CarsController < ApplicationController
I added a method to this file named hello that does nothing.
I then created a file named cars.html.erb in the app/views/layouts directory. This file is a basic page of html code.
In config/routes.rb, I added the following:
get '/cars', to:: 'cars_controller#hello'
resources: cars
After all of this, I ran rails server, and opened localhost:3000 in a browser. This brings up the normal Ruby on Rails welcome page.
But when I go to localhost:3000/cars, I get the following:
Routing Error
uninitialized constant CarsControllerController
I've tried changing the name of the cars_controller.rb file. I've tried changing the name of the class in the controller file from CarsController to Cars. I've tried many different routes in routes.rb. I finally tried uninstalling Rails 5.17 and installing Rails 5.13.
I'm very confused, and I'd be grateful for any advice I can get. Thanks in advance!
One of the great things about Rails is its preference for convention over configuration. However, for this to really benefit you, you need to stick to doing things “The Rails Way” rather than your own way, wherever possible.
In this case, start by getting rid of your custom get route, and just use resources :cars.
From the command line, run rake routes (you might be able to run rails routes on your rails version too) and see the routes that it has created for you.
Now, rename the method you added to your CarsController from hello to index.
Move your hello.html.erb file from app/views/layout to app/views/cars/index.html.erb.
Finally, start the rails server (rails start) and load the url http://localhost:3000/cars in your browser.
Note that templates in app/views/layout have a special purpose. These are used to apply a general template to your views. Look up the use of layout within a controller for more details
I think you have an error in how you had defined your route - you don't need _controller.
Instead, try this:
get '/cars', to: 'cars#hello'
Also, keep in mind that in your cars directory you need the view: hello.html.erb
I'm extremely new to Ruby and am having a few basic issues with the way the rails framework works. We have Models / Controllers / Views that we route to create extra "pages" in each application. But how do i actually change the index page (localhost:3000 / index in the directory) to ensure that the root of my program is at the top of the tree?
I was under the impression that it may be in the layout view (application.html.erb) but changes to that class have made no difference. There also aren't any other routes that i can see clearly that affect where the page redirects to.
In the file config/routes.rb you define your routes. There is a special command 'root_to' to define your index route
root to: "homepage#index"
This tells rails to use the index method in the homepage_controller as the root of your application. It will look for a view called index.html.
The rails guides, http://guides.rubyonrails.org/routing.html, give a pretty good explanation about routing.
New to Ruby on Rails so this may be a stupid question. I have an app and I can bundle my gems without issue. So now I want to add some mostly static pages. I try to generate a controller for them with rails generate controller MostlyStatic page1 page2. This should generate a controller named mostly_static and pages named page1 and page2. Instead, I throw an error. Apparently the generate command is trying to connect to the database, which I have not yet created. There is nothing in these pages that should be a database table, so I'm a bit confused as to why the database is being brought into the process at this juncture. I've looked through various tutorials and none say that a database is required to generate controllers for static pages. So... what am I missing? Do I need to create the database first just to generate static pages? And, if so, will subsequently dropping any tables created by that generation impair the function of my app? I really don't want a bunch of useless tables for static pages hanging around. Is there a way to generate these pages and controllers without the database?
You are not following the convention for generating controllers. Generating a controller will not create a database table. You have to do that by calling rails generate model, rails generate resource or rails generate scaffold.
So you want a controller for a few static pages. Try this
rails generate controller static_pages home help contact
Notice the generator is plural and snake case (static_pages). this will generate the static controller and the home.html.erb, help.html.erb, and contact.html.erb pages
Now you can access the pages with these actions in the controller
def home
def help
def contact
Also need to make sure the routes are set up
# routes.rb
match '/home', to: 'static_pages#home'
match '/help', to: 'static_pages#help'
match '/contact', to: 'static_pages#contact'
No database is set up and you can visit the pages. Thats all you need to do. just follow the conventions,like plural controllers and singular models and rails takes care of the details. Hope this gets you started
in response to the comments here is the standard output of generating a controller. Note my example used haml instead of erb, but there is nothing related to the database in the output.
rails g controller static_pages home help contact
create app/controllers/static_pages_controller.rb
route get "static_pages/contact"
route get "static_pages/help"
route get "static_pages/home"
invoke haml
create app/views/static_pages
create app/views/static_pages/home.html.haml
create app/views/static_pages/help.html.haml
create app/views/static_pages/contact.html.haml
invoke rspec
create spec/controllers/static_pages_controller_spec.rb
create spec/views/static_pages
create spec/views/static_pages/home.html.haml_spec.rb
create spec/views/static_pages/help.html.haml_spec.rb
create spec/views/static_pages/contact.html.haml_spec.rb
invoke helper
create app/helpers/static_pages_helper.rb
invoke rspec
create spec/helpers/static_pages_helper_spec.rb
invoke assets
invoke coffee
create app/assets/javascripts/static_pages.js.coffee
invoke scss
create app/assets/stylesheets/static_pages.css.scss
For anyone stumbling across this question, the correct answer is that the database need not exist, but it must be properly configured as if it did exist in the config file. Generating the controller does not actually create the database.
I've installed ruby on rails 3.2.6, and when I execute
rails server
and access to it works, however when I generate a controller, for example
rails generate controller principal
and access to, browser show following error:
Routing Error
No route matches [GET] "/principal"
Try running rake routes for more information on available routes.
What do I need to do, and can this be simply explained?
The problem is you did not specify any actions, so your controller 'principal' is empty, no views will be created with similar names, and no routes created.
You need to do:
rails generate controller principal index [show] [edit] [update] [create] [destroy]
The name after your controller name are the action names. Since you said controller 'principal' in the singular, then it might imply that you have a singular resource. If you want to have it in the plural, make sure you say 'controller principals'.
And your routes should should show:
resource :principal [ or :principals or multiple Restful routes ]
You need to edit config/routes.rb to tell the router which controller to route your request to. The rails standard is to use RESTful routes and in the example you've given this would equate to a singular Principal resource. Therefore you'd need to add:
resource :principal
to generate a set of RESTful routes for this resource. You can see the routes generated by doing:
rake routes
If you don't care about REST then you can simply add (assuming the PrincipalController has an index method):
match 'principal' => 'principal_controller#index'
Have a look at this chapter from the Rails Guides for more info on routing:
You can also generate methods in the controller and routes at the same time by supplying their names as arguments to the rails generate controller command for example:
rails generate controller principal index
I just installed Ruby on Rails and created a scaffold called posts. RoR generated controllers and other required files for me.
I created a new method in posts_controller, but I can't access it. I looked at other methods that are in the controller and looks like I need to access them by /posts/[MY POST ID]/[MY METHOD NAME].
Assuming I created my custom method hello in the controller, how do i access it?
I looked at routes.rb, but there's no configuration for it.
I understand that I can manually configure it in routes.rb, but how do all the other methods work? For example, I have "edit", and "update" methods in the "posts_controller.rb" controller. How do those two methods work without configuring routes?
# GET /posts/1/edit
def edit
#post = Post.find(params[:id])
I can't find a configuration that matches /posts/[0-9]/edit pattern.
The documentation you're looking for is Rails Routing From the Outside In. Once you've read this you'll understand everything Rails does to take your request and point it at method in your controller.
You need to add a route for it to routes.rb. For example:
# Previous routes
# resources :posts
# Updated routes
resources :posts do
get "hello", :on => :member
Have a look at this Rails guide about routing, it should help you understand Rails routing.
This will give you a good head start on the routes: http://guides.rubyonrails.org/routing.html
Not every method you make will have its own path, rails is built on the rest principle, and your scaffold created methods in the post controller that follow those paths, like index, show etc....
You can force your method to have a route added to it, but in reality you rarely actually need to do so as following the convention is far easier.
In Rails 3.x
match 'posts/hello' => 'posts#hello'
Available at example.com/posts/hello
When you used scaffold to generate post, it added a line resources :posts in your routes.rb file. That line configures routes for all the controller actions that were generated. As Caleb mentions above, not every action has a dedicated path. A single path can correspond to multiple actions because rails also takes into account the HTTP method. So, for instance, the path /posts with the HTTP method GET corresponds to the controller action index, while the same path with the HTTP method PUT corresponds to the controller action update. You can see these associations when you run rake routes from the console. I agree with Jordan and Caleb that the Rails Guides is a good read and will help you understand routes.