When i try to retrieve a list of all my subscribers, i only get 14 out of 33.
If i reduce maxResults to 15, i get several pages but only duplicates filling the pages.
I have tested it here: https://developers.google.com/youtube/v3/docs/subscriptions/list
What can i do? Is it a bug?
Trying to limit the number of results returned by the List channel messages Graph API. However, when setting $top to e.g. 10, then only 3 messages are returned. When setting it to 30, then 19 messages are returned. Does $top count deleted messages that aren't returned or something like that? Is this a bug?
How do I reliably get the last 10 messages? Do I really have to ask for e.g. 30 and then filter out the rest?
When fetching all users in organization in the C# SDK, I ran into something similar. Running .Distinct() on the result set reduced the number of records to the expected amount.
BaseUrl for client appears to be https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0
I am noticing a difference between the number of comments shown in YouTube for a specified Video and the number of comments that actually appear after the comments are loaded.
Example: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aD1VmjGOb_g
This Video shows 21 comments just below the Video description, but if you count the comments it only has 13! The total shown won't get to 21 even if you sum the amount of replies!
You'll see all 21 comments if you choose the "Newest first" sorting option:
When using YouTube data API you should use order: 'time' when calling the commentThreads
When calling https://www.googleapis.com/youtube/v3/search?, I can get the first 50 results and subsequent 50 using the nextPageToken; however, when I try to get results past 100, the api returns a 200, gives me total request figure and returns a list - but the list is empty - "items": [].
I have been using these calls in a query for more than 18 months. Has there been a recent change to the API that I've missed in the documentation? Last change I see today doesn't address this issue and the next one from the API reference is from Nov 2017.
I ran into this exact issue when trying to get all the live broadcasts on YouTube Gaming. Everything I read resulted in some complicated explanation of how Google's search engine returns the count and why they limit some queries to 500 or so, but I have absolutely seen some companies tracking the data beyond the first 100. Nothing answered the issue you and I both ran into, but if I find something I'll report back.
It seems the "500 results" limit has been silently reduced to 100-150, by design, or by bug.
Either use date ranges, or sub-divide your queries (a and b1, a and b2, a and b3, ....) to keep each result set below 50
When I try and send the following request:
GET https://www.googleapis.com/youtube/v3/liveChat/messages?liveChatId={..}&part=snippet&maxResults=250key={...}
I only get a max of 75 results returned even though there are more than 75 comments in my livestream. These 75 comments returned are also the 75 newest comments. Setting the nextPageToken with the value in the response above returns an empty set of comments. It's almost like I need a way to view previous pages. Setting maxResults, as I have in the url above does nothing as well. When I add a new comment to the livestream, the first entry of the 75 disappears and the new comment shows up at the bottom of the list.
I am perplexed over why I cannot receive more than 75 comments and why the number 75 as this is not mentioned anywhere in the documentation. Do you guys have any idea whats going on here? I can provide more information as needed.
Having testing the liveChatMessages google youtube-api with the most active rooms I could find and reviewing the documentation I have concluded that when you query the the liveChatMessages api you get the 75 most recent messages ordered from oldest to newest, and the nextTokenId given if added to the next query will return any more recent messages which have been gathered by Google's servers since your first query. I am not sure how to get older messages, it does not seem possible.
I have been using the YouTube Data API v3 to make search requests to get basic details of all of the videos on a particular channel. The channel I am searching contains a few hundred videos so I make search requests in batches of 50 using the nextPageToken, an example of which is shown below:-
This appears to work fine until the penultimate and final searches, where I begin to see varying results. Some of the videos in the results don't have an Id associated with them, which seems a little strange? However, more interesting is the fact that the number of videos which are missing an id varies if you make the same request repeatedly.
An example of the sorts of results I am getting (based upon 100 same searches):-
Penultimate page (100 requests): 60 results of 41 videos with an id and 9 without an id, 38 results of 37 videos with an id and 13 without an id and 2 results of 38 videos with an id and 12 without an id.
Final page (100 requests): 64 results of 25 videos all with an id and 36 results of 24 videos with an id and 1 without an id.
Clearly this will lead to an inconsistent total number of videos returned as I require there to be an Id (which is how I noticed this was occurring in the first place).
I am testing these results in a unit test currently to keep things isolated.
Is there something I'm missing here or is there just a bug in the API?
Added the parameter "type=video" as suggested in the comments. This seems to limit the issue to the last page of the search as noted, but the issue still persists.