how to give names to rails generated routes? - ruby-on-rails

when using the following on routes.rb: resource :my_model
I get a few automatically generated routes. Some of them have a name (just like when manually defining them with 'as' keyword) but some of them don't.. so how can I give them names?
Or maybe it's a 'hint' given to me by rails that I'm not supposed to use these routes?

What do you refer to when you say "name", the Prefix when you run rake routes? Many of the HTTP requests (i.e. patch, put, delete) are handled by the controllers and are intended to then either redirect to another path or alter the DOM of the current page if you're using javascript, so they wouldn't have a prefix associated with them as those requests don't have an associated view.

When using a singular resource, all CRUD routes will be generated with the exception of an index route. You do not need names for these paths if you are looking to use them as intended. What is your intent for using these routes?
As per the docs:
A singular resourceful route generates these helpers:
new_resourceName_path returns /re/new
edit_geocoder_path returns /geocoder/edit
geocoder_path returns /geocoder
Please post your output via: bundle exec rake routes
You'll notice the show and create controller actions share the same path with the only difference being one expects a POST request and the other a GET request. This is some of the magic provided by Rails allowing you to use similarly named routes that map to different actions.

Try resources instead of resource. If you want a helper for PATCH, PUT or DELETE, just use the helper for the show action (that you'll get from resources) and specify the HTTP method with method:.
The second answer here has a decent explanation about your resource call.

These routes expect a different request method (this implies additional data in request), and do not need separate name, just use generic global_preferences_path and for example - set method for unobtrusive js in link:
<%= link_to 'Set preference', global_preferences_path(some_parameter:'foo'),
confirm:'Are you sure?', method: :put %>
or use html form or so


Path/Url helpers not being generated for resources

I have create a routing rule in my routes.rb file:
namespace :pricing do
resources :discounts do
However, when I list all my URLs, there are no helpers for POST/PUT/DELETE methods, only for GET methods.
The controller has all necessary methods (index, new, create, edit, update, destroy). The only "difference" compared to other parts of my application is that Pricing::Discount is not a model, but rather a viewmodel, because the information come from a 3rd party web API (compared to traditional database models).
Does anybody know what I might be doing wrong and how to solve it?
They use the same url helper name just the different methods, e.g., below the first one is using get method
= link_to 'Pricing Discount', pricing_discount_path(#discount)
but, the second one is using put
= link_to 'Pricing Discount', pricing_discount_path(#discount), method: 'put'
Both of them use same url helper, i.e., pricing_discount_path(#discount), but it's the methods that maps them to their respective actions.
Hope that helps!

Why doesn't direct path for delete/destroy exist in rails?

When you define a link_to in rails to delete an object/item you must specify method delete in that link_to, as compared to edit (edit_event_path(#event)) or show (event_path). Why is this the case?
In typical link_to links the browser will send HTTP GET requests. When you're destroying a resource the browser should send a HTTP DELETE request. Rails has some javascript that will run on those links and intercept the click to send a HTTP DELETE request for those marked with method: :delete. Also the path for a single resource to be destroyed and shown will be the same.
event_path will return "/event/1" or similar. When sending a HTTP GET request its expected that the show action of your controller will be called. When sending a HTTP DELETE request to the same path its expected that the destroy action will be called.
HTTP Verbs
Simply, Rails makes use of the HTTP Verbs which governs the web
Essentially, to keep routing structures simple, Rails allows you to generate a series of the "same" URL paths, each defined with different http verbs:
This means if you want to destroy an object, you can use the delete verb
A more specific definition for this lies with the object-orientated structure of Ruby (& Rails). The routing system is based around this structure (hence why they're called resources) - meaning if you treat the routing system as based around objects, you can begin to see a pattern emerge
If you're going to call a route for an object, IE to destroy that object, your route should be for the "object", not the "destroy" mechanism
In this sense, if you want to destroy an object, it makes much more sense to use the following:
<%= link_to "Destroy", object_path(object), method: :delete %>
This gives you the flexibility to create actions around objects, which can then be routed to the particular controller#actions as required

Ruby on Rails 4 Routing/Views/Path

I have 2 questions:
I have a controller called homepage. I have a view called samplegraph in my homepage's view directory. I want to get the routing working correctly such that takes me to the samplegraph page.
As far as I can tell, the route for it in routes.rb should be something like this:
GET 'homepage/samplegraph' => 'homepage#showgraph1'
If I'm understanding rails routing correctly, this statement routes GET requests to homepage/samplegraph to the homepage controller's showgraph1 action. At this point I'm not particularly sure what the showgraph1 action should be in order to render the view page(samplegraph). At the moment the action is simply empty. I don't really know what to put here.
Second question:
Also, while I was researching rails routing, I was looking into resource based routing. For my purposes, I don't need most of the stuff generated by that. One thing I am interested in is that invoking resource based routing automatically generates Paths for you via helpers(I think?).
How would I generate a Path for my route, such that I'd be able to use a link_to method to link various parts of the application together? Any help/comments would be greatly appreciated.
Firstly, if you want to get 'samplegraph' page rendered by hitting '', you will need to update your route.
get 'homepage/samplegraph' => 'homepage#showgraph1'
get '/samplegraph' => 'homepage#showgraph1'
Now in showgraph1 action of your homepage controller, you will need to render samplegraph view page at last line of the action.
render 'samplegraph'
As of you second question, just hit rake routes on your terminal from your app directory. It will show all routes with helpers which you can use with link_to. You will need to append _path to those routes while using with link_to
Like #RAJ said first of all you need to change your route to
get '/samplegraph' => 'homepage#showgraph1'
At this point I'm not particularly sure what the showgraph1 action should be in order to render the view page(samplegraph)
Rails doesn't care if your action is empty or not, it'll still render your actions view even if it's empty. Since your action is named showgraph1 so it'll make rails look for showgraph1.html.erb with path views/homepage/showgraph1.html.erb
To change this behavior you need to use render 'samplegraph' in your action
One thing I am interested in is that invoking resource based routing automatically generates Paths for you via helpers(I think?)
Rails generate path and url helpers for each route and it doesn't depend on how your routes are defined but you can customize your helper methods by specifying as: option
get 'homepage/samplegraph' => 'homepage#showgraph1', as: 'showgraph'
This will make your helper methods showgraph_path and showgraph_url

What is the logic behind Rails' default restful resource code?

I'm Learning Rails. Lots of the conventions make great sense. The convention for code that maps to controller actions is odd:
//code url controller action
tweets_path /tweets/ def index
tweet /tweet/ID def show
new_tweet_path /tweets/new def new
edit_tweet_path(tweet) /tweets/ID/edit def edit
Why aren't the automatically generated method helpers done in the same symmetrical way as the controller actions? eg:
I'm so new I'm sure there's a perfectly good reason, I just don't know it yet :)
There are two asymmetries here.
The first is plural vs. singular route helpers. Why are some helpers tweets_* helpers while others are tweet_* helpers?
The answer is that some resource routes are member routes and others are collection routes. Member routes have to do with an instance of a resource and collection routes have to do with all instances of a resource as a group (unless the resource is singular in which case there are no collection routes). The index action is a collection route and the show action is a member route.
You can declare your own member and collection routes like this:
# routes.rb
resources :tweets do
member do
get :duplicate
collection do
get :summarize
This will create two helpers in addition to the standard ones. Note that Rails will create route helpers that are appropriately singular or plural.
a summarize_tweets_path helper that does not take a parameter
a duplicate_tweet_path helper that does
Official docs are here.
The second asymmetry is that the action is left out of the helper for many of the built-in resource actions. I suppose this could have been for brevity, but I don't really know.
After thinking about it, the action name was dropped because there is path overloading in Rails and REST. The '/tweet/:id' path could be the show, update, or delete action depending on the HTTP verb. Basically, the path tells you what you are operating on but not what action to take.
The helper methods are generated in a way that makes them more readable by making them more like parts of sentences. Saying 'Create a link to a new tweet' sounds better than 'Create a link to a tweet new'. It helps to keep this in mind as well when naming any custom actions, using names that fit sentences makes it easier to comprehend and remember since this is how we learn to speak.
One reason for it not being symmetrical is that the mappings depends on the HTTP action. For example, a GET to /tweets map to the index action, but a POST to /tweets maps to the create action.

Why is the scaffold generating routes like this? Why do they work?

The book "Agile development with Rails" shows in the second chapter, that you can say:
<%= link_to "Goodbye",say_goodbye_path %>
Instead of hardcoding the path to "/say/goodbye". Makes sense, I thought to myself. Probably Ruby is splitting the say_goodbye_path by _, assigns the first part as the controller name, the second part as the action name. But, afterwards, I generated the following scaffold:
rails generate scaffold User name:string mail:string
And I noticed in the index.html.erb view, that it had methods like: edit_user_path(user). I tried to rewrite it to user_edit_path(user), but of course, it didn't work. My question is, why are the scaffold links the other way around? How would I know if I should write them in the way the author uses them in link_to, or in the way they are generated by the scaffold. Can you shed some light on this?
The helper functions like user_edit_path are automatically generated by rails to map operations on resources to the matching routes and thus HTTP paths and HTTP verbs. You have to understand that you are dealing with resources here, not necessarily with simple controllers.
While most of the time your resources can map to a single controller, it doesn't have to be that way. You can have nested or combined resources which can result in rather complex routing definitions.
Resources are typically defined by giving it a name (userin this case) and defining some allowed operations on them. Rails encourages to follow the REST pattern there, so you can have shortcuts to have some operations pre-defined. One of them is edit, which by default matches to a GET request to users_controller#edit. Default operations on RAILS resources are:
HTTP verb path matching controller action
GET /users #=> index
GET /users/1 #=> show
GET /users/new #=> new
GET /users/1/edit #=> edit
PUT /users/1 #=> update
POST /users #=> create
DELETE /users/1 #=> destroy
These mappings can be customized on your routes.rb (changing methods, adding or removing operations, ...) Generally you are encouraged to use the default mappings as these are supported by standard helpers and make your app easier to understand.
Scaffolds are code generated by a template which is not related to the routing.
Routing is based on the route.rb in your config folder. All resources are routed by default (when generated by scaffolds) but there's a default rule /:controller/:action/:id that you can enable. Think of a "catch all" case.
One way to see what routes to have is to edit route.rb and run rake routes and see how they change. There's an official guide here too:
