How to run angulardart application? - dart

I just download andgularjs dart tutorial from . It provides me some tutorials, but I couldn't able to run those tutorials.
I am using webStorm IDE to run those application. when I am trying to run the application, I am getting following error.
enter image description here
I couldn't find package folder with in web root folder in that application.

You probably need to run pub upgrade. WebStorm provides this action in the context menu of the pubspec.yaml file, also if you open the pubspec.yaml file in the WebStorm editor links for pub actions are shown in the top-left corner of the editor. Alternatively you can run pub run from the command line of your project directory if the path is configured properly on your system so the command is found.


How to create pubspec.yaml by command?

I am learning Dart (2.9.3). I use pub global activate webdev command.
I think it will work like npm in Node.js and create pubspec.yaml automatically, but it didn't.
Do I need to add more switches (like --save) to pub global?
Thank you.
The pub global activate webdev command activates webdev package to use on your computer. This package is
A command-line tool for developing and deploying web applications with Dart.
As author wrote in usage section
webdev provides two commands: serve and build.
But neither of both creates pubspec.yaml file.
If you want to generate a project, you can use stagehand. But there is no option to generate customized pubspec.yaml file. Dart must know which packages to use in a particular project, and only this file can provide those informations.

Packaging electron app using electron-packer - folders shown not existing

I am trying to package my electron app . Follwing the instruction Here. I added an object to my package.json like below
"osx-package": "node_modules/electron-packager/cli.js
./build/bin --platform=darwin --arch=x64 --version=0.34.0 --overwrite"
When i run
npm run osx-package
I received the messgage below
Packaging app for platform darwin x64 using electron v0.34.0 Wrote new
app to /...../binary-build-darwin-x64
Below is what i can see from by sublime text.
However, when i visit the folder, i can only see three files . Myapp(i.e execuatble ) , licence file and version file. I unhidden hidden files , still couldnt see my files as expected. However, the files were still shown in the directory in sublime . Clicking my app throws an error saying can't find an electron framework etc. Please what am i misssing ? How do i fix this ?
Did your try running it via the console with npm start?
After packaging the OSX app, the following files should be created:

Compiling Spark from Github

I am trying to compile Spark IDE for chrome apps from Steps
Opened chrome://flags and enabled experimental api
Opened chrome://extensions and "Load unpacked extension" pointed to the local folder for the above code.
The app loads. On loading it is stuck with a loading animation forever
For running in Dartium you need to point to the app directory not the package directory.
You also need to run grind setup to copy the application to the app directory as the readme here says
I'm not sure this experimental settings are still necessary (probably not if you use a Dart development build which already includes Dartium 36)
For building to JavaScript you run pub build in the package directory and load the extension from build/web/app (normally it is done this way, not sure if this really works with Spark, haven't tried it myself yet)

Unable to compile / run run book-examples in eclipse

I am trying to run sample code "MyHierarchicalUI" from section 4.2 from "book of vaadin" and this code refers to TreeExample and TableExample classes which can be found at
I downloaded the book example code from mentioned svn link and imported it as existing eclipse project,however when I try to compile / run this project in eclipse I get the following error.
Errors occurred during the build.
Errors running builder 'Integrated External Tool Builder' on project 'book-examples'.
The file does not exist for the external tool named Copy sources.
The file does not exist for the external tool named Copy sources.
book-examples project is not valid vaadin project so can not be imported directly, we can not build it directly as vaadin project due to missing artifacts like ivy.xml and ivysettings.xml.
To use any code from book-examples project you will have to bring the code to your project manually (copy/paste), however a support ticker to make book-example project import-able / build-able and run-able has been created and can be tracked using this link Ticket # 13078.

Dart Package Management via dart2js

I'm learning Dart and its dependency manager pub and am having a tough time seeing the "forest through the trees" here.
Say I want to use Polymer.dart in my project. So, in my project root, I create the following pubspec.yaml:
name: test_dart
description: A sample web application
browser: any
polymer: ">=0.9.0 <0.10.0"
I then run pub get, which goes to the pub repo and fetches the browser and polymer dependencies that I've specified. It then creates a packages directory in my project root, which now means I have a project that looks like:
...all the packages that ship with Polymer
Now I start coding my Dart web app (myapp.dart), which will references various Polymer and browser types/functions/etc. in its source code.
When I'm all done, I want to create a JavaScript file called myapp.js.
According to the dart2js docs, I need to run something like:
dart2js --out=myapp.js --package-root=??? myapp.dart
How do I include all the browser & polymer packages on the buildpath?
There is a "pub build" option now.
Use pub build when you’re ready to deploy your web app. When you run
pub build, it generates the assets for the current package and all of
its dependencies, putting them into a new directory named build.
$ cd ~/dart/helloworld
$ pub build
Building helloworld......
Built 5 files!
If the build directory already exists, pub build deletes it and then creates it again.
That should do everything you are after here. You can also launch it from the IDE by right clicking on the pubspec.yaml file and choose "pub build"
EDIT: You should also see the links in zoechi's answer.
If you run dart2js from your MyDartProject directory you don't have to provide --package-root parameter.
An alternative way is running pub build. If you use Polymer you need to add a transformers section.
see also
How to deploy a Dart Polymer app to Javascript using dart2js
How do I pass multiple entry_points to polymer transformer in pubspec.yaml?
