Pry like debugger for Sidekiq? - ruby-on-rails

I've tried pry and remote-pry, but no luck. I'm familiar with logging, but I want to be able to step thru my code and look at variables.
Does anyone know of anything I can use to debug Sidekiq?

Workers are designed to be trivial to run. Put pry in your worker code and run it in the rails console.

The best thing I've come up with is this gem gem 'pry-remote' it works great and stops all processes from running. And it works like pry just put in binding.remote_pry and you've got a stopping point.

You can use byebug but you have to require it inside the class definition of the job.
For instance,
class SomeJob < ActiveJob::Base
require 'byebug'
def perform(*args)
then in your rails console run
This will cause a breakpoint to appear where ever you have byebug called with your typical byebug prompt inside your rails console.


Starting Byebug with a block

I'm wondering if it's possible to start a Byebug session giving a starting point from a Rails console. I know I can insert a byebug statement wherever I want and start debugging, but I'd like to do something like this:
Byebug.start do
# entry point
I opened the class and override the problematic_method inside the Rails console and added the byebug statement where I wanted it. This way I don't have to change the running production code (I forgot to mention above I want to debug in production).
This workaround will be enough for my purposes. The only problem is that you don't have the debug code listing available for that method, but its fine.
That is not possible. What you can do, is write your code inside a .rb file and debug that file/script using byebug.

byebug: break on output to console

I have some code (a Rails app) that generates output to console.
I'd like to use byebug to get the location of whatever is generating that output.
Is there a way to do that?
Could you specify a little more? What do you mean by having "the location of whatever is generating that output"? Do you mean the trace? If yes, buybug has a backtrace (you can use where also) command. Have you look into this?
You could use pry with byebug (with the pry-byebug) and accomplish what you want.
Use pry gem for debugging code
gem 'pry'
add binding.pry anywhere to debug code

How can I run an ActiveJob in Rails console for debugging?

I currently have an ActiveJob that I've created and use Sidekiq to queue it. I'm wanting to debug the job, but for me to see any messages I program into it I have to check my log files. I feel like it would be more convenient to be able to see my puts messages in my job in the Rails Console. When I run the perform_later method though in rails console it just queues the job up and I never see the messages in console. Is there a way to make it where I will see them in the console?
You can run a job with perform_now.
For example...
class Foo < ActiveJob::Base
def perform(arg1)
puts "Hello #{arg1}"
You can temporarily set your queue adapter to inline.
Right now your code in application.rb will look something like this:
Rails.application.config.active_job.queue_adapter = :sidekiq
Just comment out the line
# Rails.application.config.active_job.queue_adapter = :sidekiq
This will run your job inline, and you should see the results in the console.
You can run with new,, ar_2)
There is a configuration line you can add in development.rb
require 'sidekiq/testing/inline'
This should enable inline testing for development.

Rails 3: Delayed jobs, method 'delay' not known

I have delayed_job installed as a Gem and in my Gemfile. However, when I try to use delay in my controller as:
def send_warn_admin_email
I get: undefined methoddelay' for UserMailer:Class`
What can cause this problem?
From Documentation.
Due to how mailers are implemented in Rails 3, we had to do a little work
around to get delayed_job to work.
# without delayed_job
# with delayed_job
Remove the #.deliver# method to make it work. It's not ideal, but it's
the best we could do for now.

Quickly debug helper methods in script\console

How would I quickly debug helper methods in script\console. I'm talking about making changes and then debugging, over and over again.
This is a lot easier with Model methods, since all I have to do is use
to test the updated code, whereas to test a helper method, I have to do something like this
foo =
foo.extend YourHelperModule
each time to I want to test a change.
What does reload! do? and can I modify it to add the above lines of code?
I don't think you can do that without hacking Rails. However, there's a workaround - debugging helper method in rails debugger:
1) gem install ruby-debug
2) ruby script/server --debugger
3) place <% debugger %> into some view and open that page in browser
4) server window "turns into" console, where you can debug helper methods
5) 'return' command ends the debugging
If you modify the helper method and run the debugger again, you will get recent version of the method.
More info about debugger is here:
I would suggest not using script console and writing tests in either Test::Unit or rspec instead. Google should get you pointed in the right direction there is a ton of information out there.
If you're doing something "again and again" then you should be automating it. Assuming you know what your helper function should do then as mentioned elsewhere you should be able to write a test (or tests) for it.
Here's a sample that tests application_helper. It lives in my test/unit directory:
require 'test_helper'
class ApplicationHelperTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase
include ApplicationHelper
test "number_as_pct shows 2dp as default" do
assert_equal "1.10%", number_as_pct(0.011)
test "number_as_pct shows more dp when required" do
assert_equal "1.1000%", number_as_pct(0.011, :precision => 4)
