Version 7.1 (7B91b) and TFS Authentication [duplicate] - tfs

We are working on Xcode Project connected to our local TFS 2013 (Update 3) Server via TFS Provided Git Repository.
When we use older version of Xcode, we are successfully able to check-in the files and perform all other Git operations. We are also able to perform all Git Operations via command line Git.
The trouble is when we use latest version of Xcode - Version 7.1 (7B91b).
On entering valid credentials, we are getting error saying
Authentication failed because the user name or password was incorrect.
The same credentials / configuration work on older version of Xcode and Git Command Line Options.
To add more to the surprises, we are able to connect to successfully.
We are able to reproduce issue on other systems too. Please provide us the best way to resolve this error.

For us it turned out to be because Xcode 7 does not support Windows Authentication. The solution described here solved it for us:
"This happens because XCode 7 doesn't support Windows Authentication.
I don't know why. It seems to be a common problem amongst users
because there are many posts about it in google.
To make it all work you should enable Basic Authentication in your IIS
TFS website on "tfs" virtual folder.
Be careful though because basic authentication sends your credentials
over network as plain text. You definitely must use SSL in this case."


Bitbucket clone to Sourcetree, repeatedly asking for password

I am completely new to Bitbucket and Sourcetree. I have received a repository from my college, when I log into Bitbucket I find it there with all necessary files. I would like to clone it, so i can work with it on my laptop, so I drag it from the website to the Sourcetree window and get requested Source URL, Destination path and Name. Here the problems start, I get repeatedly asked for password, but the password is correct. Do someone have any suggestions? I am running OS X El Capitan Version 10.11.6
Thank you!
I came across the same issue on SourceTree 2.7.3 under OS-X 10.13.6. I was given access to a repository over https and had to clone it. Since even the cloning failed through SourceTree due to "password keep asking issues", I cloned it through Terminal which worked fine. Post that, I could open the locally cloned bitbucket repo through SourceTree, but any git remote operations continue to fail over "password keep asking issues".
I came across several possible workarounds through several posts like
Suggested workarounds were
Using latest out of embedded or system git versions and reopened SourceTree
Upgraded SourceTree from 2.7.3 to 2.7.6
Clearing bitbucket entries from keychain and reopened SourceTree
Clearing bitbucket sourceTree cached passed file from ~/Library/Application Support/SourceTree/ and reopened SourceTree
Did not try to downgrade from 2.7.3 to 2.6.3 as suggested by one post wondering what worse might wait for me with an older version :-)
Even restarted the machine without any luck.
At this point, I noticed that my Mac's Gmail synching went offline after sometime due to login issues. Then I recalled that my Atlassian account address is the Gmail-id I used for OAuth integration with BitBucket User. And, sign-in to bitbucket was successful too through SourceTree's Accounts option. It is the subsequent git remote operations through SourceTree UI was suffering and now os-x Gmail synching too.
Then, I kept the password of Atlassian's user id(which is my Gmail id) to same as that of Gmail id. And, restarted the machine. Voila.. it all started working fine including Gmail synching and SourceTree.
Wondering if the password chosen for Atlassian account, which is the same as the Email-id used for its OAuth integration, did corrupt SourceTree's key-chain entries for HTTPS access. That sounds ridiculous and a critical bug. sigh!!!

Stop GitKraken asking for login credentials

GitKraken has successfully cloned a repository hosted on Team Foundation Server, but on subsequent fetch and push it asks for login information. Even when provided it will ask again, offering no error or explanation. "Remember me" is checked.
Everything works perfectly fine using the cmd.
Note that the issue occurs on a virtual machine. I have tested interacting with the repository on my physical machine using GitKraken - no problem there. However, I have previously experienced the same type of problem with other projects on my physical machine. Seems GitKraken sometimes has problems with TFS, but not sure.
I have tried reinstalling GitKraken, but it didn't resolve the issue. Any ideas on how to fix this?
Edit 2018-01-24 as per #Cece Dongs comment
I am using GitKraken 3.3.3 - recently upgraded, but issue still occurs.
TFS is version 15.117.26714.0 and using the web portal does not give me problems. I login once like normally.
When cloning a GitHub repo everything is working properly. However, when attempting to clone a TFS repo from Visual Studio I get an unauthorized error. (TF30063). I assume it could be related to the Active Directory settings not set up properly because of the Hyper-V setup I am using. Will investigate further and provide more details here.
After using \domain\username instead of just username as login credentials to TFS everything is working.
Using only the username will work on my physical machine as that machine is recognized on the domain, but as the virtual machine is not, the domain is required.

Visual Studio 2015 for Cordova - Can't build for iOS

I have successfully built my project for Android but during building for iOS I get an error:
The remote build server denied the build request, because the client
certificate is invalid or has expired. To build your project, you must
generate and configure a security PIN. See
I have generated a new pin (after doing a resetServerCert, followed by a generateClientCert), as described in the link above, I reinstalled the remotebuild tool, but all to no avail. It also doesn't matter if I just try to build or build/deploy to a local device.
I also tried building without pin, but that doesn't work either:
Cannot POST
I am close to releasing my app, but the issues above have set me back a couple of days.
Any suggestions?
From your comment that VS is trying to POST //build/tasks?command=build&vcordova it looks like it isn't configured properly: That empty URL segment should be "cordova", and that is discovered when you configure VS to talk to the remote agent in tools -> options.
If you go to Tools -> Options -> Tools for Apache Cordova -> Remote Agent Configuration and reconfigure your settings (Either disabling secure mode on the mac server, or generating a new pin to use) then VS should be able to connect.
I finally got my first successful build after going through this page:
The issue was that I first had vs-mda-remote installed and then changed to remotebuild. You have to follow these steps in this situation:
generate and use a new PIN
If you are not using secure mode, turn secure mode on
Turn secure mode off again to cause VS to reinitalize

Xcode bots server continuous integration hangs on "Getting sources..."

I setup a copy of OSX server and correctly configured it with Xcode. I was able to create a bot and run a few integrations which failed because I didn't import the correct developer certificates. Running an integration now it seems to be stuck at "Getting sources.." while Xcode is showing it as being queued. Any ideas?
There are lot of reasons this might be happening and it depends on what version control system you are using. For both git and svn the issue might be the root ssl certificates. You need to add the root certificates from your keychain to your ssl configuration.
See this post for details.
If the problem isn't SSL certificate related then it will likely be a timeout issue fetching your source repository if it is very large. Check your integration logs for details.

In Xcode 5 getting error when i add the server under the source control

When I create new project in Xcode 5, Am trying to add new server for source control. But am getting error alert like this "The Xcode service is disabled on this server. Please contact your administrator for help".
Please check out how to turn on the OSX Server Xcode service at the following link:
If review of this guide does not fix your issue please let me know more specifics about your environment. If it does help please consider accepting the answer so others will locate the resource.
Important Conceptual Notes:
When you setup a new project and you are offered a server this refers to an OSX Server only (not github or any non-OSX external server):
So basically just make sure the OSX Xcode service is ON or restart your 10.9+ OSX server if possible...
NB: If what you want to do is to push your repository to or please see the following links for instructions on getting this to run in Terminal. Once the link between the remote repository and your local directory then Xcode will be able to push updates to your remote repositories (this will be available as a checkbox when you commit your project).
Github Help
Pushing to Google Code
It sounds like you want to add a repository, not an XCode Continuous Integration server.
Adding a server is adding an XCode Continuous Integration server.
Use add repository instead. See the guide in the first link.
It seems like a "Server" in apple's definition is not a BitBucket server or GitHub server, it has to be a server that you host by yourself. Otherwise you are looking at adding a "repository".
I got enlightened by the screenshot below, note the server address:
