Firefox Extension working locally, but not on another computer - firefox-addon

I have a simple Firefox extension (taken from the docs), and when I run the extension on my the machine I built it on, everything works just as planned. But the moment I upload the file to Dropbox, download it onto another computer, and install it absolutely nothing happens. Both Fire Fox browsers are version 42.0, on Windows 7
var pageMod = require("sdk/page-mod");
include: "*",
contentScript: 'document.body.innerHTML = ' +
' "<h1>Does this work?!</h1>";'


How to open local files from firefox extensions in browser?

I am trying to show downloaded files in the browser and it's working in chrome from chrome extension.
I want to open up to folder as in ss.
Working result in chrome looks like this:
Code used to open local file in chrome is:
url: localFileUrl,
index: baseTab.index + 1,
eg: localFileUrl= "file:///C:\Users\Dell\Downloads\test"
From the Firefox extension I have used following code to open local
files in the new tab:
url: localFileUrl,
index: baseTab.index + 1,
and in the console I get the error like this..
How can I open local files in Firefox from extension same like in chrome from chrome extension?!
I have added permissions tabs and activeTab in manifest.json file.

Ionic 5 capacitor/angular preview files from external url's

I have tried previewanyfile cordova plugin to open files from external url's in Ionic 5 application. It works well with android but on IOS I noticed sometimes it doesnt preview/open PDF files. Just a grey screen with the file name on it. But strangely some PDF files open.
file preview screen
previewProductDocument(url: string) {
const loading = await this.loadingController.create({
message: 'Loading document...',
loading.present().then(() => {
this.previewAnyFile.preview(url).then((res) => {
}).catch((err) => {
this.presentToast('Error previewing the document try later', 'danger');
This is the plugin I have used
capacitor version "#capacitor/core": "^2.2.0",
Noticed this behavior only in IOS simulator + on Real IOS device.
Any idea what is going on here?
Special character (%2F) in the link is the cause of the issue.
For a quick win; either change the link or sanitise before processing.
In this case url.replace('%2F', '/') should work.
However, another link may, probably, contain a different character. Without being 100% sure, it worth a try decodeURI, which is decodeURI(url).

Cordova File Transfer download fails ios 9 - Response Code 200

I try to download a file with cordova.
These setting for ios:
Cordova 6.3.1, file plugin 3.0.0, file transfer plugin 1.4.0, Xcode 7, ios 9.3.4 on test system
But also in a Windows 10 uwp-App.
The download works sometimes (mainly for smaller files) but fails to download the file in some other cases. So i assume the code in general works fine (and did so for the last year (with older Cordova versions).
A file gets created everytime and the response code is 200 so everything seems fine for my system, but the created file is only a few bytes large in size.
fileSystem.root.getDirectory(folderName, {create: true}, function(dirEntry){
var path = dirEntry.toURL() + '/' + fileName;
var ft = new FileTransfer();
var uri = encodeURI(url) + '?' + new Date().getMilliseconds();, downloadPath, function(entry) {
function(file) {
function(error) {
Any advice would be great.
After some checking I found the problem. My server delivers files via php. For larger files the allowed memory size was too small. To fix it I had to raise the allowed memory size on the server.

Firefox add-on works with "jpm run", but not whith .xpi file generated with "jpm xpi"

I'm using the Firefox Add-on SDK to develop a Firefox add-on.
I have followed the Getting Started tutorial.
Firefox version : 41.0.2
My Process is :
jpm run --> OK the add-on works fine
jpm xpi --> OK : Create #myAddon.xpi (JPM [info] Successfully created .xpi at ...)
Use of #myAddon.xpi --> NOK
When I tried to install the add-on in my Firefox ( Add-on -> install from file -> #myAddon.xpi ), I have a message "Install successfully". Looks good. BUT, the add-on doesn't work. Nothing happens.
So, why is the test with jpm run OK, but does not work after installing the .xpi file???
I can share the code with you, but how can this situation happen? If it works in test, I expect that it works in "release".
I get no error or warning.
High Level :
include: "*",
contentScriptFile: [data.url("jquery-1.11.3.min.js"), data.url("./Compute.js")],
onAttach: function (worker) {
var currentUrl = tabs.activeTab.url;
param = currentUrl;
url: param,
onComplete: function (response) {
var parsed = JSON.parse(response.text);
worker.port.emit('got-request', parsed);
self.port.on('got-request', function (data) {
Edit (moved from comments):
I find something interesting.... Depending on the level of privacy in FireFox the addon will work or not. ( Options->Privacy->History "Remember history " or "Never remember history") - Remember history " --> addOn OK - "Never remember history" --> addOn NOK Any idea why
As you have determined, if you desire your Firefox Add-on SDK add-on to work in Private Browsing mode you need to have add the key private-browsing with a value of true in your package.json file.
If you are using no other permissions, you could add a line to your package.json file that looks like:
"permissions": {"private-browsing": true}
The Firefox documentation on writing SDK add-ons for private browsing mode specifically states that the require("sdk/private-browsing").isPrivate() method will return true when any of the following is the case (emphasis mine):
a private window, or
a tab belonging to a private window, or
a worker that's associated with a document hosted in a private window
any window, tab, or worker if the browser has been configured to never remember history (Options->Privacy->History)
If you do not have "private-browsing": true, then, as the documentation states, the following will be the case (emphasis mine):
the windows module will not list any private browser windows, generate any events for private browser windows, or let the add-on open any private browser windows
the tabs module will not list any tabs that belong to private browser windows, and the add-on won't receive any events for such tabs
any ui components will not be displayed in private browser windows
any menus or menu items created using the context-menu will not be shown in context menus that belong to private browser windows
the page-mod module will not attach content scripts to documents belonging to private browser windows
any panel objects will not be shown if the active window is a private browser window
the selection module will not include any selections made in private browser windows
The net effect will be that your add-on will appear to not work when the profile you are using is configured to never remember history without having the "private-browsing": true permission in your package.json.
If you do put that permission in your package.json file, you must use the private-browsing module, require("sdk/private-browsing").isPrivate(object), to check for being in a private window or tab. If you are in such a window or tab you need to not store any information about such environment.

Is it able to test PhoneGap File API with Ripple emulator

I am working on an application with PhoneGap (now Apache Cordova, with the version of 2.0), and using the PhoneGap File API to write file.
The File API I use could be referenced at:
I use Ripple Emulator (0.9.9beta) from here: to test my application in chrome.
But I find Ripple could not handle the PhoneGap File API correctly.
For example:
I want to create a file (root/foo.json) at the PERSISTENT directory
function onSuccess(fileSystem) {
fileSystem.root.getDirectory("dir", {create: true}, function(dirEntry){
dirEntry.getFile("foo.json", {create: true}, function(fileEntry){
}, onfail);
}, onfail);
}, onfail);
function onfail(error)
// request the persistent file system
window.requestFileSystem(LocalFileSystem.PERSISTENT, 0, onSuccess, onfail);
It works fine on iOS simulator, which did create the right file at the right place, but in the Ripple Emulator running in chrome, I just got a onfail callback, and got error code 10 (FileError.QUOTA_EXCEEDED_ERR).
I also found someone with the similar question here: Is it able to test phonegap application outside emulator?
But still no answer.
Does Ripple emulator currently not work correctly for PhoneGap API? Or did I missed some setting?
Problem found. I need to grant quota before using the PERSISTENT filesystem object.
// Request Quota (only for File System API)
window.webkitStorageInfo.requestQuota(PERSISTENT, 1024*1024, function(grantedBytes) {
window.webkitRequestFileSystem(PERSISTENT, grantedBytes, onInitFs, errorHandler);
}, function(e) {
console.log('Error', e);
It seems Ripple-UI didn't do this for me (I checked the source code at lib/ripple/fs.js) . That's why I always get a FileError.QUOTA_EXCEEDED_ERR.
