Unable to build WiX 3.10 project in TFS 2015 - tfs

I am using TFS 2015 trail version in windows server 2012.I created windows service project in visual studio community edition along with WiX Project to package the windows service. If i build the solution from visual studio, I am able to get the MSI. But if i use Visual studio build in TFS 2015,i get the following error.
"Unexpected exit code received from msbuild.exe: 1" and "Task VSBuild
failed. This caused the job to fail. Look at the logs for the task for
more details."
I refered the below links as reference :
1) I am unable to follow the first link steps as i got struck in step 2:
i am unable to find configuration folder in build definition.
I was reading that we do not have TFSBuild.proj straing from TFS version 2010.
"Right-click on the Build Definition and select View Configuration
Folder." "Check out and open the file named TFSBuild.proj."
2)I am unable to follow second link as well. I am getting below error:
"The imported project "C:\wix\3.8\Wix.targets" was not found. Confirm
that the path in the declaration is correct, and that the
file exists on disk."
since I am new to TFS Build 2015, any help or guidance will be appreciated.

Beginning with NuGet 2.7, the NuGet Visual Studio extension integrates into Visual Studio's build events and restores missing packages when a build begins. This feature is enabled by default. If you are using NuGet to install Wix packages, that's why you can get a successful build from visual studio.
If you want to use NuGet to install Wix packages, you can create one build.proj to restore these packages during build. Check: http://docs.nuget.org/consume/package-restore/team-build
If you don't use NuGet to install Wix packages, a traditional way you can refer to:http://edwinfrey.com/blog/2012/06/11/building-wix-msis-in-tfs-preview/


Nuget Restore in MS Build Step

In my asp.net web application, i have solution with 5 projects and nuget.org. In TFS Build Definition,
1) While building the whole solution in Visual Studio Build Task
Nuget packages getting restored.
2) While trying to generate executable files for individual projects in MS Build Task
If I select Restore Nuget packages, It's not finding nuget packages and step getting failed with message - "Process 'NuGet.exe' exited with code '1'."
I have tried many references online and none worked. Any suggestions on how to solve this?
Do i need to make any changes in the nuget.config file to support restoring
packages to individual projects.
Do not directly select Restore Nuget pacakges in MS build task configuration. This option is deprecated. To restore NuGet packages, add a NuGet Installer step before the build.
(Important) This option is deprecated. Make sure to clear this
checkbox and instead use the NuGet Installer build step.
Source Link: MSBuild
Besides, you could also build single project not the entire solution in Visual Studio Build task. Just select the project (.*proj) files instead of .sln file.
Unless you are building a customized MSBuild project file, then we recommend you use the MSBuild step instead of the Visual Studio Build step.
You could also try to build single project using Visual Studio Build task, see if the issue is still exists.
Same problem, downgraded to 4.4.1. it helped

No agent could be found with the following capabilities Xamarin.Android

I'm trying to create a build definition to build and package an Android app based on Xamarin Forms.
I want to do so thanks to TFS 2017 Update 1 on premise.
I've installed Visual Studio 2017 and Xamarin on my build server, and even after restarting my server, my agent does not find the Xamarin.Android capability.
I'm still getting en error while queuing one build :
No agent could be found with the following capabilities AndroidSDK, MSBuild, Xamarin.Android, JDK
The only capability that is missing on my agent is the Xamarin.Android.
Do you have any idea on how to add it on my agent ?
Add an environment variable named Xamarin.Android and the value of this would be
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\Common7\IDE\Extensions\Xamarin
or change it wrt your Visual Studio version and installation path.
Install Visual Studio 2017 on the build server and check Xamarin in the setup
Please check on the build server for an environment variable named Xamarain.Android and if it not exist add it or add an capability in TFS on the agent

TFS nuget not restoring packages from a custom location

I'm using TFS 2013 and am trying to get the build process to run for the first time. I created a custom repository for a few libraries that do not have nuget packages under \\foundation\thirdparty. I then added this path to the tools-nuget package manager-nuget package manager settings-package sources and made sure that it's checked. On my local dev box it will download the custom repository and compile fine.
The build process has the following errors in it which are in my custom nuget targets:
Unable to find version '4.2.424.1509' of package 'License'.
Unable to find version '1.0.0' of package 'Oracle'.
I found the following articles already on here:
I added in the packageSource as specified here:
TFS2012 build server not restoring NuGet packages from in-house repository
And that did not work
In this article it referred to the nuget documentation
Restoring NuGet packages from custom Nugetserver using TFS Build 2015
nuget docs referral here:
Here it states that it will read from the VS setting under tools-options which does have the path already set.
I am running VS 2015 and TFS 2013 if that makes a difference...
Why won't the msbuild process download from my custom location?

TFS 2010 issues building C#6.0 code with MS Build 14

We have TFS 2010 running happily on a dedicated build server.
I have installed Microsoft Build Tools 2015, which includes MS Build 14 successfully on the build machine, but not Visual Studio 2015.
I've created a custom template which alters the "ToolsPath" property of the "Run MSBuild" activity to "C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\14.0\Bin".
The build runs, but fails on this particular error:
(CoreCompile target) ->
CSC : error CS1566: Error reading resource 'ProjectName.exe.licenses' --
'Could not find file 'C:\develop\Sources\ProjectName\obj\x86\Release\ProjectName.exe.licenses'.' [C:\develop\Sources\ProjectName\ProjectName.csproj]
The same project builds fine using Visual Studio 2015 running from another machine.
It makes no difference whether the TFS build definition includes these MS Build arguments or not:
/tv:14.0 /p:VisualStudioVersion=14.0
Does anybody have a success story of using a TFS 2010 build agent to successfully build a C#6.0 project?
I solved this in the end by installing Visual Studio 2015!
The /tv:14.0 /p:VisualStudioVersion=14.0 argument may don't work for MSBuild Tools.
You should customize the tfs build process template to set ToolPath of the Run MSBuild for Project to target to MSBuild14; and set ToolVersion to "14.0".
Check this link for the detailed information:BuildActivity ignores ToolsVersion

Web.config fail to transform on TFS 2012

I currently work on a MVC 4.0 project that was upgraded to MVC 5.0 using the official guide.
I use Visual Studio 2012 locally and a publish profile was created for the project.
Locally I call msbuild via the Visual Studio developer command prompt using: msbuild /m /p:Configuration=Dev;DeployOnBuild=true;PublishProfile=Dev my-solution.sln
All projects in the solutions do have a Dev configuration and there is a web.dev.config.
The command line on the server is the same.
So far the difference is that on the server only the visual studio shell is installed (not the full) and we cannot install the full instance of VS2012 on the server.
Also, seeing on the install of TFS on the server, I discovered that only v9.0 target files were installed (Visual Studio 2008). Copying Visual Studio 2012 target files do not fix this problem.
I see 2 solutions so far but searching for a third.
Install full Visual Studio 2012 instance
Update csproj to include a target transformConfigFiles (basically copy and paste the content of the "Microsoft.Web.Publishing.targets" section) or import the file via a declaration inside of the .csproj
Would there be a third solution available?
It is pretty common to install full Visual Studio on your build server. As of VS 2012 you couldn't even run Unit Tests in your build without VS installed.
I'd suggest installing VS and seeing if that fixes the issue.
