jQuery Mobile Label sitting on right - jquery-mobile

This should fairly simple question for a jQuery mobile expert. As you can see in the picture my button label "call" is not centered. How can I move it to the left?
<div class="ui-block-c"> Call<br> </div>


Why buttons are outside of JQM popup's footer

Using Jquery-mobile, the following (abbreviated here) footer
<div data-role="footer">
<a href="#table" data-role="button" data-icon="plus"
data-iconpos="left" class="ui-btn-left">Open</a>
<a href="#" data-rel="back" data-role="button" data-icon="delete"
data-iconpos="notext" class="ui-btn-right">Close</a>
that exist in a popup, when popped-up, its buttons
are displayed outside the popup-frame, aligned under it.
Why? What am I doing wrong?
The full example is in http://jsfiddle.net/yotam/d0aqmx6m/
I'm beginning to wonder if button footers are not supported in popups. Or at least, not fully supported. From the docs, you need to throw a "ui-title" in there too - it's what will give the footer height (The docs show a span after the button definitions).
I've done that here:
<div data-role="footer">
<span class="ui-title"></span>
See: http://jsfiddle.net/had4or71/
Of course, it only partially solves your problem, as though they are now in the footer, they don't yet look good. I tried with a navbar in the footer with similarly disappointing results (the navbar was well positioned top, bottom, and left, but ran over the right border pretty badly.
Finally, I did this version real quick as well:
Which shows pushing the close button into the header like the demos site does, and just presenting your open button inline as a standard button - alas, it's a compromise, and not what you asked for.
On further investigation, it would appear the "ui-btn-left" and "ui-btn-right" classes are not supported in the footer, see:
gh:6137 (comment)
Again, I messed about with the CSS a bit, and managed to get something sort of nice, at least on my test browser of chrome. I suspect your mileage will vary greatly outside of chrome.: http://jsfiddle.net/9crnjakr/

JQuery Mobile iscrollview inside another iscrollview

I'm currently using JQM1.3 with iscrollview and was wondering how I would go about fixing this issue I have when I put an iscrollview inside another iscrollview.
My HTML goes something along the lines of:
<div data-iscroll="">
<!-- some content goes here -->
<div data-iscroll="">
<!-- more content goes here -->
The problem I have is when scrolling down everything looks good but if I scroll up; both div will scroll up. Is there anyway that I can stop the outer div from scrolling until the inner div is at the top?
I don't even know where to begin doing something like this so I was hoping for some pointers as to where to begin/look for info?
Please and thank you.

jquery ui icons, hover not working

I'm trying to put a help icon from jquery ui next to a input field. I get a button with a question mark but no effect when I hoover over it.
<span class="ui-state-default ui-corner-all ui-icon ui-icon ui-icon-help"></span>
Also, the questionmark is not yellow like is not yellow like it is in the demo. I have all the files.
What am I missing?

Applying the theme outside the page

I'm trying to learn jquery mobile and have been playing around with it for the past few days and things are going alright, but I'm not so sure if I'm taking the proper approach.
I tried making a site with a similar UI as the facebook app. On the top right and left corners of the page's header are buttons that causes the page to slide out like a drawer.
The top left button will slide the page out to the right to reveal a menu, while the top right button will slide out to the left to reveal a form to fill out.
What I did was create divs outside the page and used javascript to slide out the active page, to reveal the menu or form depending on which button is pressed:
<div id="my-menu">
<li>Menu Item 1</li>
</div> <!-- end of my-menu -->
<div id="my-form">
<form method="post" action="form-action.php">
<!-- form elements -->
</div> <!-- end of my-form -->
<div data-role="page" id="home">
<div data-role="header">
<div data-role="content">
</div> <!-- end of home -->
I used my own CSS to style the menu, but I also noticed my theme wasn't applied to "my-form", but everything in the page "home" had all elements properly styled.
I can't put the form inside the page "home" because I will not be able to do sliding drawer effect that I've done with the menu.
Am I suppose to have my own styling applied to the form outside the page or is there a way to apply the jquery mobile theme to elements outside the page?
Would this be the best approach to implement this kind of user interface or is there a better way using what's available in jquery mobile?
Since this will be my UI for the application does that mean I will just copy the same code to all the pages? Or is there a better way to do this?
I'd like to use the best practice for this use case so please offer any advice!
Thanks in advance for the help!
BTW I did the slide menu based on this blog post:
Solution 1:
As I told you in comments, jQM style can not be applied outside of page container but that should not prevent you from using its css.
If you are using firefox, use firebug plugin and take a look at every jQM page element, copy its structure and css. Use it to create styling outside page container.
One more thing, new elements are going to be styled but they will not have functionality, you will need to redo it by yourself.
Have your content inside a data-role="page" div at page-load, let jQuery Mobile style the page, and then move your content div out of the data-role="page" div to be a child of the body tag.

Dynamic buttons in jQuery Mobile footer?

Dynamically injecting buttons into JQM footers seems to be an exercise in frustration. Anyone have a clue how to apply proper formatting for this? Here are several anomalies I found trying to do this:
Multi-column button grids are not properly formatted in the footer
data-corners="false" attribute (to get flush buttons) does not apply to the first and last buttons in the footer
With data-role="controlgroup" data-type="horizontal" for the footer buttons, if there are too many buttons to fit in one row the styling looks weird (since some buttons will have rounded corners, others will not)
If data-role="controlgroup" data-type="horizontal" are omitted for the footer buttons, buttons may be rendered partially off the screen...
In general - argh!!!! Anyone have any success dynamically injecting buttons into a footer? If so, would much appreciate to hear how this was achieved.
Would something like this work:
$('#addButtonName').click(function() {
var theFooter = $('#addMoreButtons');
var buttonName= $('#newButtonName');
if(buttonName.val() != '') {
<div data-role="page" id="theHomePage">
<label for="basic">Button Name:</label>
<input type="text" name="newButtonName" id="newButtonName" value="" />
Add New button
<div data-role="footer" class="ui-bar" id="addMoreButtons">
Multi-column button grids are not properly formatted in the footer - this is my response to that.
One thing to check if you are using controlgroup with a href links - make sure your each of the links in the control group has the following CSS;
You will also have to get more control over how the elements look if you are styling them as buttons. I posted a similar discussion over here:
Hope that helps.
