How can I access the Kubernetes service through ClusterIP - docker

I am trying to create Kubernetes cluster using three VMs(Master – 10.x.x.4, Node1 – 10.x.x.150, Node2 – 10.x.x.160).
I was able to create the guestbook application successfully following this link: Only one change I made to frontend-service.yaml: to use NodePort. I can access the frontend service using nodes IP and port number(10.x.x.150:30724 or 10.x.x.160:30724). So everything is working as expected but I am not able to access the frontend service using ClusterIP address(in my case 10.x.x.79).
My understanding of NodePort is that the service can be accessed through cluster IP and also on a port on each node of the cluster. How can I access the service through ClusterIP so that I don’t have to access the each node? Am I missing something here?
service and pod details
$sudo kubectl describe service frontend
Name: frontend
Namespace: default
Labels: name=frontend
Selector: name=frontend
Type: NodePort
IP: 10.x.x.79
Port: <unnamed> 80/TCP
NodePort: <unnamed> 30724/TCP
Endpoints: 172.x.x.13:80,172.x.x.14:80,172.x.x.11:80
Session Affinity: None
No events.
$sudo kubectl describe pod frontend-2b5us
Name: frontend-2b5us
Namespace: default
Node: 10.x.x.150/10.x.x.150
Labels: name=frontend
Status: Running
IP: 172.x.x.11
Replication Controllers: frontend (3/3 replicas created)
State: Running
Started: Fri, 30 Oct 2015 04:00:40 -0500
Ready: True
Restart Count: 0
I tried to search but would not find any solution for my exact problem but I did find similar problem that looks like for GCE.
Why can't I access my Kubernetes service via its IP?

You do not have ClusterIP service. You do have a NodePort service. To access it, you connect to the NodePort on any of your nodes in the cluster, as you've already discovered. You do get load-balancing here. Even though you connect to a cluster node, the pod you get does not necessarily run on that particular node.
Read the relevant section in the documentation at to learn about additional service types. You probably do not want NodePort on GCP.
Talking about ClusterIP. To access a ClusterIP service for debugging purposes, you can run kubectl port-forward. You will not actually access the service, but you will directly connect to one of the pods.
For example
kubectl port-forward frontend-2b5us 80 8080
Now connect to localhost:8080
More sophisticated command, which discovers the port on its own, given namespace -n weave and a selector. Taken from
kubectl port-forward -n weave \
"$(kubectl get -n weave pod \
--selector=weave-scope-component=app \
-o jsonpath='{}')" \

From where are you trying to access clusterIP? The clusterIP (by default) only works from within the cluster. It is a virtual IP, not routed.


How to make kubernetes pod have access to PostgreSQL Pod

I am trying local Kubernetes(Docker-on-mac), and trying to submit a spark job. The spark job, connects with a PostgreSQL database and do some calculations.
The PostgreSQL is running on my Kube and since I have published it, I can access it from the host via localhost:5432. However, when the spark application is trying to connect to PostgreSQL, it throws
Exception in thread "main" org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: Connection to localhost:5432 refused. Check that the hostname and port are correct and that the postmaster is accepting TCP/IP connections.
kubectl cluster-info
Kubernetes master is running at https://kubernetes.docker.internal:6443
KubeDNS is running at https://kubernetes.docker.internal:6443/api/v1/namespaces/kube-system/services/kube-dns:dns/proxy
kubectl get service postgresql-published
kubectl describe service spark-store-1588217023181-driver-svc
Name: spark-store-1588217023181-driver-svc
Namespace: default
Labels: <none>
Annotations: <none>
Selector: spark-app-selector=spark-533ecb8556b6439eb938d487cc77c330,spark-role=driver
Type: ClusterIP
IP: None
Port: driver-rpc-port 7078/TCP
TargetPort: 7078/TCP
Endpoints: <none>
Port: blockmanager 7079/TCP
TargetPort: 7079/TCP
Endpoints: <none>
Session Affinity: None
How can I make my spark job, have access to PostgreSQL service?
localhost is there in EXTERNAL_IP but Kubernetes cluster DNS system(CoreDNS) does not know how to resolve it to an IP address.EXTERNAL_IP is supposed to be resolved by an external DNS server and it's generally meant to be used to connect to Postgres from outside the Kubernetes cluster(i.e from another system or from Kubernetes nodes as well) and not from the inside the cluster(i.e from another pod)
Postgres should be accessible from spark pod via or postgresql-published:5432 because kubernetes cluster DNS system knows how to resolve it.
Test the Postgres connectivity
kubectl run postgresql-postgresql-client --rm --tty -i --restart='Never' --namespace default --image bitnami/postgresql --env="PGPASSWORD=<HERE_YOUR_PASSWORD>" --command -- psql --host <HERE_HOSTNAME=SVC_OR_IP> -U <HERE_USERNAME>
postgresql-published LoadBalancer localhost 5432:31277
Means that the service shall be accessible within the cluster at , postgresql-published:5432 and externally at localhost:31277.
Please note that for the Pod the localhost is the Pod itself. In this very case localhost looks ambiguous. However that is how the expose works.

Kubernetes cluster is not exposing external ip as <nodes>

Here is my service.yaml code :
kind: Service
apiVersion: v1
name: login
app: login
- protocol: TCP
name: http
port: 5555
targetPort: login-http
type: NodePort
I wrote service type as
type: NodePort
but when i hit command as below it does not show the external ip as 'nodes' :
'kubectl get svc'
here is output:
kubernetes ClusterIP <none> 443/TCP 7h
login NodePort <none> 5555:32436/TCP 5m
please help me to understand the mistake.
There is nothing wrong with your service, you should be able to access it using <your_vm_ip>:32436.
NodePort, as the name implies, opens a specific port on all the Nodes (the VMs), and any traffic that is sent to this port is forwarded to the service. So, On your node port 32436 is open and will receive all the external traffic on this port and forward it to the login service.
nodePort is the port that a client outside of the cluster will "see". nodePort is opened on every node in your cluster via kube-proxy. With iptables magic Kubernetes (k8s) then routes traffic from that port to a matching service pod (even if that pod is running on a completely different node).
nodePort is unique, so 2 different services cannot have the same nodePort assigned. Once declared, the k8s master reserves that nodePort for that service. nodePort is then opened on EVERY node (master and worker) - also the nodes that do not run a pod of that service - k8s iptables magic takes care of the routing. That way you can make your service request from outside your k8s cluster to any node on nodePort without worrying whether a pod is scheduled there or not.
See the following article, it shows different ways to expose your services:

How to access Kubernetes NodePort service in browser?

I have created a deployment for jenkins in Kubernetes.
The pod is running fine, I've created a service to access jenkins on service-ip:8080 but it seems not to work.
When I create an ingress above the service I can access it using the public ip.
kind: Service
apiVersion: v1
name: jenkins-ui
namespace: jenkins
type: NodePort
app: jenkins
- protocol: TCP
port: 8080
targetPort: 8080
name: ui
I created my service as described above:
$ kubectl get svc --namespace=jenkins
jenkins-ui NodePort 10.47.xx.xx <none> 8080:30960/TCP 1d
I tried to access: 10.47.xx.xx:8080 but I was not able to access the jenkins UI. What am I doing wrong? I also tried 10.47.xx.xx:30960
I want to access my jenkins UI using a service but I want to keep it private in my cluster. (ingress makes it public).
$ kubectl describe svc jenkins-ui --namespace jenkins
Name: jenkins-ui
Namespace: jenkins
Labels: <none>
Annotations: <none>
Selector: app=jenkins
Type: NodePort
IP: 10.47.xx.xx Port: ui 8080/TCP
TargetPort: 8080/TCP
NodePort: ui 30960/TCP
Endpoints: 10.44.10.xx:8080
Session Affinity: None
External Traffic Policy: Cluster
Events: <none>
accessing the pod on 10.44.10.xx:8080 does not work too.
If I understand correctly, you want any container running in your cluster to be able to access your jenkins service, but you don't want your jenkins service to be accessible outside your cluster to something like your browser?
In this case:
curl http://jenkins-ui.default:8080
curl http://10.47.10.xx:8080
will work perfectly fine from inside any container in your kubernetes cluster.
Also, you cannot access it 10.47.10.xx:8080 from outside your cluster because that IP is only valid/available inside your kubernetes cluster.
If you want to access it from outside the cluster an ingress controller or to connect on http://<node-ip>: 30960 is the only way to connect to the jenkins-ui k8s service and thus the pod behind it.
EDIT: Use kubectl port-forward
In development mode, if you want to access a container running internally, you can use kubectl port-forward:
kubectl port-forward <jenkins-ui-pod> 9090:8080
This way, http://localhost:9090 will show you the jenkins-ui screen because you have kubectl access.
kubectl port-forward doesn't work for services yet:

Access service on subdomain in Kubernetes

I have following setup:
Private OpenStack Cloud - o̲n̲l̲y̲ Web UI (Horizon) is accessible
(API is restricted but maybe I could get access)
I have used CoreOS with a setup of one master and three nodes
Resources are standardized (as default of OpenStack)
I followed the getting-started guide for CoreOS (i.e. I'm using the default YAMLs for cloud-config provided) on GitHub
As I read extensions such like Web UI (kube-ui) can be added as Add-On - which I have added (only kube-ui).
Now if I run a test such like simple-nginx I get following output:
creating pods:
$ kubectl run my-nginx --image=nginx --replicas=2 --port=80
creating service:
$ kubectl expose rc my-nginx --port=80 --type=LoadBalancer
my-nginx run=my-nginx run=my-nginx 80/TCP
get service info:
$ kubectl describe service my-nginx
Name: my-nginx
Namespace: default
Labels: run=my-nginx
Selector: run=my-nginx
Type: LoadBalancer
Port: <unnamed> 80/TCP
NodePort: <unnamed> 31170/TCP
Session Affinity: None
No events.
I can access my service from every(!) external IP of the nodes.
My question now is as follows:
How can access any started service ether with a subdomain and therefore how can I set this configuration (for example I have as example) or could it be printed out on which node-IP I have to access my service (although I have only two replicas(?!))?
To describe my thoughts more understandable I mean following:
given domain: (pointing to master)
start service simple-nginx
service can be accessed with
Does your OpenStack cloud provider implementation support services of type LoadBalancer?
If so, the service controller should assign an ingress IP or hostname to the service, which should eventually show up in kubectl describe svc output. You could then set up external DNS for it.
If not, just use type=NodePort, and you'll still get a NodePort on each node. You can then follow the advice in the comment to create an Ingress resource, which can do the port and host remapping.

Kubernetes, Flannel and exposing services

I have a kubernetes setup running nicely, but I can't seem to expose services externally. I'm thinking my networking is not set up correctly:
kubernetes services addresses: --service-cluster-ip-range=
flannel network config: etcdctl get /test.lan/network/config {"Network":""}
docker subnet setting: --bip=
Hostnode IP:
I've got the nginx service running and I've tried to expose it like so:
[root#kubemaster ~]# kubectl get pods
nginx-px6uy 1/1 Running 0 4m
[root#kubemaster ~]# kubectl get services
kubernetes component=apiserver,provider=kubernetes <none> 443/TCP 31m
nginx run=nginx run=nginx 9000/TCP 3m
and then I exposed the service like this:
kubectl expose rc nginx --port=9000 --target-port=9000 --type=NodePort
nginx run=nginx run=nginx 9000/TCP 292y
I'm expecting now to be able to get to the nginx container on the hostnodes IP ( - have I misunderstood the networking? If I have, can explanation would be appreciated :(
Note: This is on physical hardware with no cloud provider provided load balancer, so NodePort is the only option I have, I think?
So the issue here was that there's a missing piece of the puzzle when you use nodePort.
I was also making a mistake with the commands.
Firstly, you need to make sure you expose the right ports, in this case 80 for nginx:
kubectl expose rc nginx --port=80 --type=NodePort
Secondly, you need to use kubectl describe svc nginx and it'll show you the NodePort it's assigned on each node:
[root#kubemaster ~]# kubectl describe svc nginx
Name: nginx
Namespace: default
Labels: run=nginx
Selector: run=nginx
Type: NodePort
Port: <unnamed> 80/TCP
NodePort: <unnamed> 32033/TCP
Session Affinity: None
No events.
You can of course assign one when you deploy, but I was missing this info when using randomly assigned ports.
yes, you would need to use NodePort.
When you hit the service, the destPort should be equal to NodePort.
The destIP for the service should be considered local by the nodes. E.g. you could use the hostIP of one of the nodes..
A load-balancer helps because it would handle situations where your node went down, but other nodes could still process the service..
if you're running a cluster on bare metal or not at a provider that provides the load balancer, you can also define the port to be a hostPort on your pod
you define your container, and ports
- name: ningx
image: nginx
- containerPort: 80
hostPort: 80
name: http
this will bind the container to the host networking and use the port defined.
The 2 limitations here are obviously:
1) You can only have one of these pods on each host maximum.
2) The IP is the host IP of the node it binds to
this is essentially how the cloud provider load balancers work in a way.
Using the new DaemonSet features, it's possible to define what node the pod will land on and fix the IP. However that necessarily impair the high availability aspect, but at some point there is not much choice as DNS load balancing will not avoid forwarding to a dead nodes
