How to animate a line string between 2 points in OpenLayers 3 map? - openlayers-3

I want to draw a line between multiple points from an array of coordinates.
My code looks like :
<button onclick="drawAnimatedLine(new ol.geom.Point(6210355.674114,2592743.9994331785), new ol.geom.Point(8176927.537835015,2255198.08252584), 50, 2000);">Draw Line</button>
And my js looks like :
function drawAnimatedLine(startPt, endPt, steps, time, fn) {
var style = {
strokeColor: "#0500bd",
strokeWidth: 15,
strokeOpacity: 0.5,
strokeColor: '#0000ff'
var directionX = (endPt.x - startPt.x) / steps;
var directionY = (endPt.y - startPt.y) / steps;
var i = 0;
var prevLayer;
var lineDraw = setInterval(function () {
console.log("Inside Animate Line");
if (i > steps) {
if (fn)
var newEndPt = new ol.geom.Point(startPt.x + i * directionX, startPt.y + i * directionY);
var line = new ol.geom.LineString([startPt, newEndPt]);
var fea = new ol.Feature({
style: style
var vec = new ol.layer.Vector();
prevLayer = vec;
}, time / steps);
Note : Coordinates will be dynamic but for testing I've passed the sample data in onclick of the button. Please do try to sort out this issue as soon as possible.


Capturing touch events (touchstart and touchmove) in addition to mousemove for synchronising highcharts

I have been building a basic webpage which displays data from a weather station with multiple synchronised highcharts, with the help of others here and here I have been able to implement a fully working version for mouse based systems (windows etc), how do I adapt the code below to also capture the touchstart and touchmove events:
//catch mousemove event and have all charts' crosshairs move along indicated values on x axis
function syncronizeCrossHairs(chart) {
var container = $(chart.container),
offset = container.offset(),
container.mousemove(function(evt) {
x = evt.clientX - chart.plotLeft - offset.left;
//remove old plot line and draw new plot line (crosshair) for this chart
var xAxis1 = chart1.xAxis[0],
points = [],
points1 = [],
points2 = [],
points3 = [],
points4 = [],
e = chart1.pointer.normalize(evt); // Find coordinates within the chart
chart1.series.forEach(s => {
var point = s.searchPoint(e, true)
if (point) {
if (points) {
var number = 0;
Highcharts.each(points, function(p, i) {
if (!p.series.visible) {
points.splice(i - number, 1);
if (points.length) {
chart1.tooltip.refresh(points); // Show the tooltip
value: chart.xAxis[0].translate(x, true),
width: 1,
id: "myPlotLineId"
/*----- second chart ------*/
var xAxis2 = chart2.xAxis[0];
chart2.series.forEach(s => {
var point = s.searchPoint(e, true)
if (point) {
if (points1[0]) {
var number = 0;
Highcharts.each(points1, function(p, i) {
if (!p.series.visible) {
points1.splice(i - number, 1);
if (points1.length) {
chart2.tooltip.refresh(points1); // Show the tooltip
value: chart.xAxis[0].translate(x, true),
width: 1,
id: "myPlotLineId"
/*----- third chart ------*/
var xAxis3 = chart3.xAxis[0];
chart3.series.forEach(s => {
var point = s.searchPoint(e, true)
if (point) {
if (points2[0]) {
var number = 0;
Highcharts.each(points1, function(p, i) {
if (!p.series.visible) {
points2.splice(i - number, 1);
if (points2.length) {
chart3.tooltip.refresh(points2); // Show the tooltip
value: chart.xAxis[0].translate(x, true),
width: 1,
id: "myPlotLineId"
//if you have other charts that need to be syncronized - update their crosshair (plot line) in the same way in this function.
Base on this example from official Highcharts demo base I was able to wrap similar pattern to your code.
['mousemove', 'touchmove', 'touchstart'].forEach(function(eventType) {
var container = $(chart.container),
offset = container.offset(),
(function(evt) {
x = evt.clientX - chart.plotLeft - offset.left;
//remove old plot line and draw new plot line (crosshair) for this chart
var xAxis1 = chart1.xAxis[0],
points = [],
points1 = [],
points2 = [],
points3 = [],
e = chart1.pointer.normalize(evt); // Find coordinates within the chart

vectorSource.addFeatures with the parameter Array containing more than 10 features using openlayers 4.3.3

I have a map and I'd like to add features. The features are added correctly always at the end of the array. If there are more than 10 features added, the eleven one - is inserted anywhere.
draw.on('drawend', function(evt) {
var feature = evt.feature;
var anfang = ol.proj.transform(feature.getGeometry().getFirstCoordinate(), 'EPSG:3857', 'EPSG:4326');
var ende = ol.proj.transform(feature.getGeometry().getLastCoordinate(), 'EPSG:3857', 'EPSG:4326');
var url = '?lonlats='+anfang+'|'+ende+'&nogos=&profile=shortest&alternativeidx=0&format=geojson';
url = encodeURIComponent(url);
url = broutes+url;
var response = new XMLHttpRequest();'GET', url);
var onError = function() {
response.onerror = onError;
response.onload = function() {
if (response.status == 200) {
var data = Ext.decode(response.responseText);
var arr = data.features[0].geometry.coordinates;
var arrayNew = [];
for (i=0; i<arr.length; i++){
var n = ol.proj.transform(arr[i], 'EPSG:4326', 'EPSG:3857');
var data = new ol.geom.LineString( arrayNew );
var featureSnake = new ol.Feature({
geometry: data
snakeSource.addFeature( featureSnake );
var win = Ext.create('MyProject.view.window.Edit', {
record : featureSnake,
toDo: 'insert',
} else {
I chanced my code like you told me (using version 4.3.3)
vectorSource = new ol.source.Vector({
useSpatialIndex: false
Now I have the following result vectorSource.getFeatures()
I have all features twice.

ol3 ext-ol how can make cluster for different layers

I'm using ol3/ol4 with ol-ext
I create two layer:
clusterSource = new ol.source.Cluster({
distance: distanceFt,
source: new ol.source.Vector()
// Animated cluster layer
clusterLayer = new ol.layer.AnimatedCluster({
name: 'Cluster',
source: clusterSource,
animationDuration: 700, //$("#animatecluster").prop('checked') ? 700 : 0,
// Cluster style
style: getStyle
layersArray.push(clusterLayer); // adding to array
sourceReclamos_Eventos = new ol.source.Cluster({
distance: distanceFt,
source: new ol.source.Vector()
capaReclamos_Eventos = new ol.layer.AnimatedCluster({
name: "Reclamos_Eventos",
source: sourceReclamos_Eventos,
animationDuration: 700,
style: getStyle
Later, add that layers in:
selectCluster = new ol.interaction.SelectCluster({
layers: arraySelectCLuster,
// Point radius: to calculate distance between the features
pointRadius: 20,
animate: true, //$("#animatesel").prop('checked'),
// Feature style when it springs apart
featureStyle: featureStyle,
selectCluster: false, // disable cluster selection
After load the layers, only persist the Features in the first layer, in the second layer the Features is removed (clear) after zoom changing... why?
please, help
I'm adding features using clusterLayer.getSource().addFeatures() and capaReclamos_Eventos.getSource().addFeatures().
function addFeatures_Reclamos_Eventos(ffs, centrar) {
var transform = ol.proj.getTransform('EPSG:4326', 'EPSG:3857');
var features = [];
for (var i = 0; i < ffs.length; i++) {
features[i] = new ol.Feature();
var geometry = new ol.geom.Point(transform([parseFloat(ffs[i].lon), parseFloat(ffs[i].lat)]));
qweFeature = features;
if (document.getElementById('botonFiltrar')) {
document.getElementById('botonFiltrar').disabled = false;
if (centrar) {
window.setTimeout(function () {
var extent = capaReclamos_Eventos.getSource().getExtent();
map.getView().fit(extent, map.getSize());
}, 700);// 1/2 seg

Drag and Drop limitation in Konva js

I recently began to learn Konva-JS... please help me :)
var width = window.innerWidth;
var height = window.innerHeight;
function loadImages(sources, callback) {
var assetDir = '/assets/';
var images = {};
var loadedImages = 0;
var numImages = 0;
for(var src in sources) {
for(var src in sources) {
images[src] = new Image();
images[src].onload = function() {
if(++loadedImages >= numImages) {
images[src].src = assetDir + sources[src];
function isNearOutline(animal, outline) {
var a = animal;
var o = outline;
var ax = a.getX();
var ay = a.getY();
if(ax > o.x - 20 && ax < o.x + 20 && ay > o.y - 20 && ay < o.y + 20) {
return true;
else {
return false;
function drawBackground(background, beachImg, text) {
var context = background.getContext();
context.drawImage(beachImg, 0, 0);
context.setAttr('font', '20pt Calibri');
context.setAttr('textAlign', 'center');
context.setAttr('fillStyle', 'white');
context.fillText(text, background.getStage().getWidth() / 2, 40);
function initStage(images) {
var stage = new Konva.Stage({
container: 'container',
width: 578,
height: 530
var background = new Konva.Layer();
var animalLayer = new Konva.Layer();
var animalShapes = [];
var score = 0;
// image positions
var animals = {
snake: {
x: 10,
y: 70
giraffe: {
x: 90,
y: 70
monkey: {
x: 275,
y: 70
lion: {
x: 400,
y: 70
var outlines = {
snake_black: {
x: 275,
y: 350
giraffe_black: {
x: 390,
y: 250
monkey_black: {
x: 300,
y: 420
lion_black: {
x: 100,
y: 390
// create draggable animals
for(var key in animals) {
// anonymous function to induce scope
(function() {
var privKey = key;
var anim = animals[key];
var animal = new Konva.Image({
image: images[key],
x: anim.x,
y: anim.y,
draggable: true
animal.on('dragstart', function() {
* check if animal is in the right spot and
* snap into place if it is
animal.on('dragend', function() {
var outline = outlines[privKey + '_black'];
if(!animal.inRightPlace && isNearOutline(animal, outline)) {
x : outline.x,
y : outline.y
animal.inRightPlace = true;
if(++score >= 4) {
var text = 'You win! Enjoy your booty!';
drawBackground(background, images.beach, text);
// disable drag and drop
setTimeout(function() {
}, 50);
// make animal glow on mouseover
animal.on('mouseover', function() {
animal.image(images[privKey + '_glow']);
animalLayer.draw(); = 'pointer';
// return animal on mouseout
animal.on('mouseout', function() {
animalLayer.draw(); = 'default';
animal.on('dragmove', function() { = 'pointer';
// create animal outlines
for(var key in outlines) {
// anonymous function to induce scope
(function() {
var imageObj = images[key];
var out = outlines[key];
var outline = new Konva.Image({
image: imageObj,
x: out.x,
y: out.y
drawBackground(background, images.beach, 'Ahoy! Put the animals on the beach!');
var sources = {
beach: 'beach.png',
snake: 'snake.png',
snake_glow: 'snake-glow.png',
snake_black: 'snake-black.png',
lion: 'lion.png',
lion_glow: 'lion-glow.png',
lion_black: 'lion-black.png',
monkey: 'monkey.png',
monkey_glow: 'monkey-glow.png',
monkey_black: 'monkey-black.png',
giraffe: 'giraffe.png',
giraffe_glow: 'giraffe-glow.png',
giraffe_black: 'giraffe-black.png'
loadImages(sources, initStage);
as we can see in this example Animals_on_the_Beach_Game the animal's images are drag-able and can be drop ever where.... but I want to change it in the way that it just can drop on the specific place ... what can I do ?
thank you :)
This is more of a design question, as letting go of the mouse button isn't something you can prevent. It would also be non-intuitive to keep the image attached to the mouse position as you would then need a new mouse event to associate with dropping it. What I've done for a drag and drop UI was to either (1) destroy the dropped shape, or if that wasn't an option, (2) animate the shape back (i.e. snap back) to its original position. Alternatively, you might (3) find the closest likely valid drop target and snap to that location.
First you define lionOrigin, that maybe you already have.
You have to implement the call on the dragend event of the object dragged, so let's say the lion. You have to check position of the lion in relation to the end desired position, let's call it lionDestiny. That can be done with a simple grometry: calculate the distance between to point. We do that with distanceA2B() function.
Now you can establish an offset inside wich you can snap the object, as it is close enough. If the minimal offset is not achieved, then you place the lion back on lionOrigin.
Al last, in konvajs you can use .x() and .y() to easily get or set position to lion.
Something like this:
var lionOrigin = [50,50];
var lionDestiny = [200,200];
var offset = 20;
distanceA2B(a,b) {
return Math.sqrt( ((a[0]-b[0])*(a[0]-b[0])) + ((a[1]-b[1])*(a[1]-b[1])) );
lion.on('dragend', (e) => {
var d = distanceA2B([lion.x(),lion.y()],lionDestiny);
Hope this helps!
It would have been better if you could explain your question more when you say you want to move any shape to a specific position. Though konva.js provides you with various events through which you can do this. For example, suppose you want to interchange the location of two shapes when you drag and move the first shape to the second and drop it there. In this case, you can use dragend event of konva. So when you move the target element to another element and drop it there, check if they are intersecting each other or not and then interchange their coordinates with each other.
Here is the function to find the intersection between two elements:
haveIntersection(r1, r2) {
return !(
r2.x > r1.x + r1.width ||
r2.x + r2.width < r1.x ||
r2.y > r1.y + r1.height ||
r2.y + r2.height < r1.y
And from here, you can try to understand the functionality. Though it's in nuxt.js but the events and scripts would be almost same if you are using only javascript. You can find sample code with an explanation for replacing the location of two shapes with each other. So even if you don't want to replace the locations but you want to move your target element to any position this will make you understand how to do this.

Lock Orientation When Using OpenLayers Geolocation

We use an embedded map to track our location while driving in the field. Currently the map rotates to match the GPS's orientation. We've found that to be very disorienting and I'd like to lock the orientation North (0 degrees). I still would like the map to track location and indicate heading if available. Below is the snipped from the map's javascript file pertaining to geolocation.
// Geolocation marker
var markerEl = document.getElementById('geolocation_marker');
var marker = new ol.Overlay({
positioning: 'center-center',
element: markerEl,
stopEvent: false
// LineString to store the different geolocation positions. This LineString
// is time aware.
// The Z dimension is actually used to store the rotation (heading).
var positions = new ol.geom.LineString([],
/** #type {ol.geom.GeometryLayout} */ ('XYZM'));
// Geolocation Control
var geolocation = new ol.Geolocation(/** #type {olx.GeolocationOptions} */ ({
projection: view.getProjection(),
tracking: true,
trackingOptions: {
maximumAge: 10000,
enableHighAccuracy: true,
timeout: 600000
var deltaMean = 500; // the geolocation sampling period mean in ms
// Listen to position changes
geolocation.on('change', function(evt) {
var position = geolocation.getPosition();
var accuracy = geolocation.getAccuracy();
var heading = geolocation.getHeading() || 0;
var speed = geolocation.getSpeed() || 0;
var m =;
addPosition(position, heading, m, speed);
document.getElementById("locate").style.backgroundColor = 'rgba(0,128,0,1)';
locateUser = true;
geolocation.on('error', function(error) {
var errors = {
1: 'Permission denied to locate device',
2: 'Position unavailable',
3: 'Request timeout'
if (error.code){
document.getElementById("locate").style.backgroundColor = 'rgba(255,0,0,1)';
locateUser = false;
alert("Error: " + errors[error.code]);
// convert radians to degrees
function radToDeg(rad) {
return rad * 360 / (Math.PI * 2);
// convert degrees to radians
function degToRad(deg) {
return deg * Math.PI * 2 / 360;
// modulo for negative values
function mod(n) {
return ((n % (2 * Math.PI)) + (2 * Math.PI)) % (2 * Math.PI);
function addPosition(position, heading, m, speed) {
var x = position[0];
var y = position[1];
var fCoords = positions.getCoordinates();
var previous = fCoords[fCoords.length - 1];
var prevHeading = previous && previous[2];
if (prevHeading) {
var headingDiff = heading - mod(prevHeading);
// force the rotation change to be less than 180°
if (Math.abs(headingDiff) > Math.PI) {
var sign = (headingDiff >= 0) ? 1 : -1;
headingDiff = - sign * (2 * Math.PI - Math.abs(headingDiff));
heading = prevHeading + headingDiff;
positions.appendCoordinate([x, y, heading, m]);
// only keep the 20 last coordinates
// FIXME use speed instead
if (heading && speed) {
markerEl.src = 'images/geolocation_marker_heading.png';
} else {
markerEl.src = 'images/geolocation_marker.png';
var previousM = 0;
// change center and rotation before render
map.beforeRender(function(map, frameState) {
if (frameState !== null) {
// use sampling period to get a smooth transition
var m = frameState.time - deltaMean * 1.5;
m = Math.max(m, previousM);
previousM = m;
// interpolate position along positions LineString
var c = positions.getCoordinateAtM(m, true);
var view = frameState.viewState;
if (c) {
view.rotation = -c[2];
return true; // Force animation to continue
// postcompose callback
function render() {
// geolocate device
var geolocateBtn = document.getElementById('locate');
geolocateBtn.addEventListener('click', function() {
geolocation.setTracking(false); = 'rgba(255,0,0,1)';
locateUser = false;
map.getView().setCenter(geolocation.getPosition()); = 'rgba(0,128,0,1)';
map.on('postcompose', render);
locateUser = true;
}, false);
function addLocations(addressArr) {
if (nextAddress < addressArr.length) {
if (addressArr[nextAddress] !== undefined){
}, delay);
if(nextAddress == addressArr.length) {
view.fitExtent(vectorSource.getExtent(), map.getSize());
function geocodeAddress (location) {
$.getJSON(''+location.address+'&sensor=false', null, function (data) {
if(data.status === 'OK'){
var p = data.results[0].geometry.location;
var color = location.status == 'incomplete' ? 'red' : 'green';
var pointFeature = new ol.Feature({
geometry: new ol.geom.Point(ol.proj.transform([p.lng,], 'EPSG:4326',
fillColor: color,
if(data.status === 'OVER_QUERY_LIMIT'){
delay += delay;
Here is the relevant ol3 code that's causing the rotation to happen.
By setting view.rotation = 0; you may resolve the issue.
