iOS NSStream tcp server client can't communicate - ios

I have an issue with the development of a tcp server/client in objective c with Bonjour.
On the server side I open correctly the streams and I use the handleEvent function to send and receive data. But I don't know what is the proper way to send and receive data. I read this excellent post : Correct way to send data through a socket with NSOutputStream
So I use a packet queued system to send data :
switch(eventCode) {
case NSStreamEventOpenCompleted: {
} break;
case NSStreamEventHasSpaceAvailable: {
if (stream == _outputStream)
[self _sendData];
} break;
- (void)_sendData {
flag_canSendDirectly = NO;
NSData *data = [_dataWriteQueue lastObject];
if (data == nil) {
flag_canSendDirectly = YES;
uint8_t *readBytes = (uint8_t *)[data bytes];
readBytes += currentDataOffset;
NSUInteger dataLength = [data length];
NSUInteger lengthOfDataToWrite = (dataLength - currentDataOffset >= 1024) ? 1024 : (dataLength - currentDataOffset);
NSInteger bytesWritten = [_outputStream write:readBytes maxLength:lengthOfDataToWrite];
currentDataOffset += bytesWritten;
if (bytesWritten > 0) {
self.currentDataOffset += bytesWritten;
if (self.currentDataOffset == dataLength) {
[self.dataWriteQueue removeLastObject];
self.currentDataOffset = 0;
. So basically i just send separate my data on many packets. But I don't see how to reconstruct the data on the client side. And I think i didn't correctly understood the NSStreamEventHasBytesAvailable event. Because here I send many packets but this event on the client side is call only once. And when I reconstruct the data from the buffer the data appears to be corrupted. I would really appreciate if someone can clarify all this, the documentation is not really clear on this point (or maybe I miss a point ..) .
case NSStreamEventHasBytesAvailable: {
if (stream == _inputStream)
//read data
uint8_t buffer[1024];
int len;
while ([_inputStream hasBytesAvailable])
len = [_inputStream read:buffer maxLength:sizeof(buffer)];
if (len > 0)
NSString *output = [[NSString alloc] initWithBytes:buffer length:len encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
//NSData *theData = [[NSData alloc] initWithBytes:buffer length:len];
UnitySendMessage("AppleBonjour_UnityNetworkManager(Clone)", "OnLocalClientReceiveMessageFromServer", [output cStringUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]);

It seems, that you use two variables currentDataOffset -- an instance variable and a property -- for the same purpose. If you indeed need both of them, you should set 0 to currentDataOffset as well. But I think the fragment should look like:
readBytes += currentDataOffset;
NSUInteger dataLength = [data length];
NSUInteger lengthOfDataToWrite = MIN(dataLength - currentDataOffset, 1024);
NSInteger bytesWritten = [_outputStream write:readBytes maxLength:lengthOfDataToWrite];
if (bytesWritten > 0) {
currentDataOffset += bytesWritten;
if (currentDataOffset == dataLength) {
[self.dataWriteQueue removeLastObject];
currentDataOffset = 0;


Unable to write data into hardware peripheral

I am using CoreBlueTooth API to write data into a peripheral we have received from some hardware manufacturing company. As per the specs they have given us a bunch of characteristics UUIDs to write data into. Once we want to finish we need to write 0 in one of the characteristics. Now, the problem is that when I am trying to send String/Integer and converting them into NSData then its not working. I think I need to send byte stream in those writable characteristics. Can someone help me as how can I convert my NSString & NSNumber data into byte stream before sending them. Below is my conversion code I tried with:
- (void)writeCharactersticData:(NSDictionary *)iData toPeripheral:(CBPeripheral *)iPeripheral {
NSArray *charactersticsIDs = [NSArray arrayWithArray:iData.allKeys];
self.writeCharactersticsCount = charactersticsIDs.count;
for (CBUUID *uuid in charactersticsIDs) {
if (self.peripheralCharacterstics[uuid]) {
NSData *payload;
if ([iData[uuid] isKindOfClass:[NSNumber class]]) {
NSInteger data = ((NSNumber *)iData[uuid]).integerValue;
// int integerSize = sizeof(data);
// uint8_t bytes[integerSize];
// NSLog(#"Integer data = %d", data);
// int8_t tx = (int8_t)data;
// bytes[0] = tx;
// payload = [NSData dataWithBytes:bytes length:sizeof(data)];
payload = [NSData dataWithBytes:&data length:sizeof(data)];
} else if ([iData[uuid] isKindOfClass:[NSString class]]) {
int stringSize = sizeof(iData[uuid]);
uint8_t bytes[stringSize];
NSScanner *scanner = [NSScanner scannerWithString:iData[uuid]];
for (int i=0; i<stringSize; i++) {
unsigned int value;
[scanner scanHexInt:&value];
bytes[i] = (uint8_t)value;
payload = [NSData dataWithBytes:bytes length:stringSize];
// payload = [iData[uuid] dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
[self.discoveredPeripheral writeValue:payload forCharacteristic:self.peripheralCharacterstics[uuid] type:CBCharacteristicWriteWithResponse];
Here is the fix, It works for me
//Integer to NSData
+(NSData *) IntToNSData:(NSInteger)data
Byte *byteData = (Byte*)malloc(4);
byteData[3] = data & 0xff;
byteData[2] = (data & 0xff00) >> 8;
byteData[1] = (data & 0xff0000) >> 16;
byteData[0] = (data & 0xff000000) >> 24;
NSData * result = [NSData dataWithBytes:byteData length:4];
return (NSData*)result;
//NSData to Integer
+(NSInteger) NSDataToInt:(NSData *)data
unsigned char bytes[4];
[data getBytes:bytes length:4];
NSInteger n = (int)bytes[0] << 24;
n |= (int)bytes[1] << 16;
n |= (int)bytes[2] << 8;
n |= (int)bytes[3];
return n;
Thanks to
This is not a Core Bluetooth based problem you have here.
For debugging, you could use
NSLog(#"%#", payload);
For your string to NSData conversion, your approach seems very complicated. I would suggest something simple like
NSData* payload = [iData[uuid] dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
if (payload.length > 20)
// handle error. most LE peripherals don't support longer values.
Another error could be that you mix ASCII 0 '0' with a binary zero '\0' when writing your value.
Just use It will make your job 100x easier

uint8_t conversion to NSString

I need to convert the contents of a single element in my uint8_t buffer to an NSString so that I can display it to a label on my iPhone app. I read in the contents of buffer OK from a TCP connection. I am not getting the proper encoding so that an element's value can be displayed correctly. For example, if buffer[4] has the contents of 0xFD or 253, how do I best get that transferred to the label? (The label is data1) Or is there a much simpler way? Thanks.
uint8_t buffer[64];
uint8_t tinybuffer[1];
int len;
// Read in contents from TCP connection, log dump, and display to label.
len = [inputStream read:buffer maxLength:sizeof(buffer)];
if (len > 0) {
// Log dump
for(int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
NSLog(#"Returning byte %d : %x", i, buffer[i]);
NSLog(#"Finished Reading");
// Get data to the screen.
tinybuffer[0] = buffer[4];
NSString *str1 = [[NSString alloc] initWithBytes:tinybuffer length:1 encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
_data1.text = str1;
NSString *str1 = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%d", tinybuffer[0]];
should do what you want.

Read integer from file IOS

I have a file that contains in the very first byte of data a number. In this case that number is 32. I have used a hex editor to confirm that (in hex) the value is "20" which equals 32 in decimal.
Can someone point me in the right direction of how to read it out of the file. I have tried about 6 different ways all of which have failed.
Lots of different ways. Here's one:
NSData *data = [NSData dataWithContentsOfFile:filename];
if ([data length] > 0)
const uint8_t *bytes = (const uint8_t *)[data bytes];
uint8_t byte = bytes[0];
NSLog(#"%d", byte);
or another:
NSInputStream *stream = [NSInputStream inputStreamWithFileAtPath:filename];
[stream open];
NSInteger bufferLen = 1;
uint8_t buffer[bufferLen];
NSInteger count = [stream read:buffer maxLength:bufferLen];
[stream close];
if (count > 0)
NSLog(#"%d", buffer[0]);

How to receive data from APNS feedback server in objective c

Hello I'm trying to to something rather simple I think.
I have made an cocoa application that sends data using APNS, getting the tokens from my database, everything is set up and running perfect.
Now I want to check the APNS feedback server and remove any tokens received from my database.
I have found dozens of examples in php, javascript and so forth, but nothing in Objective C. I have read the programming guide from apple but can't figure out how to do it.
I am establishing a connection to APNS feedback but I don't know how to read the data.
I'm new to cocoa so please explain in detail :)
This is how I connect to the feedback server, it's the same way I connect when sending, just using another host.
- (void)connectToFeedBackServer
if(self.certificate == nil)
NSString *feedBackHost = #"";
const char *cHost = [feedBackHost UTF8String];
NSLog(#"The size of cHost is: %lu", strlen(cHost));
NSLog(#"Host is: %s", cHost);
// Define result variable.
OSStatus result;
// Establish connection to server.
PeerSpec peer;
result = MakeServerConnection(cHost, 2196, &socket, &peer);
//NSLog(#"MakeServerConnection(): %d", result);
// Create new SSL context.
result = SSLNewContext(false, &context); //NSLog(#"SSLNewContext(): %d", result);
// Set callback functions for SSL context.
result = SSLSetIOFuncs(context, SocketRead, SocketWrite);
// NSLog(#"SSLSetIOFuncs(): %d", result);
// Set SSL context connection.
result = SSLSetConnection(context, socket);
// NSLog(#"SSLSetConnection(): %d", result);
// Set server domain name.
//result = SSLSetPeerDomainName(context, cHost, sizeof(cHost));
NSLog(#"SSLSetPeerDomainName(): %d", result);
result = SSLSetPeerDomainName(context, cHost, strlen(cHost));
result = SecIdentityCopyCertificate(_theIdentity, &(certificate));
// Set client certificate.
CFArrayRef certificates = CFArrayCreate(NULL, (const void **)&_theIdentity, 1, NULL);
result = SSLSetCertificate(context, certificates);// NSLog(#"SSLSetCertificate(): %d", result);
// Perform SSL handshake.
result = SSLHandshake(context); NSLog(#"SSLHandshake(): %d", result);
} while(result == errSSLWouldBlock);
And how I try to read the data and save the received the tokens in an array
- (NSMutableArray *)CheckFeedBackServer
char feedback[38];
size_t feedBackSize = sizeof(feedback);
size_t processed = 0;
NSMutableData *feedbackData = [[NSMutableData alloc]init];
NSString *token = [[NSString alloc]init];
NSMutableArray *tokenArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc]init];
[self connectToFeedBackServer];
while ([self getSSLContext])
int bytesLength = SSLRead([self getSSLContext], &feedback, feedBackSize, &processed);
[feedbackData appendBytes:feedback length:bytesLength];
while ([feedbackData length] > 38)
NSData *deviceToken = [NSData dataWithBytes:[feedbackData bytes] + 6 length:32];
token = [self deviceTokenToString:deviceToken];
[tokenArray addObject:token];
[feedbackData replaceBytesInRange: NSMakeRange(0, 38) withBytes: "" length: 0];
return tokenArray;
- (NSString *)deviceTokenToString: (NSData *)deviceToken;
NSString *tmpToken = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%#", deviceToken];
NSUInteger loc_begin = [tmpToken rangeOfString: #"<"].location+1;
NSUInteger loc_end = [tmpToken rangeOfString: #">"].location-1;
return [tmpToken substringWithRange: NSMakeRange(loc_begin, loc_end)];
Just if anyone need to do something similar I solved my problem like this.
I use Apples ioSock class, and I have set the certificate in my code by calling the keychain
First I connect to the feedback server with this code
- (void)connectToFeedBackServer
if(self.certificate == nil)
// Get the global variable feedbackHost and make it to a char
const char *cHost = [feedbackHost UTF8String];
NSLog(#"The size of cHost is: %lu", strlen(cHost));
NSLog(#"Host is: %s", cHost);
// Define result variable.
OSStatus result;
// Establish connection to server.
PeerSpec peer;
result = MakeServerConnection(cHost, 2196, &socket, &peer);
// Create new SSL context.
result = SSLNewContext(false, &context);
// Set callback functions for SSL context.
result = SSLSetIOFuncs(context, SocketRead, SocketWrite);
// Set SSL context connection.
result = SSLSetConnection(context, socket);
// Set server domain name.
result = SSLSetPeerDomainName(context, cHost, strlen(cHost));
result = SecIdentityCopyCertificate(_theIdentity, &(certificate));
// Set client certificate.
CFArrayRef certificates = CFArrayCreate(NULL, (const void **)&_theIdentity, 1, NULL);
result = SSLSetCertificate(context, certificates);
result = SSLHandshake(context); NSLog(#"SSLHandshake(): %d", result);
} while(result == errSSLWouldBlock);
And then I read the feedback data and add the tokens to an array, like this
- (NSMutableArray *)CheckFeedBackServer
OSStatus result;
NSMutableArray *feedbackTokens = [[NSMutableArray alloc]init];
// Retrieve message from SSL.
size_t processed = 0;
char buffer[38];
// Fetch the next item
result = SSLRead(context, buffer, 38, &processed);
if (result) break;
char *b = buffer;
// Recover Device ID
NSMutableString *deviceID = [NSMutableString string];
b += 6;
for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++)
[deviceID appendFormat:#"%02x", (unsigned char)b[i]];
[feedbackTokens addObject:deviceID];
} while (processed > 0);
return feedbackTokens;

NSOutputStream not writing data properly

Using the NSStreamEventHasSpace available event, I am trying to write a simple NSString to to an NSOutputStream. Here is the contents of that event:
uint8_t *readBytes = (uint8_t *)[data mutableBytes];
readBytes += byteIndex; // instance variable to move pointer
int data_len = [data length];
unsigned int len = ((data_len - byteIndex >= 12) ?
12 : (data_len-byteIndex));
uint8_t buf[len];
(void)memcpy(buf, readBytes, len);
len = [output write:(const uint8_t *)buf maxLength:len];
NSLog(#"wrote: %s", buf);
byteIndex += len;
I pretty much took it right from Apple. The data is initialized in my viewDidLoad method with
data = [NSMutableData dataWithData:[#"test message" dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]];
[data retain];
The HasSpaceAvailable event is called twice. In the first one, the entire message is written with the characters "N." appended to it. In the second time, NSLog reports that a blank message was written (not null). Then, the EndEncountered event occurs. In that event, I have
NSLog(#"event: end encountered");
assert([stream isEqual:output]);
NSData *newData = [output propertyForKey: NSStreamDataWrittenToMemoryStreamKey];
if (!newData) {
NSLog(#"No data written to memory!");
} else {
NSLog(#"finished writing: %#", newData);
[stream close];
[stream removeFromRunLoop:[NSRunLoop currentRunLoop]
[stream release];
output = nil;
I also got this from Apple. However, "No data written to memory!" is logged. No errors occur at anytime, and no data appears to have been received on the other end.
I seem to have fixed this by using low level Core Foundation methods instead of higher level NSStream methods. I used this article as a starting point:
It covers input and output streams in great lenghts and has code examples.
Hope this helps.
