I can't seem to find any plugin or example about Grails Multitenancy with Multiple Databases (one per tenant). I am using grails 2.4.0 . Can anyone help me?
In my application I needed to be able to access multiple databases and I didn't have the connection strings to the databases at startup so I couldn't preconfigure them as datasources.
The strategy I used was as follows:
1) implement an abstractroutingdatasource which stores a collection of datasources. It also registers a global closure withDataSource{}, a accepted some parameters and code block. The parameters are a name and connection information of the data source. In the withDataSource method, it either creates a new DataSource and saves it to a map using its key, or uses the saved on from the map.
2) in my client code I'd use the withDataSource closure to access whichever database I needed.
import org.springframework.jdbc.datasource.lookup.AbstractRoutingDataSource
import org.springframework.context.ApplicationContextAware
import org.springframework.beans.factory.DisposableBean
import org.springframework.beans.factory.InitializingBean
import org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext
import javax.sql.DataSource
import org.springframework.jdbc.datasource.DriverManagerDataSource
import org.springframework.jdbc.datasource.lookup.DataSourceLookup
import org.springframework.jdbc.datasource.SimpleDriverDataSource
class SwitchableDataSource
extends AbstractRoutingDataSource
implements ApplicationContextAware,
ApplicationContext applicationContext
Map _targetDataSources
private ThreadLocal<String> currentDataSource = new ThreadLocal<String>()
void afterPropertiesSet(){
// register global closure for setting the current datasource
// ... should probably be restricted to services and controllers.
Object.metaClass.withDataSource = this.&executeWithDataSource
public synchronized def executeWithDataSource(def params, def method){
// if datasource doesn't exist, register new one in application context
// set a threadlocal key for the current datasource key
def dataSourceName = ""
def key = params.clientId.toString()
if( !_targetDataSources.containsKey(key) ){
dataSourceName = "dataSource_${params.clientId}".toString()
new org.springframework.beans.MutablePropertyValues(
driverClassName : 'com.mysql.jdbc.Driver',
username : params.username.toString(),
password : params.password.toString(),
url : params.connectionString.toString()
// add datasource to map
_targetDataSources[key] = applicationContext.getBean(dataSourceName)
targetDataSources = _targetDataSources
super.afterPropertiesSet() // AbstractRoutingDataSource is lame... it converts 'targetDataSource' into 'resolvedDataSource' in afterPropertiesSet()
// set the thread local variable for the current datasource
// call the closure that was passed in containing some data access code
// and return whatever it returns
return method()
void destroy(){
// remove global closure
Object.metaClass.withDataSource = null // may need to throw a missing method exception
protected Object determineCurrentLookupKey() {
2) in client code, make calls as follows:
withDataSource( [ clientId: client.id, // client.id was my key
connectionString: jdbcConnection.url,
username: jdbcConnection.username,
password: jdbcConnection.password ] ) {
3) remember to register your routing datasource with spring in your resources.groovy. Notice that it assigns a default datasource so the initial datasource list isn't empty.
// Place your Spring DSL code here
beans = {
dataSource_defaultClientDb(org.apache.commons.dbcp.BasicDataSource) { bean ->
bean.singleton = true
driverClassName = 'com.mysql.jdbc.Driver'
username = '${defaultClientDB_username}'
password = '${defaultClientDB_password}'
url = '${defaultClientDB_url}'
dataSource_clientdb(SwitchableDataSource){ bean ->
bean.singleton = true
_targetDataSources = ["DEFAULT_DATASOURCE":ref("dataSource_defaultClientDb")]
targetDataSources = _targetDataSources
For your application, you probably don't need to use the withDataSource method as I used it - you just need to register your connections with the switchabledatasource and tell it how to lookup which datasource it should be using, for example you could assign some ID to a thread local data on each request and the switchabledatasource could use the same thread local value to determine which datasource to use.
I hope this at least gets you going in the right direction.
I have a validateable object. When I instantiate it with new from an input Map, the ApplicationContext that should be embedded in the command object is not populated, and the invocaction fails when I call validate(), with the following Exception:
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Could not find ApplicationContext, configure Grails correctly first
What do I have to do to get a proper spring bean when I want to create a Validateable object and bind it to a Map of values?
Please note This code does not run in a grails controller: it runs in a rabbitMq consumer. So simple solutions applying to controllers will not work here.
class MyConsumer {
static rabbitConfig = [
queue : 'myQueue'
def handleMessage(Map message, MessageContext context) {
def request = new MyValidateableRequest(message) //instantiates just a POGO
if (request.validate()) { //Exception here
} else {
It depends on Grails version and if you use plugin for RabitMQ. Normally consumer should be a spring bean and you can use code like below. grailsApplication is bean which should be injected into consumer
def object = new MyValidateableRequest()
//do request binding here
object.properties = [message: message]
AutowireCapableBeanFactory acbf = grailsApplication.mainContext.autowireCapableBeanFactory
acbf.autowireBeanProperties object, AutowireCapableBeanFactory.AUTOWIRE_BY_NAME, false
If you are on Grails 3, example which will not require plugin
https://spring.io/guides/gs/messaging-rabbitmq/ may be more interesting
I am currently developing a Grails plugin using Grails 2.3.11 and familiar using multiple datasources. But now I want that my domain objects provided by that plugin CAN use a different dataSource (because of performance reasons all data can be stored in a different database).
The problem is, that this second datasource is optional, which means, the user can define a second datasource in tomcat (accessible via JNDI), but doesn't have to. This is an important point: the user can define a second dataSource in the servlet container and the Grails application has to check if there is a second dataSource available!
Be to more specific: I've a domain class:
class MyDomain {
static mapping = {
My DataSource.groovy:
dataSource {
jndiName = "..."
dataSource_optionalDS {
jndiName = "..."
The problem is, that this will fail if the user hasn't configured the JNDI name for that optional datasource (because it is optional, he doesn't have to).
I tried to create a delegating datasource instead:
class OptionalDataSource extends DelegatingDataSource {
// the main purpose is to check, if the optional DS
// can be created using JNDI. If this fails, the default
// DS is used
And in my Plugin descriptor:
def doWithSpring = {
dataSource_optionalDS(OptionalDataSource) {
// set default DS in case optional can not be created
dataSource = ref('dataSource')
The problem with this solution is, that the dataSource optionalDS is not available. If I try to read data, i.e. MyDomain.findAll() I get the following error:
Methond on class MyDomain was used outside of a Grails application.
If running in the context of a test using the mocking API or
bootstrap Grails correctly.
I don't understand why, because I can define the default dataSource that way.
So, my question is: How can I define an optional dataSource in Grails?
How about looking up the JNDI dataSource in DataSource.groovy and then if it exists declaring your optional dataSource. Something like following
//default dataSource
dataSource {
jndiName = "..."
//optional dataSource
//let's first lookup the JNDI dataSource
def jndiDataSource
try {
jndiDataSource = InitialContext.doLookup("...")
catch(NamingException ne) {}
//now if jndiDataSource exists we can declare the optional dataSource
if(jndiDataSource) {
dataSource_optionalDS {
jndiName = "..."
I was looking for an alternate lightwight method for just checking if the JNDI dataSource exists instead of looking it up. But no luck.
I am working on a small grails application. I would like to create a install wizard for the application giving the user the ability to configure data connection settings via a web interface. Is there a way to stall the data connection and configure the datasource while the application is running? I would like to do this while maintaining the ability to leverage GORM/Hibernate for all domain objects. Restarting/reloading the application after configuring the datasource would be ok.
In Config.groovy file add 1 more entry for value of grails.config.locations
in result you will have something like this
grails.config.locations = ["file:${userHome}/.grails/global-config.groovy",
In you application after user enters DB connection parameters write it to file
in corresponding format. Like follwoing
url = '...'
username = '...'
password = '...'
properties {
save file and restart application.
Since you say the user should be able to configure the datasource via web interface then you should ask for configuration params since maxActive, maxIdle, etc... Once you have all the params you store anywhere you want.
Inside your Grails application:
// grails-app/conf/BootStrap.groovy
import utils.DataSourceConfigurator
class BootStrap {
def init = { servletContext ->
Like this you say to your application that once its ready to run it needs to configure the DataSource first.
package utils
import org.codehaus.groovy.grails.commons.ApplicationAttributes
import org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.json.JSONObject
class DataSourceConfigurator {
private static JSONObject getDSConfig() {
JSONObject conf = new JSONObject()
// Go find the configuration wherever you stored it from the web interface, parse it and return it.
return conf
public static final configure = { servletContext ->
if(!servletContext) {
// Invalid servlet context
def context = servletContext.getAttribute(ApplicationAttributes.APPLICATION_CONTEXT)
def ds = context?.dataSourceUnproxied
if(!ds) {
// There is no datasource available to configure.
JSONObject config = getDSConfig()
if(!config) {
// No previous configuration saved from web interface.
// There are many other variables to configure. Check them by yourself.
For more information you could check the documentation regarding DataSource configuration: http://docs.grails.org/latest/guide/conf.html#transactionAwareDataSourceProxy
So essentially I'm trying to get my project up and running on AppFog. The datasource information is stored in an enviornment variable, which is essentially JSON. My goal is to take this data and set my datasource config from it.
Here is what I have tried:
Code to set the datasource config which is a method in a POGO. The POGO is instantiated and the method called at the beginning of DataSource.groovy:
import appfog.ParseDataSource
new ParseDataSource().setConfig()
dataSource {
class ParseDataSource {
void setConfig() {
String env = java.lang.System.getenv("VCAP_SERVICES")
if (env) {
def config = JSON.parse(env)
config = config["mysql-5.1"][0].credentials
grailsApplication.config.environments.production.dataSource.username = config.username
grailsApplication.config.environments.production.dataSource.password = config.password
grailsApplication.config.environments.production.dataSource.url = "jdbc:mysql://" + config.host + ":" + config.port + "/" + config.name
The problem is that grailsApplication is always null. I've tried registering a spring bean in resources.groovy:
beans = {
parseDataSource(appfog.ParseDataSource) {
grailsApplication = ref('grailsApplication')
class ParseDataSource {
def grailsAPplication
I've also tried getting it via Holders:
GrailsApplication grailsApplication = Holders.grailsApplication
Either way it is null so I'm not doing something right. Any ideas?
I think you are making this overly complex. Overwriting the grails config object while still in the process of building it would cause an order of operations issue that would make the code very fragile.
Simply setting the values directly seems more straightforward:
def configJson = JSON.parse(java.lang.System.getenv("VCAP_SERVICES"))
def mysqlConfig = configJson["mysql-5.1"][0].credentials
dataSource = {
production = {
username = mysqlConfig.username
// etc.
If you wanted to keep parsing in its own class for clarity's sake, make the values properties and read them in the dataSource block rather than trying to put them in the grails config object:
config parsing:
class EnvironmentConfigParser {
String username
String password
String url
EnvironmentConfigParser() {
def configJson = JSON.parse(java.lang.System.getenv("VCAP_SERVICES"))
def mysqlConfig = configJson["mysql-5.1"][0].credentials
username = mysqlConfig.username
password = mysqlConfig.password
url = "jdbc:mysql://${mysqlConfig.host}:${mysqlConfig.port}/${mysqlConfig.name}"
in Datasource.groovy:
def parser = new EnvironmentConfigParser()
dataSource = {
production = {
username = parser.username
// etc
You should be able to access grailsApplication the way you have injected in resources.groovy provided you are injecting the bean parseDataSource somewhere in your application in any artefact.
In your special case you need the bean to be available in datasource.groovy. You were instantiating the POGO which will not help you injecting grailsApplication to the POGO. On the other hand, you cannot actually inject the POGO to datasource.groovy like
def parseDataSource
because it(datasource) is a config object during bootstrap.
The best way remains will be to metaClass the pogo at BootStrap and make grailsApplication available to it. Burt has shown it here exactly that way.
I was also thinking whether BeanPostProcessor can be useful in this case but I am not sure whether config per environment will be achieved. But you can give it a try if it helps in achieving your business need. It generally goes like:
import org.springframework.beans.factory.config.BeanPostProcessor
class DatasourcePostProcessor implements BeanPostProcessor{
def parseDataSource
Object postProcessBeforeInitialization(Object bean, String beanName) {
return bean
Object postProcessAfterInitialization(Object bean, String beanName) {
if(beanName == 'dataSource') {
//Set values to dataSource bean as required
return bean
grailsApplication = ref('grailsApplication')
parseDataSource = ref('parseDataSource')
I have a service to get and set the user in the session. I would like to pass in some user information to each view if there is a logged in user and thought a filter would be the best way so I don't have to duplicate that in every controller/action. When I run the app, it get this error:
Error creating bean with name 'userService': Scope 'session' is not active for the current thread
My filter looks like this:
class SecurityFilters {
def userService
def filters = {
setUser(controller:'*', action:'*') {
before = {
if (userService.isLoggedIn()) {
request.user = userService.getUser()
} else {
request.user = null
I know I can just ultimately access the user through session.user, but I want to be able to call userService.isLoggedIn() which I can't easily through the view. So is there a way to inject the service into the filter, or should I just create a taglib to wrap userService.isLoggedIn()?
It looks like the problem is your userService is scoped to the session, and there is not necessarily a session at the time the attempt to inject the service into the filter happens.
If your userService is necessarily session-scoped then you need to use a scoped proxy in your spring config. E.g. in grails-app/conf/spring/resources.groovy:
import com.your.service.UserService
{ bean ->
bean.scope = 'session'
targetBeanName = 'userServiceSession'
proxyTargetClass = true
Then rename your injected variable in your SecurityFilter:
def userServiceSessionProxy
(and obviously rename where you use it elsewhere in the class).
What this should do is inject the proxy at injection time, but only go to the actual service at the time the filter is executed (when there is a session).
Note: not sure whether doing this still lets other places where there will be a session (e.g. controllers) still reference the service as 'userService', if not you might be able to rename userServiceSession to userService in resources.groovy (and update targetBeanName accordingly).
It looks like there are some problems with services in filters. This bug might point you in the right direction: https://jira.grails.org/browse/GRAILS-5982
You can also try to get a reference to your service through the ApplicationContext. Here's an example: How do I get an instance of a Grails service programmatically?
import org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.context.ServletContextHolder
import org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext
import org.springframework.web.context.support.WebApplicationContextUtils
class SecurityFilters {
def userService
def filters = {
setUser(controller:'*', action:'*') {
before = {
def servletCtx = ServletContextHolder.getServletContext()
ApplicationContext applicationContext = WebApplicationContextUtils.
userService =applicationContext.getBean('userService')
if (userService.isLoggedIn()) {
request.user = userService.getUser()
} else {
request.user = null