sudo stdout: unicorn_appname_production: unrecognized service - ruby-on-rails

I have a ubuntu server with nginx, rails, ruby, unicorn and capistrano, I have got it all setup, and there is no problems when I run
cap production deploy:check
but when I run
cap production deploy
I get this error:
sudo stdout: unicorn_frank_production: unrecognized service
It fails running
/usr/bin/env sudo service unicorn_appname_production restart
And I think the problem is the last "_production", because when I just run the command
/usr/bin/env sudo service unicorn_appname restart
It works great, but I don't know how to change capistranos command, so any help on this matter would be very appreciated!

It looks like capistrano/unicorn_nginx defaults its unicorn_service variable to the form "unicorn_#{fetch(:application)}_#{fetch(:stage)}" as seen in
If in your deploy.rb, you added:
set :unicorn_service, -> { "unicorn_#{fetch(:application)}" }
That should make it do what you expect.
Hope this helps!


rails assest:precomplie , when load file not correct

I have web RoR, I ran assets:precomplie, and i got file
but my web was loaded another file
i don't know reason. Anybody, can help me? Thanks a lot
I got the same questions. then finally I find the answer:
when you process assets:precomplie, you must specify the env as you run rails, because in different enviroments, the assets version is not same!
when you run rails in development env as rails s, you should process as rake assets:precomplie or assets:precomplie RAILS_ENV=development
when you run rails in production env as rails s -e p, you should process as rake assets:precomplie RAILS_ENV=production
hope this helps!
Deploy your application again
if still not solved
SSH into the system
delete the file your_app/manifest_backup
$ bundle exec rake assets:clear
$ bundle exec rake assets:precompile RAILS_ENV=production
restart the webserver ( for Nginx /etc/init.d/nginx restart or $ sudo service nginx restart )
if still not solved deploy your app again
For more info see my blog

foreman start fails with error "Please install daemon_controller first:"

I want to monitor my app with upstart. I'm exporting using
rvmsudo foreman export upstart /etc/init -a <my_app_name> -u ubuntu -l /var/<my_app_name>/log
It finishes successfully, but when i do
sudo start <my_app_name>
I get the following output and nothing happens
<my_app_name> start/running
my procfile
web: rvmsudo passenger start -p80 -e production
worker: rvmsudo bundle exec rake jobs:work RAILS_ENV=production
Its really frustrating because i can run the web and worker commands on different terminals individually. So I tried to just do a foreman start and this fails with the following error
*** ERROR ***
Please install daemon_controller first:
/usr/local/rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p594/wrappers/gem install daemon_controller
The frustrating bit is that daemon controller is installed and i can see it when i do gem list
Maybe my whole approach to this is wrong can someone please point me in the right direction?
Here's the line in passenger that returns that error, so it looks as though it really can't find daemon_controller as it's rescuing a LoadError. Try updating your web process to run via bundle exec also:
web: rvmsudo bundle exec passenger start -p80 -e production

Ruby on Rails fails on bundle install when using capistrano

I have not much knowledge of Ruby. I have to host a Ruby website. When I make deploy setup and check, is everything ok. But when I cap deploy I get the following error.
*** [deploy:update_code] rolling back
* executing "rm -rf /var/www/lpavisit/releases/20131009211837; true"
servers: [""]
[] executing command
command finished in 209ms
failed: "sh -c 'cd /var/www/lpavisit/releases/20131009211837 && bundle install --without development test'" on
Setting up a Capistrano-based deploy system is a bit complex. You might want to give Heroku a try until you're more familiar with Ruby. But to continue with Capistrano, first ask it if it has everything it needs to deploy:
$ cap deploy:check
You want to see it say, You appear to have all necessary dependencies installed. Yours probably won't. In that case, you should look for a good capistrano book or online tutorial.

Heroku rails error trying to bring up console - sh: rails: not found

Trying to run the Heroku console but I am getting this following:
heroku run console
Running console attached to terminal... up, run.1
sh: console: not found
$ heroku run bash works but I seem to get a (green) bash prompt - "~ $" not a rails console! Can I get into the console from here?
git push heroku v311
Everything up-to-date
The first error is thrown simply because the console command doesn't exist. I personally have never meet a command called console in my life.
The syntax is heroku run the_command_i_want_to_run. For example: heroku run irb or heroku run bash.
The second error: There's no Rakefile in your project root. Since heroku run rails console say that Rails wasn't found, my guess is that your project wasn't (well) deployed.
Make sure you've done git push heroku.
You may also need to check the logs: heroku logs.
a guess:
heroku run rails console
If you're on the Bamboo stack (older stack than Cedar), try:
heroku run script/rails console
This works for me and is the command recommended in Heroku docs.
I got confused by this too.
It's just
$ heroku run console
Do this
heroku run -a my-app script/rails console

How to start delayed job workers in production mode

I was following railscast for delayed job. Things are working perfectly on my machine. How can start delayed_job workers in production mode?
I am using delayed_job gem,(2.1.4)
RAILS_ENV=production script/delayed_job start
For Rails 4
RAILS_ENV=production bin/delayed_job start
Solved my problem.
It may give you an error that tmp directory doesn't exists. Just create one and run previous command again..
You can try to run the following command:
RAILS_ENV=production cd ~/path_to_your_app/current && /usr/local/bin/ruby ./script/delayed_job start
where you should adjust /usr/local/bin/ruby based on your production server ruby configuration.
