Multiple example-body in swagger - swagger

Ive a method that takes an object. The object is dynamic and it can be constructed in 5 differents ways depending on how many children it has and which type of object it is. I want it to be clear how to build this object and also show which children types thay can be used together.
Example A:new Michael(id,name, Type.A, new Sara(id, name, ChildrenType.B));
Example B: new Sandra(id,name,Type. C, new Pheno(id, name,ChildrenType.D), new Leo(id, name,ChildrenType.E));
As i said before, the object is dymanic and can be build in different ways depending on which type the object has and how many children it has.
I thought that the best way to show all of this would be to have 5 different example bodys in swagger. But idk if it is possible? Is it and is this the best solution for this?
And im using java, if it makes any diff which languages i use.

You can define only one example per mime type.
However your can use externalDocs to redirect to another page with all your examples.

If you have a common interface for the payload, you can use a discriminator to choose the different concrete types that can be instantiated.


Ontology Design Using Proege

Let's say we want to make an ontology model for the Light Switches in the home.Each Light Switch has two properties hasID, and hasLocation.
which way is the most correct way to doing it.
making a class LightSwitch
a data property hasID
an object property hasLocation
some individual Like LightSwitch-01, LightSwitch-02
making a class LightSwitch
subclasses KitchenLightSwitch, LivingroomLightSwitch, and etc.
a data property hasID
an object property hasLocation
some individual Like LightSwitch-01, LightSwitch-02
In ontology design there is no right or wrong in general (of course there are situations where someone makes mistakes in the design process).
There is no such thing like "this is the one and only solution". There are always different solutions, based on your scenario, experience and what you would like to do with the ontology.
In your case you could solve your problem with both approaches (I would prefer the second one, since I'm a fan of classes). The only difference in your example that I see is that in the first one all lightswitch instances are of the type "LightSwitch" and in the second one the instances are of theire location type (e.g. KitchenLightSwitch).
However if you are using the object property "hasLocation" you do not really need subclasses for "LightSwitch".
Create a class "Lightswitch" with the instances "Switch1, Switch2,..." and create a class Room with instances (Kitchen, Livingroom, etc).
In the last step you associate a relationship: Switch1 hasLocation Kitchen.
Another possibility would be to create the class Room and subclasses LivingRoom, KitchenRoom, etc. Each of the subclasses would have an instance "kitchenroom, livingroom, etc."
But really, its up to you. I see nothing wrong with both of your solutions. However, if you would provide more information or your context would be more complex.. maybe then one could prefer either solution A or solution B, but for exactly this example that you are asking for, both solutions are right.

How to create nodes in neo4j with properties defined by a dictionary via neo4jclient in C#

As a complete novice programmer I am trying to populate my neo4j DB with data from heterogeneous sources. For this I am trying to use the Neo4jClient C# API. The heterogeneity of my data comes from a custom, continuously evolving DSL/DSML/metamodel that defines the possible types of elements, i.e. models, thus creating classes for each type would not be ideal.
As I understand, my options are the following:
Have a predefined class for each type of element: This way I can easily serialize my objects that is if all properties are primitive types or arrays/lists.
Have a base class (with a Dictionary to hold properties) that I use as an interface between the models that I'm trying to serialize and neo4j. I've seen an example for this at Can Neo4j store a dictionary in a node?, but I don't understand how to use the converter (defined in the answer) to add a node. Also, I don't see how an int-based dictionary would allow me to store Key-Value pairs where the keys (that are strings) would translate to Property names in neo4j.
Generate a custom query dynamically, as seen at This is not recommended and possibly is not performant.
Ultimately, what I would like to achieve is to avoid the need to define a separate class for every type of element that I have, but still be able to add properties that are defined by types in my metamodel.
I would also be interested to somehow influencing the serializer to ignore non-compatible properties (similarly to XmlIgnore), so that I would not need to create a separate class for each class that has more than just primitive types.
There are 2 problems you're trying to solve - the first is how to program the C# part of this, the second is how to store the solution to the first problem.
At some point you'll need to access this data in your C# code - unless you're going fully dynamic you'll need to have some sort of class structure.
Taking your 3 options:
Please have a look at this question: neo4jclient heterogenous data return which I think covers this scenario.
In that answer, the converter does the work for you, you would create, delete etc as before, the converter just handles the IDictionary instance in that case. The IDictionary<int, string> in the answer is an example, you can use whatever you want, you could use IDictionary<string, string> if you wanted, in fact - in that example, all you'd need to do would be changing the IntString property to be an IDictionary<string,string> and it should just work.
Even if you went down the route of using custom queries (which you really shouldn't need to) you will still need to bring back objects as classes. Nothing changes, it just makes your life a lot harder.
In terms of XmlIgnore - have you tried JsonIgnore?
Alternatively - look at the custom converter and get the non-compatible properties into your DB.

Implementing Select List Lookup ViewModel Attribute

I'm trying to implement a more customisable version of using ViewModel attributes and a Model Enricher to populate viewmodels lists like in this this question and associated blog post.
I would like to be able to specify the method on my select list interface from the Attribute.
Each Select List service I have returns an IEnumerable that I use to make a select list and presently exposes an All interface as the sample does. I can easily use the All method because all interfaces provide that. However I often wish to able to use other methods like the AllTradingCompanies() AllManafacturingCompanies() methods of my select list class to get filtered lists.
It is presently looking like I may have to implement a Custom attribute to map to specific e.g. [AllCompanyList] attributes but that moves me away from the nice generic method that the existing version gives me. I guess I could use it to complement it but then its starting to lose some of the charm. I also am implementing IModelEnrichers which can do custom per view model logic.
Any thoughts on a nice way to implement this?
I implemented the solution using pairs of Attributes to define a requirement for data on a ViewModel and a provider of data a repository or a service within my domain. See my follow up question asking whether this is a good idea.

Creating the same model from multiple data sources

This is mostly of a design pattern question. I have one type of model that I'm going to get the data to create them from multiple sources. So for example one record my be created from an API where another is created via screen scraping with Nokogiri.
My issue lies in how best to abstract out these different data sources. Right now I'm building lib classes that return the same hash which I then use to set the attributes of the model. But I'm wondering if this isn't more of a case to use STI. Or if there is some other way of doing this I'm just not thinking about.
I think your design decision would depend largely on what attributes need to be stored. From your description, it sounds like you have a model with multiple data sources, but which would be storing the same attributes regardless of the source. In that case STI seems like overkill. When you retrieve a row from the table, does it matter whether the source is the API or the screen scraper? If not, then you could just define separate methods for each data source and use the appropriate method in the controller.
#instance =>"API")`
I'd say don't worry about inheritance (or mixing in code from modules) unless you really need to. There are some gotchas -- STI is not fully supported by some gems/plugins, for example.

How to create OData based off RFC with multiple tables in the output?

I am working on a large project at work that requires me to create OData's for a large variety of Remote Function Calls. I was able to work out how to model and create OData's for simple RFCs; however, I am struggling with more complex RFCs that use multiple tables as well as simple exporting and importing parameters.
I want to output these tables as well as the importing and exporting parameters via GetEntity and GetEntitySet with just one call. I have done extensive searching online to find solutions but the best solution seems to be redefining the RFC's or calling the OData multiple times which is not ideal.
Is there any way to combine multiple tables with several entries in the output? When I say output, I am referring to the resulting XML from GetEntity/GetEntitySet.
For example, take the below fake RFC definition that takes a PERNR, and outputs a list of direct reports and a structure of employee details.
Is there a way to combine the table, structure, and importing parameters into one output?
The first thing to understand is that the OData protocol is not intended to solely work like classical function calls. It is based however on entity/relationship kind of model.
So in your case id sugest to create an entity type named 'Employee' with the appropiate properties of your structure S_EMPLOYEE_DETAILS. With this you can e.g. implement the method GET_EMPLOYEE_ENTITY to retrieve a single instance of an employee via PERNR.
The next thing to do would be to get the direct reports of this employee. Since this is a relation 1:N from Employee to Employee in your case you can create a navigation property called 'DirectReports' with appropiate cardinality. Then in your GET_EMPLOYEE_ENTITYSET you can return the instances of table T_DIRECT_REPORTS (note that navigation property is not empty and you have to read the keys of the parent!).
Once you got this working you can move on to the 'best-practise' and implement the method GET_EXPANDED_ENTITY with filling the expand clauses, which is in my opinion the preferred way as you dont need to implement two seperate methods and is consiered faster as well (if many expands happen).
Both methods of implementation can be called via
GET EmployeeSet('12345678')?$expand=DirectReports
