How to query UUID for postgres - ruby-on-rails

I'd like to use UUID as an identifier, provide the first 8 digits to find out if it exists in the database.
normally I can do this without a problem:
select * from TABLE where id = 'e99aec55-9e32-4c84-aed2-4a0251584941'::uuid
but this gives me error:
select * from TABLE where id LIKE 'e99aec55%#'::uuid
ERROR: invalid input syntax for uuid: "e99aec55%#"
LINE 1: select * from TABLE where id LIKE 'e99aec55...
Query failed
PostgreSQL said: invalid input syntax for uuid: "e99aec55%#"
Is there a way to query first n digits for a UUID type in postgresql?

Since you are searching for the highest bits of uuids, you can actually use between (because uuid comparison is well-defined in PostgreSQL):
where some_uuid between 'e99aec55-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
and 'e99aec55-ffff-ffff-ffff-ffffffffffff'

UUIDs are not stored as strings in Postrges, they are stored as a 16-byte long binary values. So the only way to query it in the way you want is to convert it to string at first, but the performance of such conversion will be worser than just performing an equality comparison.
Also you will need to maintain an index on those string representation of the UUIDs, so it just doesn't make sense.

Why not just cast your uuid column using id::varchar like so:
select * from TABLE where id::varchar LIKE 'e99aec55%'
Worked for me.


Operator/operand type mismatch

I'm using the Visual FoxPro OLE DB provider to query a VFP DB and I'm getting:
'Operator/operand type mismatch`
What could I be doing wrong?
In my where clause I had an int on one side and a char(15) on the other side
Table Schema
id int
FROM [some-table]
WHERE id = 'some string'
In my case to avoid such kind of inconveniences I do the following I hope it works for you:
var_name = iif(vartype(var_name)=='N',var_name,Val(var_name))
so you avoid two possible errors, if it comes in character with value I convert it into number and if it comes in character without any value it becomes 0.
FROM [some-table]
WHERE id = ?Var_name

Denodo: How to aggregate varchar data types?

I'm creating an aggregate from a anstime column in a view table in Denodo and I'm using a Cast to convert it to float and it works only for those numbers with period (example 123.123) but does not work for the numbers without period (example 123). Here's my code which only works for those numbers with period:
SELECT row_date,
when sum(cast(anstime as float)) is null or sum(cast(anstime as float)) = 0
then 0
else sum(cast(anstime as float))
end as xans
FROM table where anstime like '%.%'
group by row_date
Can someone please help me how to handle those without period?
My guess is you've got values in anstime which are are not numeric, hence why not having the where anstime like '%.%' predicate causes a failure, as has been mentioned in other comments.
You could try adding in an intermediate view before this one which strips out any non numeric values (leaving the decimal point character of course) and this might then allow you to not have to use the where anstime like '%.%' filter.
Perhaps the REGEXP function which would possibly help there
Your where anstime like '%.%' clause is going to restrict possible responses to places where anstime has a period in it. Remove that if you want to allow all values.
I appreciate those who responded to my concern. In the end we had to reach out to our developers to fix the data type of the column from varchar to float rather than doing a workaround.

TFDQuery and SQLite: Type mismatch for field, expecting: LargeInt actual: WideString

Using Delphi 10.2, SQLite and Teecharts. My SQLite database has two fields, created with:
CREATE TABLE HistoryRuntime ('DayTime' DateTime, Device1 INTEGER DEFAULT (0));
I access the table using a TFDQuery called qryGrpahRuntime with the following SQL:
SELECT DayTime AS TheDate, Sum(Device1) As DeviceTotal
FROM HistoryRuntime
WHERE (DayTime >= "2017-06-01") and (DayTime <= "2017-06-26")
Group by Date(DayTime)
Using the Field Editor in the Delphi IDE, I can add two persistent fields, getting TheDate as a TDateTimeField and DeviceTotal as a TLargeIntField.
I run this query in a program to create a TeeChart, which I created at design time. As long as the query returns some records, all this works. However, if there are no records for the requested dates, I get an EDatabaseError exception with the message:
qryGrpahRuntime: Type mismatch for field 'DeviceTotal', expecting: LargeInt actual: Widestring
I have done plenty of searching for solutions on the web on how to prevent this error on an empty query, but have had not luck with anything I found. From what I can tell, SQLite defaults to the wide string field when no data is returned. I have tried using CAST in the query and it did not seem to make any difference.
If I remove the persistent fields, the query will open without problems on an empty return set. However, in order to use the TeeChart editor in the IDE, it appears I need persistent fields.
Is there a way I can make this work with persistent fields, or am I going to have to throw out the persistent fields and then add the TeeChart Series at runtime?
This behavior is described in Adjusting FireDAC Mapping chapter of the FireDAC's SQLite manual:
For an expression in a SELECT list, SQLite avoids type name
information. When the result set is not empty, FireDAC uses the value
data types from the first record. When empty, FireDAC describes those
columns as dtWideString. To explicitly specify the column data type,
append ::<type name> to the column alias:
SELECT count(*) as "cnt::INT" FROM mytab
So modify your command e.g. this way (I used BIGINT, but you can use any pseudo data type that maps to a 64-bit signed integer data type and is not auto incrementing, which corresponds to your persistent TLargeIntField field):
DayTime AS "TheDate",
Sum(Device1) AS "DeviceTotal::BIGINT"
DayTime BETWEEN {d 2017-06-01} AND {d 2017-06-26}
P.S. I did a small optimization by using BETWEEN operator (which evaluates the column value only once), and used an escape sequence for date constants (which, in real you replace by parameter, I guess; so just for curiosity).
This data type hinting is parsed by the FDSQLiteTypeName2ADDataType procedure that takes and parses column name in format <column name>::<type name> in its AColName parameter.

How to find document with SOLR query and exact string match

Considering a simple table:
CREATE TABLE transactions (
enterprise_id uuid,
transaction_id text,
state text,
PRIMARY KEY ((enterprise_id, transaction_id))
and Solr core with default, auto-generated parameters.
How do I construct a Solr query that will find me record(s) in this table that have state value exact match to an input, considering the state can be arbitrary string?
I tried this with state value of a+b. This works fine with q=state:"a+b", but that creates a "phrase query":
"rawquerystring": "state:\"a+b\"",
"querystring": "state:\"a+b\"",
"parsedquery": "PhraseQuery(state:\"a b\")",
"parsedquery_toString": "state:\"a b\"",
So, the same record is found if I use query like q=state:"a(b", which results into the same phrased query and finds the record with state of a+b. That is unacceptable to me, because I need an exact match.
I went through, and tried using q={!term f=state}a+b or q={!raw f=state}a+b, but neither even finds my sample transaction record.
Probably you got state generated as a TextField where standard tokenization is applied StandardTokenizer and then a split is made on + and the plus sign itself is discarded. You could use a different tokenizer (whitespace?) or just make state an StrField for an exact match.
This works for me with state as an StrField:
select * from transactions where solr_query='state:a+b';

Data type mismatch in foxpro stored procedure

I want to make a copy of every record inserted in jobact to a new table jobactupdates. I am using a stored procedure for this purpose. Both tables are exactly the same and have same no of columns. When I insert data in jobact using insert query then, the stored procedure fails and show the Data Type mismatch error.
My code looks like this:
PROCEDURE insertData
INSERT INTO jobactupdates (jobcode ,jobdescr ,fileno ,port ,mastcode ,mastdescr ,mastdescr1 ,shipper ,goods ,unit1 ,qty ,unit ,vesname ,arremarks ,arrdate ,remarks ,docstat ,docdate ,blno ,bldate ,jastat ,rate ,demand ,received ,balance ,transpor,dldate);
A Data Type Mismatch error occurs when you try to insert an inappropriate data type into a field. For example, if you try to store a string into an integer field. I would double check the table structures and confirm that they are identical.
Another thing to be aware of is if any of the JOBACT field types are set to Integer (AutoInc). They will have to be set to just Integer in the JOBACTUPDATES table. Otherwise you will get a "Field is read-only" error message.
Character fields: write them into '' marks,
Numeric fields: just numbers for example 123,
Date fields: {^yyyy-mm-dd}
(There can also optionally be time in Date field.)
Is this your actual query? If so, the fact your Columns and Values clauses contain different field lists has certainly caused this error:
Insert Into ...
balance ..
Values ...
jobact.received, <--
jobact.balance, <--
jobact.transpor <--
