iOS application does not open rss feed properly - ios

Sorry for stupid question that I will ask. So, I have a problem with iOS app development. This app is basically simple RSS reader that work as a parser. When I put RSS link in usually works correctly, but now, when I put link of one university, Instead of opening the file after clicking to the title (any news),
doesn`t open page that I select, instead of it, it opens webpage with news:
if u know something about my question, please advise me something. Thanks you

Please Use Flatten HTML methods as it seems there are lot of characters which need to replace to show content as it should be.


Why do some websites have buttons that lead to endpoints/paths like but other buttons open another page without an endpoint

Let's use youtube as an example if i open and open history tab the link turns from to but if i press something like but if i chose one of these preferences things and press on gaming for example it still stays
Why? sorry if its a dumb question
I tried using like inspect element and stuff to see but i didnt understand anything
Thanks in advance and sorry for the incorrect use of some terms im new to this

Making an RSS news article page look "native" in ios app

I am creating an RSS Reader ios app for work and I have everything that I need except that when the article is loaded it just loads the mobile view just as it would load when viewing on safari. They want it to look more "native" to the app, meaning just the title, photo and then then the articles text in plain underneath.
This is my first attempt at an app and I am using a project that was open free source code. This project uses MWFeedParser integrated into it which, from what i've read, can accomplish what I need to (I think). Can anyone who has done this before or knows how to do it be kind enough to take me through it? I've asked a similar question before but the answers were vague and still left me stuck.
If it helps, I have uploaded the full project on github here:
Please download it if you wish and run it yourself on xcode if that will help out. If you're able to do it and help me learn how, even better.

How to make search query on certain web site and display it as native app

I have a task to implement but after some thought I don't really know from where to begin.
What I need to achieve:
Lets take as example BestBay web site. From my app I would like to create a certain query which will go/use to BestBay search type what I need and bring me the result. On my device I would like to show it as 10 views of the first items the website returned. For instance if I type "tvs" I will get a list of tvs so I would like to show this list on my device with the price and the link to the item (at least for the 10 first items).
I have experience with native apps(i didn't worked with web apps).
I can't use Best buy api.
I am not sure from where to begin.
I read about YQL.
I thought maybe to use the web page with the results as html and parse it to the objects I need.
Did anyone do something similar and can give me some starting point.
How to approach this kind of problem.
(tutorials/documentations/sample code something that can help me to start).
Tnx a lot.
In the end I decided to do it by HTML parsing:
parsing HTML on the iPhone
How to Parse HTML on iOS

Printing forms on Play Framework

I'm developing a web app, using Play framework and javascript, but exactly I don't know how to print a form (i.e. an invoice). I thought it has to be implemented on Javascript. but reading on web, I didn't find anything. I´m searching now if the implementation is on Server side (Java), but i dont have any idea.
That's a very weird question that you have here, I probably don't get it right..
What do you mean "Print a form" ?!
What about print page from your favorite browser ?
Must be missing something.
What about render the invoice in pdf format?If you are interested in doing something like that check this module:
I think it is the best solution and that's what most companies do.Hope that helped

Click on Print gives a screen shot to save in rails3

I may fall under the list of possible duplicates but still i could not find the answer according to my req.In my rails application i have some web pages with a link of print option.
Now what i need is when i click on this print ,i should get a screen shot of the current web page and a popup box to save the image .Is there any plugin available for the same.
Also any queries for code are welcome
You could go for phantomJs. Where you can alter the page HTML, manipulate CSS, insert & call javascript snippets, the way you need it.
Good documentation available and also you can find great deal of help in stackoverflow-phantomjs
May i suggest that you use
if you want to make a screeenshot you have to work with the user env, so i suggest you look at this topic How do I take screenshots of web pages using ruby and a unix server?
