I'm trying to load a module from within addon code (not content script) that is compatible with CommonJS but which itself requires a module whose path needs to be specified.
After reading through the documentation for toolkit/loader, I thought I could accomplish what I'm after by simply creating a custom Loader and specifying a modules export in its options. Like so:
let { Loader, Module, load } = require("toolkit/loader");
let self = require("sdk/self");
// `bar` is required by `foo`
let loader = Loader({
modules: {
"bar": require("./bar")
let module = Module("foo", self.data.url("../lib/foo.js"));
load(loader, module);
And in foo, I simply require bar:
For whatever reason, this approach doesn't work. Maybe it requires the use of Cu.import or some such. The documentation is anything but clear.
I then took a different approach, one relying on specifying the paths attribute:
let self = require("sdk/self");
let loader = Loader({
paths: {
"bar": self.data.url("../lib/bar.js"),
let module = Module("foo", self.data.url("../lib/foo.js"));
load(loader, module);
But now nothing pertaining to the SDK loads inside foo. For instance, the following fails:
This seems to imply that additional initialisation of the Loader instance is required but I've no clue where to start.
how can I specify the path to a module that is included somewhere without that causing havoc?
how can I retrieve the URL of an asset in the extension's lib directory? I'm currently using require("sdk/self").data.url("../lib/asset"), as you can see above, but surely there is a better way?
There is a simple way to load commonJS based modules.
for ex: if the below is folder structure of your add-on,
then foo.js can simply include bar.js using the syntax.
var bar = require('bar');
We are having a project where we are using Xtext to generate a grammar and create from this language a java output file.
Next to that we want to create also a kind of json output file. which has another extension.
For this we want to split the generators to not mix the java generation and the json generation.
Is there anyway we can call 2 Igenerators when compiling dsl grammar?
We have 1 language common which generates java file for this we have one IGenerator2 which calls like standard CommonGenerator.
Now we want to create second generator for json file with CommonLineageGenerator.
I have read several threads now were i found the following
component = org.eclipse.xtext.generator.GeneratorComponent {
register = CommonStandaloneSetup{}
outlet = {
path = "${runtimeProject}/src-gen"
component = org.eclipse.xtext.generator.GeneratorComponent {
register = CommonStandaloneSetup2{}
outlet = {
path = "${runtimeProject}/src-gen"
Where the StandaloneSetup contains an override of the Igenerator2 bindings
return Guice.createInjector(new CommonRuntimeModule())
return Guice.createInjector(new CommonRuntimeModule() {
override Class<? extends IGenerator2> bindIGenerator2() {
return CommonTracingGenerator;
We are also using mwe2 , to generate our language configuration.
When executing our compilation it now seems although that he is only taking one Generator. Is there anyway we can accomplish this. A wrapper is also possibility but we really want to avoid of mixing the two types of generations.
I have two packages: webserver and utils which provides assets to webserver.
The webserver needs access to static files inside utils. So I have this setup:
How can I access the static.html file in one of my dart scripts in webserver?
EDIT: What I tried so far, is to use mirrors to get the path of the library, and read it from there. The problem with that approach is, that if utils is included with package:, the url returned by currentMirrorSystem().findLibrary(#utils).uri is a package uri, that can't be transformed to an actual file entity.
Use the Resource class, a new class in Dart SDK 1.12.
Usage example:
var resource = new Resource('package:myapp/myfile.txt');
var contents = await resource.loadAsString();
This works on the VM, as of 1.12.
However, this doesn't directly address your need to get to the actual File entity, from a package: URI. Given the Resource class today, you'd have to route the bytes from loadAsString() into the HTTP server's Response object.
I tend to use Platform.script or mirrors to find the main package top folder (i.e. where pubspec.yaml is present) and find imported packages exported assets. I agree this is not a perfect solution but it works
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:path/path.dart';
String getProjectTopPath(String resolverPath) {
String dirPath = normalize(absolute(resolverPath));
while (true) {
// Find the project root path
if (new File(join(dirPath, "pubspec.yaml")).existsSync()) {
return dirPath;
String newDirPath = dirname(dirPath);
if (newDirPath == dirPath) {
throw new Exception("No project found for path '$resolverPath");
dirPath = newDirPath;
String getPackagesPath(String resolverPath) {
return join(getProjectTopPath(resolverPath), 'packages');
class _TestUtils {}
main(List<String> arguments) {
// User Platform.script - does not work in unit test
String currentScriptPath = Platform.script.toFilePath();
String packagesPath = getPackagesPath(currentScriptPath);
// Get your file using the package name and its relative path from the lib folder
String filePath = join(packagesPath, "utils", "static.html");
// use mirror to find this file path
String thisFilePath = (reflectClass(_TestUtils).owner as LibraryMirror).uri.toString();
packagesPath = getPackagesPath(thisFilePath);
filePath = join(packagesPath, "utils", "static.html");
To note that since recently Platform.script is not reliable in unit test when using the new test package so you might use the mirror tricks that I propose above and explained here: https://github.com/dart-lang/test/issues/110
I am making both a Grails plugin and several Grails apps that will use the plugin.
I want to define a few properties and give them defaults in the plugin, but allow apps to override their values (optional). This question surrounds the mechanical details of how to wire both plugin and child app alike in this manner.
Say I want my plugin (grails-myplugin) to define the following properties in its Config.groovy:
myplugin {
fizz {
whistles = true // Default for all child apps using this plugin
buzz = 3 // Default for all child apps using this plugin
grails.plugins.anotherPlugin.widget = 'auto'
grails.plugins.anotherPlugin.foo = '${myplugin.fizz.buzz}-40' // Hence, by default, is '3-40'
Now, I would like a child Grails app, say, myapp.war (which uses grails-myplugin) to override the 2 fizz properties:
// myapp's Config.groovy:
myplugin {
fizz {
// whistles property not defined here so this app uses the
// plugin's default of "true"
// Overrides the plugin's value of 3; this imples
// grails.plugins.somePlugin.foo is '12-40'
buzz = 12
A few issues here:
Have I placed everything correctly for the desired functionality?
With the above configuration, in grails-myplugin's Config.groovy, I have an error message:
Multiple markers at this line: - The type groovy.lang.MetaClass cannot be resolved. It is indirectly referenced from required .class files. - The type groovy.lang.GroovyObject cannot be resolved. It is indirectly referenced from required .class files.
The fact that I'm getting this error tells me that I'm ether trying to do something that is impossible in Grails, or that I'm just doing it wrong. Ideas?
Here you have how the quartz plugin resolved it:
Take a look at loadQuartzConfig method.
Also be aware that grails plugin exclude some parts of it to avoid problems when installing. It's configured on the plugin file like this:
def pluginExcludes = [
I am loading different Lua scripts using LuaJ into the globals environnment as follows in Java:
globals = JmePlatform.standardGlobals();
LuaValue chunk = globals.load(new FileInputStream(luaScriptA), scriptName, "t", globals);
My problem is that if for example the scriptName happens to be require, print, error, math or any other name that already exists in globals after calling
globals = JmePlatform.standardGlobals();
, the script will in fact replace/override the actual functionality such as print.
Is there any simple way to prevent this from happening?
Unfortunately a test such as:
if (globals.get(scriptName) != Globals.NIL) {
//then dont allow script load
will not work for me as there are cases that it should actually override an existing script, when the script is updated.
I recommend never storing libraries in the global scope, for exactly this reason. See http://www.luafaq.org/#T1.37.2 for a way of loading modules and libraries using required. I'm not sure if this works on LuaJ, but if it implements require correctly, you can make a loader function and put it in package.loaders.
Basically, you define your libraries like this:
-- foo.lua
local M = {}
function M.bar()
return M
And import them like this:
-- main.lua
local Foo = require "foo"
Foo.bar() -- prints "bar!"
See the documentation of require for implementing the loading function.
What I want to do is quite simple: store data in a custom config file that I want to read later on.
I created my file something.yml that I put in the global config directory.
It looks like that:
test: ok
test: ko
foo: bar
john: doe
Then I copied the config_handlers.yml and also put it in the config directory and added the following at the top of the file:
class: sfDefineEnvironmentConfigHandler
prefix: something_
But if I'm calling sfConfig::get("something_foo"); I keep getting NULL.
What did I do wrong?
I just want to read values, so no need to create a custome config handler, right?
I've read the doc here: http://www.symfony-project.org/book/1_2/19-Mastering-Symfony-s-Configuration-Files even though I'm running 1.4 (I don't think that changed since then).
Edit: Of course I can use sfYaml::load() but I'd like to do things in a better way.
Do not modify the index.php this is dirty!
Juste add this line to your app/frontend/config/frontendConfiguration.class.php
(adapt with your own app name)
It's really easy, but also a little bit hacky:
Create the file /config/config_handlers.yml and add this:
class: sfDefineEnvironmentConfigHandler
prefix: something_
Then add these two lines to /web/index.php after ... getApplicationConfiguration() (and also add them to frontend_dev.php and wherever you want this config file to be available):
$configCache = new sfConfigCache($configuration);
So your /web/index.php might look like this afterwards:
$configuration = ProjectConfiguration::getApplicationConfiguration('frontend', 'prod', false);
$configCache = new sfConfigCache($configuration);
Btw: This is also in the documentation you cited, although the checkConfig() call is in a different place. Look for this: "When you need the code based on the map.yml file and generated by the myMapConfigHandler handler in your application, call the following line:"
Have fun ;-)
If you're doing this for a plugin you need to load the configuration file in the initialize() method. You can still use config_handlers.yml in your plugin's config directory or let the plugin load the handler too.
class myPluginConfiguration extends sfPluginConfiguration
public function setup() // loads handler if needed
if ($this->configuration instanceof sfApplicationConfiguration)
$configCache = $this->configuration->getConfigCache();
$configCache->registerConfigHandler('config/features.yml', 'sfDefineEnvironmentConfigHandler',
array('prefix' => 'feature_'));
public function initialize() // loads the actual config file
if ($this->configuration instanceof sfApplicationConfiguration)
$configCache = $this->configuration->getConfigCache();
The plugin's config initialize() method is called automatically by sfProjectConfiguration class and all appConfiguration classes (trough inheritance).
if your cached config-file is empty, you have probably forgotten to set the environment in your yml-file.
test: value1
test2: value2
test2: value3
Works in all application files:
$configCache = sfApplicationConfiguration::getActive()->getConfigCache();
$configCache->registerConfigHandler('config/something.yml', 'sfDefineEnvironmentConfigHandler', Array('prefix' => 'something_'));
include $configCache->checkConfig('config/something.yml');
Then you can use:
Have you cleared your cache files?
php symfony cc
In prodution environment all config files, classes, etc... are being cached.