WSO2 API Manager Client Credentials renew token - oauth-2.0

I am trying to renew the token generated through API Manager.
The curl statement for generate token is:
curl -k -d "grant_type=client_credentials" -H "Authorization: Basic TDQ0SktDZm5DcVVDSVBjdGYwVDIyRWwwUGY4YT
o2d19NQm9xYnBFXzRLNHR0Wkc0NXhxd0NMTDRh , Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
The response is
"scope":"am_application_scope default","token_type":"bearer","expires_in":1094,"access_token":"6d1d0f8afbd147d24bcd42bbc5361a1"
Based on the documentation it is supposed to generate a retoken which is not being genarated. What am I missing?
Also when I pass the grant_type as refresh_token. I get a invalid grant error.
curl -X POST -H "Authorization: Basic TDQ0SktDZm5DcVVDSVBjdGYwVDIyRWwwUGY4YTo2d19NQm9xYnBFXzRLNHR0Wkc0NXhxd0NMTDRh" -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" -d 'grant_type=refresh_token&refresh_token=6d1d0f8afbd147d24bcd42bbc5361a1' ''
I am referring to the documentation in the URL
So what am I missing?

According to the OAuth 2.0 Authorization Protocol specification, grant_type client_credentials should not issue refresh token.
4.4.3. Access Token Response
If the access token request is valid and authorized, the authorization
server issues an access token as described in Section 5.1. A refresh
token SHOULD NOT be included.
You have to use Password Grant Type
Request :
curl -k -d "grant_type=password&username=admin&password=admin" -H "Authorization: Basic bkxidjNPTnYxQ25iTXBRY2E3V3hPajdaMUVZYTpuTUQzX0tKQkhGRmxFUUlXdllmSjdTUFlleThh, Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" https://localhost:8243/token
Response :
Use the refresh_token to Renewing access tokens

If i am not mistaken, in the response you have received.
"scope":"am_application_scope default","token_type":"bearer","expires_in":1094,"access_token":"6d1d0f8afbd147d24bcd42bbc5361a1"
This is the new access token.
Take note of the current token, then run the curl command again. The response should be a different token.


Forbidden error when creating an OnlineMeeting using cURL in MS Graph

I am trying to create an onlineMeeting in CURL.
I granted all the permissions related to users and onlineMeetings for the App.(Both delegated and application). Also the user I use in the <my_user_id> is the global admin.
I first got the bearer token using client_credentails. Here was my request for it:
> curl -X POST -d
> 'grant_type=client_credentials&client_id=<my_client_id>&client_secret=<my_client_secret_value>&'
I received a bearer token for the above request.
Now I used this bearer token to create an onlineMeeting using this request:
curl -X POST '<my_user_id>/onlineMeetings' -d '{"startDateTime":"2023-07-12T14:30:00", "endDateTime":"2023-07-12T16:30:00", "subject": "testMeeting"}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer <bearer_token>"
This above request is giving me the below error:
I thought this might be because of the bearer toke. But its not, as when I use the same bearer token in getting users, it is working fine. Like this below request:
curl -X GET '' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer <bearer_token>
According to the doc if you are using application permission for this API, tenant administrators must create an application access policy and grant it to a user to authorize the app configured in the policy to create online meetings on behalf of that user (with user ID specified in the request path).
Check details: Configure application access to online meetings

getting Authorization Code from Oauth2Login

I'm logging to my app using oauth2 with keycloak. How can i get the authorization code that oauth2 should return?
I need it to get the token from an authorization server using following curl:
curl -X POST \
https://url/protocol/openid-connect/token \
-H 'cache-control: no-cache' \
-H 'content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
-d 'grant_type=authorization_code&client_id=app_id&authorization_code=<authorization_code>'
here is sample request to take authorization code
GET http://<authorization-server>/oauth/authorize?response_type=code&client_id=app_id&
these informations (client_id and redirect_uri) must be registered at authorization server, and authorization code url is generally /oauth/authorize but check your openid providers' url. (in your case, probably /openid-connect/authorize)
after hitting this request, the authorization server redirects you to login page. you enter your credentials, then it redirects you with code to your application which provided by redirect_uri. For example,
HTTP 302,<your-authorization-code>

How to obtain temporary authorization code in Slack API?

I am referring to obtain access token in PostMan.
Also, I have downloaded repo of slack api from
Below command returns status 200, but no authorization code.
curl -X GET \
'' \
-H 'Postman-Token: f2dc4c20-5b7d-4ed2-b71f-08ecad81fd8c' \
-H 'cache-control: no-cache'
Can someone explain how to obtain code, which in turn will be used to obtain token?
Got my answer, here is the link to obtain the auth token using Postman Create a Slack app and authenticate with Postman

google api machine learning can I use an API KEY?

For learning purposes, I'm trying to use the Machine learning (ml) API.
I'm not able to identify if this request can be done with an API KEY instead of OAUTH.
I'm using npm package googleapis with this;
parent: "projects/"+GCLOUD_PROJECT
But always receives this error:
Request is missing required authentication credential. Expected OAuth 2 access token, login cookie or other valid authentication credential
I've tried replacing key with auth or token. Nothing work.
How can I know if is possible or not to use an api key?
I tried also with curl
Today I had the same doubt.
Here are GCP Services that support API Keys: and ML API is not included.
You should obtain the access token using OAuth2, so URL POST request will be:
Works great for me. Same to do predictions.
You can get the auth token using gcloud:
access_token=$(gcloud auth application-default print-access-token)
and then embed it into the header:
curl --silent \
-H "Authorization: Bearer $access_token" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d "$request" \

How do I obtain an OAuth token from WSO2 using the Consumer Key/Secret?

I am very new to WSO2 and am still evaluating it - mostly through Fiddler. It is my understanding that I should be able to obtain an OAuth token by calling WSO2's Login API. I have attempted various URLs (in Fiddler) along the lines of:
// Based off a blog post :
Authorization: Basic cFNET0lab1RnMHRBODRCWmQ4bTRBbnp1c0RZYTpZREIzZzh3RXhQOV92ZTdZX1drYVhieWx5ZlVh
When I execute the above URL, I receive (403) No matching resource found in the API for the given request.
I can use the the "Access Token" (via the Bearer tag) and the APIs work. I just can't figure out how to obtain the OAuth token for actual runtime use.
Any pointers/ideas?
--- Thanks, Jeff
Setup Identity Server [domain:9443]
Create OAuth2 application, and get client id + consumer key
Get Base64 encoded of clientId:consumerKey - replace this for Authorization Basic xxxxx
Replace the REST endpoint for token generation - This you should get in oauth application on management console [in our case https://domain:9443/oauth2/token]
And below curl command should give you the response
curl -k -d "grant_type=password&" -H "Authorization" -H "Authorization: Basic X2dhWllidkN6TDNQY2ZqSmVBQ1lsNlg2SFdRYTpSQVlSMmxOZzQ0enU5ZXVGSDRDVXdOUWRudlVh, Content-type=application/x-www-form-urlencoded" https://domain:9443/oauth2/token
You can directly access OAuth2 REST web service to access the token.Here is how you can access token using curl
curl --user ConsumerKey:ConsumerSecret -k -d "grant_type=password&username=admin&password=admin" -H "Content-Type:application/x-www-form-urlencoded" https://localhost:9443/oauth2endpoints/token
Below is an example using cURL tool available in linux by default ( you can install cURL for windows explictly)
curl -v 4 -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=UTF-8" -k -d "grant_type=password&username=&password=&client_id=&client_secret=" https://:9443/oauth2/token
to obtain the client_secret & client_id you have to register a app in wso2is.
There are free tools available to construct the above request or directly use the above parameters and to get the token.
Setup Identity Server [domain:9443]
Create OAuth2 application, and get client id , consumer key and url.
Process post request by using 'poster' with bellow details ,
URL :- which get from oauth application
Content Type :- application/x-www-form-urlencoded
body:- grant_type=password&username=your username&password=your password&client_id=your client id&client_secret=your client secret
