In F# I am trying to get last element of give list. I wrote below code
let rec findLast t =
match t with
| hd :: [] -> hd
| hd :: tl -> findLast tl
| _ -> -1
printfn "%A" (findLast [1,2,3,4,5])
But when I tried to execute it in F# Interactive it complain as below
error FS0001: This expression was expected to have type
int but here has type
'a * 'b * 'c * 'd * 'e
I just want to know what is wrong in above code. I know there are different smart and elegant ways to get last element from list in F#. But I am interested to know what is wrong in above code ?
1,2,3,4,5 is a tuple. 'a * 'b * 'c * 'd * 'e is a tuple definition. Create a list with semicolons [1;2;3;4;5]. [1,2,3,4,5] is a list of tuples with one item which is a quintuple.
let rec findLast t =
match t with
| hd :: [] -> hd
| hd :: tl -> findLast tl
| _ -> -1
printfn "%A" (findLast [1;2;3;4;5])
Try this one:
let rec lastElem = function
| [] -> None
| [x] -> Some x
| x::xs -> lastElem xs
You can try it in the REPL:
> lastElem [1;2;3];;
val it : int option = Some 3
> lastElem ["a";"b";"c"];;
val it : string option = Some "c"
As #Phillip-Scott-Givens pointed out, you've likely made a totally common (especially for C#'ers), error and used a comma to separate a list instead of a semi-colon.
This results in a tuple list [(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)] and not an integer list [1;2;3;4;5]. Getting unexpected asterisks in your type definitions is a symptom of this :)
That said, here a few different functions that get the last value from your tuple, list, and tuple list (ref:
// Data:
let tuples = [ (1,2,3,4,5); ] // = [1,2,3,4,5]
let firstListElement = tuples.[0]
// Access:
let rec lastItemInList = function
| hd :: [] -> hd
| hd :: tl -> lastItemInList tl
| _ -> failwith "Empty list."
let lastValueOfFirstItem = function
| (_, _, _, _, last) :: _ -> last
| _ -> -1
let lastValueOfTuple = function _, _, _, _, last -> last
// same as: let lastValueOfTuple myTuple =
// match myTuple with
// | (_, _, _, _, last) -> last
// Examples:
tuples |> lastItemInList // val it : int * int * int * int * int = (1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
tuples |> lastValueOfFirstItem // val it : int = 5
tuples |> lastValueOfTuple // val it : int list = [5]
firstListElement |> lastValueOfTuple // val it : int = 5
I'm looking for a standard F# function that takes a sequence of 2-choices and returns a pair of sequences:
let separate (choices : seq<Choice<'T1, 'T2>>) : seq<'T1> * seq<'T2> = ...
A naive implementation is pretty simple:
let separate choices =
let ones =
|> Seq.choose (function
| Choice1Of2 one -> Some one
| _ -> None)
let twos =
|> Seq.choose (function
| Choice2Of2 two -> Some two
| _ -> None)
ones, twos
This works fine, but iterates the sequence twice, which is less than ideal. Is this function defined in one of the semi-standard libraries? I looked around, but couldn't find it. (If it exists, I'm sure it goes by some other name.)
For bonus points, versions that work with 3-choices, 4-choices, and so on, would also be nice, as would versions for List, Array, etc. Thanks.
I can't find builtin implementation but can write my own.
It uses IEnumerator<> based approach, so it will work with any collection type but it's not optimal (e.g. arrays will work slower than could be). Order is reversed (easy to fix with ResizeArray but more code). Also this version is not lazy, but can be easily adapted to work with Choice<'a, 'b, 'c> and others
let splitChoices2 (choices: Choice<'a, 'b> seq) =
let rec inner (it: IEnumerator<_>) acc1 acc2 =
if it.MoveNext() then
match it.Current with
| Choice1Of2 c1 -> inner it (c1 :: acc1) acc2
| Choice2Of2 c2 -> inner it acc1 (c2 :: acc2)
acc1, acc2
inner (choices.GetEnumerator()) [] []
let choices = [
Choice1Of2 11
Choice2Of2 "12"
Choice1Of2 21
Choice2Of2 "22"
choices |> splitChoices2 |> printfn "%A"
Update: ResizeArray based approach without reversed order and potentially less expensive enumeration
let splitChoices2 (choices: Choice<'a, 'b> seq) =
let acc1 = ResizeArray()
let acc2 = ResizeArray()
for el in choices do
match el with
| Choice1Of2 c1 -> acc1.Add c1
| Choice2Of2 c2 -> acc2.Add c2
acc1, acc2
This is sort of inspired by TraverseA but has come out quite different. Here is a single pass solution (UPDATE: however while the core algorithm might be single pass from List to List, but getting it to match your type signature, and ordering the result the same way makes it 3*O(n), it depends how important the ordering and type signature are to you)
let choices = seq {Choice1Of2(1) ; Choice2Of2(2) ; Choice2Of2(3) ; Choice1Of2(4)}
let seperate' choices =
let rec traverse2ChoicesA tupleSeq choices =
match choices with
| [] -> fst tupleSeq |> List.rev |>Seq.ofList , snd tupleSeq |> List.rev |> Seq.ofList
| (Choice1Of2 f)::tl -> traverse2ChoicesA (f::fst tupleSeq, snd tupleSeq) tl
| (Choice2Of2 s)::tl -> traverse2ChoicesA (fst tupleSeq, s::snd tupleSeq) tl
traverse2ChoicesA ([],[]) <| List.ofSeq choices
seperate' choices;;
val seperate' : choices:seq<Choice<'a,'b>> -> seq<'a> * seq<'b>
val it : seq<int> * seq<int> = ([1; 4], [2; 3])
Update: To be clear, if ordering and List instead of Seq are ok then this is a single pass:
let choices = [Choice1Of2(1) ; Choice2Of2(2) ; Choice2Of2(3) ; Choice1Of2(4)]
let seperate' choices =
let rec traverse2ChoicesA (tupleSeq) choices =
match choices with
| [] -> tupleSeq
| (Choice1Of2 f)::tl -> traverse2ChoicesA (f :: fst tupleSeq, snd tupleSeq) tl
| (Choice2Of2 s)::tl -> traverse2ChoicesA (fst tupleSeq, s:: snd tupleSeq) tl
traverse2ChoicesA ([],[]) choices
seperate' choices;;
val choices : Choice<int,int> list =
[Choice1Of2 1; Choice2Of2 2; Choice2Of2 3; Choice1Of2 4]
val seperate' : choices:Choice<'a,'b> list -> 'a list * 'b list
val it : int list * int list = ([4; 1], [3; 2])
You might find something more general, performant and with appropriate type signature in the FSharpPlus "semi-standard" library using TraverseA?
I have a series of validation functions I want to put into an array to execute:
type result = {D: int; E: int; F: int; G: int}
type InvalidReason =
type Validation =
| Valid
| Invalid of InvalidReason
let validators = [|AAA; BBB; CCC; DDD; EEE|]
let validateStuff result =
|> v -> v result)
|> Array.contains(Validation.Invalid _)
The problem is that last line of code. I am getting an "Unexpected value _ in the expression." The following does work
|> Array.contains(Validation.Valid)
|> Array.contains(Validation.Invalid InvalidReason.AAA)
But I don't want to spell out each of the sub types for InvalidReasons. Is there some syntax I am overlooking?
The function Array.contains takes a value and checks if that value is in the array. What you're trying to do is to give it a whole bunch of values to check. Well, this won't work: the function only takes one. And it doesn't help that there is no syntax like that in F# :-)
You might use another function that takes multiple values, but a better way to accomplish what you want is to use a function that takes a predicate - Array.exists. Make yourself a predicate to check if a value is "invalid":
let isInvalid x = match x with
| Valid -> false
| Invalid _ -> true
And pass it to Array.exists:
let validateStuff result =
|> v -> v result)
|> Array.exists isInvalid
Or you could even put that function inline:
let validateStuff result =
|> v -> v result)
|> Array.exists ( fun x -> match x with
| Valid -> false
| Invalid _ -> true )
Or even shorter, using the function keyword:
let validateStuff result =
|> v -> v result)
|> Array.exists ( function | Valid -> false | Invalid _ -> true )
Or even shorter, getting rid of as much noise as possible:
let validateStuff result =
|> v -> v result)
|> Array.exists ( function Invalid _ -> true | _ -> false )
I came across this question about the "pyramid of doom" in F#. The accepted answer there involves using Active Patterns, however my understanding is that it can also be solved using Computation Expressions.
How can I remove the "pyramid of doom" from this code using Computation Expressions?
match a.TryGetValue(key) with
| (true, v) -> v
| _ ->
match b.TryGetValue(key) with
| (true, v) -> v
| _ ->
match c.TryGetValue(key) with
| (true, v) -> v
| _ -> defaultValue
F# for fun and profit has an example for this specific case:
type OrElseBuilder() =
member this.ReturnFrom(x) = x
member this.Combine (a,b) =
match a with
| Some _ -> a // a succeeds -- use it
| None -> b // a fails -- use b instead
member this.Delay(f) = f()
let orElse = new OrElseBuilder()
But if you want to use it with IDictionary you need a lookup function that returns an option:
let tryGetValue key (d:System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary<_,_>) =
match d.TryGetValue key with
| true, v -> Some v
| false, _ -> None
Now here's a modified example of its usage from F# for fun and profit:
let map1 = [ ("1","One"); ("2","Two") ] |> dict
let map2 = [ ("A","Alice"); ("B","Bob") ] |> dict
let map3 = [ ("CA","California"); ("NY","New York") ] |> dict
let multiLookup key = orElse {
return! map1 |> tryGetValue key
return! map2 |> tryGetValue key
return! map3 |> tryGetValue key
multiLookup "A" // Some "Alice"
The pattern I like for "pyramid of doom" removal is this:
1) Create a lazy collection of inputs
2) Map them with a computation function
3) skip all the computations that yield unacceptable results
4) pick the first one that matches your criteria.
This approach, however, does not use Computation Expressions
open System.Collections
let a = dict [1, "hello1"]
let b = dict [2, "hello2"]
let c = dict [2, "hello3"]
let valueGetter (key:'TKey) (d:Generic.IDictionary<'TKey, 'TVal>) =
match d.TryGetValue(key) with
| (true, v) -> Some(v)
| _ -> None
let dicts = Seq.ofList [a; b; c] // step 1
let computation data key =
|> ( (valueGetter key)) // step 2
|> Seq.skipWhile(fun x -> x = None) // step 3
|> Seq.head // step 4
computation dicts 2
A short-circuiting expression can be achieved if we subvert the Bind method, where we are in a position to simply ignore the rest of the computation and replace it with the successful match. Also, we can cater for the bool*string signature of the standard dictionary lookup.
type OrElseBuilder() =
member __.Return x = x
member __.Bind(ma, f) =
match ma with
| true, v -> v
| false, _ -> f ()
let key = 2 in OrElseBuilder() {
do! dict[1, "1"].TryGetValue key
do! dict[2, "2"].TryGetValue key
do! dict[3, "3"].TryGetValue key
return "Nothing found" }
// val it : string = "2"
Here is my code:
open System
let rec gcd a b =
match b with
| x when x = 0 -> a
| _ -> gcd(b, a % b)
let result = gcd 15 10
let main(args : string[]) =
printfn "result = %d" result
Why I get the error with this code:
D:\datahub\Dropbox\development\myprojects\project-euler\Problem_5\problem_5.fs(6,16): error FS0001: Type mismatch. Expec
ting a
but given a
int -> 'a
The resulting type would be infinite when unifying ''a' and 'int -> 'a'
The example tries to separate arguments by using a comma. In F# multiple arguments are supplied to a function by separating them with whitespace:
let rec gcd a b =
match b with
| x when x = 0 -> a
| _ -> gcd b (a % b)
I was doing an exercise on F# Wiki Book on List (scroll to the bottom) to create a Pair method.
I was able to pair a integer list without problem but an F# exception was thrown for a string list. It is just too cryptic for me to decipher what the exception means for an F# beginner like me.
Here is my initial attempt to implementing Pair on fsi.exe
> let pair l =
- let rec loop acc = function
- | [] -> acc
- | (hd1 :: hd2 :: tl) -> loop ((hd1, hd2) :: acc) tl
- List.rev(loop [] l)
- printfn "%A" ([1..10] |> pair)
- printfn "%A" ([ "one"; "two"; "three"; "four"; "five" ] |> pair);;
let rec loop acc = function
stdin(2,24): warning FS0025: Incomplete pattern matches on this expression.
For example, the value '[_]' will not be matched
val pair : 'a list -> ('a * 'a) list
[(1, 2); (3, 4); (5, 6); (7, 8); (9, 10)]
Exception of type 'Microsoft.FSharp.Core.MatchFailureException' was thrown.
at FSI_0002.clo#2T.Invoke(List`1 acc, List`1 _arg1)
at FSI_0002.pair[T](List`1 l)
at <StartupCode$FSI_0002>.$FSI_0002._main()
stopped due to error
So Pair does work on integer version
and the function signature
val pair : 'a list -> ('a * 'a) list
indicates that Pair operates on a generic list.
Question: Then why would Pair not work on a string list?
[ANSWER] (my version)
Simply returning accumulated list for else case (_) did the trick.
And the warning is taken care of, as well.
let pair l =
let rec loop acc = function
// | [] -> acc
| (hd1 :: hd2 :: tl) -> loop ((hd1, hd2) :: acc) tl
| _ -> acc
List.rev(loop [] l)
printfn "%A" ([1..10] |> pair)
printfn "%A" ([ "one"; "two"; "three"; "four"; "five" ] |> pair)
[EDIT2] Well, I will also post my version of Unpair for completeness.
let unpair l = [for (a,b) in l do yield! a :: b :: []]
Here is somewhat flawed benchmarking using solution version against that of mine for 1 million item lists
open System;
let pn l = printfn "%A" l
let duration f =
let startTime = DateTime.Now;
let returnValue = f()
let endTime = DateTime.Now;
printfn "Duration (ms): %f" (endTime - startTime).TotalMilliseconds
let ll = [for a in 1..1000000 do yield (a)]
let tl = [for a in 1..1000000 do yield (a,a)]
let pair1 l =
let rec loop acc = function
| [] | [_] -> List.rev acc
| h1 :: h2 :: tl -> loop ((h1, h2) :: acc) tl
loop [] l
let unpair1 l =
let rec loop acc = function
| [] -> List.rev acc
| (h1, h2) :: tl -> loop (h2 :: h1 :: acc) tl
loop [] l
let pair2 l =
let rec loop acc = function
| (hd1 :: hd2 :: tl) -> loop ((hd1, hd2) :: acc) tl
| _ | [_] -> acc
List.rev(loop [] l)
let unpair2 l = [for (a,b) in l do yield! a :: b :: []]
pn(duration (fun() -> ll |> pair1))
pn(duration (fun() -> tl |> unpair1))
pn(duration (fun() -> ll |> pair2))
pn(duration (fun() -> tl |> unpair2))
Benchmark Result:
Solution version
PAIR -> Duration (ms): 255.000000
UNPAIR -> Duration (ms): 840.000000
My version
PAIR -> Duration (ms): 220.000000
UNPAIR -> Duration (ms): 1624.000000
I don't think your version of Pair would work on a list of an odd number of anything. You happen to test an even number of ints and a odd number of strings. I think your second argument to match implies a list of at least two members. So you break off 2 break off 2 and get to a list with 1 element and none of your conditions match.
[_] is a 1 item list with anything in it. You must provide a predicate that matches it.