how to implement User.identity.getUserEmail() -

A user should have unique email instead of UserName. To achieve this I stored email in UserName and UserName in email column of AspNetUsers Table. Now I want to access user name in my view. The method User.Identity.GetUserName() is great, But now I need User.Identity.GetUserEmail(). I can I implement User.Identity.GetUserEmail() ?
I have to use User.Identity.GetUserEmail() in every view. As I use User.Identity.GetUserId().
I want to write this method in Microsoft.AspNet.Identity namespace so that it will be accessible everywhere.

I had to add a new value to the Identity model and to get the new value I did this:
private string GetUserEmail()
//Instantiate the UserManager in ASP.Identity system so you can look up the user in the system
var manager = new UserManager<ApplicationUser>(new UserStore<ApplicationUser>(new ApplicationDbContext()));
//Get the User object
var currentUser = manager.FindById(User.Identity.GetUserId());
return currentUser.Email;
You can build this in a relevant controller, or it can be a static function somewhere else, you just need to have a reference to identity.
Personal note: I have to say that I don't fully support the idea to change between the username and email. I think you should consider editing the model instead , this link might help.

Let me start by saying that I don't like the idea of executing code in your view. Besides, if you do this everytime, you're breaking the DRY principle.
I think what you need here is the ASP.NET Identity framework. This allows you to customize the authentication & authorization process, including how and where to retrieve user information. By overriding the UserManager class, you can start overriding the methods you want (like GetEmailAsync). You could also modify the CreateUserIdentity method by changing the claims of the identity.
This way you only define your rule once, which you then can use all across your application. But in order to achieve this, you'll have to do some research about ASP.NET Identity yourself or post more accurate information (like your accountcontroller code).

When creating a user through the user manager you can apply some custom settings, one of these is requiring an unique email:
var um = new UserManager<User>(new UserStore<User>(new ApplicationDbContext()));
um.UserValidator = new UserValidator<User>(um)
AllowOnlyAlphanumericUserNames = false,
RequireUniqueEmail = false


In MVC5 how can I create user records in code?

VS2013, MVC5, VB
The MVC5 template works well to create new users from the Register View while the application is running. But if I want to create users in code, how do I do that?
The following is naïve code, but demonstrates what doesn't work:
Dim user = New ApplicationUser() With {.UserName = "", .Email = ""}
Dim acct As New AccountController
acct.UserManager.CreateAsync(user, "Temp1.11")
This doesn't work because there is no HttpContext for UserManager.
There's a lot going on here that I don't understand and I'm a little lost. What I set out to do was simply create a list of users using the seed method in Configuration.vb. I thought I could just copy the way the existing AccountController.Register method works, but obviously not.
The answer to my question would ultimately be how to create users in the seed, but I'd like to also understand why my thinking was so wrong about simply trying to use portions of the code from the Register method. I don't quite understand the HttpContext and how that comes into being.
You don't need to use AccountController to get access to the UserManager object. Instead just create that directly:
Dim user = New ApplicationUser() With {.UserName = "", .Email = ""}
Dim myUserManager As New UserManager()
myUserManager.CreateAsync(user, "Temp1.11")

Signalr 2.0 user and session data

i have a MVC application that contains an ASPX page that will be called in single sign on mode.
How can i set the user that is passed by a request call?
I tried to use "Identity" with no fortune.
string username = "MyUsername";
string userid = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N"); //could be a constant
List<Claim> claims = new List<Claim>{
new Claim("", username),
new Claim("", userid)};
var genericIdentity = new GenericIdentity(username);
var genericPrincipal = new GenericPrincipal(genericIdentity, new string[] { "aaa" });
Context.User = genericPrincipal;
The second problem is that i have some data regarding the user but i can't set to session (like expected by signalr design).
How can solve it?
After some search i understand what i really need. When the page is called i check validation of user on database and if it's verified i need to store this information in a way that is reachable everywhere. It's what i would have done with SESSION object.
For me a user is not a simple string, but it's a complex object that contains useful information for the behaviour of the program.
I hope i am clearer.
You can add state on the client proxy.
If your data is too complex for that, you need to pass it at apprpriate times using hub methods.

Obtaining the current Principal outside of the Web tier

I have the following ntier app: MVC > Services > Repository > Domain. I am using Forms authentication. Is it safe to use Thread.CurrentPrincipal outside of my MVC layer to get the currently logged in user of my application or should I be using HttpContext.Current.User?
The reason I ask is there seems to be some issues around Thread.CurrentPrincipal, but I am cautious to add a reference to System.Web outside of my MVC layer in case I need to provide a non web font end in the future.
I have been following the advice recieved so far to pass the username into the Service as part of the params to the method being called and this has lead to a refinement of my original question. I need to be able to check if the user is in a particular role in a number of my Service and Domain methods. There seems to be a couple of solutions to this, just wondering which is the best way to proceed:
Pass the whole HttpContext.Current.User as a param instead of just the username.
Call Thread.CurrentPrincipal outside of my web tier and use that. But how do I ensure it is equal to HttpContext.Current.User?
Stick to passing in the username as suggested so far and then use Roles.IsUserInRole. The problem with this approach is that it requires a ref to System.Web which I feel is not correct outside of my MVC layer.
How would you suggest I proceed?
I wouldn't do either, HttpContext.Current.User is specific to your web layer.
Why not inject the username into your service layer?
Map the relevant User details to a new Class to represent the LoggedInUser and pass that as an argument to your Business layer method
public class LoggedInUser
public string UserName { set;get;}
//other relevant proerties
Now set the values of this and pass to your BL method
var usr=new LoggedInUser();
usr.UserName="test value "; //Read from the FormsAuthentication stuff and Set
var result=YourBusinessLayerClass.SomeOperation(usr);
You should abstract your user information so that it doesn't depend on Thread.CurrentPrincipal or HttpContext.Current.User.
You could add a constructor or method parameter that accepts a user name, for example.
Here's an overly simplified example of a constructor parameter:
class YourBusinessClass
string _userName;
public YourBusinessClass(string userName)
_userName = userName;
public void SomeBusinessMethodThatNeedsUserName()
if (_userName == "sally")
// do something for sally
I prefer option number 2( use Thread.CurrentPrincipal outside of web tier ). since this will not polute your service tier & data tier methods. with bonuses: you can store your roles + additional info in the custom principal;
To make sure Thread.CurrentPrincipal in your service and data tier is the same as your web tier; you can set your HttpContext.Current.User (Context.User) in Global.asax(Application_AuthenticateRequest). Other alternative location where you can set this are added at the bottom.
sample code:
//sample synchronizing HttpContext.Current.User with Thread.CurrentPrincipal
protected void Application_AuthenticateRequest(Object sender, EventArgs e)
HttpCookie authCookie = Request.Cookies[FormsAuthentication.FormsCookieName];
//make sure principal is not set for anonymous user/unauthenticated request
if (authCookie != null && Request.IsAuthenticated)
FormsAuthenticationTicket authTicket = FormsAuthentication.Decrypt(authCookie.Value);
//your additional info stored in cookies: multiple roles, privileges, etc
string userData = authTicket.UserData;
CustomPrincipal userPrincipal = PrincipalHelper.CreatePrincipal(authTicket.Name, authTicket.UserData, Request.IsAuthenticated);
Context.User = userPrincipal;
of course first you must implement your login form to create authorization cookies containing your custom principal.
Application_AuthenticateRequest will be executed for any request to server(css files, javascript files, images files etc). To limit this functionality only to controller action, you can try setting the custom principal in ActionFilter(I haven't tried this). What I have tried is setting this functionality inside an Interceptor for Controllers(I use Castle Windsor for my Dependency Injection and Aspect Oriented Programming).
I believe you are running into this problem because you need to limit your domains responsibility further. It should not be the responsibility of your service or your document to handle authorization. That responsibility should be handled by your MVC layer, as the current user is logged in to your web app, not your domain.
If, instead of trying to look up the current user from your service, or document, you perform the check in your MVC app, you get something like this:
//UpdateDocument does NOT authorize the user. It does only 1 thing, update the document.
myDocumentService.UpdateDocument(currentUsername, documentToEdit);
} else {
lblPermissionDenied.InnerText = #"You do not have permission
to edit this document.";
which is clean, easy to read, and allows you to keep your services and domain classes free from authorization concerns. You can still map Roles.IsUserInRole("DocumentEditorRole")to your viewmodel, so the only this you are losing, is the CurrentUserCanEdit method on your Document class. But if you think of your domain model as representing real world objects, that method doesn't belong on Document anyway. You might think of it as a method on a domain User object (user.CanEditDocument(doc)), but all in all, I think you will be happier if you keep your authorization out of your domain layer.

Using ASP .NET Membership and Profile with MVC, how can I create a user and set it to HttpContext.Current.User?

I implemented a custom Profile object in code as described by Joel here:
How to assign Profile values?
I can't get it to work when I'm creating a new user, however. When I do this:
Membership.CreateUser(userName, password);
Roles.AddUserToRole(userName, "MyRole");
the user is created and added to a role in the database, but HttpContext.Current.User is still empty, and Membership.GetUser() returns null, so this (from Joel's code) doesn't work:
static public AccountProfile CurrentUser
get { return (AccountProfile)
(ProfileBase.Create(Membership.GetUser().UserName)); }
AccountProfile.CurrentUser.FullName = "Snoopy";
I've tried calling Membership.GetUser(userName) and setting Profile properties that way, but the set properties remain empty, and calling AccountProfile.CurrentUser(userName).Save() doesn't put anything in the database. I've also tried indicating that the user is valid & logged in, by calling Membership.ValidateUser, FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie, etc., but the current user is still null or anonymous (depending on the state of my browser cookies).
SOLVED (EDITED FURTHER, SEE BELOW): Based on Franci Penov's explanation and some more experimentation, I figured out the issue. Joel's code and the variations I tried will only work with an existing Profile. If no Profile exists, ProfileBase.Create(userName) will return a new empty object every time it's called; you can set properties, but they won't "stick" because a new instance is returned every time you access it. Setting HttpContext.Current.User to a new GenericPrincipal will give you a User object, but not a Profile object, and ProfileBase.Create(userName) and HttpContext.Current.Profile will still point to new, empty objects.
If you want to create a Profile for a newly-created User in the same request, you need to call HttpContext.Current.Profile.Initialize(userName, true). You can then populate the initialized profile and save it, and it will be accessible on future requests by name, so Joel's code will work. I am only using HttpContext.Current.Profile internally, when I need to create/access the Profile immediately upon creation. On any other requests, I use ProfileBase.Create(userName), and I've exposed only that version as public.
Note that Franci is correct: If you are willing to create the User (and Roles) and set it as Authenticated on the first round-trip, and ask the user to then log in, you will be able to access the Profile much more simply via Joel's code on the subsequent request. What threw me is that Roles is immediately accessible upon user creation without any initialization, but Profile is not.
My new AccountProfile code:
public static AccountProfile CurrentUser
if (Membership.GetUser() != null)
return ProfileBase.Create(Membership.GetUser().UserName) as AccountProfile;
return null;
internal static AccountProfile NewUser
get { return System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Profile as AccountProfile; }
New user creation:
MembershipUser user = Membership.CreateUser(userName, password);
Roles.AddUserToRole(userName, "MyBasicUserRole");
AccountProfile.NewUser.Initialize(userName, true);
AccountProfile.NewUser.FullName = "Snoopy";
Subsequent access:
if (Membership.ValidateUser(userName, password))
string name = AccountProfile.CurrentUser.FullName;
Further thanks to Franci for explaining the Authentication life cycle - I'm calling FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie in my validation function, but I'm returning a bool to indicate success, because User.Identity.IsAuthenticated will not be true until the subsequent request.
REVISED: I'm an idiot. The above explanation works in the narrow case, but doesn't resolve the core problem: Calling CurrentUser returns a new instance of the object each time, whether it's an existing Profile or not. Because it's defined as a property, I wasn't thinking about this, and wrote:
AccountProfile.CurrentUser.FullName = "Snoopy";
AccountProfile.CurrentUser.OtherProperty = "ABC";
which (of course) doesn't work. It should be:
AccountProfile currentProfile = AccountProfile.CurrentUser;
currentProfile.FullName = "Snoopy";
currentProfile.OtherProperty = "ABC";
It's my own fault for completely overlooking this basic point, but I do think declaring CurrentUser as a property implies that it's an object that can be manipulated. Instead, it should be declared as GetCurrentUser().
Creating a user just adds it to the list of users. However, this does not authenticate or authorize the new user for the current request. You also need to authenticate the user in the current request context or for subsequent requests.
Membership.ValidateUser will only validate the credentials, but it's not authenticating the user for the current or subsequent requests. FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie will set the authentication ticket in the response stream, so the next request will be authenticated, but it does not affect the state of the current request.
The easiest way to authenticate the user would be to call FormsAuthentication.RedirectFromLoginPage (assuming you are using forms authentication in your app). However, this one would actually cause a new HTTP request, which will authenticate the user.
Alternatively, if you need to continue your logic for processing the current request, but want the user to be authenticated, you can create a GenericPrincipal, assign it the identity of the new user and set the HttpContext.User to that principal.
You are going to run into problems with this approach if you enable anonymousIdentification. Rather than Membership.GetUser().UserName, I would suggest using HttpContext.Profile.UserName.
Like this...
private UserProfile _profile;
private UserProfile Profile
get { return _profile ?? (_profile = (UserProfile)ProfileBase.Create(HttpContext.Profile.UserName)); }
Hat tip: SqlProfileProvider - can you use Profile.GetProfile() in a project?
First of all, thanks #Jeremy for sharing your findings. You helped me get going in the right direction. Secondly, sorry for bumping this old post. Hopefully this will help someone connect the dots.
The way I finally got this working was to use the following static method inside my profile class:
internal static void InitializeNewMerchant(string username, Merchant merchant)
var profile = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Profile as MerchantProfile;
profile.Initialize(username, true);
profile.MerchantId = merchant.MerchantId;
} mvc authentication against shibboleth and authorization

Where do I get information about the currently connected user? That is, how does shibboleth pass the information?
Can I set some restrictions on actions using [Authorize] attribute based on data acquired from shibboleth?
Shibboleth publishes user attributes associated with
sessions into HTTP request headers, based on header names defined
in Attribute Acceptance Policy (1.3.x) or Attribute Mapping (2.x)
files. These headers are transformed into CGI variables based
on mapping rules defined by the CGI specification.
You should be aware of this security advisory:
I have never user shibboleth, but you can get information about the user from Controller.User property. It will return a generic principal of current thread. Using this principal you can check whether the user is authenticated and get a login name of the user. This is due to the reason that after logon an authentication cookie is set and this cookie contains limited amount of information. And on each request after logon only this cookie is checked (if it exists and valid - user is authenticated).
So if you need in some specific information you can manually load a user (it's better to use cache here) and check whatever you want.
Also you can create and attach your own principal with necessary information to the thread on start of a request (e.g. on start of a request load the user from db/cache using user name from base principal, create and set your own principal to thread). After this you can check all properties of the user you need.
Where would you attach your own principal? You say on the start of the request but what if you don't want every request authorizing?
You'll want to create a method in Global.asax.cs that has the following signature
protected void Application_PostAuthenticateRequest()
//Your code here.
This will be called automatically before almost anything else is done (MVC will call this method if it exists, you don't have to "turn it on" anywhere), and this is where you need to set the Principal. For instance, let's assume you have a header called RolesHeader that has a comma separated value of roles and another header called UserId that has (duh) the user ID.
Your code, without any error handling, might look something like:
protected void Application_PostAuthenticateRequest()
var rolesheader = Context.Request.Headers["RolesHeader"];
var userId = Context.Request.Headers["UserId"];
var roles = rolesheader.Split(',');
var principal = new GenericPrincipal(new GenericIdentity(userId), roles);
Context.User = principal;
It's the Principal/Identity that the [Authorize] attribute uses, so setting it here at the beginning of the request lifecycle means the [Authorize] attribute will work correctly.
The rest of this is optional, but I recommend it:
I like to create my own custom classes that implement IPrincipal and IIdentity instead of using the GenericPrincipal and GenericIdentity, so I can stuff more user information in it. My custom Principal and Identity objects then have much more rich information, such as branch numbers or email addresses or whatever.
Then, I create a Controller called BaseController that has the following
protected new CustomPrincipal User
return (base.User as CustomPrincipal) ?? CustomPrincipal.GetUnauthorizedPrincipal();
This allows me to access all my rich, custom Principal data instead of just what's defined in IPrincipal. All of my real controllers then inherit from BaseController instead of directly from Controller.
Obviously, when using a custom Principal like this, in the Application_PostAuthenticateRequest() method, you'd set the Context.User to be your CustomPrincipal instead of a GenericPrincipal.
