App Store: iOS9 works, iOS8 gives “Unable to download application. <App> could not be installed at this time” - ios

I'm getting the infamous “Unable to download application. could not be installed at this time” error when my app is downloaded from the App Store on iOS8. The app downloads correctly on iOS9.
A look at the console logs during install doesn't reveal much, unfortunately. This is the relevant portion of the install log from a failing install on iOS 8:
Oct 22 11:19:29 iPhone-6-Plus itunesstored[9645] <Warning>: LaunchServices: updating placeholder for co.{{ my_app }}.{{ my_app }}.ios with icons
Oct 22 11:19:29 iPhone-6-Plus installd[9655] <Notice>: 0x100484000 -[MIClientConnection _doBackgroundInstallationForPath:withOptions:completion:]: Install of "/var/mobile/Library/Caches/" type Placeholder requested by itunesstored (pid 9645)
Oct 22 11:19:29 iPhone-6-Plus installd[9655] <Notice>: 0x100484000 -[MIInstaller performInstallationWithError:]: Installing <MIInstallableBundle ID=co.{{ my_app }}.{{ my_app }}.ios; Version=1328, ShortVersion=(null)>
Oct 22 11:19:29 iPhone-6-Plus installd[9655] <Notice>: 0x100484000 -[MIInstallableBundle _refreshUUIDForContainer:withError:]: Data container for co.{{ my_app }}.{{ my_app }}.ios is now at /private/var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/84774358-990D-42DA-BBAA-05CEA0767766
Oct 22 11:19:29 iPhone-6-Plus installd[9655] <Notice>: 0x100484000 -[MIContainer makeContainerLiveReplacingContainer:withError:]: Made container live for co.{{ my_app }}.{{ my_app }}.ios at /private/var/mobile/Containers/Bundle/Application/E00E811D-BF97-4C50-8979-C95D816AE914
Oct 22 11:19:29 iPhone-6-Plus installd[9655] <Notice>: 0x100484000 -[MIInstaller performInstallationWithError:]: Staging: 0.01s; Waiting: 0.00s; Installation: 0.11s; Overall: 0.12s
Oct 22 11:19:29 iPhone-6-Plus itunesstored[9645] <Warning>: LaunchServices: Creating installProgressForApplication:<LSApplicationProxy: 0x15921bc70> co.{{ my_app }}.{{ my_app }}.ios (Placeholder) withPhase:3
Oct 22 11:19:29 iPhone-6-Plus lsd[8860] <Warning>: LaunchServices: Updating installPhase for parent <NSProgress: 0x13555dfc0> : Parent: 0x0 / Fraction completed: 0.0000 / Completed: 0 of 100 to 3
Oct 22 11:19:29 iPhone-6-Plus itunesstored[9645] <Warning>: LaunchServices: installPhaseFinishedForProgress: co.{{ my_app }}.{{ my_app }}.ios.InstallingPlaceholder - <NSProgress: 0x1590b3740> : Parent: 0x0 / Fraction completed: 0.0000 / Completed: 0 of 100 called, removing progress from cache
The only thing that looks off there is the Installing <MIInstallableBundle ID=co.{{ my_app }}.{{ my_app }}.ios; Version=1328, ShortVersion=(null)>. The version is actually "1.0.8" and the short version is actually "1328". Could this be causing the issue?
This is the relevant portion of a successful install on iOS 9:
Oct 22 11:47:44 iPhone itunesstored[108] <Warning>: [Download]: Adding download(s): -5384935931379580938
Oct 22 11:47:44 iPhone itunesstored[108] <Warning>: LaunchServices: installing placeholder for <LSApplicationProxy: 0x12d852330> co.{{ my_app }}.{{ my_app }}.ios <(null) *Not found in database*>
Oct 22 11:47:44 iPhone installd[46] <Notice>: 0x16e087000 -[MIClientConnection installPath:withOptions:completion:]: Install of "/var/mobile/Library/Caches/" type Placeholder requested by itunesstored (pid 108)
Oct 22 11:47:44 iPhone installd[46] <Notice>: 0x16e1bb000 -[MIInstaller _extractPackageWithError:]: Incoming install at /private/var/mobile/Library/Caches/ had class 3; changing to class 4
Oct 22 11:47:44 iPhone installd[46] <Notice>: 0x16e1bb000 -[MIInstaller performInstallationWithError:]: Installing <MIInstallableBundle ID=co.{{ my_app }}.{{ my_app }}.ios; Version=(null), ShortVersion=(null)>
Oct 22 11:47:44 iPhone installd[46] <Notice>: 0x16e1bb000 -[MIContainer makeContainerLiveReplacingContainer:reason:withError:]: Made container live for co.{{ my_app }}.{{ my_app }}.ios at /private/var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/AA0FE5E8-F0BA-4554-BBE8-F844214BE127
Oct 22 11:47:44 iPhone installd[46] <Notice>: 0x16e1bb000 -[MIContainer makeContainerLiveReplacingContainer:reason:withError:]: Made container live for co.{{ my_app }}.{{ my_app }}.ios at /private/var/mobile/Containers/Bundle/Application/1256BD0E-DBDE-4D60-80A5-D27303F56413
Oct 22 11:47:44 iPhone installd[46] <Notice>: 0x16e1bb000 -[MIInstaller performInstallationWithError:]: Install Successful; Staging: 0.01s; Waiting: 0.00s; Preflight/Patch: 0.00s, Verifying: 0.00s; Overall: 0.09s
Oct 22 11:47:44 iPhone itunesstored[108] <Warning>: LaunchServices: Creating installProgressForApplication:<LSApplicationProxy: 0x12c5a7b20> co.{{ my_app }}.{{ my_app }}.ios (Placeholder) <file:///private/var/mobile/Containers/Bundle/Application/1256BD0E-DBDE-4D60-80A5-D27303F56413/> withPhase:3
Oct 22 11:47:44 iPhone itunesstored[108] <Warning>: LaunchServices: installPhaseFinishedForProgress: co.{{ my_app }}.{{ my_app }}.ios.InstallingPlaceholder - <NSProgress: 0x12da17570> : Parent: 0x0 / Fraction completed: 0.0000 / Completed: 0 of 100 called, removing progress from cache
Oct 22 11:47:44 iPhone ondemandd[162] <Error>: Application with ID: co.{{ my_app }}.{{ my_app }}.ios was installed, but it doesn't appear to have a bundle URL, we are taking no action on this.
Oct 22 11:47:53 iPhone itunesstored[108] <Warning>: [Download]: Adding download(s): -5384935931379580938
Oct 22 11:47:53 iPhone AppStore[165] <Warning>: ITML <Error>: Unknown timer: <null>
Oct 22 11:47:53 iPhone AppStore[165] <Warning>: ITML <Error>: Unknown timer: <null>
Oct 22 11:47:53 iPhone AppStore[165] <Warning>: ITML <Error>: Unknown timer: <null>
Oct 22 11:47:53 iPhone AppStore[165] <Warning>: ITML <Error>: Unknown timer: <null>
Oct 22 11:47:53 iPhone AppStore[165] <Warning>: ITML <Error>: Unknown timer: <null>
Oct 22 11:47:53 iPhone AppStore[165] <Warning>: ITML <Error>: Unknown timer: <null>
Oct 22 11:47:53 iPhone AppStore[165] <Warning>: ITML <Error>: Unknown timer: <null>
Oct 22 11:47:53 iPhone itunesstored[108] <Warning>: [Download]: Starting task: 3 with priority: 300 for download: -5384935931379580938 bundleIdentifier: co.{{ my_app }}.{{ my_app }}.ios in session:
Oct 22 11:47:53 iPhone itunesstored[108] <Warning>: LaunchServices: updating placeholder for <LSApplicationProxy: 0x12d9346f0> co.{{ my_app }}.{{ my_app }}.ios (Placeholder) <file:///private/var/mobile/Containers/Bundle/Application/1256BD0E-DBDE-4D60-80A5-D27303F56413/> with icons
Oct 22 11:47:53 iPhone installd[46] <Notice>: 0x16e1bb000 -[MIClientConnection installPath:withOptions:completion:]: Install of "/var/mobile/Library/Caches/" type Placeholder requested by itunesstored (pid 108)
Oct 22 11:47:53 iPhone installd[46] <Notice>: 0x16e247000 -[MIInstaller _extractPackageWithError:]: Incoming install at /private/var/mobile/Library/Caches/ had class 3; changing to class 4
Oct 22 11:47:53 iPhone installd[46] <Notice>: 0x16e247000 -[MIInstaller performInstallationWithError:]: Installing <MIInstallableBundle ID=co.{{ my_app }}.{{ my_app }}.ios; Version=1328, ShortVersion=(null)>
Oct 22 11:47:53 iPhone installd[46] <Notice>: 0x16e247000 -[MIInstallableBundle _refreshUUIDForContainer:withError:]: Data container for co.{{ my_app }}.{{ my_app }}.ios is now at /private/var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/8B03946E-BA87-47B0-8B99-0F790775A5E5
Oct 22 11:47:53 iPhone installd[46] <Notice>: 0x16e247000 -[MIContainer makeContainerLiveReplacingContainer:reason:withError:]: Made container live for co.{{ my_app }}.{{ my_app }}.ios at /private/var/mobile/Containers/Bundle/Application/5F331BC2-E9C6-4E95-A06F-62A26C2EA1F5
Oct 22 11:47:53 iPhone installd[46] <Notice>: 0x16e247000 -[MIInstaller performInstallationWithError:]: Install Successful; Staging: 0.00s; Waiting: 0.00s; Preflight/Patch: 0.00s, Verifying: 0.00s; Overall: 0.07s
Oct 22 11:47:53 iPhone ondemandd[162] <Error>: Application with ID: co.{{ my_app }}.{{ my_app }}.ios was installed, but it doesn't appear to have a bundle URL, we are taking no action on this.
Oct 22 11:47:56 iPhone itunesstored[108] <Warning>: LaunchServices: Creating installProgressForApplication:<LSApplicationProxy: 0x12da90760> co.{{ my_app }}.{{ my_app }}.ios (Placeholder) <file:///private/var/mobile/Containers/Bundle/Application/5F331BC2-E9C6-4E95-A06F-62A26C2EA1F5/> withPhase:0
Oct 22 11:47:56 iPhone lsd[79] <Warning>: LaunchServices: Updating installPhase for parent <NSProgress: 0x127d33860> : Parent: 0x0 / Fraction completed: 0.0000 / Completed: 0 of 100 to 0
Oct 22 11:52:54 iPhone itunesstored[108] <Warning>: [Download]: Download task did finish: 3 for download: -5384935931379580938
Oct 22 11:52:54 iPhone itunesstored[108] <Warning>: [ApplicationWorkspace] Installing download: -5384935931379580938 with step(s): Install
Oct 22 11:52:54 iPhone itunesstored[108] <Warning>: [ApplicationWorkspace]: Installing software package with bundleID: co.{{ my_app }}.{{ my_app }}.ios: bundleVersion: 1328 path: /var/mobile/Media/Downloads/-5384935931379580938/8956830454785498068
Oct 22 11:52:54 iPhone itunesstored[108] <Warning>: LaunchServices: installing app for existing placeholder <LSApplicationProxy: 0x12c6e5e90> co.{{ my_app }}.{{ my_app }}.ios (Placeholder) <file:///private/var/mobile/Containers/Bundle/Application/5F331BC2-E9C6-4E95-A06F-62A26C2EA1F5/>
Oct 22 11:52:54 iPhone itunesstored[108] <Warning>: LaunchServices: Creating installProgressForApplication:<LSApplicationProxy: 0x12c6e5e90> co.{{ my_app }}.{{ my_app }}.ios (Placeholder) <file:///private/var/mobile/Containers/Bundle/Application/5F331BC2-E9C6-4E95-A06F-62A26C2EA1F5/> withPhase:1
Oct 22 11:52:54 iPhone lsd[79] <Warning>: LaunchServices: Updating installPhase for parent <NSProgress: 0x127d33860> : Parent: 0x0 / Fraction completed: 0.5900 / Completed: 59 of 100 to 1
Oct 22 11:52:54 iPhone installd[46] <Notice>: 0x16e087000 -[MIClientConnection installPath:withOptions:completion:]: Install of "/var/mobile/Media/Downloads/-5384935931379580938/8956830454785498068" type Customer requested by itunesstored (pid 108)
Oct 22 11:52:54 iPhone installd[46] <Notice>: 0x16e1bb000 -[MIInstaller performInstallationWithError:]: Installing <MIInstallableBundle ID=co.{{ my_app }}.{{ my_app }}.ios; Version=1328, ShortVersion=1.0.8>
Oct 22 11:52:54 iPhone installd[46] <Notice>: 0x16e1bb000 -[MIInstallableBundle _refreshUUIDForContainer:withError:]: Data container for co.{{ my_app }}.{{ my_app }}.ios is now at /private/var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/37FAE64E-298B-4DF7-876F-4A7D75B50443
Oct 22 11:52:54 iPhone installd[46] <Notice>: 0x16e1bb000 -[MIContainer makeContainerLiveReplacingContainer:reason:withError:]: Made container live for co.{{ my_app }}.{{ my_app }}.ios at /private/var/mobile/Containers/Bundle/Application/8F1CB450-2DB5-46B8-BDCF-601C87F49C26
Oct 22 11:52:54 iPhone installd[46] <Notice>: 0x16e1bb000 -[MIInstaller performInstallationWithError:]: Install Successful; Staging: 0.01s; Waiting: 0.00s; Preflight/Patch: 0.01s, Verifying: 0.23s; Overall: 0.44s
Oct 22 11:52:54 iPhone lsd[79] <Warning>: LaunchServices: Updating identifier store
Oct 22 11:52:54 iPhone itunesstored[108] <Warning>: LaunchServices: installPhaseFinishedForProgress: co.{{ my_app }}.{{ my_app }}.ios.Installing - <NSProgress: 0x12c6b5e50> : Parent: 0x0 / Fraction completed: 1.0000 / Completed: 100 of 100 called, removing progress from cache
Oct 22 11:52:54 iPhone lsd[79] <Warning>: LaunchServices: installation ended for app co.{{ my_app }}.{{ my_app }}.ios
Oct 22 11:52:54 iPhone itunesstored[108] <Warning>: [ApplicationWorkspace] Install complete for download: -5384935931379580938 result: Success
Oct 22 11:52:54 iPhone itunesstored[108] <Warning>: [ApplicationWorkspace]: Updating placeholder for download: -5384935931379580938 bundleIdentifier: co.{{ my_app }}.{{ my_app }}.ios
Oct 22 11:52:54 iPhone lsd[79] <Warning>: LSInstallProgress: In observeValueForKeyPath:fractionCompleted could not find parent progress for co.{{ my_app }}.{{ my_app }}.ios, it may have been removed
Oct 22 11:52:54 iPhone lsd[79] <Warning>: LSInstallProgress: In observeValueForKeyPath:fractionCompleted could not find parent progress for co.{{ my_app }}.{{ my_app }}.ios, it may have been removed
Oct 22 11:52:54 iPhone lsd[79] <Warning>: LSInstallProgress: In observeValueForKeyPath:fractionCompleted could not find parent progress for co.{{ my_app }}.{{ my_app }}.ios, it may have been removed
Oct 22 11:52:54 iPhone itunesstored[108] <Warning>: LaunchServices: installPhaseFinishedForProgress: co.{{ my_app }}.{{ my_app }}.ios.Loading - <NSProgress: 0x12d8f4480> : Parent: 0x0 / Fraction completed: 1.0000 / Completed: 1 of 1 called, removing progress from cache
Oct 22 11:52:54 iPhone itunesstored[108] <Warning>: [ApplicationWorkspace]: Placeholder updated for download: -5384935931379580938 bundleIdentifier: co.{{ my_app }}.{{ my_app }}.ios success: 1
Oct 22 11:52:54 iPhone lsd[79] <Warning>: LSInstallProgress: In observeValueForKeyPath:fractionCompleted could not find parent progress for co.{{ my_app }}.{{ my_app }}.ios, it may have been removed
Oct 22 11:52:54 iPhone lsd[79] <Warning>: LSInstallProgress: In observeValueForKeyPath:userInfo.installState could not find parent progress for co.{{ my_app }}.{{ my_app }}.ios, it may have been removed
Oct 22 11:52:54 iPhone lsd[79] <Warning>: LSInstallProgress: In observeValueForKeyPath:fractionCompleted could not find parent progress for co.{{ my_app }}.{{ my_app }}.ios, it may have been removed
Oct 22 11:52:54 iPhone lsd[79] <Warning>: LSInstallProgress: In observeValueForKeyPath:userInfo.installState could not find parent progress for co.{{ my_app }}.{{ my_app }}.ios, it may have been removed
Oct 22 11:52:54 iPhone lsd[79] <Warning>: LSInstallProgress: In observeValueForKeyPath:fractionCompleted could not find parent progress for co.{{ my_app }}.{{ my_app }}.ios, it may have been removed
Oct 22 11:52:54 iPhone lsd[79] <Warning>: LSInstallProgress: In observeValueForKeyPath:userInfo.installState could not find parent progress for co.{{ my_app }}.{{ my_app }}.ios, it may have been removed
Oct 22 11:52:54 iPhone lsd[79] <Warning>: LSInstallProgress: In observeValueForKeyPath:fractionCompleted could not find parent progress for co.{{ my_app }}.{{ my_app }}.ios, it may have been removed
Oct 22 11:52:55 iPhone SpringBoard[54] <Warning>: Installed apps did change.
Added: {(
"co.{{ my_app }}.{{ my_app }}.ios"
Removed: {(
Modified: {(
On iOS 9, the Installing <MIInstallableBundle ID=... line appears three times, the first is
MIInstaller performInstallationWithError:]: Installing <MIInstallableBundle ID=co.{{ my_app }}.{{ my_app }}.ios; Version=(null), ShortVersion=(null)>
Followed by
[MIInstaller performInstallationWithError:]: Installing <MIInstallableBundle ID=co.{{ my_app }}.{{ my_app }}.ios; Version=1328, ShortVersion=(null)>
And finally the more correct-looking
[MIInstaller performInstallationWithError:]: Installing <MIInstallableBundle ID=co.{{ my_app }}.{{ my_app }}.ios; Version=1328, ShortVersion=1.0.8>
Confusingly, each time it is followed by a matching [MIInstaller performInstallationWithError:]: Install Successful, so I'm not sure if this is actually a clue or not :/
Any ideas where else I can look? Thanks.

I think you have to wait for two three days... Just wait!!!


Enterprise app installing but immediatelly dissapears

I'm trying to install my enterprise app but after the alert on the webpage that says to install the app the icon just changes to the one selected on my device and after this dissappears.
I search and found that this could be caused by a different bundle id on the manifest and the app but this not seems to be the problem.
I deleted and re make the certificates and provisioning profiles to the distribution on house.
And of course I have a enterprise developer account.
When I try to install the app this is the console log of the device but i thing that doesn't gives significant information:
Jan 15 16:36:52 iPhone-de-Sergio itunesstored[108] <Warning>: LaunchServices: installing placeholder for <LSApplicationProxy: 0x137985e30> <(null) *Not found in database*>
Jan 15 16:36:52 iPhone-de-Sergio installd[46] <Notice>: 0x16e1bb000 -[MIClientConnection installPath:withOptions:completion:]: Install of "/var/mobile/Library/Caches/" type Placeholder (LSInstallType = 1) requested by itunesstored (pid 108)
Jan 15 16:36:52 iPhone-de-Sergio installd[46] <Notice>: 0x16e12f000 -[MIInstaller _extractPackageWithError:]: Incoming install at /private/var/mobile/Library/Caches/ had class 3; changing to class 4
Jan 15 16:36:52 iPhone-de-Sergio installd[46] <Notice>: 0x16e12f000 -[MIInstaller performInstallationWithError:]: Installing <MIInstallableBundle; Version=2.8, ShortVersion=(null)>
Jan 15 16:36:52 iPhone-de-Sergio installd[46] <Notice>: 0x16e12f000 -[MIContainer makeContainerLiveReplacingContainer:reason:withError:]: Made container live for at /private/var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/7159033A-3110-4210-9C62-A726D8A1165E
Jan 15 16:36:52 iPhone-de-Sergio installd[46] <Notice>: 0x16e12f000 -[MIContainer makeContainerLiveReplacingContainer:reason:withError:]: Made container live for at /private/var/mobile/Containers/Bundle/Application/0941164D-1979-427A-8F73-FE9B1E963F9D
Jan 15 16:36:52 iPhone-de-Sergio installd[46] <Notice>: 0x16e12f000 -[MIInstaller performInstallationWithError:]: Install Successful; Staging: 0.00s; Waiting: 0.00s; Preflight/Patch: 0.00s, Verifying: 0.01s; Overall: 0.11s
Jan 15 16:36:52 iPhone-de-Sergio itunesstored[108] <Warning>: LaunchServices: Creating installProgressForApplication:<LSApplicationProxy: 0x1379819c0> (Placeholder) <file:///private/var/mobile/Containers/Bundle/Application/0941164D-1979-427A-8F73-FE9B1E963F9D/> withPhase:3
Jan 15 16:36:52 iPhone-de-Sergio itunesstored[108] <Warning>: LaunchServices: installPhaseFinishedForProgress: - <NSProgress: 0x1366f76f0> : Parent: 0x0 / Fraction completed: 0.0000 / Completed: 0 of 100 called, removing progress from cache
Jan 15 16:36:52 iPhone-de-Sergio itunesstored[108] <Warning>: LaunchServices: updating placeholder for <LSApplicationProxy: 0x1379819c0> (Placeholder) <file:///private/var/mobile/Containers/Bundle/Application/0941164D-1979-427A-8F73-FE9B1E963F9D/> with icons
Jan 15 16:36:52 iPhone-de-Sergio installd[46] <Notice>: 0x16e087000 -[MIClientConnection installPath:withOptions:completion:]: Install of "/var/mobile/Library/Caches/" type Placeholder (LSInstallType = 1) requested by itunesstored (pid 108)
Jan 15 16:36:52 iPhone-de-Sergio installd[46] <Notice>: 0x16e12f000 -[MIInstaller _extractPackageWithError:]: Incoming install at /private/var/mobile/Library/Caches/ had class 3; changing to class 4
Jan 15 16:36:52 iPhone-de-Sergio installd[46] <Notice>: 0x16e12f000 -[MIInstaller performInstallationWithError:]: Installing <MIInstallableBundle; Version=2.8, ShortVersion=(null)>
Jan 15 16:36:52 iPhone-de-Sergio installd[46] <Notice>: 0x16e12f000 -[MIInstallableBundle _refreshUUIDForContainer:withError:]: Data container for is now at /private/var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/C5862B48-66D9-4C43-8062-7176554FA163
Jan 15 16:36:52 iPhone-de-Sergio installd[46] <Notice>: 0x16e12f000 -[MIContainer makeContainerLiveReplacingContainer:reason:withError:]: Made container live for at /private/var/mobile/Containers/Bundle/Application/24EC78B5-0119-4D8B-AC5E-D600534DC00C
Jan 15 16:36:52 iPhone-de-Sergio installd[46] <Notice>: 0x16e12f000 -[MIInstaller performInstallationWithError:]: Install Successful; Staging: 0.00s; Waiting: 0.00s; Preflight/Patch: 0.00s, Verifying: 0.00s; Overall: 0.09s
Jan 15 16:36:53 iPhone-de-Sergio nsurlsessiond[112] <Error>: Task 15 for client <CFString 0x19ca56f00 [0x1a0e65b68]>{contents = ""} completed with error - code: -999
Jan 15 16:36:53 iPhone-de-Sergio itunesstored[108] <Warning>: LaunchServices: Creating installProgressForApplication:<LSApplicationProxy: 0x1367841b0> (Placeholder) <file:///private/var/mobile/Containers/Bundle/Application/24EC78B5-0119-4D8B-AC5E-D600534DC00C/> withPhase:0
Jan 15 16:36:53 iPhone-de-Sergio lsd[82] <Warning>: LaunchServices: Updating installPhase for parent <NSProgress: 0x12f56c5c0> : Parent: 0x0 / Fraction completed: 0.0000 / Completed: 0 of 100 to 0
Jan 15 16:36:53 iPhone-de-Sergio itunesstored[108] <Warning>: LaunchServices: Uninstalling placeholder for app <LSApplicationProxy: 0x13797bb60> (Placeholder) <file:///private/var/mobile/Containers/Bundle/Application/24EC78B5-0119-4D8B-AC5E-D600534DC00C/>
Jan 15 16:36:53 iPhone-de-Sergio itunesstored[108] <Warning>: LaunchServices: Uninstalling app <LSApplicationProxy: 0x13797bb60> (Placeholder) <file:///private/var/mobile/Containers/Bundle/Application/24EC78B5-0119-4D8B-AC5E-D600534DC00C/>
Jan 15 16:36:53 iPhone-de-Sergio installd[46] <Notice>: 0x16e12f000 -[MIClientConnection uninstallIdentifiers:withOptions:completion:]: Uninstall requested by itunesstored (pid 108) for identifier with options: {
Jan 15 16:36:53 iPhone-de-Sergio lsd[82] <Warning>: LaunchServices: installation ended for app
Jan 15 16:36:53 iPhone-de-Sergio lsd[82] <Warning>: LSInstallProgress: In subscribeBlock: could not find parent progress for, it may have been removed
Jan 15 16:36:53 iPhone-de-Sergio lsd[82] <Warning>: LSInstallProgress: In subscribeBlock: could not find parent progress for, it may have been removed
Jan 15 16:36:53 iPhone-de-Sergio lsd[82] <Warning>: LSInstallProgress: In subscribeBlock: could not find parent progress for, it may have been removed
Jan 15 16:36:53 iPhone-de-Sergio lsd[82] <Warning>: LSInstallProgress: In subscribeBlock: could not find parent progress for, it may have been removed
Jan 15 16:36:53 iPhone-de-Sergio installd[46] <Notice>: 0x16e12f000 -[MIUninstaller _uninstallBundleWithIdentifier:error:]: Uninstalling identifier
Jan 15 16:36:53 iPhone-de-Sergio installd[46] <Notice>: 0x16e12f000 -[MIUninstallNotifier performRemovalWithCompletionBlock:]: Destroying container with identifier at /private/var/mobile/Containers/Bundle/Application/24EC78B5-0119-4D8B-AC5E-D600534DC00C
Jan 15 16:36:53 iPhone-de-Sergio installd[46] <Notice>: 0x16e12f000 -[MIUninstallNotifier performRemovalWithCompletionBlock:]: Destroying container with identifier at /private/var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/C5862B48-66D9-4C43-8062-7176554FA163
Jan 15 16:36:53 iPhone-de-Sergio itunesstored[108] <Warning>: LaunchServies: No app bundle to remove for
Jan 15 16:36:53 iPhone-de-Sergio lsd[82] <Warning>: LaunchServices: Updating identifier store
Jan 15 16:36:53 iPhone-de-Sergio itunesstored[108] <Warning>: LaunchServices: clearing created progress for
What I'm making wrong?
I made the next mistakes, maybe for someone are useful:
Call all the links on the plist and html with https (And use a server that support that too). I has the mistake that mix http and https addresses on the href.
Ensure that the folder where the IPA is stored has permissions to download: I checked that on the root folder I can 'see' the file. on the folder when I'm publishing the app don't.

iPhone app enterprise distribution by OTA

We are implementing OTA for one of our Enterprise application. We have two servers:
Server 1 (has SSL certificate & plist file & not connected to internet)
Server 2 (has the ipa and the index.html)
While installing the app only on iOS 8 it don't install and give error "Cannot install the app". But if we enable the Server1 internet access then its able to download the ipa file without any issues. We are using Xcode 7.
Console logs from iPad which don't install
itunesstored[81] <Warning>: LaunchServices: installing placeholder for
installd[36] <Notice>: 0x341000 -[MIClientConnection _doBackgroundInstallationForPath:withOptions:completion:]: Install of "/var/mobile/Library/Caches/" type Placeholder requested by itunesstored (pid 81)
installd[36] <Notice>: 0x341000 -[MIInstaller performInstallationWithError:]: Installing <MIInstallableBundle; Version=1.0, ShortVersion=(null)>
installd[36] <Notice>: 0x341000 -[MIContainer makeContainerLiveReplacingContainer:withError:]: Made container live for at /private/var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/A5B9C69F-A609-4EED-A911-DDE2F0B89611
installd[36] <Notice>: 0x341000 -[MIContainer makeContainerLiveReplacingContainer:withError:]: Made container live for at /private/var/mobile/Containers/Bundle/Application/40830C31-35EC-4732-B9A0-24A7D04322BC
installd[36] <Notice>: 0x341000 -[MIInstaller performInstallationWithError:]: Staging: 0.02s; Waiting: 0.00s; Installation: 0.24s; Overall: 0.27s
itunesstored[81] <Warning>: LaunchServices: Creating installProgressForApplication:<LSApplicationProxy: 0x1568e270> (Placeholder) withPhase:3
itunesstored[81] <Warning>: LaunchServices: installPhaseFinishedForProgress: - <NSProgress: 0x15591d70> : Parent: 0x0 / Fraction completed: 0.0000 / Completed: 0 of 100 called, removing progress from cache
itunesstored[81] <Warning>: LaunchServices: updating placeholder for with icons
installd[36] <Notice>: 0x3c3000 -[MIClientConnection _doBackgroundInstallationForPath:withOptions:completion:]: Install of "/var/mobile/Library/Caches/" type Placeholder requested by itunesstored (pid 81)
installd[36] <Notice>: 0x3c3000 -[MIInstaller performInstallationWithError:]: Installing <MIInstallableBundle; Version=1.0, ShortVersion=(null)>
installd[36] <Notice>: 0x3c3000 -[MIInstallableBundle _refreshUUIDForContainer:withError:]: Data container for is now at /private/var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/AA9B9100-AF0E-4B33-BA4B-DA2F2395C3A0
installd[36] <Notice>: 0x3c3000 -[MIContainer makeContainerLiveReplacingContainer:withError:]: Made container live for at /private/var/mobile/Containers/Bundle/Application/58E2E2A7-A65F-43A0-8F7D-CF24A7F7414F
installd[36] <Notice>: 0x3c3000 -[MIInstaller performInstallationWithError:]: Staging: 0.15s; Waiting: 0.01s; Installation: 0.68s; Overall: 0.85s
itunesstored[81] <Warning>: LaunchServices: Creating installProgressForApplication:<LSApplicationProxy: 0x15679570> (Placeholder) withPhase:3
itunesstored[81] <Warning>: LaunchServices: installPhaseFinishedForProgress: - <NSProgress: 0x15679c70> : Parent: 0x0 / Fraction completed: 0.0000 / Completed: 0 of 100 called, removing progress from cache
itunesstored[81] <Warning>: LaunchServices: Creating installProgressForApplication:<LSApplicationProxy: 0x155850b0> (Placeholder) withPhase:0
lsd[72] <Warning>: LaunchServices: Updating installPhase for parent <NSProgress: 0x17e304e0> : Parent: 0x0 / Fraction completed: 0.0000 / Completed: 0 of 100 to 3
lsd[72] <Warning>: LaunchServices: Updating installPhase for parent <NSProgress: 0x17e304e0> : Parent: 0x0 / Fraction completed: 0.0000 / Completed: 0 of 100 to 0
Console logs from iPad which install
installd[36] <Notice>: 0x1b95000 -[MIInstaller performInstallationWithError:]: Installing <MIInstallableBundle; Version=1.0, ShortVersion=2.4>
profiled[168] <Notice>: (Note ) MC: Provisioning profiles changed
installd[36] <Error>: SecTrustEvaluate [leaf CriticalExtensions IssuerCommonName]
lockdownd[26] <Error>: Could not set socket option SO_OPPORTUNISTIC: Invalid argument
installd[36] <Notice>: 0x1b95000 -[MIInstallableBundle _refreshUUIDForContainer:withError:]: Data container for is now at /private/var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/B8DEEFE3-9137-44F7-88C0-C5B587C5ED4B
installd[36] <Notice>: 0x1b95000 -[MIContainer makeContainerLiveReplacingContainer:withError:]: Made container live for at /private/var/mobile/Containers/Bundle/Application/F6A1A1C3-7E3E-488E-AC15-206749F145AC
installd[36] <Notice>: 0x1b95000 -[MIInstaller performInstallationWithError:]: Staging: 4.86s; Waiting: 0.00s; Installation: 2.30s; Overall: 7.17s
lsd[154] <Warning>: LaunchServices: Updating identifier store
itunesstored[155] <Warning>: LaunchServices: installPhaseFinishedForProgress: - <NSProgress: 0x145794c0> : Parent: 0x0 / Fraction completed: 1.0000 / Completed: 100 of 100 called, removing progress from cache
lsd[154] <Warning>: LaunchServices: installation ended for app
itunesstored[155] <Warning>: LaunchServices: installPhaseFinishedForProgress: - <NSProgress: 0x14587450> : Parent: 0x0 / Fraction completed: 1.0000 / Completed: 1 of 1 called, removing progress from cache

Cannot install app in dev iPhone

With Xcode 7 I cannot install app on dev iPhone with iOS 9 GM.
App is marked as installed but it is not visible in springboard.
Provision profiles seem ok. I'm using core-plot, don't know if it is an architecture issues.
Device log
> Sep 11 18:35:53 Davides-iPhone streaming_zip_conduit[274] <Warning>: LaunchServices: installing app for existing placeholder
> <LSApplicationProxy: 0x135523f60> com.protoscar.HCD2 <(null) *Not
> found in database*>
> Sep 11 18:35:53 Davides-iPhone streaming_zip_conduit[274] <Warning>: LaunchServices: Not creating progress for
> <LSApplicationProxy: 0x135523f60> com.protoscar.HCD2 <(null) *Not
> found in database*> since it is not a placeholder.
> Sep 11 18:35:53 Davides-iPhone installd[52] <Notice>: 0x1704b3000 -[MIClientConnection installPath:withOptions:completion:]: Install of "/var/mobile/Media/PublicStaging/" type Developer requested by
> streaming_zip_conduit (pid 274)
> Sep 11 18:35:53 Davides-iPhone installd[52] <Notice>: 0x17148f000 -[MIInstaller performInstallationWithError:]: Installing <MIInstallableBundle ID=com.protoscar.HCD2; Version=14,
> ShortVersion=1.0>
> Sep 11 18:35:53 Davides-iPhone profiled[151] <Notice>: (Note ) MC: Provisioning profiles changed
> Sep 11 18:35:53 Davides-iPhone profiled[151] <Notice>: (Note ) MC: Updating MIS trust...
> Sep 11 18:35:53 Davides-iPhone installd[52] <Error>: SecTrustEvaluate [leaf IssuerCommonName SubjectCommonName]
> Sep 11 18:35:53 Davides-iPhone installd[52] <Notice>: 0x17148f000 -[MIContainer makeContainerLiveReplacingContainer:reason:withError:]: Made container live for com.protoscar.HCD2 at
> /private/var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/5DF14AF7-C8F4-4CBE-B081-C5BD046EFD27
> Sep 11 18:35:53 Davides-iPhone installd[52] <Notice>: 0x17148f000 -[MIContainer makeContainerLiveReplacingContainer:reason:withError:]: Made container live for com.protoscar.HCD2 at
> /private/var/mobile/Containers/Bundle/Application/E83B05A4-ACC1-42E2-A3AA-942A2CDB131F
> Sep 11 18:35:54 Davides-iPhone installd[52] <Notice>: 0x17148f000 -[MIInstaller performInstallationWithError:]: Install Successful; Staging: 0.01s; Waiting: 0.00s; Preflight/Patch: 0.09s, Verifying:
> 0.09s; Overall: 0.35s
Fixed. I removed the provision profiles, rebooted the device and now the app install without problem.

iOS Enterprise Wireless (OTA) distribution Unable to Download Application

My company has an enterprise ios account and I am hoping to upload my app on it wirelessly. I have been given distribution certificate and distribution provisioning profile by the client.
I followed this great tutorial here on, which shows how to wirelessly deploy the app with enterprise account.
The problem is that I get this error when install the app on iPad, right at the end when the install is about to finish.
Unable to Download App MyApp could not be installed at this time
My Steps
Here are the steps I took:-
Matched the Bundle ID of the app (in plist) with which client's certificate / provisioning profile is created.
Clicked/installed Distribution Certificate from the client to my KeyChain
Dragged Provisioning profile (Distribution) from the client into XCode
In Code Signing, I selected Distribution certificate (sent by the client) in all of them as shown (notice all have same):-
and for Provisioning Profiles, I selected distribution Provisioning profile sent by the client as follows (notice both are same):-
Xcode > Product > Archive > Save For Enterprise Deployment
Specified the title, URL for IPA on my server.
Hosted the .ipa, .plist (Both xcode generated) on my Linux server.
Created a link as follows:-">Click to Download
When clicked, app starts but slaps the error when app downloading is in the mid way.
Additional Info:-
The reason why we opted for iOS Enterprise account is that we don't have to enter UDIDs. So the iPad in which this app is being installed doesn't have its UDID in the client's account.
Below is my Console Log (Just in case)
Aug 19 22:09:30 My-iPad wifid[15] <Notice>: WiFi:[430193370.378140]: Foreground Network Application exited.
Aug 19 22:09:30 My-iPad wifid[15] <Notice>: WiFi:[430193370.378722]: BG Application: Not Present, BG Daemon: Present. Daemons: SiriViewService networkd itunesstored apsd assistantd sharingd
Aug 19 22:09:30 My-iPad itunesstored[90] <Warning>: LaunchServices: installing placeholder for
Aug 19 22:09:30 My-iPad installd[63] <Notice>: 0x315000 handle_install_for_ls: Install of "/var/mobile/Library/Caches/" requested by itunesstored
Aug 19 22:09:30 My-iPad installd[63] <Notice>: 0x315000 MobileInstallationInstall_Server: Installing app
Aug 19 22:09:30 My-iPad installd[63] <Notice>: 0x315000 install_application: Installing placeholder
Aug 19 22:09:30 My-iPad installd[63] <Notice>: 0x315000 MobileInstallationInstall_Server: Staging: 0.01s; Waiting: 0.00s; Installation: 0.05s; LS Sync: 0.00s; Overall: 0.06s
Aug 19 22:09:31 My-iPad itunesstored[90] <Warning>: LaunchServices: Creating installProgressForApplication:LSApplicationProxy: (Placeholder) withPhase:0
Aug 19 22:09:31 My-iPad lsd[73] <Warning>: LaunchServices: Updating installPhase for parent <NSProgress: phase=Loading; state=Waiting; fractionCompleted=0.000000> to 0
Aug 19 22:10:12 My-iPad SpringBoard[33] <Warning>: Killing for app installation
Aug 19 22:10:12 My-iPad itunesstored[90] <Warning>: LaunchServices: installing app for existing placeholder LSApplicationProxy: (Placeholder)
Aug 19 22:10:12 My-iPad itunesstored[90] <Warning>: LaunchServices: Creating installProgressForApplication:LSApplicationProxy: (Placeholder) withPhase:1
Aug 19 22:10:12 My-iPad lsd[73] <Warning>: LaunchServices: Updating installPhase for parent <NSProgress: phase=Loading; state=Active; fractionCompleted=0.590000> to 1
Aug 19 22:10:12 My-iPad installd[63] <Notice>: 0x315000 handle_install_for_ls: Install of "/var/mobile/Media/Downloads/-4665319901594503043/-8050886506109721064" requested by itunesstored
Aug 19 22:10:17 My-iPad wifid[15] <Notice>: WiFi:[430193417.818493]: Client itunesstored set type to normal application
Aug 19 22:10:17 My-iPad wifid[15] <Notice>: WiFi:[430193417.819443]: BG Application: Not Present, BG Daemon: Present. Daemons: SiriViewService networkd apsd assistantd sharingd
Aug 19 22:10:17 My-iPad installd[63] <Notice>: 0x315000 MobileInstallationInstall_Server: Installing app
Aug 19 22:10:17 My-iPad installd[63] <Error>: profile not valid: 0xe8008012
Aug 19 22:10:17 My-iPad installd[63] <Error>: 0x315000 install_embedded_profile: Could not install embedded profile: 0xe8008012
Aug 19 22:10:19 My-iPad installd[63] <Error>: 0x315000 verify_signer_identity: MISValidateSignatureAndCopyInfo failed for /var/tmp/install_staging.vSfPbR/foo_extracted/Payload/ 0xe8008015
Aug 19 22:10:19 My-iPad installd[63] <Error>: 0x315000 do_preflight_verification: Could not verify executable at /var/tmp/install_staging.vSfPbR/foo_extracted/Payload/
Aug 19 22:10:19 My-iPad installd[63] <Error>: 0x315000 install_application: Could not preflight application install
Aug 19 22:10:19 My-iPad itunesstored[90] <Error>: 0x1ac1000 MobileInstallationInstallForLaunchServices: failed with -1
Aug 19 22:10:19 My-iPad itunesstored[90] <Warning>: ERROR: MobileInstallationInstallForLaunchServices returned nil
Aug 19 22:10:19 My-iPad lsd[73] <Warning>: LaunchServices: installation failed for app
Aug 19 22:10:19 My-iPad itunesstored[90] <Warning>: LaunchServices: installPhaseFinishedForProgress: - <NSProgress: phase=Installing; state=Failed; fractionCompleted=0.000000> called, removing progress from cache
Aug 19 22:10:19 My-iPad lsd[73] <Warning>: LaunchServices: installation failed for app
Aug 19 22:10:19 My-iPad itunesstored[90] <Warning>: LaunchServices: installPhaseFinishedForProgress: - <NSProgress: phase=Loading; state=Failed; fractionCompleted=1.000000> called, removing progress from cache
Aug 19 22:10:19 My-iPad installd[63] <Error>: 0x315000 handle_install_for_ls: API failed
Aug 19 22:10:21 My-iPad assistantd[36] <Notice>: connection 11 total: 1, connected: 0, added new subflow [cid=1, state=Waiting, ifindex=2]
Aug 19 22:10:21 My-iPad assistantd[36] <Notice>: connection 11 total: 1, connected: 1, new connected subflow [cid=1, state=Connected, ifindex=2, preferred, mp_capable]
There are a couple of potential'gotchas' that you should check. An obvious one, for iOS 7.1 + is that the download html and manifest .plist have to be on an https server. Another is that, even if they are, that server must be correctly handling the MIME type for .ipa files. I think that there's no problem generally with Apache servers. Microsoft servers aren't natively set up for this so they have to be 'tuned' by their administrators to see '.ipa' as "application/octet-stream."
I was facing similar issue with my distribution license, and the problem was there was "XC" provisioning profile which had the exact same bundle id.
My solution to his was to delete this XC: provisioning profile both from Apple Developer Portal and Xcode -> Preferences -> Apple ID -> View Details -> XC: provisioning profile -> right click Go To Finder -> delete
Hope this helps,

Enterprise Distribution "Unable to Download App" on iPhone 4 but works on iPhone5

I have a very interesting problem. I have been through every post here on the "Unable to Download App" and I didn't see any that were specific to a version of iPhone. I have an in-house app that has been distributed and is working on all iPhone5's. However, when I try to install it onto an iPhone4s, I get the "Unable to Download App" error. This tells me it's not a distribution file (.ipa or provisioning profile) problem, but something else? I searched the console while trying to download the app and I don't see a single error. I'm hoping someone can see something in here that I am not!
Here is the console log from an iPhone4S with iOS 7.1.2 while trying to install the application (fails):
Jul 25 11:47:57 iPhone itunesstored[105] <Warning>: LaunchServices: installing placeholder for Ashley.Sales.MarketMessaging
Jul 25 11:47:57 iPhone installd[63] <Notice>: 0x307000 handle_install_for_ls: Install of "/var/mobile/Library/Caches/" requested by itunesstored
Jul 25 11:47:57 iPhone installd[63] <Notice>: 0x307000 MobileInstallationInstall_Server: Installing app Ashley.Sales.MarketMessaging
Jul 25 11:47:57 iPhone installd[63] <Notice>: 0x307000 install_application: Installing placeholder
Jul 25 11:47:57 iPhone installd[63] <Notice>: 0x307000 MobileInstallationInstall_Server: Staging: 0.01s; Waiting: 0.00s; Installation: 0.09s; LS Sync: 0.00s; Overall: 0.11s
Jul 25 11:47:57 iPhone itunesstored[105] <Warning>: LaunchServices: updating placeholder for Ashley.Sales.MarketMessaging with icons
Jul 25 11:47:57 iPhone installd[63] <Notice>: 0x389000 handle_install_for_ls: Install of "/var/mobile/Library/Caches/" requested by itunesstored
Jul 25 11:47:57 iPhone installd[63] <Notice>: 0x389000 MobileInstallationInstall_Server: Installing app Ashley.Sales.MarketMessaging
Jul 25 11:47:57 iPhone installd[63] <Notice>: 0x389000 install_application: Installing placeholder
Jul 25 11:47:57 iPhone installd[63] <Notice>: 0x389000 MobileInstallationInstall_Server: Staging: 0.01s; Waiting: 0.00s; Installation: 0.09s; LS Sync: 0.00s; Overall: 0.10s
Jul 25 11:47:59 iPhone itunesstored[105] <Warning>: LaunchServices: Creating installProgressForApplication:LSApplicationProxy: Ashley.Sales.MarketMessaging (Placeholder) withPhase:0
Jul 25 11:47:59 iPhone lsd[77] <Warning>: LaunchServices: Updating installPhase for parent <NSProgress: phase=Loading; state=Waiting; fractionCompleted=0.000000> to 0
Jul 25 11:47:59 iPhone lsd[77] <Warning>: LaunchServices: installation failed for app Ashley.Sales.MarketMessaging
Jul 25 11:47:59 iPhone itunesstored[105] <Warning>: LaunchServices: installPhaseFinishedForProgress: Ashley.Sales.MarketMessaging.Loading - <NSProgress: phase=Loading; state=Failed; fractionCompleted=0.000000> called, removing progress from cache
In contrast, here is the log from an iPhone5s 7.1.2 (works):
Jul 25 11:53:09 KFlynns-iPhone itunesstored[91] <Warning>: LaunchServices: installing placeholder for Ashley.Sales.MarketMessaging
Jul 25 11:53:09 KFlynns-iPhone installd[17] <Notice>: 0x10059c000 handle_install_for_ls: Install of "/var/mobile/Library/Caches/" requested by itunesstored
Jul 25 11:53:09 KFlynns-iPhone installd[17] <Notice>: 0x10059c000 MobileInstallationInstall_Server: Installing app Ashley.Sales.MarketMessaging
Jul 25 11:53:09 KFlynns-iPhone installd[17] <Notice>: 0x10059c000 install_application: Installing placeholder
Jul 25 11:53:10 KFlynns-iPhone installd[17] <Notice>: 0x10059c000 MobileInstallationInstall_Server: Staging: 0.01s; Waiting: 0.00s; Installation: 0.16s; LS Sync: 0.00s; Overall: 0.17s
Jul 25 11:53:10 KFlynns-iPhone itunesstored[91] <Warning>: LaunchServices: updating placeholder for Ashley.Sales.MarketMessaging with icons
Jul 25 11:53:10 KFlynns-iPhone installd[17] <Notice>: 0x10059c000 handle_install_for_ls: Install of "/var/mobile/Library/Caches/" requested by itunesstored
Jul 25 11:53:10 KFlynns-iPhone installd[17] <Notice>: 0x10059c000 MobileInstallationInstall_Server: Installing app Ashley.Sales.MarketMessaging
Jul 25 11:53:10 KFlynns-iPhone installd[17] <Notice>: 0x10059c000 install_application: Installing placeholder
Jul 25 11:53:10 KFlynns-iPhone installd[17] <Notice>: 0x10059c000 MobileInstallationInstall_Server: Staging: 0.00s; Waiting: 0.00s; Installation: 0.08s; LS Sync: 0.00s; Overall: 0.08s
Jul 25 11:53:10 KFlynns-iPhone itunesstored[91] <Warning>: LaunchServices: Creating installProgressForApplication:LSApplicationProxy: Ashley.Sales.MarketMessaging (Placeholder) withPhase:0
Jul 25 11:53:17 KFlynns-iPhone SpringBoard[16] <Warning>: Killing Ashley.Sales.MarketMessaging for app installation
Jul 25 11:53:17 KFlynns-iPhone itunesstored[91] <Warning>: LaunchServices: installing app for existing placeholder LSApplicationProxy: Ashley.Sales.MarketMessaging (Placeholder)
Jul 25 11:53:17 KFlynns-iPhone itunesstored[91] <Warning>: LaunchServices: Creating installProgressForApplication:LSApplicationProxy: Ashley.Sales.MarketMessaging (Placeholder) withPhase:1
Jul 25 11:53:17 KFlynns-iPhone lsd[75] <Warning>: LaunchServices: Updating installPhase for parent <NSProgress: phase=Loading; state=Waiting; fractionCompleted=0.550000> to 1
Jul 25 11:53:17 KFlynns-iPhone installd[17] <Notice>: 0x100484000 handle_install_for_ls: Install of "/var/mobile/Media/Downloads/6505358839705877198/7224552171467111663" requested by itunesstored
Jul 25 11:53:18 KFlynns-iPhone installd[17] <Notice>: 0x100484000 MobileInstallationInstall_Server: Installing app Ashley.Sales.MarketMessaging
Jul 25 11:53:18 KFlynns-iPhone installd[17] <Notice>: 0x100484000 MobileInstallationInstall_Server: Staging: 0.89s; Waiting: 0.00s; Installation: 0.29s; LS Sync: 0.00s; Overall: 1.19s
Jul 25 11:53:18 KFlynns-iPhone lsd[75] <Warning>: LaunchServices: Updating identifier store
Jul 25 11:53:18 KFlynns-iPhone itunesstored[91] <Warning>: LaunchServices: installPhaseFinishedForProgress: Ashley.Sales.MarketMessaging.Installing - <NSProgress: phase=Installing; state=Finished; fractionCompleted=1.000000> called, removing progress from cache
Jul 25 11:53:18 KFlynns-iPhone lsd[75] <Warning>: LaunchServices: installation ended for app Ashley.Sales.MarketMessaging
Jul 25 11:53:18 KFlynns-iPhone lsd[75] <Warning>: LSInstallProgress: In observeValueForKeyPath:userInfo.installState could not find parent progress for Ashley.Sales.MarketMessaging, it may have been removed
Jul 25 11:53:18 KFlynns-iPhone lsd[75] <Warning>: LSInstallProgress: In observeValueForKeyPath:fractionCompleted could not find parent progress for Ashley.Sales.MarketMessaging, it may have been removed
Jul 25 11:53:18 KFlynns-iPhone itunesstored[91] <Warning>: LaunchServices: installPhaseFinishedForProgress: Ashley.Sales.MarketMessaging.Loading - <NSProgress: phase=Loading; state=Finished; fractionCompleted=1.000000> called, removing progress from cache
I will try anything at this point. I just don't understand what is different. I am hitting the exact same URL, it is being directed to the same d/l, even the console logs are almost exactly the same until the point the iPhone4s errors out.
Does anybody have any ideas?
It seems they had an old Provisioning Profile still on their phone from about a year ago (it was going to expire in 3 days), so I had them delete that and retry the install and it worked!
