How can I insert query result value into a constant string? - influxdb

For example, I queried the value of the number of hours some system has been running without downtime, and I want to return a string "the system has been running for ? hours", where ? is the value I just queried.

There is no way to do this request within InfluxDB itself. It will only return the results of the query. It cannot be configured to return anything additional.


Mule 4 - Set Start Date & End Date as QueryParams

I'm having trouble defining both start and end dates as a query parameters. When the data gets pulled, it needs to return as a range of dates based on the query parameters. The GET URL would look like http://localhost:8081/test?FileType=Sales&StartDate=2022-10-01&EndDate=2022-10-26. This should return a date range of data from 10/1/2022-10/26/2022.
In my query, my where clause is set to:
where dp.Nid = 405 and fs.DDate=:DDate
**dp and fs are used in my joins and 405 is an ID that i'll need to unique identify a product.
My input Parameters:
{ DDate : attributes.queryParams.StartDate, DDate : attributes.queryParams.EndDate }
What do i need to set to make a range of dates? Do i need to set startdate to > and enddate to < ? Also, is it possible to define query parameters when using a stored procedure instead of select database method in anypoint studio?
Operations in Mule 4 (ie the boxes inside a flow) can have several inputs (payload, variables, attributes) and 1 output, but they are expected to be independent from each other. The Database query operation doesn't care if its inputs come the query params or from somewhere else. You need to map inputs explicitly to parameters in the query.
Once you have the arguments you need to use them in the SQL query. Usually that means adding a greater than and a lesser than comparison, to ensure that the value is in range. Or the same including also equals, if the business logic requires it.
Depending on the data types and the SQL dialect you may need to convert the inputs to a date format that is compatible with the database type of the column. The inputs here are strings, because that's what query params always are parsed to. The column type is something that you will need to understand and see how to transform, in DataWeave or in the SQL query.
As an example:
<db:select config-ref="dbConfig">
<db:sql>SELECT ... WHERE dp.Nid = 405 AND fs.DDate >= :StartDate AND fs.DDate <= :StartDate</db:sql>
StartDate : attributes.queryParams.StartDate,
EndDate : attributes.queryParams.EndDate

First timestamp of max value in Prometheus graph

I am trying to find the timestamp of the first occurrence of max value(the cursor point in below image)
I wrote query
min(timestamp(max(jmeter_count_total{label="GET - Company Updates - ua_users_company-updates"})))
But it's returning the max timestamp of the max value
I am not able to grab the value highlighted by cursor in below image(minimum value). Instead I am getting highest value when I use above query.
I've played with this for a bit and I think this may work (take it with a grain of salt, due to limited testing).
TLDR - the query (using only foo for brevity):
min_over_time((timestamp(foo) and (foo == scalar(max_over_time(foo[2h]))))[1h:])
This portion of the query:
foo == scalar(max_over_time(foo[2h]))
returns only values where foo matches the max value of foo in the last 2h interval. For retrieving the timestamp of those cases we use the timestamp function and use these previous clause as a conditional:
timestamp(foo) and (foo == scalar(max_over_time(foo[2h])))
Finally we only want to get the first/lowest timestamp value over the time window, which is what the outer min_over_time with the nested subquery should do.
I fiddled with the online Prometheus demo using one of the metrics present there. You can check the queries here.

Datetime comparison query doesn't return any results

I'm trying to get a simple date-time comparison to work, but the query doesn't return any results.
The query is
MATCH (n:Event) WHERE n.start_datetime > datetime("2019-06-01T18:40:32.142+0100") RETURN n.start_datetime
According to this documentation page, this type of comparisons should work. I've also tried creating the datetime object explicitly, for instance with datetime({year: 2019, month: 7}).
I've checked that the start_datetime is in fact well formatted, by checking if the values start_datetime.year for example was correct, and couldn't find any error.
Given that all the records in the database are from 2021, the above query should return every event, yet is returning nothing.
Doing the query using only the year comparison instead of doing full datetime comparison works:
MATCH (n:Event) WHERE n.start_datetime.year > datetime("2019-06-01T18:40:32.142+0100").year RETURN n.start_datetime
Double check the data type of start_datetime. It can be either in epoch seconds or epoch milliseconds. You need to convert the epoch format to datetime, so that both are on the same data type. The reason that your 2nd query works (.year) is because .year returns an integer value.
Run below to get samples:
MATCH (n:Event)
RETURN distinct n.start_datetime LIMIT 5
Then if you see that it is 10 digits then it is in epochSeconds. If yes, then run below query:
MATCH (n:Event)
WHERE n.start_datetime is not null
AND datetime({epochSeconds: n.start_datetime}) > datetime("2019-06-01T18:40:32.142+0100")
RETURN n.start_datetime
It turns out the error was due to the timezone. Neo4j had saved the properties as LocalDateTime, which apparently can't be compared to ZonedDateTime.
I used py2neo for most of the nodes management, and the solution was to give a specific timezone to the python property. This was done (in my case) using:
datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(kwargs["end"], pytz.UTC)
After that, I was able to do the comparisons.
Hopes this saves a couple of hours to future developers.

How to filter out non-null path between nodes in Neo4J/Cypher

My current graph monitors board members at a company through time.
However, I'm only interested in currently employed directors. This can be observed because director nodes connect to company nodes through an employment path which includes an end date ( when the director is no longer employed at the firm. If he is currently employed, there will be no end date(null as per below picture). Therefore, I would like to filter the path not containing an end date. I am not sure if the value is an empty string, a null value, or other types so I've been trying different ways without much success. Thanks for any tips!
Current formula
MATCH (c2:Company)-[r2:MANAGED]-(d:Director)-[r:MANAGED]-(c:Company {ticker:'COMS'})
WHERE Is null
RETURN c,d,c2
Unless the response from the Neo4j browser was edited, it looks like the value of is not null or empty, but the string None.
This query will help verify if this is the case:
MATCH (d:Director)-[r:MANAGED]-(c:Company {ticker:'COMS'})
Absence of the property will show a null in the tabular response. Any other value is a real value of that property. If None shows up, then your query would be
MATCH (c2:Company)-[r2:MANAGED]-(d:Director)-[r:MANAGED]-(c:Company {ticker:'COMS'})
RETURN c,d,c2

grafana-influxdb get multiple rows for last timestamp

I am using telegraf-influxdb-grafana together. But I could not get rows for only last timestamp.
Here is what I am doing;
Collecting DB statistics(Running queries at that time) with Telegraf(exec plugin).
Storing output to influxdb
Trying to monitor running queries over grafana
But I need to get all rows at last timestamp.
Here is what I've tried;
> select * from postgresql_running_queries where time=(select max(time) from postgresql_running_queries)
ERR: error parsing query: found SELECT, expected identifier, string, number, bool at line 1, char 54
Here is what I want to see;
2017-06-06 14:25.00 mydb myuser active my_query
2017-06-06 14:25.00 mydb myuser idle in transaction my_query2
2017-06-06 14:25.00 mydb2 myuser2 active my_query3
Can any one help me to achive this?
I am open to any solution.
select last(fieldname) from measurment_name;
Query in this format will return last timestamp data from the InfluxDB.
But I am surprised with the fact that you are expecting 3 values for a single timestamp (unless you have different TAG values, refer this documentation how to store duplicate points). You will a ONLY ONE record for a given timestamp. InfluxDB overwrites previous content if there is another entry for same timestamp, here is why.
Your results will be something like (if you don't have different TAG value):
2017-06-06 14:25.00 mydb2 myuser2 active my_query3
Based on comment, my guess is you are using TAGs to differentiate, still above query should work, if not, you may try by adding WHERE clause.
