Cannot Verify Client error 3000 with API problems [duplicate] - ios

I am using xcode 7.1 and trying to upload my app to the app store directly through xcode. While uploading I am getting a weird error:-
cannot verify client 3000
Note:- I recently made changes in the accounts (xcode preference section). Is this related to my error?
I also restart the xcode but issue still there?
I already checked this question on SO, but they say restart your xcode. But this does not solve my problem.

For my case,I got this error after selecting "Generic iOS Device" when archiving, however i plugged in my iPhone and selected it, then archived, I got no errors this time.(I also cleaned both Shift+cmd+k and Shift+alt+cmd+k before archiving)

I encountered the same issue the first time I tried to submit to app store with the target on my device.
What worked for me:
I retried a couple of minutes later without changing a thing and everything went smooth.

This is temporary apple server bug. Try it again OR Retry after some time it will fix the problem.

There is no need to reinstall Xcode. Just wait a few minutes and try again and it will work.

I tried :
waiting days,
deleting the developer account in
submitting archives from a connected device,
archives from a iOS generic device.
Nothing worked.
I needed to:
create an archive (it was from a connected device),
in the organiser window select the export button (on the right hand side underneath the "Upload to App Store" button.
Select that the export is for app store distribution.
Take a note of the location the .ipa file is saved to.
Go back to Xcode, then select the menu item Xcode > Open Developer Tool > Application Loader.
Select Deliver Your App, and select choose.
Navigate to your .ipa file noted above.
Select next, wait, next, check for any error message, send.
Hope this helps someone.

I got this error while uploading my distribution archive to App Store with selecting Distribution provisioning profile scheme -> Product -> Archive -> Upload to App Store. The error is based on I chose my real iphone device in Xcode by mistake. You need to choose "Generic iOS Device" and repeat same steps as I mentioned before.

You have to plug in your iPhone to your Mac and try to upload to AppStore again.

For some reason, validating the archive before uploading fixed the issue for me.

With Xcode 7.1, I could only make a successful build without bitcode. Try it out if everything else fails.

I resolved this by exporting ("export" in xcode archive organizer -> "to iOS App Store") and using the Application Loader instead of xcode to submit.

It is recurring. Seems to me like an internal error with apples identification service or so.
My definite solution:
Get yourself a cup of tea and try it again.
You can, of course, do some voodoo or change the target device or something, but re-trying after a while will do.

I have the same issue.
I did the below steps:
Step 1: Select Code Signing Identity for "Release"
Step 2 : Select Distribution profile

I tried to use Application Loader instead and it worked well. Maybe that helps

I've been having this problem since Xcode 7.1 (for more than a month). I did everything I could trying to solve this: restart Xcode, clean project, clean build folder, build with a device connected, reinstall Xcode multiple times, even formatting the whole disk and starting from scratch. None of this worked.
During this time my colleague was always able to upload the very same builds to App Store without any problem.
Curiously, what solved this problem for me was disconnecting my non-Apple wireless mouse.
I found this out when I tried to submit an app from my home computer and got the same error. I disconnected the mouse dongle, tried again and it went through.
I've verified this three times both on my home (MacBook Pro 2013) and work computer (Mac Mini 2014).
This leads me to believe that during the app submission process Apple may check if your environment is purely made by Apple or not, and may block your submission based on that. This would explain the "Cannot verify client" message.

This one worked for me:
Delete the Archive that failed during upload.
Clean the solution.
Rebuild the solution.
Archive the it.
Go to Xcode's Organizer, then Validate (this should be 'Successful').
Upload the build.


iTunes software service authentication error domain error 434

I am uploading iPhone application using latest xCode 8. I have good internet connection and all the relevant settings set up at iTunes connect. My distribution profiles are also set up correctly.
I am facing below error:-
iTunes software service authentication error domain error 434
So this has what worked for me:
4 days of debugging, recreated certificates numerous times, nothing worked, every time i try to validate/upload via Xcode it says same error "iTunes software service authentication error domain error 434"
Solution without XCode:
Create archive in Xcode
Export IPA in Organiser (Xcode > window > Organiser)
Open Application Loader and manually choose IPA generated
Solution with XCode:
Create archive in Xcode
Click Validate
Unselect BitCode
Check if its validated, mine got validated when i unchecked bitcode
Not Try to genrate similar fashion with Bitcode unselected
If all goes fine now generate with Bitcode Checked(mine worked with these exact steps)
This is a very common error while uploading a build to iTunes Connect.
A simple answer to it : "Just RETRY".
To resolve this error follow these methods.
If you have not added app icons add them and try archiving.
Remove developer account and add account again. Press CMD + , to bring up preferences in Xcode and from accounts remove and add back account. Try archiving this.
Clean project (CMD + Shift + K), close Xcode, restart Xcode and
build project (CMD + B). Check for warnings. ( if you are using
cocapods some times Xcode asks you to change project settings in
warning. Click on warning and fix it. Xcode fixes it automatically)
Simply retry archiving.
ToDo. Add More solutions
In my case the problem was the virus protection software I am using. I turned it off before attempting validation and everything went fine.
This could be the problem of Xcode. You can try two different approaches here.
i) Use Application loader, Download it.
ii) Before using Application Loader please un-install all certificate and upload the ipa file. If it fails via app loader.
then second approach we can use try to upgrade the version of Xcode. Either de-grade it (xcode 7.X) or upgrade it (8.X) some time with some specific version of xcode and and specific version of OS system throw such error.
Try using those hopefully second one can help you to upload the app.
Change the network connection and application submit via Application Loader
Did you set the device to Generic iOS Device before you archived the build? That appears to have fixed it for me on a couple of different occasions.
I got exactly the same error response, read a bunch of posts like this that were uncertain of cause & solution, tried to validate it again with zero changes, and it validated successfully. Go figure...
I had this same issue, but it turned out I used a different profile in the Xcode project, then when I tried to validate the app. It wasn't noticeable since at my company we use multiple Apple id's under the same businessname. Maybe checking this helps?
None of the solutions here worked for me but I was able to solve these errors executing the application on the device that is connected to the computer before archiving it. I tried to archive it again and the validate process was passed.
None of the answers worked for me. Following steps helped me fix it.
Quit the Xcode
Delete all provisioning profiles (/Library/MobileDevice)
Start the code and try to validate without download the provisioning profiles.
The xcode will download the profiles for you.
In my case I had 2 builds in the same app and when I tried to verify one of them it started giving the same error. I removed both builds and re archive. It worked fine after that.
In my case, I have checked iOS provisioning profile from developer website and found the one related to my app was invalid.
I have regenerated (all invalid) provisioning profiles and download it from xCode -> preferences -> accounts. This resolves my case.
I have a different solution. I had "Enable Bitcode" set as false in my target settings but had "Include bitcode" checked as true for the validation. For obvious reasons, the validation would fail every time if I had include bitcode checked. I unchecked include bitcode and it worked just fine after cleaning my project.
it is quite easy, quit and reopen the Xcode project clean the project change the build number and build an will work

Strange Errors on Archive Validation

I've had an iOS project in fairly stable condition up until Xcode 8's public release. After a bit of confusion with the Migrator, I finally convinced the compiler that I did not want to go Swift 3 yet, and that my code was indeed valid Swift 2.3. Not sure if this at all relates to what the Organizer does in validating my long-awaited archive with some long-overdue fixes for iOS 10, but we'll see...
Anyway, I got Xcode to archive my latest build (which runs fine on my iPhone 5s by the way). I tell Organizer to "Validate..." in preparation for an upload to iTunes Connect. After a good deal of doing its thing, it finally spits this at me:
Been at this for three days now. Application Loader gives me something similar, but not much more helpful:
Following the suggestions in this answer, I find that every single one of my compiled assets read as sRGB, not 16-bit, or P3. Aside: When does an API analysis file get "too large"? I mean, sure I use Apple's APIs a lot, but I can't be alone in that. That's what they're for, right?
I've tried (almost) everything I can think of. I've redone my code signing a dozen different ways, read and recombobulated the build settings wherever I thought could be relevant, and tried every combination of bitcode and symbol inclusion available to me. Just about everything I could come up with short of migrating to Swift 3! Could that really be my solution? It's a rather big jump, and with the time I have, I'd prefer to get this working build out to my users before I'm slammed too hard to shore up the updated codebase.
I can't seem to find anything on "ITunesSoftwareServiceAuthenticationErrorDomain", or this mysterious "error 434". The only reference I've found so far leads to a dead StackOverflow question. Really wish the author hadn't removed it... Wonder if he found his answer?
So my question is as follows: What am I doing wrong to get these errors, and how can I fix them? I'd rather not have to upload without symbols or bitcode, so if that's the workaround, I'd like to know why, so I'm not limiting myself for something dumb.
I had the same problem with Xcode 8.2 while submitting my application:
ITunesSoftwareServiceAuthenticationErrorDomain error 434.
Solution: I switched to different network and it worked for me.
Bump the build number and validate again.
Had the exact same problem. I tried upgrading to Sierra which seemed to update bits of Xcode etc. The new error message was formatted differently, so I could not see the "434"
(With 1 success in 15 attempts (I had to tweak a version number in a string in the app, so didn't choose to upload after that brief moment of joy), i just uploaded the archive anyway, and after 2 hours of processing, it was accepted. I will update when my new app version is live to verify this error can be safely ignored, at least in some cases (e.g. I checked all my graphics' color profiles, etc.).
Do the below steps :-
1. Analyze the project. (From Product Menu)
2. Click on Archive. (From Product Menu)
3. Select the development team for provisioning.
4. From summary window unselect "Include bitcode" and click on Validate button.
Now, It will working fine.
I solved it by uploading my app through Application Loader.
Archive app Export ipa iOS Deployment
Xcode-> open developer tool -> Application loader
I had the same problem while I was trying to submit the app to client's iTunesConnect account. I've signed in with new apple id, downloaded the certificates and provisionin profiles but still got this error:
(ITunesSoftwareServiceAuthenticationErrorDomain error 434.)
How to fix this error?
Try to remove Provisioning Profiles files at ~/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning Profiles/
Make new Build and Archive the app. Xcode will create new Provisioning Profiles and submit the app to iTunesConnect.
Just to share this.
Quit xcode and re-login as suggested by members does not work for me. I solved it by using "Application Loader"
Steps: 1) change the version and build in your App 2) archive again for new file submission and export file to desktop 3) goto top menu: Open Developer Tool > Application Loader (if you don't have this , search, download and install this plug init) 4) upload the new version archived file. Done
You will find them in iTune Connect. From here process to My Apps > choose the rejected app > change the version and click on the new uploaded archive file, file will be processing..
5) time to resubmit :) cheers
Clicked Valid until it succeeded, 3rd time.
Since there seem to be many solutions to this problem, it may just be an issue not related to anything developers have control over and the "solutions" seem to be "solutions" because after some action was taken, it succeeded. The action I took was the non-action... and it was successful.
Hope this helps, as this is a stressful problem to have when you cannot upload your app and muddling around in Xcode to fix it you might break something else.
I fixed it by upload using Application Loader.
Besides, after upload the app i receive the warning about Privacy - Photo Library Usage Description and Privacy - Camera Usage Description, so that, please make sure you have them in your info
Hope it help!
I had the same problem. In my case it was caused by following. I had a lot of png-files in assets.xcassets and some of them had AdobeRGB Color profile. I changed the profiles to sRGB and xcode validated the archive with no error.
Frankly speaking, when I changed the profiles some other strange errors occured, but they dissapeared by themselves when I tried to re-validate the acrchive several hours later (I did nothing just waited).
If this occurred randomly, try to delete that archive and make sure you have "Generic iOS Device" selected as target when you run Product > Archive again. This solved it for me.
I Got the same issues when i try first time.Next time it Validated successfully. Please check network once before trying second time.
2.Close Xcode
3.Open Xcode
Just Clear all file in Path ~/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning Profiles
Go to Xcode Select Provisioning profile again and then it auto-generate again.
So It will be working fine.
In my case it was the following:
my account had been logged out and I had to enter the password again
Xcode v8.0 had to be updated to 9.x to be able to publish to the App Store (as of July 2018)
I fixed this problem by updating Xcode from 8.2 to 9.
Apparently there was a compatibility issue with an SDK used internally. Xcode was not helping with it's error message. I discovered it by using the Application Loader to upload the archive. Application Loader's error message made some sense.

Increase timeout when launching iOS app on device from Xcode [duplicate]

I am trying to launch my app on device. It is launching successfully on the simulator.
List item
I use 7.1 SDK
Xcode 5
And the device is a 7.1 iPhone 4S
I have tried:
Clean Build Folder
Deleting app
Disconnecting/Reconnecting device
Booting device
restarting Xcode
What can I do to make it work?
Could it be something with Code Signing?
Currently i have it set to 'Dont Code Sign'
I had this problem when I used a Distribution certificate instead of Developer one when running the app from Xcode. You may check it out your target --> Build Settings --> Code signing.
As #AndyDynn pointed out in his comment:
Make sure you do this on the "Target" build settings and not just the "Project" build settings.
I literally restarted my iPad, that was connected for testing the app, and that resolved the issue.
To run your app on a device, you will perform these tasks that follow:
Request a development certificate.
Add your device to the portal.
Code sign your app.
Launch your app on the device.
For more detail check this
If your provisioning profile and code sign everything is alright then try once Quit and Restart your XCode. It will work for me.
I just had this issue.
I had to open the app on device and tap Trust Computer.
No need for me to reboot everything 20 times, yay.
Below are 2 awesome hacks that have not been mentioned yet:
HACK #1:
Lock your phone, press XCode start, wait till XCode says "unlock your device to launch", then unlock your phone, it will be launched successfully, works every time.
HACK #2:
If your goal is just to debug the app, here is another simple and straight-forward approach:
After the app is deployed, launch it manually.
Goto XCode -> Debug -> Attach to Process ... to choose your app from the list, then debug properly.
This works well for me, and it saves lots of time.
I hope this helps, thanks!
I got the same problem and after looking at the answers here I found mine. The issue at hand was: my dev distribution certificate was gone from iOS Dev Center, so I just assume it had timed out. I didn't get a nice warning though, just the above error - installing worked but debugging didn't. So I had Xcode regenerate a new one for me.
One more thing to try if you've tried the above:
i found this link about quitting itunes to avoid the timeout. This works for me with xcode 5.1
In my case there was no value at Targets -> Build Settins ->Provisioning Profile. Though Code Signing looked ok)
I cleaned out my provisional profiles, rebooted the iPhone, rebooted the computer, and it worked for me.
Just to throw out an additional suggestion to anyone coming across this problem (it's been burning me frequently lately) -- try going to the Targets -> (Your Target) -> General -> Team and re-selecting the same Team, which forces Xcode to update profiles for you.
That has been the culprit for me a couple of times. Seems to happen specifically if you've recently re-downloaded a distribution certificate for new devices or w/e. Or if you've just dumped your Provisioning Profiles directory in general.
I had the same problem and I tried all the suggested steps but I managed to get it deployed and run only after I powered off my iphone.
Checked my Targets and code signing details, didn't help. I did three things:
Clean Build Folder
Close Xcode and delete everything in Derived Data
Rebooted my device
Everything worked fine after that. I had changed some App Transport Security setting in my info.plist right before this occurred. Not sure if it is related or if only one of my 3 steps were necessary, but it worked.
Make sure the Provisioning Profile setting in your environment is set to your development profile: Project > Build Settings > Code Signing
Consider setting it in your Target settings and the Pod project (in case using Cocoa Pods).
In case the development profile is not present create or download it:
Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles > Provisioning Profiles
After following the above, it still didn't work (from xCode 6). But after rebooting the phone and deleting the app, it worked.
Check Product Name for dots "."
"." are not allowed in Product name.
Selection in provisioning profiles may cause this problem. So while launching an app on to the device, make sure you are using the development profile & not the distribution profile. I have been facing the same issue. But got away with it using the same process.
Check for Project > Build Settings > Provisioning profile & select your development profile.
And also take care of Code Signing Identity in the same tab. Make sure you choose both the identities of Developer & NOT of Distribution.
Below two steps solved for me:
For xcode version: 7.2
1.Select any of your simulator to run ( just start your run, no need to load the app completely).
2.Stop it.
3.Then select your device and run.
This solved in my case.
option + command + shift + k and then run the project did the trick for me.
If your goal is to just launch the app and debug it, you can also edit the schema to "Wait for executable to be launched" and run the app manually.
The setting is under Edit schema > Run > Info > Launch. Choose "Wait for executable to be launched" instead of "Automatically". It will wait for you to run the app (by manually tapping it) instead of timing out.
As all of the above answers didn't helped for me I'll publish my solution:
Deleting all the occurrences of xcuserdata folders in .xcodeproj and .xcworkspace and restarting Xcode fixed the problem. To delete it right click your_app_name.xcodeproj and/or your_app_name.xcworkspace in your app folder and select "Show Package Contents". I hope that help someone to save some time.
Just restart my Device and works everything fine
I tried:
Restart the device (iPhone)
Clean build the XCode project
Then it works.
Check whether the device memory is full.

Cannot verify client 3000

I am using xcode 7.1 and trying to upload my app to the app store directly through xcode. While uploading I am getting a weird error:-
cannot verify client 3000
Note:- I recently made changes in the accounts (xcode preference section). Is this related to my error?
I also restart the xcode but issue still there?
I already checked this question on SO, but they say restart your xcode. But this does not solve my problem.
For my case,I got this error after selecting "Generic iOS Device" when archiving, however i plugged in my iPhone and selected it, then archived, I got no errors this time.(I also cleaned both Shift+cmd+k and Shift+alt+cmd+k before archiving)
I encountered the same issue the first time I tried to submit to app store with the target on my device.
What worked for me:
I retried a couple of minutes later without changing a thing and everything went smooth.
This is temporary apple server bug. Try it again OR Retry after some time it will fix the problem.
There is no need to reinstall Xcode. Just wait a few minutes and try again and it will work.
I tried :
waiting days,
deleting the developer account in
submitting archives from a connected device,
archives from a iOS generic device.
Nothing worked.
I needed to:
create an archive (it was from a connected device),
in the organiser window select the export button (on the right hand side underneath the "Upload to App Store" button.
Select that the export is for app store distribution.
Take a note of the location the .ipa file is saved to.
Go back to Xcode, then select the menu item Xcode > Open Developer Tool > Application Loader.
Select Deliver Your App, and select choose.
Navigate to your .ipa file noted above.
Select next, wait, next, check for any error message, send.
Hope this helps someone.
I got this error while uploading my distribution archive to App Store with selecting Distribution provisioning profile scheme -> Product -> Archive -> Upload to App Store. The error is based on I chose my real iphone device in Xcode by mistake. You need to choose "Generic iOS Device" and repeat same steps as I mentioned before.
You have to plug in your iPhone to your Mac and try to upload to AppStore again.
For some reason, validating the archive before uploading fixed the issue for me.
With Xcode 7.1, I could only make a successful build without bitcode. Try it out if everything else fails.
I resolved this by exporting ("export" in xcode archive organizer -> "to iOS App Store") and using the Application Loader instead of xcode to submit.
It is recurring. Seems to me like an internal error with apples identification service or so.
My definite solution:
Get yourself a cup of tea and try it again.
You can, of course, do some voodoo or change the target device or something, but re-trying after a while will do.
I have the same issue.
I did the below steps:
Step 1: Select Code Signing Identity for "Release"
Step 2 : Select Distribution profile
I tried to use Application Loader instead and it worked well. Maybe that helps
I've been having this problem since Xcode 7.1 (for more than a month). I did everything I could trying to solve this: restart Xcode, clean project, clean build folder, build with a device connected, reinstall Xcode multiple times, even formatting the whole disk and starting from scratch. None of this worked.
During this time my colleague was always able to upload the very same builds to App Store without any problem.
Curiously, what solved this problem for me was disconnecting my non-Apple wireless mouse.
I found this out when I tried to submit an app from my home computer and got the same error. I disconnected the mouse dongle, tried again and it went through.
I've verified this three times both on my home (MacBook Pro 2013) and work computer (Mac Mini 2014).
This leads me to believe that during the app submission process Apple may check if your environment is purely made by Apple or not, and may block your submission based on that. This would explain the "Cannot verify client" message.
This one worked for me:
Delete the Archive that failed during upload.
Clean the solution.
Rebuild the solution.
Archive the it.
Go to Xcode's Organizer, then Validate (this should be 'Successful').
Upload the build.

Could not launch process launch failed: timed out waiting for app to launch

I am trying to launch my app on device. It is launching successfully on the simulator.
List item
I use 7.1 SDK
Xcode 5
And the device is a 7.1 iPhone 4S
I have tried:
Clean Build Folder
Deleting app
Disconnecting/Reconnecting device
Booting device
restarting Xcode
What can I do to make it work?
Could it be something with Code Signing?
Currently i have it set to 'Dont Code Sign'
I had this problem when I used a Distribution certificate instead of Developer one when running the app from Xcode. You may check it out your target --> Build Settings --> Code signing.
As #AndyDynn pointed out in his comment:
Make sure you do this on the "Target" build settings and not just the "Project" build settings.
I literally restarted my iPad, that was connected for testing the app, and that resolved the issue.
To run your app on a device, you will perform these tasks that follow:
Request a development certificate.
Add your device to the portal.
Code sign your app.
Launch your app on the device.
For more detail check this
If your provisioning profile and code sign everything is alright then try once Quit and Restart your XCode. It will work for me.
I just had this issue.
I had to open the app on device and tap Trust Computer.
No need for me to reboot everything 20 times, yay.
Below are 2 awesome hacks that have not been mentioned yet:
HACK #1:
Lock your phone, press XCode start, wait till XCode says "unlock your device to launch", then unlock your phone, it will be launched successfully, works every time.
HACK #2:
If your goal is just to debug the app, here is another simple and straight-forward approach:
After the app is deployed, launch it manually.
Goto XCode -> Debug -> Attach to Process ... to choose your app from the list, then debug properly.
This works well for me, and it saves lots of time.
I hope this helps, thanks!
I got the same problem and after looking at the answers here I found mine. The issue at hand was: my dev distribution certificate was gone from iOS Dev Center, so I just assume it had timed out. I didn't get a nice warning though, just the above error - installing worked but debugging didn't. So I had Xcode regenerate a new one for me.
One more thing to try if you've tried the above:
i found this link about quitting itunes to avoid the timeout. This works for me with xcode 5.1
In my case there was no value at Targets -> Build Settins ->Provisioning Profile. Though Code Signing looked ok)
I cleaned out my provisional profiles, rebooted the iPhone, rebooted the computer, and it worked for me.
Just to throw out an additional suggestion to anyone coming across this problem (it's been burning me frequently lately) -- try going to the Targets -> (Your Target) -> General -> Team and re-selecting the same Team, which forces Xcode to update profiles for you.
That has been the culprit for me a couple of times. Seems to happen specifically if you've recently re-downloaded a distribution certificate for new devices or w/e. Or if you've just dumped your Provisioning Profiles directory in general.
I had the same problem and I tried all the suggested steps but I managed to get it deployed and run only after I powered off my iphone.
Checked my Targets and code signing details, didn't help. I did three things:
Clean Build Folder
Close Xcode and delete everything in Derived Data
Rebooted my device
Everything worked fine after that. I had changed some App Transport Security setting in my info.plist right before this occurred. Not sure if it is related or if only one of my 3 steps were necessary, but it worked.
Make sure the Provisioning Profile setting in your environment is set to your development profile: Project > Build Settings > Code Signing
Consider setting it in your Target settings and the Pod project (in case using Cocoa Pods).
In case the development profile is not present create or download it:
Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles > Provisioning Profiles
After following the above, it still didn't work (from xCode 6). But after rebooting the phone and deleting the app, it worked.
Check Product Name for dots "."
"." are not allowed in Product name.
Selection in provisioning profiles may cause this problem. So while launching an app on to the device, make sure you are using the development profile & not the distribution profile. I have been facing the same issue. But got away with it using the same process.
Check for Project > Build Settings > Provisioning profile & select your development profile.
And also take care of Code Signing Identity in the same tab. Make sure you choose both the identities of Developer & NOT of Distribution.
Below two steps solved for me:
For xcode version: 7.2
1.Select any of your simulator to run ( just start your run, no need to load the app completely).
2.Stop it.
3.Then select your device and run.
This solved in my case.
option + command + shift + k and then run the project did the trick for me.
If your goal is to just launch the app and debug it, you can also edit the schema to "Wait for executable to be launched" and run the app manually.
The setting is under Edit schema > Run > Info > Launch. Choose "Wait for executable to be launched" instead of "Automatically". It will wait for you to run the app (by manually tapping it) instead of timing out.
As all of the above answers didn't helped for me I'll publish my solution:
Deleting all the occurrences of xcuserdata folders in .xcodeproj and .xcworkspace and restarting Xcode fixed the problem. To delete it right click your_app_name.xcodeproj and/or your_app_name.xcworkspace in your app folder and select "Show Package Contents". I hope that help someone to save some time.
Just restart my Device and works everything fine
I tried:
Restart the device (iPhone)
Clean build the XCode project
Then it works.
Check whether the device memory is full.
