I have been doing a CodeWars exercise which can also be seen at
The essence of it is:
There is a line for the self-checkout machines at the supermarket. Your challenge is to write a function that calculates the total amount of time required for the rest of the customers to check out!
customers : an array of positive integers representing the line. Each integer represents a customer, and its value is the amount of time they require to check out.
n : a positive integer, the number of checkout tills.
There is only one line serving many machines, and
The order of the line never changes, and
The front person in the line (i.e. the first element in the array/list) proceeds to a machine as soon as it becomes free.
The function should return an integer, the total time required.
The answer I came up with works - but it is highly imperative.
open System.Collections.Generic
open System.Linq
let getQueueTime (customerArray: int list) n =
let mutable d = new Dictionary<string,int>()
for i in 1..n do
d.Add(sprintf "Line%d" <| i, 0)
let getNextAvailableSupermarketLineName(d:Dictionary<string,int>) =
let mutable lowestValue = -1
let mutable lineName = ""
for myLineName in d.Keys do
let myValue = d.Item(myLineName)
if lowestValue = -1 || myValue <= lowestValue then
lowestValue <- myValue
lineName <- myLineName
for x in customerArray do
let lineName = getNextAvailableSupermarketLineName d
let lineTotal = d.Item(lineName)
d.Item(lineName) <- lineTotal + x
So my question is ... is this OK F# code or should it be written in a functional way? And if the latter, how? (I started off trying to do it functionally but didn't get anywhere).
is this OK F# code or should it be written in a functional way?
That's a subjective question, so can't be answered. I'm assuming, however, that since you're doing an exercise, it's in order to learn. Learning functional programming takes years for most people (it did for me), but F# is a great language because it enables you learn gradually.
You can, however, simplify the algorithm. Think of a till as a number. The number represents the instant it's ready. At the beginning, you initialise them all to 0:
let tills = List.replicate n 0
where n is the number of tills. At the beginning, they're all ready at time 0. If, for example, n is 3, the tills are:
> List.replicate 3 0;;
val it : int list = [0; 0; 0]
Now you consider the next customer in the line. For each customer, you have to pick a till. You pick the one that is available first, i.e. with the lowest number. Then you need to 'update' the list of counters.
In order to do that, you'll need a function to 'update' a list at a particular index, which isn't part of the base library. You can define it yourself, however:
module List =
let set idx v = List.mapi (fun i x -> if i = idx then v else x)
For example, if you want to 'update' the second element to 3, you can do it like this:
> List.replicate 3 0 |> List.set 1 3;;
val it : int list = [0; 3; 0]
Now you can write a function that updates the set of tills given their current state and a customer (represented by a duration, which is also a number).
let next tills customer =
let earliestTime = List.min tills
let idx = List.findIndex (fun c -> earliestTime = c) tills
List.set idx (earliestTime + customer) tills
First, the next function finds the earliestTime in tills by using List.min. Then it finds the index of that value. Finally, it 'updates' that till by adding its current state to the customer duration.
Imagine that you have two tills and the customers [2;3;10]:
> List.replicate 2 0;;
val it : int list = [0; 0]
> List.replicate 2 0 |> fun tills -> next tills 2;;
val it : int list = [2; 0]
> List.replicate 2 0 |> fun tills -> next tills 2 |> fun tills -> next tills 3;;
val it : int list = [2; 3]
> List.replicate 2 0 |> fun tills -> next tills 2 |> fun tills -> next tills 3
|> fun tills -> next tills 10;;
val it : int list = [12; 3]
You'll notice that you can keep calling the next function for all the customers in the line. That's called a fold. This gives you the final state of the tills. The final step is to return the value of the till with the highest value, because that represents the time it finished. The overall function, then, is:
let queueTime line n =
let next tills customer =
let earliestTime = List.min tills
let idx = List.findIndex (fun c -> earliestTime = c) tills
List.set idx (earliestTime + customer) tills
let tills = List.replicate n 0
let finalState = List.fold next tills line
List.max finalState
Here's some examples, taken from the original exercise:
> queueTime [5;3;4] 1;;
val it : int = 12
> queueTime [10;2;3;3] 2;;
val it : int = 10
> queueTime [2;3;10] 2;;
val it : int = 12
This solution is based entirely on immutable data, and all functions are pure, so that's a functional solution.
Here is a version that resembles your version, with all the mutability removed:
let getQueueTime (customerArray: int list) n =
let updateWith f key map =
let v = Map.find key map
map |> Map.add key (f v)
let initialLines = [1..n] |> (fun i -> sprintf "Line%d" i, 0) |> Map.ofList
let getNextAvailableSupermarketLineName(d:Map<string,int>) =
let lowestLine = d |> Seq.minBy (fun l -> l.Value)
let lines =
|> List.fold (fun linesState x ->
let lineName = getNextAvailableSupermarketLineName linesState
linesState |> updateWith (fun l -> l + x) lineName) initialLines
lines |> (fun l -> l.Value) |> Seq.max
getQueueTime [5;3;4] 1 |> printfn "%i"
Those loops with mutable "outer state" can be swapped for either recursive functions or folds/reduce, here I suspect recursive functions would be nicer.
I've swapped out Dictionary for the immutable Map, but it feels like more trouble than it's worth here.
Update - here is a compromise solution I think reads well:
let getQueueTime (customerArray: int list) n =
let d = [1..n] |> (fun i -> sprintf "Line%d" i, 0) |> dict
let getNextAvailableSupermarketLineName(d:IDictionary<string,int>) =
let lowestLine = d |> Seq.minBy (fun l -> l.Value)
|> List.iter (fun x ->
let lineName = getNextAvailableSupermarketLineName d
d.Item(lineName) <- d.Item(lineName) + 1)
d.Values |> Seq.max
getQueueTime [5;3;4] 1 |> printfn "%i"
I believe there is a more natural functional solution if you approach it freshly, but I wanted to evolve your current solution.
This is less an attempt at answering than an extended comment on Mark Seemann's otherwise excellent answer. If we do not restrict ourselves to standard library functions, the slightly cumbersome determination of the index with List.findIndex can be avoided. Instead, we may devise a function that replaces the first occurrence of a value in a list with a new value.
The implementation of our bespoke List.replace involves recursion, with an accumulator to hold the values before we encounter the first occurrence. When found, the accumulator needs to be reversed and also to have the new value and the tail of the original list appended. Both of this can be done in one operation: List.fold being fed the new value and tail of the original list as initial state while the elements of the accumulator are prepended in the loop, thereby restoring their order.
module List =
// Replace the first occurrence of a specific object in a list
let replace oldValue newValue source =
let rec aux acc = function
| [] -> List.rev acc
| x::xs when x = oldValue ->
(newValue::xs, acc)
||> List.fold (fun xs x -> x::xs)
| x::xs -> aux (x::acc) xs
aux [] source
let queueTime customers n =
(List.init n (fun _ -> 0), customers)
||> List.fold (fun xs customer ->
let x = List.min xs
List.replace x (x + customer) xs )
|> List.max
queueTime [5;3;4] 1 // val it : int = 12
queueTime [10;2;3;3] 2 // val it : int = 10
queueTime [2;3;10] 2 // val it : int = 12
I'm trying to learn F# but I'm stuck with a very simple thing.
I would like to create a list with uniques random values that I can display on a console. Let say Random from 1 to 100 and 10 elements in the list.
I've seen here this code F# getting a list of random numbers :
let genRandomNumbers count =
let rnd = System.Random()
List.init count (fun _ -> rnd.Next (1, 100))
let l = genRandomNumbers 10
printfn "%A" l
But how can I make theses numbers be differents ? This is not exactly a duplicate question because I don't find a way to be sure that each number is unique ; Random.Next can generate same numbers...
Here's a very simple solution:
let genRandomNumbers count =
let rnd = System.Random()
let initial = Seq.initInfinite (fun _ -> rnd.Next (1, 100))
|> Seq.distinct
|> Seq.take(count)
|> Seq.toList
Note the Seq.distinct does exactly what you want to get the unique values. Also note that you'll get an issue if you try to get a count larger than 99 because there aren't that many distinct values between 1 and 99!
I'm a beginner in F#, and this is my first attempt at programming something serious. I'm sorry the code is a bit long, but there are some issues with mutability that I don't understand.
This is an implementation of the Karger MinCut Algorithm to calculate the mincut on a non-directed graph component. I won't discuss here how the algo works,
for more info
What is important is it's a randomized algorithm, which is running a determined number of trial runs, and taking the "best" run.
I realize now that I could avoid a lot of the problems below if I did construct a specific function for each random trial, but I'd like to understand EXACTLY what is wrong in the implementation below.
I'm running the code on this simple graph (the mincut is 2 when we cut the graph
into 2 components (1,2,3,4) and (5,6,7,8) with only 2 edges between those 2 components)
|\/| |\/|
|/\| |/\|
the file simplegraph.txt should encode this graph as follow
(1st column = node number, other columns = links)
1 2 3 4 7
2 1 3 4
3 1 2 4
4 1 2 3 5
5 4 6 7 8
6 5 7 8
7 1 5 6 8
8 5 6 7
This code may look too much as imperative programming yet, I'm sorry for that.
So There is a main for i loop calling each trial.
the first execution, (when i=1) looks smooth and perfect,
but I have runtime error execution when i=2, because it looks some variables,
like WG are not reinitialized correctly, causing out of bound errors.
WG, WG1 and WGmin are type wgraphobj, which are a record of Dictionary objects
WG1 is defined outside the main loop and i make no new assignments to WG1.
[but its type is mutable though, alas]
I defined first WG with the instruction
let mutable WG = WG1
then at the beginning of the for i loop,
i write
WG <- WG1
and then later, i modify the WG object in each trial to make some calculations.
when the trial is finished and we go to the next trial (i is increased) i want to reset WG to its initial state being like WG1.
but it seems its not working, and I don't get why...
Here is the full code
MyModule.fs [some functions not necessary for execution]
namespace MyModule
module Dict =
open System.Collections.Generic
let toSeq d = d |> (fun (KeyValue(k,v)) -> (k,v))
let toArray (d:IDictionary<_,_>) = d |> toSeq |> Seq.toArray
let toList (d:IDictionary<_,_>) = d |> toSeq |> Seq.toList
let ofMap (m:Map<'k,'v>) = new Dictionary<'k,'v>(m) :> IDictionary<'k,'v>
let ofList (l:('k * 'v) list) = new Dictionary<'k,'v>(l |> Map.ofList) :> IDictionary<'k,'v>
let ofSeq (s:('k * 'v) seq) = new Dictionary<'k,'v>(s |> Map.ofSeq) :> IDictionary<'k,'v>
let ofArray (a:('k * 'v) []) = new Dictionary<'k,'v>(a |> Map.ofArray) :> IDictionary<'k,'v>
open MyModule.Dict
open System.IO
let x = File.ReadAllLines "\..\simplegraph.txt";;
// val x : string [] =
let splitAtTab (text:string)=
text.Split [|'\t';' '|]
let splitIntoKeyValue (s:seq<'T>) =
(Seq.head s, Seq.tail s)
let parseLine (line:string)=
|> splitAtTab
|> Array.filter (fun s -> not(s=""))
|> (fun s-> (int s))
|> Array.toSeq
|> splitIntoKeyValue
let y =
x |> parseLine
open System.Collections.Generic
// let graph = new Map <int, int array>
let graphD = new Dictionary<int,int seq>()
y |> Array.iter graphD.Add
let graphM = y |> Map.ofArray //immutable
let N = y.Length // number of nodes
let Nruns = 2
let remove_table = new Dictionary<int,bool>()
[for i in 1..N do yield (i,false)] |> List.iter remove_table.Add
// let remove_table = seq [|for a in 1 ..N -> false|] // plus court
let label_head_table = new Dictionary<int,int>()
[for i in 1..N do yield (i,i)] |> List.iter label_head_table.Add
let label = new Dictionary<int,int seq>()
[for i in 1..N do yield (i,[i])] |> List.iter label.Add
let mutable min_cut = 1000000
type wgraphobj =
{ Graph : Dictionary<int,int seq>
RemoveTable : Dictionary<int,bool>
Label : Dictionary<int,int seq>
LabelHead : Dictionary<int,int> }
let WG1 = {Graph = graphD;
RemoveTable = remove_table;
Label = label;
LabelHead = label_head_table}
let mutable WGmin = WG1
let IsNotRemoved x = //
match x with
| (i,false) -> true
| (i,true) -> false
let IsNotRemoved1 WG i = //
(i,WG.RemoveTable.[i]) |>IsNotRemoved
let GetLiveNode d =
let myfun x =
match x with
| (i,b) -> i
d |> toList |> List.filter IsNotRemoved |> myfun
let rand = System.Random()
// subsets a dictionary given a sub_list of keys
let D_Subset (dict:Dictionary<'T,'U>) (sub_list:list<'T>) =
let z = Dictionary<'T,'U>() // create new empty dictionary
sub_list |> List.filter (fun k -> dict.ContainsKey k)
|> (fun k -> (k, dict.[k]))
|> List.iter (fun s -> z.Add s)
// subsets a dictionary given a sub_list of keys to remove
let D_SubsetC (dict:Dictionary<'T,'U>) (sub_list:list<'T>) =
let z = dict
sub_list |> List.filter (fun k -> dict.ContainsKey k)
|> (fun k -> (dict.Remove k)) |>ignore
// subsets a sequence by values in a sequence
let S_Subset (S:seq<'T>)(sub_list:seq<'T>) =
S |> Seq.filter (fun s-> Seq.exists (fun elem -> elem = s) sub_list)
let S_SubsetC (S:seq<'T>)(sub_list:seq<'T>) =
S |> Seq.filter (fun s-> not(Seq.exists (fun elem -> elem = s) sub_list))
let main argv =
let mutable u = 0
let mutable v = 0
let mutable r = 0
let mutable N_cut = 1000000
let mutable cluster_A_min = seq [0]
let mutable cluster_B_min = seq [0]
let mutable WG = WG1
let mutable LiveNodeList = [0]
// when i = 2, i encounter problems with mutability
for i in 1 .. Nruns do
WG <- WG1
printfn "%d" i
for k in 1..(N-2) do
LiveNodeList <- GetLiveNode WG.RemoveTable
r <- rand.Next(0,N-k)
u <- LiveNodeList.[r] //selecting a live node
let uuu = WG.Graph.[u] |> (fun s -> WG.LabelHead.[s] )
|> Seq.filter (IsNotRemoved1 WG)
|> Seq.distinct
let n_edge = uuu |> Seq.length
let x = rand.Next(1,n_edge)
let mutable ok = false //maybe we can take this out
while not(ok) do
// selecting the edge from node u
v <- WG.LabelHead.[Array.get (uuu |> Seq.toArray) (x-1)]
let vvv = WG.Graph.[v] |> (fun s -> WG.LabelHead.[s] )
|> Seq.filter (IsNotRemoved1 WG)
|> Seq.distinct
let zzz = S_SubsetC (Seq.concat [uuu;vvv] |> Seq.distinct) [u;v]
WG.Graph.[u] <- zzz
let lab_u = WG.Label.[u]
let lab_v = WG.Label.[v]
WG.Label.[u] <- Seq.concat [lab_u;lab_v] |> Seq.distinct
if (k<N-1) then
//updating Label_head for all members of Label.[v]
WG.LabelHead.[v]<- u
for j in WG.Label.[v] do
WG.LabelHead.[j]<- u
ok <- true
printfn "u= %d v=%d" u v
// end of for k in 1..(N-2)
// counting cuts
// u,v contain the 2 indexes of groupings
let cluster_A = WG.Label.[u]
let cluster_B = S_SubsetC (seq[for i in 1..N do yield i]) cluster_A // defined as complementary of A
// let WG2 = {Graph = D_Subset WG1.Graph (cluster_A |> Seq.toList)
// RemoveTable = remove_table
// Label = D_Subset WG1.Graph (cluster_A |> Seq.toList)
// LabelHead = label_head_table}
let cross_edge = // returns keyvalue pair (k,S')
let IsInCluster cluster (k,S) =
(k,S_Subset S cluster)
graphM |> toSeq |> (IsInCluster cluster_B)
N_cut <-
cross_edge |> (fun (k:int,v:int seq)-> Seq.length v)
|> Seq.sum
if (N_cut<min_cut) then
min_cut <- N_cut
WGmin <- WG
cluster_A_min <- cluster_A
cluster_B_min <- cluster_B
// end of for i in 1..Nruns
0 // return an integer exit code
Description of the algo: (i don't think its too essential to solve my problem)
at each trial, there are several steps. at each step, we merge 2 nodes into 1, (removing effectively 1) updating the graph. we do that 6 times until there are only 2 nodes left, which we define as 2 clusters, and we look at the number of cross edges between those 2 clusters. if we are "lucky" those 2 clusters would be (1,2,3,4) and (5,6,7,8) and find the right number of cuts.
at each step, the object WG is updated with the effects of merging 2 nodes
with only LiveNodes (the ones which are not eliminated as a result of merging 2 nodes) being perfectly kept up to date.
WG.Graph is the updated graph
WG.Label contains the labels of the nodes which have been merged into the current node
WG.LabelHead contains the label of the node into which that node has been merged
WG.RemoveTable says if the node has been removed or not.
Thanks in advance for anyone willing to take a look at it !
"It seems not working", because wgraphobj is a reference type, which is allocated on the stack, which means that when you're mutating the innards of WG, you're also mutating the innards of WG1, because they're the same innards.
This is precisely the kind of mess you get yourself into if you use mutable state. This is why people recommend to not use it. In particular, your use of mutable dictionaries undermines the robustness of your algorithm. I recommend using the F#'s own efficient immutable dictionary (called Map) instead.
Now, in response to your comment about WG.Graph <- GraphD giving compile error.
WG is mutable, but WG.Graph is not (but the contents of WG.Graph are again mutable). There is a difference, let me try to explain it.
WG is mutable in the sense that it points to some object of type wgraphobj, but you can make it, in the course of your program, to point at another object of the same type.
WG.Graph, on the other hand, is a field packed inside WG. It points to some object of type Dictionary<_,_>. And you cannot make it point to another object. You can create a different wgraphobj, in which the field Graph point to a different dictionary, but you cannot change where the field Graph of the original wgraphobj points.
In order to make the field Graph itself mutable, you can declare it as such:
type wgraphobj = {
mutable Graph: Dictionary<int, int seq>
Then you will be able to mutate that field:
WG.Graph <- GraphD
Note that in this case you do not need to declare the value WG itself as mutable.
However, it seems to me that for your purposes you can actually go the way of creating a new instance wgraphobj with the field Graph changed, and assigning it to the mutable reference WG:
WG.Graph <- { WG with Graph = GraphD }
I'm trying to implement Kosaraju's algorithm on a large graph
as part of an assignment [MOOC Algo I Stanford on Coursera]
The current code works on a small graph, but I'm hitting Stack Overflow during runtime execution.
Despite having read the relevant chapter in Expert in F#, or other available examples on websites and SO, i still don't get how to use continuation to solve this problem
Below is the full code for general purpose, but it will already fail when executing DFSLoop1 and the recursive function DFSsub inside. I think I'm not making the function tail recursive [because of the instructions
G.[n].finishingtime <- t
but i don't understand how i can implement the continuation properly.
When considering only the part that fails, DFSLoop1 is taking as argument a graph to which we will apply Depth-First Search. We need to record the finishing time as part of the algo to proceed to the second part of the algo in a second DFS Loop (DFSLoop2) [of course we are failing before that].
open System
open System.Collections.Generic
open System.IO
let x = File.ReadAllLines "C:\Users\Fagui\Documents\GitHub\Learning Fsharp\Algo Stanford I\PA 4 - SCC.txt";;
// let x = File.ReadAllLines "C:\Users\Fagui\Documents\GitHub\Learning Fsharp\Algo Stanford I\PA 4 - test1.txt";;
// val x : string [] =
let splitAtTab (text:string)=
text.Split [|'\t';' '|]
let splitIntoKeyValue (A: int[]) =
(A.[0], A.[1])
let parseLine (line:string)=
|> splitAtTab
|> Array.filter (fun s -> not(s=""))
|> (fun s-> (int s))
|> splitIntoKeyValue
let y =
x |> parseLine
//val it : (int * int) []
type Children = int[]
type Node1 =
{children : Children ;
mutable finishingtime : int ;
mutable explored1 : bool ;
type Node2 =
{children : Children ;
mutable leader : int ;
mutable explored2 : bool ;
type DFSgraphcore = Dictionary<int,Children>
let directgraphcore = new DFSgraphcore()
let reversegraphcore = new DFSgraphcore()
type DFSgraph1 = Dictionary<int,Node1>
let reversegraph1 = new DFSgraph1()
type DFSgraph2 = Dictionary<int,Node2>
let directgraph2 = new DFSgraph2()
let AddtoGraph (G:DFSgraphcore) (n,c) =
if not(G.ContainsKey n) then
let node = [|c|]
let c'= G.[n]
G.Remove(n) |> ignore
G.Add (n, Array.append c' [|c|])
let inline swaptuple (a,b) = (b,a)
y|> Array.iter (AddtoGraph directgraphcore)
y|> swaptuple |> Array.iter (AddtoGraph reversegraphcore)
for i in directgraphcore.Keys do
if reversegraphcore.ContainsKey(i) then do
let node = {children = reversegraphcore.[i] ;
finishingtime = -1 ;
explored1 = false ;
reversegraph1.Add (i,node)
let node = {children = [||] ;
finishingtime = -1 ;
explored1 = false ;
reversegraph1.Add (i,node)
directgraphcore.Clear |> ignore
reversegraphcore.Clear |> ignore
// for i in reversegraph1.Keys do printfn "%d %A" i reversegraph1.[i].children
printfn "pause"
Console.ReadKey() |> ignore
let num_nodes =
directgraphcore |> Seq.length
let DFSLoop1 (G:DFSgraph1) =
let mutable t = 0
let mutable s = -1
let mutable k = num_nodes
let rec DFSsub (G:DFSgraph1)(n:int) (cont:int->int) =
//how to make it tail recursive ???
G.[n].explored1 <- true
// G.[n].leader <- s
for j in G.[n].children do
if not(G.[j].explored1) then DFSsub G j cont
G.[n].finishingtime <- t
// end of DFSsub
for i in num_nodes .. -1 .. 1 do
printfn "%d" i
if not(G.[i].explored1) then do
s <- i
( DFSsub G i (fun s -> s) ) |> ignore
// printfn "%d %d" i G.[i].finishingtime
DFSLoop1 reversegraph1
printfn "pause"
Console.ReadKey() |> ignore
for i in directgraphcore.Keys do
let node = {children =
|> (fun k -> reversegraph1.[k].finishingtime) ;
leader = -1 ;
explored2= false ;
directgraph2.Add (reversegraph1.[i].finishingtime,node)
let z = 0
let DFSLoop2 (G:DFSgraph2) =
let mutable t = 0
let mutable s = -1
let mutable k = num_nodes
let rec DFSsub (G:DFSgraph2)(n:int) (cont:int->int) =
G.[n].explored2 <- true
G.[n].leader <- s
for j in G.[n].children do
if not(G.[j].explored2) then DFSsub G j cont
// G.[n].finishingtime <- t
// end of DFSsub
for i in num_nodes .. -1 .. 1 do
if not(G.[i].explored2) then do
s <- i
( DFSsub G i (fun s -> s) ) |> ignore
// printfn "%d %d" i G.[i].leader
DFSLoop2 directgraph2
printfn "pause"
Console.ReadKey() |> ignore
let table = [for i in directgraph2.Keys do yield directgraph2.[i].leader]
let results = table |> Seq.countBy id |> snd |> Seq.toList |> List.sort |> List.rev
printfn "%A" results
printfn "pause"
Console.ReadKey() |> ignore
Here is a text file with a simple graph example
1 4
2 8
3 6
4 7
5 2
6 9
7 1
8 5
8 6
9 7
9 3
(the one which is causing overflow is 70Mo big with around 900,000 nodes)
to clarify a few things first
Here is the "pseudo code"
Input: a directed graph G = (V,E), in adjacency list representation. Assume that the vertices V are labeled
1, 2, 3, . . . , n.
1. Let Grev denote the graph G after the orientation of all arcs have been reversed.
2. Run the DFS-Loop subroutine on Grev, processing vertices according to the given order, to obtain a
finishing time f(v) for each vertex v ∈ V .
3. Run the DFS-Loop subroutine on G, processing vertices in decreasing order of f(v), to assign a leader
to each vertex v ∈ V .
4. The strongly connected components of G correspond to vertices of G that share a common leader.
Figure 2: The top level of our SCC algorithm. The f-values and leaders are computed in the first and second
calls to DFS-Loop, respectively (see below).
Input: a directed graph G = (V,E), in adjacency list representation.
1. Initialize a global variable t to 0.
[This keeps track of the number of vertices that have been fully explored.]
2. Initialize a global variable s to NULL.
[This keeps track of the vertex from which the last DFS call was invoked.]
3. For i = n downto 1:
[In the first call, vertices are labeled 1, 2, . . . , n arbitrarily. In the second call, vertices are labeled by
their f(v)-values from the first call.]
(a) if i not yet explored:
i. set s := i
ii. DFS(G, i)
Figure 3: The DFS-Loop subroutine.
Input: a directed graph G = (V,E), in adjacency list representation, and a source vertex i ∈ V .
1. Mark i as explored.
[It remains explored for the entire duration of the DFS-Loop call.]
2. Set leader(i) := s
3. For each arc (i, j) ∈ G:
(a) if j not yet explored:
i. DFS(G, j)
4. t + +
5. Set f(i) := t
Figure 4: The DFS subroutine. The f-values only need to be computed during the first call to DFS-Loop, and
the leader values only need to be computed during the second call to DFS-Loop.
i have amended the code, with the help of an experienced programmer (a lisper but who has no experience in F#) simplifying somewhat the first part to have more quickly an example without bothering about non-relevant code for this discussion.
The code focuses only on half of the algo, running DFS once to get finishing times of the reversed tree.
This is the first part of the code just to create a small example
y is the original tree. the first element of a tuple is the parent, the second is the child. But we will be working with the reverse tree
open System
open System.Collections.Generic
open System.IO
let x = File.ReadAllLines "C:\Users\Fagui\Documents\GitHub\Learning Fsharp\Algo Stanford I\PA 4 - SCC.txt";;
// let x = File.ReadAllLines "C:\Users\Fagui\Documents\GitHub\Learning Fsharp\Algo Stanford I\PA 4 - test1.txt";;
// val x : string [] =
let splitAtTab (text:string)=
text.Split [|'\t';' '|]
let splitIntoKeyValue (A: int[]) =
(A.[0], A.[1])
let parseLine (line:string)=
|> splitAtTab
|> Array.filter (fun s -> not(s=""))
|> (fun s-> (int s))
|> splitIntoKeyValue
// let y =
// x |> parseLine
//let y =
// [|(1, 4); (2, 8); (3, 6); (4, 7); (5, 2); (6, 9); (7, 1); (8, 5); (8, 6);
// (9, 7); (9, 3)|]
// let y = Array.append [|(1,1);(1,2);(2,3);(3,1)|] [|for i in 4 .. 10000 do yield (i,4)|]
let y = Array.append [|(1,1);(1,2);(2,3);(3,1)|] [|for i in 4 .. 99999 do yield (i,i+1)|]
//val it : (int * int) []
type Children = int list
type Node1 =
{children : Children ;
mutable finishingtime : int ;
mutable explored1 : bool ;
type Node2 =
{children : Children ;
mutable leader : int ;
mutable explored2 : bool ;
type DFSgraphcore = Dictionary<int,Children>
let directgraphcore = new DFSgraphcore()
let reversegraphcore = new DFSgraphcore()
type DFSgraph1 = Dictionary<int,Node1>
let reversegraph1 = new DFSgraph1()
let AddtoGraph (G:DFSgraphcore) (n,c) =
if not(G.ContainsKey n) then
let node = [c]
let c'= G.[n]
G.Remove(n) |> ignore
G.Add (n, List.append c' [c])
let inline swaptuple (a,b) = (b,a)
y|> Array.iter (AddtoGraph directgraphcore)
y|> swaptuple |> Array.iter (AddtoGraph reversegraphcore)
// définir reversegraph1 = ... with....
for i in reversegraphcore.Keys do
let node = {children = reversegraphcore.[i] ;
finishingtime = -1 ;
explored1 = false ;
reversegraph1.Add (i,node)
for i in directgraphcore.Keys do
if not(reversegraphcore.ContainsKey(i)) then do
let node = {children = [] ;
finishingtime = -1 ;
explored1 = false ;
reversegraph1.Add (i,node)
directgraphcore.Clear |> ignore
reversegraphcore.Clear |> ignore
// for i in reversegraph1.Keys do printfn "%d %A" i reversegraph1.[i].children
printfn "pause"
Console.ReadKey() |> ignore
let num_nodes =
directgraphcore |> Seq.length
So basically the graph is (1->2->3->1)::(4->5->6->7->8->....->99999->10000)
and the reverse graph is (1->3->2->1)::(10000->9999->....->4)
here is the main code written in direct style
//////////////////// main code is below ///////////////////
let DFSLoop1 (G:DFSgraph1) =
let mutable t = 0
let mutable s = -1
let rec iter (n:int) (f:'a->unit) (list:'a list) : unit =
match list with
| [] -> (t <- t+1) ; (G.[n].finishingtime <- t)
| x::xs -> f x ; iter n f xs
let rec DFSsub (G:DFSgraph1) (n:int) : unit =
let my_f (j:int) : unit = if not(G.[j].explored1) then (DFSsub G j)
G.[n].explored1 <- true
iter n my_f G.[n].children
for i in num_nodes .. -1 .. 1 do
// printfn "%d" i
if not(G.[i].explored1) then do
s <- i
DFSsub G i
printfn "%d %d" i G.[i].finishingtime
// End of DFSLoop1
DFSLoop1 reversegraph1
printfn "pause"
Console.ReadKey() |> ignore
its not tail recursive, so we use continuations, here is the same code adapted to CPS style:
//////////////////// main code is below ///////////////////
let DFSLoop1 (G:DFSgraph1) =
let mutable t = 0
let mutable s = -1
let rec iter_c (n:int) (f_c:'a->(unit->'r)->'r) (list:'a list) (cont: unit->'r) : 'r =
match list with
| [] -> (t <- t+1) ; (G.[n].finishingtime <- t) ; cont()
| x::xs -> f_c x (fun ()-> iter_c n f_c xs cont)
let rec DFSsub (G:DFSgraph1) (n:int) (cont: unit->'r) : 'r=
let my_f_c (j:int)(cont:unit->'r):'r = if not(G.[j].explored1) then (DFSsub G j cont) else cont()
G.[n].explored1 <- true
iter_c n my_f_c G.[n].children cont
for i in maxnum_nodes .. -1 .. 1 do
// printfn "%d" i
if not(G.[i].explored1) then do
s <- i
DFSsub G i id
printfn "%d %d" i G.[i].finishingtime
DFSLoop1 reversegraph1
printfn "faré"
printfn "pause"
Console.ReadKey() |> ignore
both codes compile and give the same results for the small example (the one in comment) or the same tree that we are using , with a smaller size (1000 instead of 100000)
so i don't think its a bug in the algo here, we've got the same tree structure, just a bigger tree is causing problems. it looks to us the continuations are well written. we've typed the code explicitly. and all calls end with a continuation in all cases...
We are looking for expert advice !!! thanks !!!
I did not try to understand the whole code snippet, because it is fairly long, but you'll certainly need to replace the for loop with an iteration implemented using continuation passing style. Something like:
let rec iterc f cont list =
match list with
| [] -> cont ()
| x::xs -> f x (fun () -> iterc f cont xs)
I didn't understand the purpose of cont in your DFSub function (it is never called, is it?), but the continuation based version would look roughly like this:
let rec DFSsub (G:DFSgraph2)(n:int) cont =
G.[n].explored2 <- true
G.[n].leader <- s
|> iterc
(fun j cont -> if not(G.[j].explored2) then DFSsub G j cont else cont ())
(fun () -> t <- t + 1)
Overflowing the stack when you recurse through hundreds of thousands of entries isn't bad at all, really. A lot of programming language implementations will choke on much shorter recursions than that. You're having serious programmer problems — nothing to be ashamed of!
Now if you want to do deeper recursions than your implementation will handle, you need to transform your algorithm so it is iterative and/or tail-recursive (the two are isomorphic — except that tail-recursion allows for decentralization and modularity, whereas iteration is centralized and non-modular).
To transform an algorithm from recursive to tail-recursive, which is an important skill to possess, you need to understand the state that is implicitly stored in a stack frame, i.e. those free variables in the function body that change across the recursion, and explicitly store them in a FIFO queue (a data structure that replicates your stack, and can be implemented trivially as a linked list). Then you can pass that linked list of reified frame variables as an argument to your tail recursive functions.
In more advanced cases where you have many tail recursive functions each with a different kind of frame, instead of simple self-recursion, you may need to define some mutually recursive data types for the reified stack frames, instead of using a list. But I believe Kosaraju's algorithm only involves self-recursive functions.
OK, so the code given above was the RIGHT code !
the problem lies with the compiler of F#
here is some words about it from Microsoft
Basically, be careful with the settings, in default mode, the compiler may NOT make automatically the tail calls. To do so, in VS2015, go to the Solution Explorer, right click with the mouse and click on "Properties" (the last element of the scrolling list)
Then in the new window, click on "Build" and tick the box "Generate tail calls"
It is also to check if the compiler did its job looking at the disassembly using
you can find the source code for the whole algo in my github repository
on a performance point of view, i'm not very satisfied. The code runs on 36 seconds on my laptop. From the forum with other fellow MOOCers, C/C++/C# typically executes in subsecond to 5s, Java around 10-15, Python around 20-30s.
So my implementation is clearly not optimized. I am now happy to hear about tricks to make it faster !!! thanks !!!!
I have an array of items, from which I'd like to sample.
I was under the impression that a Set would the a good structure to sample from, in a fold where I'd give back the original or a modified set with the retrieved element missing depending if I want replacement of not.
However, there seems to no method to retrieve an element directly from a Set.
Is there something I am missing ? or should I use Set of indices, along with a surrogate function that starts at some random position < Set.count and goes up until it finds a member ?
That is, something along this line
module Seq =
let modulo (n:int) start =
let rec next i = seq { yield (i + 1)%n ; yield! next (i+1)}
next start
module Array =
let Sample (withReplacement:bool) seed (entries:'T array) =
let prng, indexes = new Random(seed), Set(Seq.init (entries |> Array.length) id)
Seq.unfold (fun set -> let N = set |> Set.count
let next = Seq.modulo N (prng.Next(N)) |> Seq.truncate N |> Seq.tryFind(fun i -> set |> Set.exists ((=) i))
if next.IsSome then
Some(entries.[next.Value], if withReplacement then set else Set.remove next.Value set)
Edit : Tracking positively what I gave, instead of tracking what I still can give would make it simpler and more efficient.
For sampling without replacement, you could just permute the source seq and take however many elements you want to sample
let sampleWithoutReplacement n s =
let a = Array.ofSeq s
seq { for i = a.Length downto 1 do
let j = rnd.Next i
yield a.[j]
a.[j] <- a.[i - 1] }
|> Seq.take n
To sample with replacement, just pick a random element n times from the source seq
let sampleWithReplacement n s =
let a = Array.ofSeq s
Seq.init n (fun _ -> a.[rnd.Next(a.Length)])
These may not be the most efficient methods with huge data sets however
Continuing our comments...if you want to randomly sample a sequence without slurping the entire thing into memory you could generate a set of random indices the size of your desired sample (not too different from what you already have):
let rand count max =
|> Seq.unfold (fun r -> Some(r.Next(max), r))
|> Seq.distinct
|> Seq.take count
|> set
let takeSample sampleSize inputSize input =
let indices = rand sampleSize inputSize
|> Seq.mapi (fun idx x ->
if Set.contains idx indices then Some x else None)
|> Seq.choose id
let inputSize = 100000
let input = Seq.init inputSize id
let sample = takeSample 50 inputSize input
printfn "%A" (Seq.toList sample)