Mixpanel Query Events with properties - ruby-on-rails

I'm tracking referral source for how users ended up on a specific page
$mixpanel.track('Page View',
'doctor_profile_id': doctor_uuid,
'patient_profile_id': currentUser.uuid,
'referral_source': 'News Feed', // this could be ['Search', 'Recommendations'] etc
I'd like to be able to query the Mixpanel API and get a count of Page View specifying a parameter such as doctor_profile_id and recieve a response with a count of page views and also counts for the various referral sources.
I was looking at the event endpoint but it looks like you can only get back 'Page Views'. You could accomplish this task by exporting the CSV but that's far from ideal.
Is this the right approach to solving this problem or am I using mixpanel incorrectly?

I was able to do this using the segmentation endpoint


How to search for a message by a specific ts

I am trying to get the parent message of a threaded reply with the Slack API. When a new reply is put, it has a "thread_ts" attached to it, which corrsponds to its parent message's "ts". I tried to do a searchall with the ts as the query but this didn't work. How would I do this?
See Slack's docs on retrieving a single message with channels.history. This "selecting 1 item from a range" approach should also work with other channel history methods and conversations.history.
The easiest way is to provide the thread_ts value you want to look up as the latest parameter to conversations.history, along with the containing channel ID as channel, and a limit of 1 to ask for a single message. You will need the corresponding *:history scope to make the request.
GET /api/conversations.history?token=TOKEN_WITH_CHANNELS_HISTORY_SCOPE&channel=C2EB2QT8A&latest=1476909142.000007&inclusive=true&limit=1

Manipulating SurveyMonkey Results & data

we wud like to webscrape / import surveymonkey results into a html page then approve/decline each survey from/on that page.
We can also use wordpress as a last resort if we must.
Any ideas/tip how we can do this programatically ? Api Tips ???
You can use the SurveyMonkey API to fetch the responses and render them how you like.
You can fetch the survey details like this:
GET /v3/surveys/<survey_id>/details
You can fetch the survey responses like this:
GET /v3/surveys/<survey_id>/responses
You can then join the two data together to fill it out. This may be quite a bit of work to render all that yourself though, you may just want to have a list of edit/analyze URLs (provided in the body when fetching responses) and then click through to SurveyMonkey to view the response and decide.
Fetch them in bulk like this:
GET /v3/surveys/<survey_id>/responses/bulk
and make a table with a list of URLs to work with. You may think of other ideas by looking at the API docs.

Office 365 - Filter on expanded messages

Thanks to How do I retrieve the event for an eventMessage we've sucessfully retrieve now the events in our inbox on o365.
Now our problem is that we want to show the user only events to which he hasn't responded. We've tried things like:
But without success, we still get accepted events. If we try to put it outside in a filter
we get an error like "message": "The query filter contains one or more invalid nodes."
Is there an easy way to achieve that without a filtering inside the application?
It seems that ResponseStatus/Response is marked as not filterable, so this cannot be achieved in this fashion

Using Adobe DTM to track CSS-based show/hide events

I'm having some trouble figuring out the best way to get ADTM to fire when I show or hide a piece of content on one of my pages. Note, I'm simply toggling the style.display, not retrieving and inserting via AJAX.
I gather that it would be some sort of Event Base Rule with a custom condition to test the style.display value, but I'm unsure of which event I should actually be using. The closest one would seem to be "element exists", but that seems to only be for testing the presence of DOM nodes.
Any help greatly appreciated.
The way to do this would be to use the "Enters Viewport" option. When the item visibility is set to display and the user can see the content then this event is triggered.
** Great DTM Content *******
DTM Blog Posts: http://blogs.adobe.com/digitalmarketing/tag/dynamic-tag-management/
Full DTM Demo..no slides…just live demo: https://outv.omniture.com/play/?v=B5ODcybDozpBfRAARKiVrQ7V9lMtrD1C

How to view all tracked visitors in Google Analytics in main URL without tracking code

We use Marketo and it adds an ID for every unique visitor. This presents a problem when I want to view all visitors that have filled out our contact form. The main page is:
So when I get results from Google on the thank you page it shows up like so in a giant list like below:
78. /ContactSales_ThankyouConfirm.html?aliId=25026187
79. /ContactSales_ThankyouConfirm.html?aliId=25027907
80. /ContactSales_ThankyouConfirm.html?aliId=25028288
81. /ContactSales_ThankyouConfirm.html?aliId=25028314
Hoping someone can help me figure out how to filter out the tracking code beyond /EnterpriseDemoRequest_ThankyouConfirm.html
You should aliId as an excluded URL query parameter in Admin > Profile > Settings:
This change is to be done at the "Profile" (now labelled "View") level. As such, it will only apply to future data.
