I am working on palm print identification by palm texture and geometry. i want to binarized hand image in preprocessing step for extracting geometry features like palm width and finger width.
i have used Gaussian filter for reduced noise and Otsu method for thresholding but I could not reach Optimal image! i was wondering if someone help me!
my database downloaded from "IIT Delhi Touch-less Palm print "
h= fspecial('gaussian', 15,5);
I have tried the following code and getting some promising result on your dropbox images. you can try it and share your results for further approach.
clear all
close all
impath = 'E:\GoogleDrive\Mathworks\irisDEt\HandSeg';
[name,path] = uigetfile({'*.jpg';'*.png'},'mytitle',impath);
im =imread([path,name]);
im = imresize(im,0.5);
gms = 15;
red = im(:,:,1);
redmed = medfilt2(red,[gms,gms],'symmetric');
redmedbw = im2bw(redmed,0.9*graythresh(redmed));
redmedbw = bwareaopen(redmedbw,1500);
redmedbw = imclose(redmedbw,strel('disk',5));
My results are:
Code for signature estimation of the structure and extraction on critical(peaks and vallys) from the structure:
function [sig,xysamp,idx]= signature(bw,prec)
boundry = bwboundaries(bw);
xy = boundry{1};
x = xy(:,1);
y = xy(:,2);
len = length(x);
res = (len/prec);
re = rem(res,2);
if re
res = ceil(res);
indexes = 1:res:len;
xnew = x(indexes);
ynew = y(indexes);
xysamp = [xnew,ynew] ;
cx = round(mean(xnew));
cy = round(mean(ynew));
xn = abs(xnew-cx);
yn = abs(ynew-cy);
% ang = atand(yn./xn);
sig = (xn.^2+yn.^2);
sig = sig/max(sig);
% Critical Points in Signatures.
diffsig = diff(sig);
% pos = zeros(length(diffsig),1);
idx = 1;
for i = 2:length(diffsig)
if diffsig(i-1)*diffsig(i) <0
idx = [idx,i];
idx = [idx,i];
Here idx are the indexes of xysamp which gives actual boundry location in the image. the location of peaks and vallys may not be exact as i m doing sampling of boundry and it is a very simple way to approach the structural based problems.
Thank You
Result of critical point extraction:
(There is a solid line at C and a faint line at T)
I want to detect the line at T. Currently I am using opencv to locate the qr code and rotate the image until the qr code is upright. Then I calculate the approximate location of the C and T mark by using the coordinates of the qr code. Then my code will scan along the y axis down and detect there are difference in the Green and Blue values.
My problem is, even if the T line is as faint as shown, it should be regarded as positive. How could I make a better detection?
I cropped out just the white strip since I assume you have a way of finding it already. Since we're looking for red, I changed to the LAB colorspace and looked on the "a" channel.
Note: all images of the strip have been transposed (np.transpose) for viewing convenience, it's not that way in the code.
the A channel
I did a linear reframe to improve the contrast
The image is super noisy. Again, I'm not sure if this is from the camera or the jpg compression. I averaged each row to smooth out some of the nonsense.
I graphed the intensities (x-vals were the row index)
Use a mean filter to smooth out the graph
I ran a mountain climber algorithm to look for peaks and valleys
And then I filtered for peaks with a climb greater than 10 (the second highest peak has a climb of 25.5, the third highest is 4.4).
Using these peaks we can determine that there are two lines and they are (about) here:
import cv2
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# returns direction of gradient
# 1 if positive, -1 if negative, 0 if flat
def getDirection(one, two):
dx = two - one;
if dx == 0:
return 0;
if dx > 0:
return 1;
return -1;
# detects and returns peaks and valleys
def mountainClimber(vals, minClimb):
# init trackers
last_valley = vals[0];
last_peak = vals[0];
last_val = vals[0];
last_dir = getDirection(vals[0], vals[1]);
# get climbing
peak_valley = []; # index, height, climb (positive for peaks, negative for valleys)
for a in range(1, len(vals)):
# get current direction
sign = getDirection(last_val, vals[a]);
last_val = vals[a];
# if not equal, check gradient
if sign != 0:
if sign != last_dir:
# change in gradient, record peak or valley
# peak
if last_dir > 0:
last_peak = vals[a];
climb = last_peak - last_valley;
climb = round(climb, 2);
peak_valley.append([a, vals[a], climb]);
# valley
last_valley = vals[a];
climb = last_valley - last_peak;
climb = round(climb, 2);
peak_valley.append([a, vals[a], climb]);
# change direction
last_dir = sign;
# filter out very small climbs
filtered_pv = [];
for dot in peak_valley:
if abs(dot[2]) > minClimb:
return filtered_pv;
# run an mean filter over the graph values
def meanFilter(vals, size):
fil = [];
filtered_vals = [];
for val in vals:
# check if full
if len(fil) >= size:
# pop front
fil = fil[1:];
filtered_vals.append(sum(fil) / size);
return filtered_vals;
# averages each row (also gets graph values while we're here)
def smushRows(img):
vals = [];
h,w = img.shape[:2];
for y in range(h):
ave = np.average(img[y, :]);
img[y, :] = ave;
return vals;
# linear reframe [min1, max1] -> [min2, max2]
def reframe(img, min1, max1, min2, max2):
copy = img.astype(np.float32);
copy -= min1;
copy /= (max1 - min1);
copy *= (max2 - min2);
copy += min2;
return copy.astype(np.uint8);
# load image
img = cv2.imread("strip.png");
# resize
scale = 2;
h,w = img.shape[:2];
h = int(h*scale);
w = int(w*scale);
img = cv2.resize(img, (w,h));
# lab colorspace
lab = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2LAB);
l,a,b = cv2.split(lab);
# stretch contrast
low = np.min(a);
high = np.max(a);
a = reframe(a, low, high, 0, 255);
# smush and get graph values
vals = smushRows(a);
# filter and round values
mean_filter_size = 20;
filtered_vals = meanFilter(vals, mean_filter_size);
for ind in range(len(filtered_vals)):
filtered_vals[ind] = round(filtered_vals[ind], 2);
# get peaks and valleys
pv = mountainClimber(filtered_vals, 1);
# pull x and y values
pv_x = [ind[0] for ind in pv];
pv_y = [ind[1] for ind in pv];
# find big peaks
big_peaks = [];
for dot in pv:
if dot[2] > 10: # climb filter size
# make plot points for the two best
tops_x = [dot[0] for dot in big_peaks];
tops_y = [dot[1] for dot in big_peaks];
# plot
x = [index for index in range(len(filtered_vals))];
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.plot(x, filtered_vals);
ax.plot(pv_x, pv_y, 'og');
ax.plot(tops_x, tops_y, 'vr');
# draw on original image
h,w = img.shape[:2];
for dot in big_peaks:
y = int(dot[0] + mean_filter_size / 2.0); # adjust for mean filter cutting
cv2.line(img, (0, y), (w,y), (100,200,0), 2);
# show
cv2.imshow("a", a);
cv2.imshow("strip", img);
I was wondering why the lines seemed so off, then I realized that I forgot to account for the fact that the meanFilter reduces the size of the list (it cuts from the front and back). I've updated to take that into account.
I've a big issue with continuous wavelet transform. I've created this signal
t = 0:1/2000:1-1/2000;
dt = 1/2000;
x1 = sin(50*pi*t).*exp(-50*pi*(t-0.2).^2);
x2 = sin(50*pi*t).*exp(-100*pi*(t-0.5).^2);
x3 = 2*cos(140*pi*t).*exp(-50*pi*(t-0.2).^2);
x4 = 2*sin(140*pi*t).*exp(-80*pi*(t-0.8).^2);
x = x1+x2+x3+x4;
And its rappresentation on time is
Than I computed its Fourier Transform in the classic way
Ts =1/Fs;
N = length(x);
t = 0:Ts:Ts*N-Ts;
FTx = fft(x,N);
S = (abs(FTx).^2)/N; %amplitude
f_FT = (0:Fs/N:Fs-Fs/N);
S = S(1:N/2); % i reject half signal
f_FT = f_FT(1:N/2);
And its rappresentation is
I computed the continuous wavelet transform using the function cwtft
s0 = 2;
a0 = 2^(1/32);
scales = (s0*a0.^(32:7*32)).*dt;
cwtx = cwtft({x,dt},'Scales',scales,'Wavelet',{'bump',[4 0.9]});
xlabel('Seconds'), ylabel('Hz');
grid on;
title('Analytic CWT using Bump Wavelet')
hcol = colorbar;
hcol.Label.String = 'Magnitude';
I don't know what magnitude rappresent, and specially why it differs so much with the values obtained with the classic FFT. Is there a way to convert it?
Thank you so much
There are two dimensions present here: Time and Frequency (Scale). The third dimension, which is magnitude or amplitude, shows the intensity of your frequencies (scales, which in wavelets scales are the inverse of frequencies) in those local times.
I guess it is much simpler than what I just explained. You are basically looking at a similar image to these three dimensions from the top in your last image in the question:
Machine Learning with Signal Processing Techniques
I am trying to create a program in GNU Octave to draw a histogram showing the fundamental and harmonics of a modified sinewave (the output from an SCR dimmer, which consists of a sinewave which is at zero until part way through the wave).
I've been able to generate the waveform and perform FFT to get a set of Frequency vs Amplitude points, however I am not sure how to convert this data into bins suitable for generating a histogram.
Sample code and an image of what I'm after below - thanks for the help!
vrms = 120;
freq = 60;
nCycles = 2;
level = 25;
vpeak = sqrt(2) * vrms;
sampleinterval = 0.00001;
num_harmonics = 10
% Draw the waveform
x = 0 : sampleinterval : nCycles * 1 / freq; % time in sampleinterval increments
dimmed_wave = [];
undimmed_wave = [];
for i = 1 : columns(x)
rad_value = x(i) * 2 * pi * freq;
off_time = mod(rad_value, pi);
on_time = pi*(100-level)/100;
if (off_time < on_time)
dimmed_wave = [dimmed_wave, 0]; % in the dimmed period, value is zero
dimmed_wave = [dimmed_wave, sin(rad_value)]; % when not dimmed, value = sine
undimmed_wave = [undimmed_wave, sin(rad_value)];
y = dimmed_wave * vpeak; % calculate instantaneous voltage
undimmed = undimmed_wave * vpeak;
plot(x*1000, y, '-', x*1000, undimmed, '--');
xlabel ("Time (ms)");
ylabel ("Voltage");
% Fourier Transform to determine harmonics
N = length(dimmed_wave); % number of points
fft_vals = abs(fftshift(fft(dimmed_wave))); % perform fft
frequency = [ -(ceil((N-1)/2):-1:1) ,0 ,(1:floor((N-1)/2)) ] * 1 / (N *sampleinterval);
plot(frequency, fft_vals);
xlabel ("Frequency");
ylabel ("Amplitude");
You know your base frequency (fundamental tone), let's call it F. 2*F is the second harmonic, 3*F the third, etc. You want to set histogram bin edges halfway between these: 1.5*F, 2.5*F, etc.
You have two periods in your input signal, therefore your (integer) base frequency is k=2 (the value at fft_vals[k+1], the first peak in your plot). The second harmonic is at k=4, the third one at k=6, etc.
So you would set your bins edges at k = 1:2:end.
In general, this would be k = nCycles/2:nCycles:end.
You can compute your bar graph according to our computed bin edges as follows:
fft_vals = abs(fft(dimmed_wave));
nHarmonics = 9;
edges = nCycles/2 + (0:nHarmonics)*nCycles;
H = cumsum(fft_vals);
H = diff(H(edges));
I have tried to extract the dark line inside very noisy images without success. Some tips?
My current steps for the first example:
1) Clahe: with clip_limit = 10 and grid_size = (8,8)
2) Box Filter: with size = (5,5)
3) Inverted Image: 255 - image
4) Threshold: when inverted_image < 64
I have performed some preprocessing steps to improve the quality of tested images. I adjusted my ROI mask to crop top and down (because they are low intensities) and added a illumination correction to see better the line. Follow below the current images:
Even though the images are noisy, you are only looking for straight lines towards the north of image. So, why don't use some kind of matched filter with morphological operations?
EDIT: I have modified it.
1) Use median filter along the x and y axis, and normalize the images.
2) Matched filter with all possible orientations of lines.
% im=imread('JwXON.png');
% im=imread('Fiy72.png');
% im=imread('Ya9AN.png');
matchesx = fl(im, 1);
matchesy = fl(im, 0);
matches = matchesx + matchesy;
[x, y] = find(matches);
imagesc(imOrig), axis image
hold on, plot(y, x, 'r.', 'MarkerSize',5)
colormap gray
function matches = fl(im, direc)
if size(im,3)~=1
im = double(rgb2gray(im));
[n, m] = size(im);
mask = bwmorph(imfill(im>0,'holes'),'thin',10);
indNaN=find(im==0); im=255-im; im(indNaN)=0;
N = n - numel(find(im(:,ceil(m/2))==0));
N = ceil(N*0.8); % possible line length
% Normalize the image with median filter
if direc
background= medfilt2(im,[1,30],'symmetric');
thetas = 31:149;
background= medfilt2(im,[30,1],'symmetric');
thetas = [1:30 150:179];
normIm = im - background;
% initialize matched filter result
% search for different angles of lines
for theta=thetas
normIm2 = imclose(normIm>0,strel('line',5,theta));
normIm3 = imopen(normIm2>0,strel('line',N,theta));
matches = matches + normIm3;
% eliminate false alarms
matches = imclose(matches,strel('disk',2));
matches = matches>3 & mask;
matches = bwareaopen(matches,100);
I'm trying to implement Otsu binarization technique on document images such as the one shown:
Could someone please tell me how to implement the code in MATLAB?
Taken from Otsu's method on Wikipedia
I = imread('cameraman.tif');
Step 1. Compute histogram and probabilities of each intensity level.
nbins = 256; % Number of bins
counts = imhist(I,nbins); % Each intensity increments the histogram from 0 to 255
p = counts / sum(counts); % Probabilities
Step 2. Set up initial omega_i(0) and mu_i(0)
omega1 = 0;
omega2 = 1;
mu1 = 0;
mu2 = mean(I(:));
Step 3. Step through all possible thresholds from 0 to maximum intensity (255)
Step 3.1 Update omega_i and mu_i
Step 3.2 Compute sigma_b_squared
for t = 1:nbins
omega1(t) = sum(p(1:t));
omega2(t) = sum(p(t+1:end));
mu1(t) = sum(p(1:t).*(1:t)');
mu2(t) = sum(p(t+1:end).*(t+1:nbins)');
sigma_b_squared_wiki = omega1 .* omega2 .* (mu2-mu1).^2; % Eq. (14)
sigma_b_squared_otsu = (mu1(end) .* omega1-mu1) .^2 ./(omega1 .* (1-omega1)); % Eq. (18)
Step 4 Desired threshold corresponds to the location of maximum of sigma_b_squared
[~,thres_level_wiki] = max(sigma_b_squared_wiki);
[~,thres_level_otsu] = max(sigma_b_squared_otsu);
There are some differences between the wiki-version eq. (14) in Otsu and the eq. (18), and I don't why. But the thres_level_otsu correspond to the MATLAB's implementation graythresh(I)
Since the function graythresh in Matlab implements the Otsu method, what you have to do is convert your image to grayscale and then use the im2bw function to binarize the image using the threhsold level returned by graythresh.
To convert your image I to grayscale you can use the following code:
I = im2uint8(I);
if size(I,3) ~= 1
I = rgb2gray(I);
To get the binary image Ib using the Otsu's method, use the following code:
Ib = im2bw(I, graythresh(I));
You should get the following result:
Starting out with what your initial question was implementing the OTSU thresolding its true that MATLAB's graythresh function is based on that method
The OTSU's method considers the threshold value as the valley between two peaks that is one of the foreground pixels and the other of the background pixels
Pertaining to your image which seems like a historical manuscript found this paper that compares all the methods that could be used for thresholding document images
You can also download and read up sauvola thresholding from here
Good luck with its implementation =)
Corrected MATLAB Implementation (for 2d matrix)
function [T] = myotsu(I,N);
% create histogram
nbins = N;
[x,h] = hist(I(:),nbins);
% calculate probabilities
p = x./sum(x);
% initialisation
om1 = 0;
om2 = 1;
mu1 = 0;
mu2 = mode(I(:));
for t = 1:nbins,
om1(t) = sum(p(1:t));
om2(t) = sum(p(t+1:nbins));
mu1(t) = sum(p(1:t).*[1:t]);
mu2(t) = sum(p(t+1:nbins).*[t+1:nbins]);
sigma = (mu1(nbins).*om1-mu1).^2./(om1.*(1-om1));
idx = find(sigma == max(sigma));
T = h(idx(1));