Spring MVC Rest environment profiles - spring-profiles

I want to be able to use different application.properties in my MVC REST app. I've created application-.properties for each of my enironments. I only managed to get this to work by setting -Dmyapp.env= then adding
<context:property-placeholder location="classpath:application- ${myapp.env}.properties" />
I was looking at spring profiles and thought that I could have an application.properties and in that file set spring.profiles.active= and the specific application-.properties file would also be read and override any proeprties set in the application.properties.. but I could not get this to work and I notice that the docs mention that this work with spring boot..
Is there a way to get this to work with a web app(not spring boot)

I can't seem to get profiles to work the way I want. Basically, I wanted to be able to have a base properties file. Then have environment specific property files where the same property would override the base one.. So this is what I found in lieu of using profiles..
<beans:bean class="org.springframework.beans.factory.config.PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer">
<beans:property name="locations">
<beans:value>classpath:application- ${myenv}.properties</beans:value>
<beans:property name="ignoreResourceNotFound" value="true"/>
I can set a system property for 'myenv' to get the override properties.. If the system property is not defined it will just read the base file


security.xml to java config how to reference position="LAST"

So, I'm trying to migrate to Spring Security 4.0.4 and use java config in stead of security.xml
How do I implement
<custom-filter ref="userAgentFilter" before="LAST" />
in java config
http.addFilterBefore(new UserAgentFilter(),LAST??)
There is no concept of "LAST" in Spring Security Java Configuration. Everything is ordered based on the Filter class. Instead, you can insert it after your last Filter. For example
.addFilterAfter(filter, SwitchUserFilter.class)

Programmatically enable or disable anonymous authentication in IIS

I have a web application and I need to provide its users the option to switch login method from FormsAuth to WindowsAuth. I managed to change the web.config file via code:
Configuration config = WebConfigurationManager.OpenWebConfiguration(Url.Content("~"));
AuthenticationSection auth = ((AuthenticationSection)(config.SectionGroups["system.web"].Sections["authentication"]));
auth.Mode = AuthenticationMode.Windows; // Or Forms if I want to.
But the problem is, when I use FormsAuth, I need the Anonymouse Authentication option to be turned on, and when I use WinAuth, I need it to be off. And I just cannot find the way to change that option via code.
Everything on the internet says to do this:
<anonymousAuthentication enabled="false/true" />
But when I insert this into my webapp's web.config it says that configuration is wrong. Than I read this might work in another config file, like appHost.config or something like that but I prefer to make changes only to my own application and not to IIS I hope you understand why.
So, how can I do that?
You are trying to update wrong section. anonymousAuthentication is part of system.webServer and not system.web. Correct configuration is
<anonymousAuthentication enabled="true" />
You can modify it using ServerManager class found in Microsoft.Web.Administration. Search for nugget package "Microsoft.Web.Administration". Once you have added reference to Microsoft.Web.Administration.dll using nugget you can modify it using code as follows:
using (ServerManager serverManager = new ServerManager())
Microsoft.Web.Administration.Configuration config = serverManager.GetApplicationHostConfiguration();
Microsoft.Web.Administration.ConfigurationSection anonymousAuthenticationSection = config.GetSection("system.webServer/security/authentication/anonymousAuthentication");
anonymousAuthenticationSection["enabled"] = true;
Okay, so, turned out I could not find a way to dynamically change the auth mode, but I found pretty neat solution to the problem: I have created another web application, nested it inside the first one, had set Forms Auth mode for the first one and Windows for the nested and whenever I needed to use IIS's power to work with domain, user groups etc, I used a redirect from one to another, passing data by cookies and as url parameters.

Configure spring security ldap-server attribute to use different url based on deployed environment

We are using spring security and have it working well. I am trying to figure out one thing that has not being obvious - how do I configure ldap-server attribute to use different url based on deployed environment?
This is what I have that is working:
<ldap-server url="ldap://testserver:port/o=blah" manager-dn="cn=bind,ou=Users,o=blah" manager-password="password"/>
<authentication-manager id="authenticationManager" alias="authenticationManager">
Now, how do I configure it to use a different url based on deployed environment?
thanks in advance,
I've done that with Spring profiles:
In your spring.*.xml config file use this at the end of your file:
<beans profile="production">
<beans profile="local">
As VM Arguments the used profile must be provided:
You can use the url as variables and set them in a properties file.
To change the properties file should be easier. I know you can do that with Maven - with jar or war plugin depending on packaging, including generating two (or more) packages with one execution - but I suppose you can with Ant or other managers too.
Of course, you could use that solution to change the whole xml, but it's easier to do that with a properties file because that way, when changing the configuration, the markup will not be in the way, only variables and values.

Blueprint dependency injection within a bundle

I've come across a case where I want to use Blueprint (Aries) to resolve a dependency at run-time and the implementation is defined in the same bundle which requires it and will not be used in any other bundles. I am abstracting the implementation within this bundle to make it easier to mock the dependency when unit testing. If I put this service in its own bundle, it would lead to poor cohesion.
At run-time, the Blueprint says it is waiting for dependencies. How can I use Blueprint to realize dependency injection within a bundle?
<!-- Interface -->
<reference id="modelEntityMapper" interface="org.example.blog.rest.cxf.server.model.ModelEntityMapper" />
<!-- Implementation defined within same bundle -->
<bean id="modelEntityMapperImpl" class="org.example.blog.rest.cxf.server.model.impl.ModelEntityMapperImpl" />
<service ref="modelEntityMapperImpl" interface="org.example.blog.rest.cxf.server.model.ModelEntityMapper" />
<!-- Object which has dependency -->
<bean id="posts" class="org.example.blog.rest.cxf.server.BlogResourceImpl">
<property name="modelEntityMapper" ref="modelEntityMapper" />
I just tried the suggestion from #christian-scheider and Blueprint is still waiting for some service to satisfy ModelEntityMapper
<!-- Interface -->
<reference id="modelEntityMapper" interface="org.example.blog.rest.cxf.server.model.ModelEntityMapper" />
<!-- Implementation defined within same bundle -->
<bean id="modelEntityMapperImpl" class="org.example.blog.rest.cxf.server.model.impl.ModelEntityMapperImpl" />
<!-- Object which has dependency -->
<bean id="posts" class="org.example.blog.rest.cxf.server.BlogResourceImpl">
<property name="modelEntityMapper" ref="modelEntityMapperImpl" />
The Log
Bundle rest-cxf-server is waiting for dependencies [(objectClass=org.example.blog.rest.cxf.server.model.ModelEntityMapper)]
Can you just refer to the bean of the service directly? If you define the service and the service reference in the same blueprint file then using an OSGi service does not make that much sense.
I was unable to find detailed documentation on the Aries site related to referencing in bundles, so I'm going to reference the Eclipse Gemini Blueprint implementation documentation (formerly Spring Dynamic Modules). See the warning in section of their documentation. Yes, technically this is related to their implementation, but I believe it's likely a similar story in Aries.
It is an error to declare a mandatory reference to a service that is also exported by the same bundle, this behaviour can cause application context creation to fail through either deadlock or timeout.
In a nutshell you typically either import (reference) an OSGi service or you export an OSGi service in the same bundle, usually you don't try to do both in a single bundle.
If you want this bundle to export a service of type ModelEntityMapper, then you'll need to export it with the service element. When other beans need a reference within the same bundle, you would use the ref attribute like you're using it. In this case, you would not need the reference element at all, but instead use the service element.
If you're not going to use the ModelEntityMapper bean outside of this bundle, you don't need to use a reference or service element in the configuration at all. You should be able to use it in the ref attribute without exporting it as an OSGi service - it's basically a bean internal to that bundle. In this case, you should be able to remove the reference element altogether: the <bean id="modelEntityMapperImpl" ... will create a bean internal to the bundle, and the <property name="modelEntityMapper" ref="modelEntityMapperImpl" /> element should be able to use that bean internally to the bundle.
If you want to import a reference of type ModelEntityMapper from OSGi if available, else use an internally defined fallback, that gets more complicated. You'd have to declare a non-mandatory reference and inject that reference into your class along with the internally defined bean and then have defaulting logic that checks the availability of them. Alternatively you could just define the implementation in a separate bundle from the interface.

Valid <property> names in Ant

I'd like to set some properties in my ant build file, the names of which, are based on ant's build in properties. In particular, I'd like to set a property like:
<property name="${ant.project.name}.compiled" value="true" />
However, when I tried this the ${ant.project.home} portion was not expanded.
Is it possible to use the value of properties as the names of other properties, and if so, how?
<property name="name.holder" value="iamholder" />
<property name="${name.holder}.flag" value="true" />
[echoproperties] iamholder.flag=true
this is definitely valid ant code and the property iamholder.flag gets the value of true.
If ${name.holder} does not get expanded, it means it has not been set yet (like if the first line in my sample was missing).
Anyways, this still does not quite solve your problem, as you have pretty much no means of getting the value of this property as you don't know it's name and you can't do a nested resolve in pure ant. Depending on what you are trying to do it could still be useful to you though. This one would work (keep in mind, that until 1.8 the value is irrelevant as long as the property is set):
<target name="compile_stuff" unless="${name.holder}.flag">
To really get the value of such a property you have to use ant-contrib's propertycopy as suggested in one of the answers. That way you can get the value in a property whose name you know. Just make sure to do the trick just before use and set the override parameter to true (your post implies that you would be setting more properties like these, but without override your final property could not be changed). Another option for working with such properties is to use ant macros.
I think the only way is to echo your values to a .properties file and then load them back.
However, you should ask yourself if you really need it; when I last used ant I tried to do the same thing but concluded I didn't really need to.
not just as useful?
It can be done, a bit ugly, though. You need the < propertycopy > task from ant-contrib for this. The following shows an example
<property name="projectNameCompiled" value="${ant.project.name}.compiled" />
<property name="${projectNameCompiled}" value="true" />
<propertycopy property="final" from="${ant.project.name}.compiled" />
The property final contains the value true.
There are several ways to achieve that, see Ant FAQ
One possible solution via macrodef simulates the antcontrib / propertycopy task but doesn't need any external library.
