Given the same binary input image (up to inversion), is there a guarantee that the labels in the images returned by all the following functions are all consistent?
cv::distanceTransform() (version with labels)
Does this appear in the docs anywhere?
If you pass to distanceTransform a binary image inverted with respect to connectedComponents or connectedComponentsWithStats, the labels are computed the same way and will be consistent.
I was not able to find any reference in the doc, but the labels will be computed by the same algorithm (connectedComponents_sub1) in all cases.
int cv::connectedComponents(InputArray _img, OutputArray _labels, int connectivity, int ltype){
const cv::Mat img = _img.getMat();
_labels.create(img.size(), CV_MAT_DEPTH(ltype));
cv::Mat labels = _labels.getMat();
connectedcomponents::NoOp sop;
if(ltype == CV_16U){
return connectedComponents_sub1(img, labels, connectivity, sop);
}else if(ltype == CV_32S){
return connectedComponents_sub1(img, labels, connectivity, sop);
CV_Error(CV_StsUnsupportedFormat, "the type of labels must be 16u or 32s");
return 0;
int cv::connectedComponentsWithStats(InputArray _img, OutputArray _labels, OutputArray statsv,
OutputArray centroids, int connectivity, int ltype)
const cv::Mat img = _img.getMat();
_labels.create(img.size(), CV_MAT_DEPTH(ltype));
cv::Mat labels = _labels.getMat();
connectedcomponents::CCStatsOp sop(statsv, centroids);
if(ltype == CV_16U){
return connectedComponents_sub1(img, labels, connectivity, sop);
}else if(ltype == CV_32S){
return connectedComponents_sub1(img, labels, connectivity, sop);
CV_Error(CV_StsUnsupportedFormat, "the type of labels must be 16u or 32s");
return 0;
As you can see, the labeling part is performed by the connectedComponents_sub1 function in both cases. The only difference between the two is the statistic computation: connectedcomponents::NoOp versus connectedcomponents::CCStatsOp, not relevant for label computation.
void cv::distanceTransform( InputArray _src, OutputArray _dst, OutputArray _labels,
int distType, int maskSize, int labelType )
if( labelType == CV_DIST_LABEL_CCOMP )
Mat zpix = src == 0;
connectedComponents(zpix, labels, 8, CV_32S);
The labels are computed internally by the function connectedComponents.
I have the following code:
//newImg is a mat of an image and orderedKeyPoint is the result from Fast
cv::FREAK extractor;
cv::Mat queryDescriptors;
extractor.compute(newImg, orderedKeyPoint, queryDescriptors);
I am trying to access individual freak descriptors using< ???>(r,0) where r is an arbitrary valid row value but I am not sure of the type. All documentation states that it is just a descriptor, but is that of type Mat or double or something else? Is this the best way of doing it?
cv::Mat descriptor2 =<cv::Mat>(2,0);
I would like to be able to reconstruct queryDescriptors (Mat of descriptors) from individual descriptors by taking them and putting them in the row values of a cv::Mat, ex:<cv::Mat>(2,0) = descriptor2;
Any help or insight would be greatly appreciated,
the FREAK descriptor is a uchar Mat with 64 cols and numkeypoints rows.
so, to get to an element of it:
uchar elm =<uchar>(row,col);
where row is the keypoint id, and col is the element id.
If you have a look into \opencv\modules\features2d\src\freak.cpp you can see:
int FREAK::descriptorSize() const
return FREAK_NB_PAIRS / 8; // descriptor length in bytes
int FREAK::descriptorType() const
return CV_8U;
int FREAK::defaultNorm() const
So uchar seems to be the type as berak already suggested.
I am trying to print cv::Mat which contains my image. However whenever I print the Mat using cout, a 2D array printed into my text file. I want to print one one pixel in one line only. How can i print line wise pixels from cv::Mat.
A generic for_each loop, you could use it to print your data
*#brief implement details of for_each_channel, user should not use this function
template<typename T, typename UnaryFunc>
UnaryFunc for_each_channel_impl(cv::Mat &input, int channel, UnaryFunc func)
int const rows = input.rows;
int const cols = input.cols;
int const channels = input.channels();
for(int row = 0; row != rows; ++row){
auto *input_ptr = input.ptr<T>(row) + channel;
for(int col = 0; col != cols; ++col){
input_ptr += channels;
return func;
use it like
for_each_channel_impl<uchar>(input, 0, [](uchar a){ std::cout<<(size_t)a<<", "; });
you could do some optimization to continuous channel, then it may looks like
*#brief apply stl like for_each algorithm on a channel
* #param
* T : the type of the channel(ex, uchar, float, double and so on)
* #param
* channel : the channel need to apply for_each algorithm
* #param
* func : Unary function that accepts an element in the range as argument
*#return :
* return func
template<typename T, typename UnaryFunc>
inline UnaryFunc for_each_channel(cv::Mat &input, int channel, UnaryFunc func)
if(input.channels() == 1 && input.isContinuous()){
return for_each_continuous_channels<T>(input, func);
return for_each_channel_impl<T>(input, channel, func);
This kind of generic loopsave me a lot of times, I hope you find it helpful.If there are
any bugs, or you have better idea, please tell me.
I would like to design some generic algorithms for opencl too, sadly it do not support
template, I hope one day CUDA will become an open standard, or opencl will support template.
This works for any number of channels as long as the channels type are base on byte, non-byte
channel may not work.
I am new to OpenCV and I want to select a particular region in the video/image for detection. In my case I want to detect cars that are only in the road not in the parking lot.
Well, selecting cars requires use of training data. But to select an ROI (region of interest) is fairly simple:
Consider img = cv2.imread(image)
In that case, somewhere in your code, you can specify a region this way:
sub_image = img[y:y+h, x:x+w]
That will get the ROI once you specify the values, of course, not using 'x' or 'y', where h is the height and w is the width. Remember that images are just 2D matrices.
Use CascadeClassifier() to select the car(s) from the image(s). Documentation is found here. OpenCV comes packed with training data you can use to make classifications in the form of XML files.
If you want to manually select a region of interest (ROI) to do some processing on it, then you may trying using mouse click event to select start and stop points of your ROI.
Once you have start and stop point you can use it to retrieve image from selected region.
The can be done on image or capture video frame.
bool roi_captured = false;
Point pt1, pt2;
Mat cap_img;
//Callback for mousclick event, the x-y coordinate of mouse button-up and button-down
//are stored in two points pt1, pt2.
void mouse_click(int event, int x, int y, int flags, void *param)
std::cout<<"Mouse Pressed"<<std::endl;
pt1.x = x;
pt1.y = y;
std::cout<<"ROI Already Acquired"<<std::endl;
Mat cl;
std::cout<<"Mouse LBUTTON Released"<<std::endl;
pt2.x = x;
pt2.y = y;
cl = cap_img.clone();
Mat roi(cl, Rect(pt1, pt2));
Mat prev_imgT = roi.clone();
std::cout<<"PT1"<<pt1.x<<", "<<pt1.y<<std::endl;
got_roi = true;
std::cout<<"ROI Already Acquired"<<std::endl;
//In main open video and wait for roi event to complete by the use.
// You capture roi in pt1 and pt2 you can use the same coordinates for processing // //subsequent frame
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
int frame_num = 0;
int non_decode_frame =0;
int count = 1, idx =0;
int frame_pos =0;
std::cout<<"Video File "<<argv[1]<<std::endl;
cv::VideoCapture input_video(argv[1]);
cvSetMouseCallback("My_Win", mouse_click, 0);
imshow("My_Win", cap_img);
//Wait here till user select the desire ROI
std::cout<<"Got ROI disp prev and curr image"<<std::endl;
std::cout<<"PT1"<<pt1.x<<" "<<pt1.y<<std::endl;
std::cout<<"PT2"<<pt2.x<<" "<<pt2.y<<std::endl;
Mat curr_img_t1;
Mat roi2(cap_img,Rect(pt1, pt2));
Mat curr_imgT = roi2.clone();
cvtColor(curr_imgT, curr_img_t1, CV_RGB2GRAY);
imshow("curr_img", curr_img);
// Do remaining processing here on capture roi for every frame
You didn't tag in what programming language you are writing with. Anyway, I answer you in python. (You can easily convert it to C++ if you want)
def mouse_drawing(event, x, y, flags, params):
if event == cv2.EVENT_LBUTTONDOWN:
car = img[y: y + carheight, x: x + carwidth]
cv2.imwrite("car", car)
cv2.setMouseCallback("my_img", mouse_drawing)
while True:
cv2.imshow("my_img", img)
key = cv2.waitKey(1)
if key == 27:
As in other answers was told, if you want to find cars automatically, that would be another problem and has to do with training data and other things.
I am passing a Mat to another function and changing it inside the called function. I had expected that being a more complex type it was automatically passed by reference so that the matrix would have changed in the calling function, but it doesn't. Could someone point me at the explanation of how to correctly return a changed Mat from a function?
Here's the code snippet:
void callingFunction(Mat img)
Mat tst(100,500,CV_8UC3, Scalar(0,255,0));
saveImg(tst, "Original image", true);
saveImg(tst, "Want it to be same as inside testImg but is same as Original", true);
void testImg(Mat img)
int rs = 50; // rows
int cs = 100; // columns
img = Mat(rs, cs, CV_8UC3, Scalar(255,0,0));
Mat roi(img, Rect(0, 0, cs, rs/2));
roi = Scalar(0,0,255); // change a subsection to a different color
saveImg(img, "inside testImg", true);
You have to define Mat as parameter-reference (&). Here's edited code:
void callingFunction(Mat& img)
Mat tst(100,500,CV_8UC3, Scalar(0,255,0));
saveImg(tst, "Original image", true);
saveImg(tst, "Want it to be same as inside testImg but is same as Original", true);
void testImg(Mat& img)
int rs = 50; // rows
int cs = 100; // columns
img = Mat(rs, cs, CV_8UC3, Scalar(255,0,0));
Mat roi(img, Rect(0, 0, cs, rs/2));
roi = Scalar(0,0,255); // change a subsection to a different color
saveImg(img, "inside testImg", true);
I wondered about the same question myself, so I would like to further clarify the answer given by #ArtemStorozhuk (which is correct).
The OpenCV documentation is misleading here, because it appears you're passing the matrix by value, but in fact the constructor of cv::OutputArray is defined as follows:
_OutputArray::_OutputArray(Mat& m)
so it gets the matrix by reference!
Since operations like cv::Mat::create create a new matrix, the operation releases the reference and set the couter to 1. Thus, in order to keep the result in the calling function, you have to pass the matrix by reference.
If its true that you have to explicitly pass by reference, then how do all the OpenCV functions work? None of them pass values by reference, yet they somehow seem to write to the passed in Mat just fine. For example, here is the declaration for the Sobel function in imgproc.hpp:
//! applies generalized Sobel operator to the image
CV_EXPORTS_W void Sobel( InputArray src, OutputArray dst, int ddepth,
int dx, int dy, int ksize=3,
double scale=1, double delta=0,
int borderType=BORDER_DEFAULT );
as you can see, it passes in src and dst without a &. And yet I know that after I call the Sobel with an empty dst, it will end up filled. No '&' involved.
I have a graph structure where I am removing edges one by one until some conditions are met. My brain has totally stopped and i can't find an efficient way to detect if removing an edge will result in my graph splitting in two or more graphs.
The bruteforce solution would be to do an bfs until one can reach all the nodes from a random node, but that will take too much time with large graphs...
Any ideas?
Edit: After a bit of search it seems what I am trying to do is very similar to the fleury's algorithm, where I need to find if an edge is a "bridge" or not.
Edges that make a graph disconnected when removed are called 'bridges'. You can find them in O(|V|+|E|) with a single depth-first search over the whole graph. A related algorithm finds all 'articulation points' (nodes that, if removed, makes the graph disconnected) follows. Any edge between two articulation-points is a bridge (you can test that in a second pass over all edges).
// g: graph; v: current vertex id;
// r_p: parents (r/w); r_a: ascents (r/w); r_ap: art. points, bool array (r/w)
// n_v: bfs order-of-visit
void dfs_art_i(graph *g, int v, int *r_p, int *r_v, int *r_a, int *r_ap, int *n_v) {
int i;
r_v[v] = *n_v;
r_a[v] = *n_v;
(*n_v) ++;
// printf("entering %d (nv = %d)\n", v, *n_v);
for (i=0; i<g->vertices[v].n_edges; i++) {
int w = g->vertices[v].edges[i].target;
// printf("\t evaluating %d->%d: ", v, w);
if (r_v[w] == -1) {
// printf("...\n");
// This is the first time we find this vertex
r_p[w] = v;
dfs_art_i(g, w, r_p, r_v, r_a, r_ap, n_v);
// printf("\n\t ... back in %d->%d", v, w);
if (r_a[w] >= r_v[v]) {
// printf(" - a[%d] %d >= v[%d] %d", w, r_a[w], v, r_v[v]);
// Articulation point found
r_ap[i] = 1;
if (r_a[w] < r_a[v]) {
// printf(" - a[%d] %d < a[%d] %d", w, r_a[w], v, r_a[v]);
r_a[v] = r_a[w];
// printf("\n");
else {
// printf("back");
// We have already found this vertex before
if (r_v[w] < r_a[v]) {
// printf(" - updating ascent to %d", r_v[w]);
r_a[v] = r_v[w];
// printf("\n");
int dfs_art(graph *g, int root, int *r_p, int *r_v, int *r_a, int *r_ap) {
int i, n_visited = 0, n_root_children = 0;
for (i=0; i<g->n_vertices; i++) {
r_p[i] = r_v[i] = r_a[i] = -1;
r_ap[i] = 0;
dfs_art_i(g, root, r_p, r_v, r_a, r_ap, &n_visitados);
// the root can only be an AP if it has more than 1 child
for (i=0; i<g->n_vertices; i++) {
if (r_p[i] == root) {
n_root_children ++;
r_ap[root] = n_root_children > 1 ? 1 : 0;
return 1;
If you remove the link between vertices A and B, can't you just check that you can still reach A from B after the edge removal? That's a little better than getting to all nodes from a random node.
How do you choose the edges to be removed?
Can you tell more about your problem domain?
Just how large Is your graph? maybe BFS is just fine!
After you wrote that you are trying to find out whether an edge is a bridge or not, I suggest
you remove edges in decreasing order of their betweenness measure.
Essentially, betweenness is a measure of an edges (or vertices) centrality in a graph.
Edges with higher value of betweenness have greater potential of being a bridge in a graph.
Look it up on the web, the algorithm is called 'Girvan-Newman algorithm'.