iOS disable let user swipe the app in background list - ios

In the iOS, when the user double home button , the app show in the list at background.
Have possible hidden my app show in the list, or force the user swiped the app, the app in the background can't close?
I just known applicationDidEnterBackground can do something in the background. But
I wish force the user can't swipe the app in the list or hidden the app in the list, or have some mobile device management method can do this effect(we can use private api)?
I search many time , but I was not found some answer...
thank you very much.

This is not possible in iOS, the user is in control and Apple does not allow your app to hide it self in this list.
If you want this you will need to target jailbroke devices and hook on the task switch. Then detect you app from being closed and restarted it.


Detecting home button press on iOS?

Is there any way to detect if the user has pressed the home button on iOS? Obviously if the app is running normally the app delegate methods gets called, but if the device is locked to an app (through Guided Access or an MDM-server) so the app doesn't quit when you push the home button - is there then any way to know if the user pushed it?
My initial thought was to listen for notifications, but I can't seem to see any generated by pressing the home button.
no not on a stock idevice
on a stock device your best bet is UIApplicationDidEnterBackgroundNotification (Posted when the app enters the background.)
there is no dedicated way to listen for presses to the home button though, so this won't work for GuidedAccess either

Detect Home button long press event in background

How can I detect Home button long press like 4 second or more event in my app which is already running in background? Is it possible to so because app is already running in background and if user long press home button of the device for 4 second or more can i detect the event in my background running app and if possible than will Apple approve this for app store?
No that is not possible. As you should know, a long press on the home button brings up Siri. Your app would interfere with that. Also, I don't believe Apple allows access to the home button event like that.
Lastly; while your app is in the background, it goes into a suspend state after a short while and no events run. The only thing the app can do is receive push notifications - unless you have been given special access to audio / gps functions from Apple themselves.
Short answer : Not possible. not at least with public method and want your app to be on Appstore.
For the Research purpose, you might want to try use private method and do your R&D with it. it might be possible.

Can we add widget for app in iOS and if not ,is there any alternative?

I came to know that iOS does't support widgets this is what i have read.But i am making application on Security in iOS, i want the user to perform some action when he is in need of help without opening the application.
I know iOS supports few background modes like play audio,receive location updates,voip etc.
Can anyone suggest me any alternative to fire some methods without opening the application like pressing some button when in dangerous situation to call those methods.
I don't know whether we can do it or not.
But have a look.
You said we can implement background modes like audio, location, voip updates etc.
Let take the example of Audio mode. It has previous, play/pause, and next button in the lockscreen.
What you can do is play an audio when the application is in background mode.
Check whether the any of the music buttons are pressed more than 3 times. If this is the case trigger alert messages for security and send them to appropriate persons or do your own action.
I don't know whether we can do this or not. Even if it is possible, I can't say Apple will allow such false actions for buttons which are meant for some purpose.
Also see whether we can get detect volume button presses when in background mode. If that is possible you can do that. Because even my LG mobile has an SOS mode which is enabled when I press volume buton in lockscreen 4 times. Apple may allow this action if it possible

Detect if home button is pressed while the app is running in the background

I need a way for my app to know if the home button is pressed, while the app is running in the background. If the home button is pressed, something is gonna be added to a list inside the app. Is that possible somehow?
If your app is in the background, your app wont receive any updates. Furthermore, there isn't any way to hook into the home button click even if your app is in the foreground.
Perhaps there is a private api way to handle this, but your app certainly won't be able to both achieve this goal and be in the Apple App Store. Sorry!
In case you wanted some idea why Apple doesn't allow this, it's because they don't want the home button switch's default behavior to be altered. See this:
10.5 Apps that alter the functions of standard switches, such as the Volume Up/Down and Ring/Silent switches, will be rejected

Bring previous app back to the front when user is done with my iOS app

My iOS 4/5/6 app is meant to be used briefly. I want the user to click a "Done, now go away" button which takes them back to the app they were using before mine came to the front.
Is there a way for my iOS to put itself in the background while returning the previous app to the front?
On an iPad, the user can get that effect by doing a four-finger swipe horizontally across the screen. But that gesture is not a complete solution because (a) that gesture does not work on a handheld device, and (2) not many users know of that gesture. I want to programmatically return the previous app to the front.
I want the user to click a "Done, now go away" button
That button is the Home button.
I want to programmatically return the previous app to the front.
There's no public API for switching to another app. Users have a number of options for switching between apps, though. In addition to the swipe gesture you mentioned, they can do a four-finger upward swipe to get to the list of recent apps, or double-tap the home button for the same effect, or hit the home button once to go back to Springboard. Users, not apps, are supposed to be in control of which app is in the foreground. And the way they do that should be standard from one app to another. I can understand wanting to make life easier for the user, but what you're trying to do just isn't possible with the available API.
I Don't think you can do that if the previous application is not your property or if you are not aware if a URL Scheme has been incorporated in the previous application that you know of.
Launch App Via URL Scheme!
