Grails GORM find by object property's property - grails

I am looking for an easier grails way(if it exists) to achieve below:
My UserIntegration.groovy domain class:
class UserIntegration {
User user
Integration integration
// rest of code
My Integration.groovy domain:
class Integration {
SomeType type
// rest of code
My SomeType.groovy domain:
class SomeType {
String name
// rest of code
So basically what I need is a way so that I can find a UserIntegration which has Integration with = "someTypeName"
In other words, I am looking for UserIntegration.findByIntegrationTypeName("someTypeName");
Obviously such a dynamic finder does not exist, but is there any easier groovier way to do it? I can currently find out all Integration objects with type = "someTypeName" and then use this integration in findAllByIntegration but looking for an easier solution if it exists, preferably a dynamic finder.

You can also use HQL to do same
def list = UserIntegration.executeQuery(from UserIntegration userInt
inner join fetch userint.integration integration
inner join fetch integration.type sometype
where =:name,[name:'someTypeName'] )

Hope it works


Grails 3 - findAllBy with join

I have a domain class:
class Owner {
Integer ownerType
Prop propertyToJoinSometimes
static constraints = {
propertyToJoinSometimes nullable: true
I usually don't want to load propertyToJoinSometimes when loading Owner, but I sometimes load many Owner objects at once using findAllBy, and a join could save a large number of calls to the database. Is there a way to do something like:
Owner.findAllByOwnerType(2, [propertyToJoinSometimes: [fetch: 'join']])
This is not exactly what you are looking for (not using the dynamic finder findAllBy) but it produces the results you are after. The grails documentation for createCriteria/withCriteria does not mention it but there is a fetchMode method within the HibernateCriteriaBuilder.
import org.hibernate.FetchMode
Owner.withCriteria {
eq('ownerType', 2)
fetchMode('propertyToJoinSometimes', FetchMode.JOIN)
Just to add an option using dynamic finder:
Owner.findAllByOwnerType(2, [fetch: ['propertyToJoinSometimes': 'eager']])

Grails Criteria Projection - No signature of method projections() is applicable for argument types

As per Grails documentation
Grails also lets you write your domain model in Java or reuse an existing one that already has Hibernate mapping files. Simply place the mapping files into grails-app/conf/hibernate and either put the Java files in src/java or the classes in the project's lib directory if the domain model is packaged as a JAR. You still need the hibernate.cfg.xml though!
So This is exactley what i did.
I have used java domain model and hibernate.cfg.xml file for mapping. I also use
{DomainName}Constraints.groovy for adding Grails constraints. I also used to add functions to {DomainName}Constraints. For example, below is the content of my EmployeeConstraints.groovy
Employee.metaClass.static.findByDepartment = {depCode ->
createCriteria().list {
inList ('code', depCode)
Now this works fine. But, when i add projection to it(code below), just to get the employee code.
Employee.metaClass.static.findByDepartment = {depCode ->
createCriteria().list {
projections { property('empCode', 'empCode') }
department { inList ('code', depCode) }
I get the below error..
" No signature of method: com.package.script142113.projections() is applicable for argument types.. "
Can someone point me to whats wrong with the code?
The property projection is used to return a subset of an object's properties. For example, to return just the foo and bar properties use:
projections {
You're getting an error because you've called the property method with 2 arguments instead of one.
By the way, I see another potential with your code. Grails will automatically create a dynamic finder findByDepartment that has the same name as the method your trying to add via the meta-class. I have no idea which one will take precendence, but I would suggest you avoid this potential problem and simplify your code, by adding this query using Grails' named query support, and call it something like getByDepartment so that the name doesn't class with a dynamic finder.
The answer by Dónal should be the correct one, but I found a strange behavior with grails 3.1. I got the same message using this call:
Announcement.createCriteria().list {
projections {
} .collect { [id: it['id'], title: it['title']] } // it['id'] not found
I fixed it by removing projections closure:
Announcement.createCriteria().list {
} .collect { [id: it['id'], title: it['title']] } // got the it['id']
Hope this help.

Grails integration test - domain object equality

Setting up some integration tests, I'm having issues with domain class equality. The equality works as expected during normal execution, but when testing the Service methods through an integration test, the test for equality is coming back false.
One service (called in the setUp() of the Test Case) puts a Domain object into the session
SomeService {
setSessionVehicle(String name) {
Vehicle vehicle = Vehicle.findByName(name)
session.setAttribute("SessionVehicle", vehicle)
getSessionVehicle() {
return session.getAttribute("SessionVehicle")
Elsewhere in another service, I load an object and make sure the associated attribute object matches the session value:
OtherService {
getEngine(long id) {
Vehicle current = session.getAttribute("SessionVehicle")
Engine engine = Engine.get(id)
if(!engine.vehicle.equals(current)) throw Exception("Blah blah")
This works as expected during normal operation, preventing from loading the wrong engine (Ok, I sanitized the class names, pretend it makes sense). But in the integration test, that .equals() fails when it should succeed:
Vehicle testVehicle
setUp() {
Vehicle v = new Vehicle("Default")
testVehicle = someService.getSessionVehicle()
testGetEngine() {
List<Engine> engines = Engine.findAllByVehicle(testVehicle)
//some assertions and checks
Engine e = otherService.getEngine(engines.get(0).id)
The findAll() call is correctly returning the list of all Engines associated with the vehicle in the session, but when I try to look up an individual Engine by ID, the equality check for session Vehicle vs Vehicle on the found Engine fails. Only a single vehicle has been created at this point and the Exception message displays that the session Vehicle and the Engine.Vehicle exist and are the same value.
If I attempt this equality check in the testCase itself, it fails, but I'm able to change the testCase to check if( == which succeeds, but I'm not keen on changing my production code in order to satisfy an integration test.
Am I doing something wrong when setting up these domain objects in my test case that I should be doing differently?
First of all, the equality check you are doing is just checking the reference. You should not use the default equals method for your check, better override the equals method in domain class.
There are two ways you can override the equals method:
1) you can use your IDE to auto-generate code for equals method(a lot of null checking etc..).
2) Preferred way: You can use EqualsBuilder and HashCodeBuilder classes from the Apache Commons project. The library should be already available to your application, or download the JAR file and place in lib. Here is sample code for using EqualsBuilder:
boolean equals(o) {
if ( !(o instanceof Vehicle) ) {
return false
def eb = new EqualsBuilder()
eb.append(otherProperties, o.otherProperties)
return eb.isEquals()
Another point is: how you are getting session in service? from RequestContextHolder? Its a good practice to not access session directly from service, rather send the value as method parameter in the service.

Dependency injection - need larger example?

i'm looking for a larger example of dependency injection and how it can be implemented. If class A depends on class B and passes a reference of class C to B's constructor, must not class A also take a reference to class C in it's constructor? This means that the main method in the application should create all classes really, which sounds wierd?
I understand that using DI frameworks we can have it in XML files somehow, but that sounds like it could be hard to quickly see what type that really is instanciated? Especially if it a very large application.
You are correct and each DI framework has a different way of managing it.
Some use attributes on the properties etc to denote dependency and then "automagically" supply an instance of the correct type, while others (say castle windsor for .net) allow xml configuration, fluent or other methods for "wiring up" the dependency graph.
Also no, class A takes a built reference to an instance of B which was built using an instance of C. A needs to know nothing about C unless exposed via B.
public class C { }
public class B { public B(C c) { ... }}
public class A { public A(B b) { ... }}
// manual wireup
C c = new C();
B b = new B(c);
A a = new A(b);
// DI framework
InversionOfControlContainer container = new InversionOfControlContainer(... some configuration);
A a = container.ResolveInstanceOf<A>();
// container dynamically resolves the dependencies of A.
// it doesnt matter if the dependency chain on A is 100 classes long or 3.
// you need an instance of A and it will give you one.
Hope that helps.
to answer your question about classes A,B,and C, A only needs a reference to B.
Most DI frameworks do not require you to use XML for configuration. In fact, many people prefer not to use it. You can explicitly set things up in code, or use some kind of conventions or attributes for the container to infer what objects should fulfil dependencies.
Most DI frameworks have a facility for "lazy loading" to avoid the creation of every single class up front. Or you could inject your own "factory or builder" objects to create things closer to the time when they will be used
You've not said what language you are using. My example below is in C# using the Unity container. (obviously normally you would use interfaces rather than concrete types):
container = new UnityContainer();
A a = container.Resolve<A>();
here's a few examples from the PHP Language, hope this helps you understand
class Users
var $Database;
public function __construct(Database $DB)
$this->Database = $DB;
$Database = Database::getInstance();
$Users = new Users($Database);
From this example the new keyword is used in the method getInstance(), you can also do
$Users = new Users(Database::getInstance());
Or another way to tackle this is
class Users
private $database,$fileWriter;
public function addDependency($Name,$Object)
$this->$Name = $Object;
return $this;
$Users = new Users();
$Users->addDependency('database',new Database)->addDependency('fileWriter',new FileWriter);
to be honest, I never use Dependency Injection as all its doing is passing objects into classes to create a local scope.
I tend to create a global entity, and store objects within that so there only ever stored in 1 variable.
Let me show you a small example:
abstract class Registry
static $objects = array();
public function get($name)
return isset(self::$objects[$name]) ? self::$objects[$name] : null;
public function set($name,$object)
self::$objects[$name] = $object;
Ok the beauty of this type of class is
its very lightweight
it has a global scope
you can store anything such as resources
When your system loads up and your including and initializing all your objects you can just store them in here like so:
Registry::add('Database',new Database());
Registry::add('Reporter',new Reporter());
Where ever you are within your runtime you can just use this like a global variable:
class Users
public function getUserById($id)
$query = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE user_id = :id";
$resource = Registry::get("Database")->prepare($query);
Registry::get('Reporter')->Add("Unable to select getUserById");
i see this way of object passing is much cleaner
If anybody is still looking for a good example which shows DI without IoC Containers (poor man's DI) and also with IoC Container (Unity in this example) and registering the types in code and also in XML you can check this out:

Grails: No signature of method findAll() is applicable for argument types: String, ArrayList

I'm new to grails and receive the following error:
No signature of method: Something.findAll() is applicable for argument types: (java.lang.String, java.util.ArrayList) values: [from Something AS s WHERE s.some_number LIKE ?, [%asdf%]]"
The error occurs when I run test-app. It occurs in the following place:
SomethingVO[] findBySomeNumber(String searchString) {
searchString = "%"+searchString+"%"
return Something.findAll("from Something AS s WHERE s.some_number LIKE ?",[searchString]).collect {
new SomethingVO(it);
The class Something is a domain object:
package some.project.domain
class Something{
static belongsTo = [product:Product, productVersion:ProductVersion]
Long id
String name
String someNumber
static constraints = {
product (nullable:true)
productVersion (nullable:true)
Where is the mistake?
(I use Grails 1.2.4)
findAll is not mocked during unit testing and that's why your code isn't working. You need to manually add a mock for the call before running your test (mockFor could help you with that). This applies if your use HQL or Criterias (which I would recommend over pure HQL).
Alternatively it's possible that you could solve your problems using dynamic finders. Dynamic finders and the other dynamic ORM methods (save, get, count, ..) are in most(?) cases mocked when you call mockDomain(Something) in your unit test. They are also generally easier to use than HQL (imho).
Thanks to Fletch for pointing out that not all dynamic finders are mocked. An example of a dynamic finder that won't be mocked is this: Something.findAllWhereSomeNumberInList([1, 2, 3]).
The HQL you use in your code could be rewritten like this using dynamic finders:
Xlson's answer is correct, however there is an alternative "cutting edge" solution you can try, which is currently in testing status. See
