using didDismissCompletionHandler in MZFormSheetController - ios

I'm using MZFormSheetController to present modals in my app. There is a situation where I want to present a second sheet controller right after I dismiss the first one. In order to do that, there is a completion block, but I can't figure out how to actually use it.
The code looks like this:
[self mz_presentFormSheetController:formSheet
completionHandler:^(MZFormSheetController *formSheetController) {
in that completion handler, what am I supposed to do to get notified of the sheet dismissal so I can then call the second sheet?

This is actually pretty simple, but not totally intuitive if you haven't spent some time in this type of environment.
[self mz_presentFormSheetController:formSheet
completionHandler:^(MZFormSheetController *formSheetController) {
formSheetController.didDismissCompletionHandler = ^(UIViewController *presentedViewController){
[self presentOtherController];


iOS - Show SVProgressHUD message on screen without interrupting user interaction

I'm making a synchronize function that syncs local Core Data with the server. I want to make the synchronizations happen in the background without disrupting user interaction. When I receive the response (whether success or failure) the app should display a message somewhere on the screen to notify the user about the outcome.
UIAlertController is not a good choice because it will block user action.
Currently I'm using SVProgressHUD:
__weak StampCollectiblesMainViewController *weakSelf = self;
if ([[AppDelegate sharedAppDelegate] hasInternetConnectionWarnIfNoConnection:YES]) {
[_activityIndicator startAnimating];
[Stamp API_getStampsOnCompletion:^(BOOL success, NSError *error) {
if (error) {
[_activityIndicator stopAnimating];
[SVProgressHUD setDefaultMaskType:SVProgressHUDMaskTypeClear];
[SVProgressHUD setAnimationDuration:0.5];
[SVProgressHUD showErrorWithStatus:#"error syncronize with server"];
else {
[_activityIndicator stopAnimating];
[featuredImageView setImageWithURL:[NSURL URLWithString:[Stamp featuredStamp].coverImage] usingActivityIndicatorStyle:UIActivityIndicatorViewStyleGray];
[yearDropDownList setValues:[Stamp yearsDropDownValues]];
[yearDropDownList selectRow:0 animated:NO];
[weakSelf yearDropDownListSelected];
[SVProgressHUD dismiss];
Is there a modification I can make so the user can still interact with the app? I just want to show the message without taking up too much space. Any help is much appreciated. Thanks.
Looks like the easiest thing will be to use SVProgressHUDMaskTypeNone.
Also check out this issue.
Sorry but you gonna have to build your own custom view.
In fact it's not that difficult. What I would do is simply add a small view on the top of the screen with your custom message and a close button (to allow user to hide quickly the message). This is usually done by adding this new view to the current window, so that it will be on the top of every view and won't block the UI (except the part hidden by that view :) )

How can to come back to my view when I confirm form?

I’m I downloaded MZFormSheetController library for my app.
I’ve got a problem on my popup. When I am on my TableViewController, I tap on a row to get popup to open up so that I can change the name. The popup opens, I set the name and when I tap on the button to correct the name, I call the button method but i can’t close my popup while reload my list.
- (IBAction)modifierTournoi:(id)sender {
//code to update database
//this method close the popup but don't call method viewWillAppear to reload database
//I don't know what method i can use..?
[self dismissFormSheetControllerAnimated:YES completionHandler:^(MZFormSheetController *formSheetController) {
Before that, I used the method popViewControllerAnimated to come back to my list while recharging my list.
- (IBAction)modifierJoueur:(id)sender {
//code to update database
[self.navigationController popViewControllerAnimated:true];
Can you help me please ?
Thank you very much.
It looks like there is a specific completion handler for this purpose built into the library you are using:
- (IBAction)modifierTournoi:(id)sender {
//code to update database
//this method close the popup but don't call method viewWillAppear to reload database
//I don't know what method i can use..?
[self dismissFormSheetControllerAnimated:YES completionHandler:^(MZFormSheetController *formSheetController) {
// Reloading your database should work in here.
The reason viewWillAppear will not be being called is because rather than placing a viewController modally above your window, I imagine MZFormSheetController will be adding a UIView above all presented UIViews, so viewWillAppear will never be called. But as I said above, you should be able to reload in the completion handler block.

Is it safe to dismiss a viewController without closing the document Object

My application is a document based application I present the saved content using an UIViewController subclass EditViewsController with the help of my customized UIDocument object.
EditViewsController will look like below
Tapping the close Button on the left top corner will fire the below method
// _formDocument is my UIdocument subclass Object
[_formDocument closeWithCompletionHandler:^(BOOL completion){
[self dismissViewControllerAnimated:YES completion:nil];
My problem is that while calling the method closeWithCompletionHandler my application freezes for a while before closing.
My question is that is it right to dismiss the viewcontroller without closing the document (simply call dismissViewControllerAnimated: inside the firing method) or I have to run that method in background thread to get rid of
// _formDocument is my UIdocument subclass Object
[_formDocument closeWithCompletionHandler:^(BOOL completion){
[NSOperationQueue mainQueue] addOperationBlock:^{
// Dismissing it on main thread
[self dismissViewControllerAnimated:YES completion:nil];

Lag between viewWillAppear and viewDidAppear

I have a strange issue using presentViewController as part of a library.
The code that is using the library calls this method. It takes up to 12 seconds from calling presentViewController to running the completion block. But not all the time normally it's almost instantaneous.
However if I touch any where on the screen while it is "lagging" it will fire instantly.
-(void) advancedMenuWithPresentingViewController
:(UIViewController *)presentingViewController
onClose:(void (^)(void))onClose
onPrint:(void (^)(NSString *, NSString *))onPrint{
AdvancedMenuViewController *amc = [[AdvancedMenuViewController alloc] init];
AdvancedMenuViewController * __weak weakAmc = amc;
[amc setOnClose:^(void)
[weakAmc dismissViewControllerAnimated:animated completion:^{
[amc setOnPrint:onPrint];
//Time from here
[presentingViewController presentViewController:amc
//To here
viewDidLoad and viewWillAppear are called without any lag and then there is a long delay (unless you touch the screen) until viewDidAppear is called.
There is nothing inside any of these methods that would slow it down. As it normally works fine.
If any one could shed any light on this issue I would be most grateful, the most confusing part is that if you interact with the screen after firing advancedMenuWithPresentingViewController it will occur instantly.
[presentingViewController presentViewController:amc
//To here
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
[presentingViewController presentViewController:amc
//To here
Resolved the issue.
Thanks to rmaddys suggestion.
Run the app in Instruments with the Time Profiler.
That should at least tell you if you have some slow drawing code or if something in UIKit is slowing it down.

performSelector:withObject:afterDelay: not working on modal view controller

I have a modal view controller that appears, checks a service on the Internet and then dismisses itself when done. The nib contains an activity indicator and a label to inform the user what is going on.
When the update is complete, the label changes to "Update Complete" and then dismisses the view controller. However, I want it to delay the dismiss for a couple of seconds to give the user a chance to see the text before it disappears. So I've done this:
#pragma mark - AssetLoaderServiceDelegate
- (void)assetLoaderServiceDidFinishLoading:(AssetLoaderService *)service
[self.spinner stopAnimating];
self.infoLabel.text = #"Update complete";
[self performSelector:#selector(dismissUpdater) withObject:nil afterDelay:2.0];
- (void)dismissUpdater
[self dismissModalViewControllerAnimated:YES];
But for some reason, the selector is never being called. I've tried running it in mode NSRunLoopCommonModes too, but that doesn't work either.
I must be doing something wrong, but I can't see what...
EDIT: The delegate callback is actually happening within an NSOperationQueue, which might mean it's not on the same thread when it sends the message back to the view controller? So I tried
[self performSelector:#selector(downloadQueueComplete) withObject:nil afterDelay:0.0 inModes:[NSArray arrayWithObject:NSRunLoopCommonModes]];
followed by
- (void)downloadQueueComplete
[delegate assetLoaderServiceDidFinishLoading:self];
But the performSelector doesn't seem to be working here either.
Following up your suggestion about the thread issue, would you try with:
[self performSelectorOnMainThread:#selector(downloadQueueComplete) withObject:nil waitUntilDone:YES]];
Sorted! In the AssetLoaderService, I had to perform selector on main thread:
[self performSelectorOnMainThread:#selector(downloadQueueComplete) withObject:nil waitUntilDone:YES];
After that, all the following calls were on the correct thread. :)
