Make 301-redirects administratable by the user in Rails? - ruby-on-rails

we are currently relaunching a bigger website from PHP (Magento with a quite exhaustive forum) into a Rails-app while keeping the forum.
During this undertaking we will migrate quite a lot of content to new URLs, which means we'll have to 301 redirect a lot of them.
Now we all know about Apache/NGINX-rewrites. I also found for RACK.
But is there a good way to make 301-redirects administratable by our users with Rails? (I'm basically looking for a GEM or RACK-app, where our users can log in, then see and edit the existing redirects).
Thanks for any help.

You could store all redirects in a model with attributes "from" and "to". Then, you can manage this redirects from your admin area as you want.
Then, in your ApplicationController, you can wrap your actions in a around filter as it says here:
around_filter :catch_not_found
def catch_not_found
rescue ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound
redirect = Redirect.where(from: request.original_fullpath).first
redirect_to "#{request.base_url}#{}" if redirect


How to fix Brakeman redirect issue with multiple rest endpoints

I'm currently working on a solution for doing redirects in RoR because I got an error within the brakeman report saying that I have to fix redirects in a proper way.
I understand what the message says and how to solve it within one controller action.
But now I got the following. During the instantiation of the new method I set the HTTP_REFERER header which can be used in the create action.
This is giving me a Brakeman warning which can be found on the following link
Suppose I got the following controller with multiple endpoints:
def new
#my_model_set =
#referer = request.env['HTTP_REFERER'] # We want to redirect to this referer after a create
def create
flash_message :success, t('notification.item_created', type: #my_model_set.model_name.human)
if params[:referer].present?
redirect_to params[:referer]
redirect_to admin_my_model_set_path
I already tried to fix this by using the redirect_back method from RoR but that's using the referer link of the create method which I don't want to use.
flash_message :success, t('notification.item_created', type: #my_model_set.model_name.human)
redirect_back(fallback_location: admin_my_model_set_path)
The main problem in your code is that params[:referer] can be set by your user (or an attacker forging a link for your user) to an arbitrary value by appending ?referer= to the url. You will then redirect to that, which is an open redirect vulnerability.
You could also argue that the referer header is technically user input, and you will be redirecting to it, but I would say in most cases and modern browsers that would probably be an acceptable risk, because an attacker does not really have a way to exploit it (but it might depend on the exact circumstances).
One solution that immediately comes to mind for similar cases would be the session - but on the one hand this is a rest api if I understand correctly, so there is no session, and on the other hand, it would still not be secure against an attacker linking to your #new endpoint from a malicious domain.
I think you should validate the domain before you redirect to it. If there is a common pattern (like for example if all of these are subdomains of, validate for that. Or you could have your users register their domains first before you redirect to it (see how OAuth2 works for example, you have to register your app domain first before the user can get redirected there with a token).
If your user might just come from anywhere to #new and you want to send them back wherever they came from - that I think is not a good requirement, you should probably not do that, or you should carefully assess the risk and consciously accept it if you want to for some reason. In most cases there is a more secure solution.

Using responders gem with Rails 5

I'm using responders gem to dry up my controllers. Here's my current code:
class OfficehoursController < ApplicationController
def new
#officehour =
def create
#officehour = Officehour.create(officehour_params)
respond_with(#officehour, location: officehours_path)
def officehour_params
params.require(:officehour).permit(:end, :start, :status)
The problem that I'm facing right now is:
When I send valid parameters to create, it redirects to officehours/ as expected, however when I get 422 (validation error), it changes the URL from officehours/new to officehours/ (however it stays at the form page... idk why). The same happens for edit/update actions.
So, I want to stay at the .../new or .../edit when I get 422 error, how can I do this?
I don't think the issue comes from the gem. It just follows RESTFUL API, so does Rails.
That means the path for creating office hours is /officehours. Let's talk about your case:
There is nothing to say when we creating successfully. In your case, you redirect users to officehours_path.
When we creating unsuccessfully, we need to re-render the error form to users. But we were rendering the form in create action. As I said above, the URL for creating is /officehours, so you will see the /officehours instead of officehours/new
In order to keep the url /officehours/new:
We can set /officehours/new instead of /officehours for :create action. But you should not do that, are we going to break RESTFUL API?
Creating via AJAX to keep the URL persisted and you have to handle everything, eg: set flash messages on client, using Javascript to redirect in case of success, render the form error in case failure, ... And I don't think the gem help you dry up your application anymore.
Hope it helps!
I don't think so that it's a problem in responders gem, as I've noticed the same in rails applications. It seems like the default behaviour of rails applications.
take a look at this link for the explanation.

Multiple Domain pointing to single rails app displaying different content with the same url path

I have searched around the web and there are answers that have helped me abit, however I am still stuck, so here goes.
I a Rails 4 app that allows users to create a biography/blog and then access it using their own domain.
Users can choose from several pre-made website templates (main page, about me page, my hobbies page, etc...), and then they load up their content using a CMS. The content will then be displayed using their chosen template when visitors visit their domain.
User 1:
Template: Template A
User 2:
Template: Template B
Desired Results
When a visitor visits, they will see the main page. When they click on "About Me", they will be redirect to If a visitor visits the "About Me" page for user 2, they will see
My question here is, how do I set this up?
Based on this answer: Rails routing to handle multiple domains on single application
class Domain
def self.matches?(request)
request.domain.present? && request.domain != ""
------in routes.rb------
require 'subdomain'
constraints(Domain) do
match '/' => 'blogs#show'
I know I can route a different domain compared to mine to a separate controller, however, I need to route it to different template controllers which can change at any moment (users can change templates at will).
I know I can set up a general controller that can read incoming requests, then based on the hostname, I can extract the appropriate template and then redirect the request to that template's controller (eg: Template1Controller), however the url gets messed up, becoming something like "/template/template1/index" or "/template/template1/about-me" which is very bad and ugly. Furthermore, it will be extremely tricky to handle paths specific to only some templates (Template A might have a "My Resume" page while template B might have a "Family History" page instead).
Is there a way to do this?
I have thought about a method where I have a single controller that will handle everything (without redirects) and then just calls render template1/index, but I think it is a bad way of doing it (different template might need different data in each page).
Btw, this will be hosted on EC2.
What I am looking to implement is quite similar to this question Mapping multiple domain names to different resources in a Rails app , but unfortunately no answers then. Im hoping 5 years later, someone might know how to get this done.
I do this pretty simple with Heroku. It's probably not hard anywhere.
Once you have DNS set up.. the Rails layer can look like...
Create a before_filter in ApplicationController. before_filter :domain_check
In my domain_check method I just have if ~= /whatever/ do this elsif ... elsif ... end
"do this" can be a redirect or a render or whatever.

Rails: Model.find() or Model.find_by_id() to avoid RecordNotFound

I just realized I had a very hard to find bug on my website. I frequently use Model.find to retrieve data from my database.
A year ago I merged three websites causing a lot of redirections that needed to be handled. To do I created a "catch all"-functionality in my application controller as this:
around_filter :catch_not_found
def catch_not_found
rescue ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound
require 'functions/redirections'
in addition I have this at the bottom of my routes.rb:
match '*not_found_path', :to => 'redirections#not_found_catcher', via: :get, as: :redirect_catcher, :constraints => lambda{|req| req.path !~ /\.(png|gif|jpg|txt|js|css)$/ }
Redirection-controller has:
def not_found_catcher
I am not sure these things are relevant in this question but I guess it is better to tell.
My actual problem
I frequently use Model.find to retrieve data from my database. Let's say I have a Product-model with a controller like this:
def show
#product = Product.find(params[:id]) = Country.find(...some id that does not exist...)
# View
<%= %>
This is something I use in some 700+ places in my application. What I realized today was that even though the Product model will be found. Calling the Country.find() and NOT find something causes a RecordNotFound, which in turn causes a 404 error.
I have made my app around the expectation that = nil if it couldn't find that Country in the .find-search. I know now that is not the case - it will create a RecordNotFound. Basically, if I load the Product#show I will get a 404-page where I would expect to get a 500-error (since = nil and should not work).
My question
My big question now. Am I doing things wrong in my app, should I always use Model.find_by_id for queries like my Country.find(...some id...)? What is the best practise here?
Or, does the problem lie within my catch all in the Application Controller?
To answer your questions:
should I always use Model.find_by_id
If you want to find by an id, use Country.find(...some id...). If you want to find be something else, use eg. Country.find_by(name: 'Australia'). The find_by_name syntax is no longer favoured in Rails 4.
But that's an aside, and is not your problem.
Or, does the problem lie within my catch all in the Application Controller?
Yeah, that sounds like a recipe for pain to me. I'm not sure what specifically you're doing or what the nature of your redirections is, but based on the vague sense I get of what you're trying to do, here's how I'd approach it:
Your Rails app shouldn't be responsible for redirecting routes from your previous websites / applications. That should be the responsibility of your webserver (eg nginx or apache or whatever).
Essentially you want to make a big fat list of all the URLs you want to redirect FROM, and where you want to redirect them TO, and then format them in the way your webserver expects, and configure your webserver to do the redirects for you. Search for eg "301 redirect nginx" or "301 redirect apache" to find out info on how to set that up.
If you've got a lot of URLs to redirect, you'll likely want to generate the list with code (most of the logic should already be there in your handle_redirection(request.path) method).
Once you've run that code and generated the list, you can throw that code away, your webserver will be handling the redirects form the old sites, and your rails app can happily go on with no knowledge of the previous sites / URLs, and no dangerous catch-all logic in your application controller.
That is a very interesting way to handle exceptions...
In Rails you use rescue_from to handle exceptions on the controller layer:
class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
rescue_from SomeError, with: :oh_noes
private def oh_noes
render text: 'Oh no.'
However Rails already handles some exceptions by serving static html pages (among them ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound). Which you can override with dynamic handlers.
However as #joshua.paling already pointed out you should be handling the redirects on the server level instead of in your application.

Newbie with Rails devise and view of the user

I'm looking into RoR some way to: login into the system with DEVISE, (it's working), but i'm needing something than keeps always the view of this logged user, and avoid than this user looks another views.
And this user cannot look the content of:
Please, sorry if this is a silly question, but, i was looking 2 days and i don't know how i can name this feature.
There are gems available for this Authorization. I prefer can can which is one of the best Authorization gems available
Here is the gem=>
And here is the rails cast tutorial using it=>
EDIT: If you want to manually implement this then you just need to make a method with following logic
def check_authorization
# Assuming user ID is coming in params[:id]
if == params[:id]
# render or redirect to some page with access denied message
And call this method just before any action in which you want to check for authorization.
